Taking a break from this site for awhile. Dealing with a lot of real life stuff and just need to take a break. I apologize to everyone that I'm currently roleplaying with.
"No problem," she said as she walked towards the edge of town. "Just make sure that you don't do anything stupid. Protect people and Pokemon from what?"
"It took you long enough," Flannery said a little irritably and then gestured for him to follow. "Come on, let's get a move on. I want to get to Pettleburg Woods before it's dark."
Misty shook her head. "No, you won't go alone. If you refuse to leave then I have no choice but to stay and try and keep the pack safe. I'm going with you to talk with the tigers. I'm the alpha female after all. I should be the one to go."
Flannery had already woken, showered, and gotten breakfast and was waiting in the Pokemon Center Lobby for him with her backpack slung over her shoulders and her foot tapping impatiently on the floor. Patience was not something that Flannery was known for.
Flannery went to her room and then plopped down on her bed after taking off her jeans. She then lay her head back on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling as she started to drift off, wondering what kind of a trainer Rex might turn out to be.
"Torkoal here is my strongest Pokemon," said Flannery, "but I have two others with me as well." She returned Torkoal to its Pokeball. "Anyway, I'm going to head to bed now. I'll see you in the morning. And you better not sleep in or I'm going to leave without you."