Terry approached the door, Aaron holding tightly to his back. "Well, here we are!" he told Aaron excitedly. "This'll be our room. Wonder if anyone else is already here?" He gripped the handle and gave the door a good push.
Terry quickly pushed the door all the way open. "Oh gosh, I'm sor-" He stopped. It was that black-haired kid, the Houndoom trainer. "Oh," he said, "it's you." Aaron began growling from behind him. Apparently he didn't like this trainer either.
Alex rubbed his forehead where the door had hit him and glared at the kid. "Yeah, it's me," he responded. "There a problem with that?" Houndoom stepped forward, meeting the Grovyle's gaze and growling just as fiercely. To his credit, the Grovyle seemed unafraid.
Terry stepped into the room fully. Aaron slid off of his back, he and Houndoom now face-to-face, both refusing to be intimidated. "I'd be lying if I didn't say yes," Terry answered him. He really was getting tired of this guy's attitude.
Alex sneered at him. "Tch. Figures. You're all talk, just like they are. If you've got a problem..." Alex stepped in closer, until their faces were an inch apart, and glared down at Terry. There was not an ounce of warmth in his face. "...What are you gonna do about it?"
Terry refused to budge. "I don't think you realize how insufferable you really are. What would you do if someone treated you the way you treat everybody else?" Terry met Alex's glare with one of his own. "I'll tell you, you have a lot to prove before you can even pretend to be the best."
"Hmph. Like I said, all talk. If you have a problem with me, prove your worth and settle it. You got the same assignment I did, and the battlefields are open. So, loser, capable enough to battle?"
"Bring it!" Terry and Alex stormed off to find an open field, Aaron and Houndoom in tow. The two Pokemon never took their eyes off of each other, growling all the way.