Name: Dot Parnell
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Race: Southern Caucasian
Appearance: A young girl, about 4'11", with dirty blonde/brown hair and a relatively unclean face. Her teeth are surprisingly well aligned and hygienic.
Clothing: An oversized doctor's coat, definitely meant for someone at least a foot taller, and likely one hundred pounds heavier.
Equipment: Standard toiletries (toothbrush/paste, heavily worn comb, sleep mask), A first aid kit filled primarily with miscellaneous syringes and pills, and a walkie-talkie.
Weapons: Mosin-Nagant , a variety of scalpels and medical saws
Bio/Background: Dot Parnell and the Parnell family were a relatively average "nuclear" American bunch. Along with her twin sister, her mother, and her father, Dot lived near the university campus where her father worked as a professor of medicine. Dot and her sister always looked up to their father, longing to one day be a doctor like he was. When the virus began to spread, their father was one of the first infected, and their mother followed suite not long after. However, in the wreckage, Dot and her sister found a way to make their dreams a reality by acting as a makeshift pair of nurses for a group of rag-tag raiders.
Occupation Pre-Apocalypse: Student.