Avatar of Xenonia
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    1. Xenonia 11 yrs ago


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Is this still open for the joining?
Name: Hime Filyak

Alias: Bloodflow

Age: 13

Personality: Hime is a timid and dependent girl, not very independent at all. Her shyness is only multiplied by her lack of self-confidence, hence her need for constant approval from others.
Powers: Has the ability to generate near-infinite amounts of human blood.
Weakness: Her power is practically useless, and she is very self-concious.

-Civilian: Bright orange hair, freckles, curled hair. She's remarkably clean and tends to smell like assorted soaps.

-Alter-Ego: Pretty much the same, but her costume conceals her eyes and mouth with a bright-red surgical mask/eye cover. Her outfit has a lot of holes in it to allow blood to flow from it.

Bio: Hime was orphaned at a young age, as her mother was deathly ill and her father was a notorious gambler whose debts ended in a shallow grave. At the orphanage, she was often picked on and pushed around. However, she found comfort in an older boy named Redd. She and Redd were fast friends and became nearly inseperable. As they grew older, They both discovered their own... Special abilities. Strangely enough, their powers were complimentary: Redd found he had the ability to control blood, forming it into weaponry or armor. Hime, on the other hand, discovered her ability to produce near infinite amount of blood, seemingly out of nowhere. They quickly formed a crime-fighting duo: Redd became Bleeding Edge, and Hime became Bloodflow.

Unfortunately, in recent events, Bleeding Edge has gone missing, and without him, Bloodflow has become lost and without a sense of direction. She searches desperately for her lost partner, hoping to someday find him again.

Arc Ideas: Finding Bleeding Edge, Forming a new Duo?

Other: Tightens Fur Ever

Just as a question: Can I perhaps play as a sidekick? I mean, second-banana type. Useless power except when in conjunction with a better hero.
A bit more on the serious side than some other Titans RPs. Which isn't a bad thing. Probably would have been worried if that particular character got in.
Sorry. Not exactly a joke pp, more "testing the waters". Gauging the mood so to speak. Also the mind control thing is more like the Music Meister than anything.
Name: John Roberts Junior
Alias: Kazoo
Personality: He's a very annoying young boy with a loud mouth and no filter. Rude and obnoxious.
Powers: Music-Based Mind Control (Anyone in hearing range of his music falls under his spell.)
Weakness: The only instrument he knows (And thus, the only instrument he can control minds with) is the kazoo.
Appearance: He doesn't have a costume. He's a ginger with bright red hair, lots of freckles, and a gap in his teeth. His "costume" is just a jumpsuit with the letter K spraypainted in the middle of it.
Bio: Born the son of J.R. Sr., J.R. Jr. had a very easy life. Living on a farm with his dad, playing with his pet dog, abusing stray lizards... It was a life of luxury. A luxurious life. One day, however, he came home from (skipping) school to see his father being taken away in a police cruiser. As it turned out, their farm had been a drug front since Junior was a young boy, which explained why the barn was full of hydroponics equipment. Now destitute and in foster-care, Junior found his only relief from semi-abusive (read: strict) foster-parents was the kazoo that his father had bought him to shut him up when he was five. He poured his heart and soul into that kazoo, and in the end it repaid him the favor: He had been granted the powers of mind control, using his music. Running away from home with the kazoo, Junior made a number of poor choices. Fortunately, before he had irreversably ruined his life, he found religion.
Arc Ideas: His father being released from jail
The kazoo breaks, I guess?
Other: Titans 5ever
Untreggstead, Several months in the past

The brow on High Chief Untregg the Younger's sloped forehead had been furrowed already when the advisor had burst in, for he had been deep in thought. Now, though, it was furrowed even further, causing his head to resemble something of a stepped-on lemon in shape. The reports he was hearing... Disturbed him, to say the least. Not that he could let his meager court know. He was the high chief, damn them! Chosen of The Colossi, son of Untregg the Elder, and grand Pyromancer of his realm! For him to be disturbed by anything was a sign of weakness, and a weak chief never lasted in these lands.

"Great Leader," the grovelling counselor had said, "I bring news from our scouting boats."

These were words Untregg the Younger had been waiting to hear for some time. "Speak then!" He bellowed, "And tell me of our progress!"

Many of his council had not approved of his ideas. There had been much progress, even prosperity, in the lands of the Northfolk since his grandfather, Untregg the First, had unified them. His father had only served to solidify that unification, and provide a form of centralization for the people and their tribal holdings. Now it was his turn to carve a chapter in the legacy of the Sons of the First, and he had gone with the bold decision of expansion.

"Sire, the news is... Not good," the tremble in this fool's voice was beginning to annoy Untregg, and he made sure to let all in his presence know of it.

"SPEAK PLAINLY, FOOL, OR NEVER SPEAK AGAIN!" He stood now, and drew a hunting dagger from his belt. "What have you to say of the lands beyond our own?"

"The... The lands to the south, sire... They are not a land of men," the poor fool was visibly shaking now, fearful of his liege, and of the news he carried with him. "The skies are black, filled with dust and death, and the horrors that lie there... Undescribable."

It was then that Untregg the Younger snapped. "You come into my court and tell me of 'danger'? Of 'undescribable horror'? FOOL! YOU KNOW NOTHING! YOU ARE NOTHING!" and with that, he plunged the dagger into the abdomen of the quivering supplicant, twisting it thoroughly to the tune of a pleasing scream. "I am the judge of what is horror. Of what is danger!" And with that, he pulled the dagger back, wiping it on his own tunic, and returned it to his belt.

But it had all been an act. The words of the now-dead servant had gotten to Untregg. He was filled with doubt, and fear of that which lay beyond his realm. Were there really lands such as had been described? All he knew was that for the next voyage, his men would be stearing clear of the coasts to the south.

The coasts of Karkath, Present Day

It had been several months since they had set sail, but Captain Skrugge and his men were no less enthusiastic than when they had set out. This was their destiny! A crew of hearty Northfolk handpicked by High Chief Untregg the Younger himself for a voyage to the lands beyond! There had been much drinking and feasting to celebrate. Their voyage had not been a smooth one, and more than one foolish sailor had been lost overside to a beast or a storm. However, the cold of their homeland now far behind them, the men were joyous once more: the shores they had been sent to find were within reach! A land scorched by the sun awaited them, the smell of fire and dust filling the air. Such a peculiar sight had never before graced the eyes of a Northfolkman. Truly, the Colossi had blessed their journey!

As their boat came closer to shore, one of the men began to shout. "I see something, Captain! It looks... Manmade!"

The land they had come to was populated, eh? Well, thought Skrugge to himself, This may be one small step for myself, but this is a gigantic leap for all of our kind. With that, he ordered his men to drop anchor, for it was time to go ashore. Surely, this arrival would not go unnoticed.

They've arrived.

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