Dan was in no mood for any of this, not today. Being dragged into an alley by some fat brit and his mute kitchen friend was not exactly one of his favorite activities... All though, this certainly wasn't the first time it had happened. First time since he got his powers, maybe. Speaking of... "You think you can take me? I'll wreck you, pal!" These two looked tough, especially considering the one had a gun, and were Dan "less special"... Well, thank god he wasn't. "I'LL WRECK YOOOOOOOOOU!" a blast, only a meter or two in diameter, shot forth from Dan's body. The blast caught the two men, sending one flying against a wall, the other going head over heels into a dumpster.
Fuckin' awesome, thought Dan to himself, followed by an oh shit. The man in the dumpster was letting out a low groan, indicating that he was clearly alive. But the one against the wall, The one who had the gun... He wasn't making any noise at all. Oh shit oh fuck oh CHRIST, Dan's supreme intellectual capacity kept repeating, He's fuckin' DEAD!
Rad Dan was OFFICIALLY in over his head. Roughing people up and taking their wallets was one thing, but that guy... He wasn't breathing. Dan wanted to run screaming, hide, go underground... SOMETHING... But he knew he couldn't. Not in England, at least. Then it struck him: The idea of the century. A quick peek out of the alleyway revealed that the group of weird brits from earlier were... Still walking, still talking. All he had to do was "blend in" with them, and he'd be home free. Stepping out of the dank sidestreet, he started up his best nonchalant whistle possible and walked briskly towards the four freaks.