Name: Percival Elsby
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Burden: 50%
Faction: None
Appearance: Percival is a young boy, with tanned skin and dirty black hair. His whole body is generally quite grimy, as he has spent most of his life outside of settlements. His unfortunate situation has turned the veins in his arms and legs black, a show of how "unclean" he truly is. His eyes, when not blackened with rage, are a hazel color with flecks of grey in the irises. Although the "burden" does not show very much on his face, the results of living a nomadic life of squalor are very evident in his poor dental hygiene (including several noticeably missing teeth) and disheveled wispy hair.
Personality: Percival is an optimist, through and through. Though his situation from birth has been an entirely negative one, he has found a way to remain positive through all things. He seems to believe that there is a "greater good" that will right all things in the end, and that kindness is the most important virtue. He is, however, relatively timid, and frightens quite easily. This fear does not mix well with his rather severe burden, resulting in a sort of primal emotional state of self defense when frightened. He has a very difficult time bringing himself back to reality after these "episodes", and it has cost him greatly on more than one occasion.
Synopsis: Percival is an odd case, being a post-Hail child born to those who lived outside the settlements. He and his family survived by scavenging where the "clean" would never dare to go: Near to the stones. He learned much from his father and mother, such as how to hide his "burden" from those who would harm him for it, and how to find the best goods. It was in a way, a comfortable life. Not easy by any means, but Percival was never hungry or cold.
Unfortunately, it was not a sustainable lifestyle, and family member after family member died or became Lost. In the end, Percival found himself alone, living out of the wreckage of a sacked caravan, surviving from day to day by picking through the goods left behind when the civilized folk were attacked by the Lost. With little to do in his spare time, Percival took to using whatever trinkets he could find to "fortify" his ramshackle abode. Bayonets, splintered wood, whatever he could find to surround his "perimeter", and poorly made dummy figures meant to scare off any scavengers. Once again, his life entered a sort of routine: Fix the fort, search for food. Hardly an existence at all.
Strengths: Percival is an excellent scavenger, surviving for nearly two years on his own simply by knowing where to look and how to make things last. Years of nomadic living taught him where people tended to stash goods and hide valuables, making his own existence easier. Not all the places he picked through were entirely "abandoned", however, leading Percival to become particularly good at hiding.
As a result of the surplus of trinkets and trash in his possession, Percival also became quite good at "crafting" items from relatively useless junk. Springs, cans, metal shrapnel, all became useful goods to Percival. His home is made up entirely out of materials he scavenged, and he is rather good at creating rudimentary tools for a variety of uses.
Vices/Weaknesses: Due to how heavily burdened he is, Percival is rather extremely sickly. It is rare for him to go a minute without coughing, often with unidentifiable liquids being produced as well. Being a child, his frail body is extremely susceptible to disease, though he tends to survive most things. He is very slow physically, and somewhat slow mentally. Though creative, Percival is not in any way "book smart". His social skills are practically non-existent, though he does know how to speak. His fears and physical condition have prevented nearly any outside human contact and made him into a sort-of "child hermit".
Equipment: Percival uses a rusted bayonet tied to a splintered shovel handle as a "weapon", although it has seen more use against wild animals than against Lost or bandits. His clothes are typically too big for him, ranging from slightly loose to comically oversized, though he almost constantly wears a pair of torn overalls, the only outfit he has that truly "fits". He has a messenger bag he wears at most times in which he keeps the goods scavenged on any particular day, usually including food and water, sometimes medicine, or other seemingly interesting supplies.