No Empire lasts forever, all great peoples fall eventually. Rome, The Ottomans, the British, the Mongols, and many more. Great Empires simply disappear, never to be seen again. Just recently, the greatest empire in the galaxy collapsed, and in its wake new nations shall try and carve themselves a legacy.
The Humans had an empire stretching across all of the galaxy, no one else could come close to challenging them. This ended with the Great Plague, it struck through the Empire, killing Trillions of people. This mixed with weak rulers and revolutions would leave the Great nation in a state of disarray, and eventually a state of division.
The humans controlled the Milky Way for nearly five thousand years, and during their conquests they faced little challenge. They where the most advanced peoples in all of known existence, with the other nations still fighting with planes and tanks, the humans destroyed with Space Ships.
Now, after the collapse of the Empire, all nations have the same technology, the son of the former Emperor still controls territory and claims that he owns everything that once was under the Empires control. To reconquer it all, he'll need to defeat trillions of different peoples.
Welcome to Collapse of An Empire, a Sci-Fi NRP taking place after the Collapse of a Galaxy spanning Empire. The Human Empire would encompass 95% of the Milky Way, and tens of thousands of different races. These different races have all carved out a piece of the former Empire, along with the many human nations that still exist claiming to be the successor state to the fallen Empire. You will take control of one of these nations, Alien or Human, and you will attempt to survive this turbulent time in history.
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Make Sense in the IC
No Making Your Nation Overpowered
Don't read messages not meant for you
Keep OOC arguments in PMs
I have the final world.
Rules set to change if need be