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    1. Winston Smith 11 yrs ago


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@Winston Smith Plus, AGOT has gosh darn dragons, yo. Now... imagine... if you please... a Stokeworth dragon rider. :P

He's got good traits for it! Half my family members end up BBQed on the spot.' Damnit Ck2 I paid 800 Dragons and sailed my Leader aroudn the world for this, now my lord is infirm and my lands are burning? Thanks a bunch!'

Have you ever had Petyr Baelish Dragon rider and Emperor of New Valyria?
ck2 AGOT is so much better than the original vanilla game! I get to play out all my terrible terrible plots! All hail Pirate King George Martin, faithful follower of the drowned god with multiple surprisingly pregnant unmarried sisters and salt-wives!
House: House Grafton of Gulltown

Forged in Flame
Region: The Vale of Arryn.
Liege: Who do they owe allegiance to? Lord Robin Arryn
Holding: What lands does the family personally control? The easternmost peninsula of the Vale is split between the Royces of Runestone to the North and Graftons of Gulltown to the south. Gerold Grafton inherited all lands previously held by the Shett Kings of old. Owing to their strength and power House Royce had traditionally dominated the majority of this fertile peninsula but since their defeat at the battle of the Seven Stars, land previously held by the First Men had been awarded to Andal houses who fought alongside Artys Arryn including Ser Gerold Grafton. Gulltown is Westeros’ fourth largest City and is known as theEastern Gate into the Vale. Good From the Free Cities and beyond make their way through the ports of House Grafton into the heartland of the Vale.
Recent History:
House Grafton had been pleased to honour Lady Lysa Arryn’s decision to stay out of the war. Lord Gerold had found this to be wise, as the other realms impoverished themselves through ceaseless fighting the Vale grew stronger than ever before under the stewardship of Lord Petyr Baelish. Let the overproud Belmores and the bellicose Royces plead their case for war, whilst House Grafton enriched itself through trade. As Stark and Lannister men fought over the Riverlands house Grafton’s men had been in the field and at sea growing reserves for the winter. When Stannis Baratheon besieged Kings Landing House Grafton bought grain and goods cheaply from Essos. When wildfire torched the capital and the Dragon Queen burned her away across Essos, the Vale remained unharmed and safe behind it’s mountain walls. This would change however when Euron Greyjoy declared himself King of Westeros and loosed the Iron fleet of reavers to pillage, rape and burn their way across Westeros. Although the Shield Islands, the Arbour and Oldtown took the first blows of this as yet unblooded fleet all Westeros would come to fear the Black ships of the ironborn. Lord Gerold Grafton had ordered ships from Braavos and had strengthened the defences of the city preparing for such an attack but he could not forsee the sheer power of Euron Crowseye. Seeking to safeguard his subjects from the ironborn Lord Robin Arryn had elected to send out the Vale Fleet to meet the ironfleet on the high seas. This was not in itself a foolish decision as any ship lost by the ironborn would cost them not only crew but also the reavers they intended to carry ashore whilst any lost Valeman vessel would only lose the crew. However, Lord Arryn had underestimated the damage that houses Hightower and Redwyne had caused the ironfleet and Euron secured a comfortable victory over the Vale’s naval forces. Days after the disastrous defeat off the coast of the Fingers the Ironfleet descended onto Gulltown seeking to claim her riches and make thralls of her people. It was an arduous battle, Ser Gerold had blocked the harbour with what remained of his fleet positioning engine upon the walls of the city ready to rain death upon the Ironborn, despite this the ironborn fought their way ashore and fighting ensued throughout the city as Grafton men bolstered by reinforcements from the Redfort, Ironoaks and Wickenden fought tooth and nail to protect the people of the city from harm although these were eventually called to arms to replenish the ranks of the defenders. Eventually, however, the Ironborn force cracked half intoxicated by the fighting fought to the bitter end whilst others retreated to their ships carrying away as much loot as they could carry. These men would be captured or cutdown on the quays as Lord Gerold Graftons Ships from Braavos finally arrived and denied the fleeing Ironborn escape on the seas. Although Gulltown was largely burned, it’s Lord and his heir had been slain in the fighting, and a great deal of its wealth had been lost this was a great victory for House Grafton as it had almost singlehandedly defeated the IronFleet earning the respect of much of the Vale. Though Euron and his council managed to escape the battle with what little remained of his fleet, only to be shortly thereafter dealt with by king on and his newlywed wife, hundreds of important prisoners were taken that day as was Nightfall the Valyrian Steel blade of House Harlaw. The new Lord of Gulltown young Gyles Grafton would later ransom these men and the blade back to the iron Islands. He would later boast that house Gulltown had not only skewered the kraken but had also forced it to pay the Gold price for its own belongings. This would impoverish the bleak pirate infested islands for generations to come and would restore Gulltown to a greater level of wealth than it had ever enjoyed before. Indeed a great deal of gold and many rare and valuable items claimed by Ironborn raiders over the course of centuries made their way into the hands of House Grafton when lady Asha Greyjoy received Lord Gyles demand. Since the end of the war house Grafton has put its money to good use rebuilding the city and its fleet, investing in new trade ventures abroad, building several Septs, libraries and Mines and providing patronage to the arts brigning skilled trademen from aborad and encouraging eager people fleeing the chaos of the Riverlands and the crownlands to flock to Gulltown seeking work.
Family Members:

I'm availible for collabs btw, if anyone wants to talk to any of the Tyrells.

i'd like that! Just let me roll out my first post first please.
@Dawnscroll A man has a place, and a GM would love to see what he comes up with.

@The Nexerus Well if you want you can give everything a read, but if you can't participate now, you can always come in later if you want.

@Winston Smith How's your own sheet coming?

hey, finally polished off the house.Tried to give the characters a little more personality and flaws. Sorry I've been a little quiet these past few days I've just lost my job so i'm a little down and my friends have been keeping me busy trying to cheer me up.
@MrDidact I'm finally back.

I'll be trying to get some IC posting done asap. Also, no prob with Robin Arryn having a daughter.

ooh yay Vale characters!
I have an Ironborn bastard who would know what went down.

I'm unsure whether she'd be invested in a rivalry though :'D

I'm fine with not getting sacked a second time by Cthulu worshipping vikings. But Taria and members of House Grafton bumping into one another could make for some interesting storytelling at some point.
@Winston Smith It's shaping up quite nicely. Should be interesting to see if the Graftons and the Ironborn have any rivalries.

That could be worked out, do you think we'll get any ironborn players? it could be interesting.
House: House Grafton of Gulltown

Forged in Flame
Region: The Vale of Arryn.
Liege: Who do they owe allegiance to? Lord Robin Arryn
Holding: What lands does the family personally control? The easternmost peninsula of the Vale is split between the Royces of Runestone to the North and Graftons of Gulltown to the south. Gerold Grafton inherited all lands previously held by the Shett Kings of old. Owing to their strength and power House Royce had traditionally dominated the majority of this fertile peninsula but since their defeat at the battle of the Seven Stars, land previously held by the First Men had been awarded to Andal houses who fought alongside Artys Arryn including Ser Gerold Grafton. Gulltown is Westeros’ fourth largest City and is known as theEastern Gate into the Vale. Good From the Free Cities and beyond make their way through the ports of House Grafton into the heartland of the Vale.
Recent History:
House Grafton had been pleased to honour Lady Lysa Arryn’s decision to stay out of the war. Lord Gerold had found this to be wise, as the other realms impoverished themselves through ceaseless fighting the Vale grew stronger than ever before under the stewardship of Lord Petyr Baelish. Let the overproud Belmores and the bellicose Royces plead their case for war, whilst House Grafton enriched itself through trade. As Stark and Lannister men fought over the Riverlands house Grafton’s men had been in the field and at sea growing reserves for the winter. When Stannis Baratheon besieged Kings Landing House Grafton bought grain and goods cheaply from Essos. When wildfire torched the capital and the Dragon Queen burned her away across Essos, the Vale remained unharmed and safe behind it’s mountain walls. This would change however when Euron Greyjoy declared himself King of Westeros and loosed the Iron fleet of reavers to pillage, rape and burn their way across Westeros. Although the Shield Islands, the Arbour and Oldtown took the first blows of this as yet unblooded fleet all Westeros would come to fear the Black ships of the ironborn. Lord Gerold Grafton had ordered ships from Braavos and had strengthened the defences of the city preparing for such an attack but he could not forsee the sheer power of Euron Crowseye. Seeking to safeguard his subjects from the ironborn Lord Robin Arryn had elected to send out the Vale Fleet to meet the ironfleet on the high seas. This was not in itself a foolish decision as any ship lost by the ironborn would cost them not only crew but also the reavers they intended to carry ashore whilst any lost Valeman vessel would only lose the crew. However, Lord Arryn had underestimated the damage that houses Hightower and Redwyne had caused the ironfleet and Euron secured a comfortable victory over the Vale’s naval forces. Days after the disastrous defeat off the coast of the Fingers the Ironfleet descended onto Gulltown seeking to claim her riches and make thralls of her people. It was an arduous battle, Ser Gerold had blocked the harbour with what remained of his fleet positioning engine upon the walls of the city ready to rain death upon the Ironborn, despite this the ironborn fought their way ashore and fighting ensued throughout the city as Grafton men bolstered by reinforcements from the Redfort, Ironoaks and Wickenden fought tooth and nail to protect the people of the city from harm although these were eventually called to arms to replenish the ranks of the defenders. Eventually, however, the Ironborn force cracked half intoxicated by the fighting fought to the bitter end whilst others retreated to their ships carrying away as much loot as they could carry. These men would be captured or cutdown on the quays as Lord Gerold Graftons Ships from Braavos finally arrived and denied the fleeing Ironborn escape on the seas. Although Gulltown was largely burned, it’s Lord and his heir had been slain in the fighting, and a great deal of its wealth had been lost this was a great victory for House Grafton as it had almost singlehandedly defeated the IronFleet earning the respect of much of the Vale. Though Euron and his council managed to escape the battle with what little remained of his fleet, only to be shortly thereafter dealt with by king on and his newlywed wife, hundreds of important prisoners were taken that day as was Nightfall the Valyrian Steel blade of House Harlaw. The new Lord of Gulltown young Gyles Grafton would later ransom these men and the blade back to the iron Islands. He would later boast that house Gulltown had not only skewered the kraken but had also forced it to pay the Gold price for its own belongings. This would impoverish the bleak pirate infested islands for generations to come and would restore Gulltown to a greater level of wealth than it had ever enjoyed before. Indeed a great deal of gold and many rare and valuable items claimed by Ironborn raiders over the course of centuries made their way into the hands of House Grafton when lady Asha Greyjoy received Lord Gyles demand. Since the end of the war house Grafton has put its money to good use rebuilding the city and its fleet, investing in new trade ventures abroad, building several Septs, libraries and Mines and providing patronage to the arts brigning skilled trademen from aborad and encouraging eager people fleeing the chaos of the Riverlands and the crownlands to flock to Gulltown seeking work.
Family Members:

Ok will apply. Shotgun House Grafton of Gulltown. Gimme a day or two to come up with a house sheet. I'd like to work together with my liege lord house Arryn if approved.
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