Slowly walking through a seemingly never ending hallway, only their steps echoing off of the black marble floor as they moved on. Alexander slowly raised his hand and ran it through his thick, black hair. Pulling it back only to have it return back moments later, unruly as ever. This human like form was proving to be more annoying than fun but glancing over to his right, a figure of a larger man than himself reminded him and gave him a tiny bit of satisfaction, knowing that he was not alone in this ordeal. No, they were on their way to heaven and on this dull trip, the dark lord himself decided to give him fallen angels as his escorts. The corners of Alexander's lips curled up into an amused smirk knowing that, that decision was only made to mock God and his self righteous, holier than thou bunch.
Passing of time in that hallway seemed slower than usual, even for an immortal creature as himself. It could be blamed on his restless, playful nature but in the end, he was simply bored and it didn't look like Abaddon and Belphegor were up for providing the amusement he needed. Their stone cold, expressionless faces were solely focused on the path before them. Fallen or not, they were still angles somewhere in there and they just couldn't have fun the way a demon, a creature of sin could.
Letting out a sigh of disappointment escape his broad chest, he noticed Belphegor turned his head towards him but then looked away just as quickly. The silent treatment it was. This trip from hell to heaven was an eventful one. But matter not, that's not what he was in this for. This "little walk", the ceremony awaiting him and his partner... no, none of those nuisances really mattered. Getting to walk around humans, down on Earth again. The mere thought of it was making him smile in excitement. There was much fun to be had an none of the nuisances ahead were going to put a damper on his mood.