Name: Serina Temerr
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: February 2nd
Class: Cleric
Allied to: Plegia - her ancestors served Gangrel during his time, and now she is aide to Plegia's new ruler. She also serves as Plegia's prime ambassador when out on a mission.
Weapons: Staff - Healing Magic
Clothing: White robe with gold trim and decoration. The Plegian symbol is embroidered on the back and sleeves. ((Sadly lacking in Google images... =/ ))

Often wears her hair in pigtails, except in formal settings.
Personality: Serina's life can be defined as an emotional roller coaster: every minute is a different and lively minute. Serina wears her heart on her sleeve, and her emotions are much more manifested than most. If she is thinking something, she will likely let you know it. This leads most to misclassify her as a ditz, but she is actually quite intelligent. Serina cares very deeply for other people, especially those who can't take care of themselves. Having come from a family of servants, even servants of royalty, keeps her humble and honest. She does not like double-talk, and prefers to keep matters straightforward and simple. That said, she knows how nobles are, and will use any advantage she must in order to do her duty. She often uses her femininity and young age to act cute and/or sweet talk others into doing what she wants. She has fierce determination, and once she sets her mind on something, it becomes almost impossible to change it. She is also fiercely loyal to Plegia, and will willingly die for her people.
Biography: Serina was born in service of Plegia. From birth, she was schooled as a servant in the castle. Though her studies were often cursory (basic math, a few sciences, and some history), she excelled in them. When it was discovered that she had an affinity for magic, she was trained as a Cleric of Naga to heal others. She took to Naga like a duck to water, serving devoutly and with a great deal of passion. However, the solemn, meditative lifestyle of a cleric did not sit well with her, and she soon took to wandering the castle out of sheer boredom. One afternoon, as she was exploring, she accidentally bumped into the queen (literally!) in a hallway. Rather than be angry or upset, however, the queen seemed to empathize with the young girl and invited her on a walk. As they talked, the queen grew to enjoy Serina's open and straight-forward attitude ("It's a nice change from the politicians and favor-seekers," she once commented), and one walk soon became regular meetings. During one such walk, the queen offered to give Serina lessons in diplomacy and negotiations during her spare time, which the young girl happily accepted. Eventually, she was found to have real talent with the subjects, and eventually earned her way to becoming the queen's personal aide. Despite her age, she is often sent on diplomatic missions across the world as an ambassador for the crown, often with a bodyguard. Sadly, due to the chaotic state of the world, she is forced to switch bodyguards often - even Clerics can't heal death.
Quirk: She has an almost supernatural love of pie, especially apple pie. Sadly, she is a terrible baker.
-Skilled negotiator
-Well connected in Plegia; if you need it, she knows who can get it
-Emotions, emotions, emotions
-Like most Clerics, has almost no combat experience
-Being constantly on the move, she often misses what might be right in front of her.
Likes: Loyalty, determination, Plegia, Naga, excitement, adventure, homemade apple pie
Dislikes: Dishonesty, backstabbing, treason, anti-Plegian movements, anything related to Grima
Romantic Interest: Weeeeeeellllllllllllllllllll... I mean, if he's interesting...
Other: She knows the Shepherds are on Plegia, but does not know exact names, numbers, or intentions. Though she keeps an eye out for activity, she does not actively oppose their being there.