Dan sighed. "I'm gonna hafta go with the train, fathah. Makes me feel much safah that way. When you take a plane, theyah could be gremlins on the wings, oah some othah mysterious monstah." Dan wasn't kidding, either. Ever since he had seen 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet', William Shatner's magnum opus, he had been terrified of a gremlin attempting to end his life while on a plane. He was only even able to take them, as he had taken the one to get to England in the first place, by pretending he was on a very tall boat. He knew that this was one trip he could not pretend to be on a tall boat for. "Also, maybe the train has a dining cah. I'd like to try some of yoah authentic English cuisine. I heah that livah and onions is suhprisingly edible."