Saoji found himself looking through an assortment of books in the school's library. He didn't really know what he was looking for. He guess that reading could potentially pass the time by. Finally, his hand rested on a book which had a title that was very interesting..."The Truth About Revolution". After using his library card to check out the book, he read the pages until he reached the cafeteria. He sat alone, uninterested in paying attention to anyone else other than that book. All he had to eat was an apple. The book was amazing, revolution was intense.
A movement that begins when a group of people are oppressed by their successors. People will rise up and go to war with those who are hindering their way of life; even though many of these revolutionaries are not familiar with weaponry or war tactics. They were just normal everyday people fighting for what was right.
Saoji bit into his apple and placed back on his lunch tray.
Reading all of this information gave him ideas of how to create peace and bring harmony back to the world. All it takes is that one person who is willing to gain so much dangerous attention to lead the people. All it takes is for one person to undertake that risk and live with the consequences. Saoji noticed that he has never seen people form a union and fight against those in power before...maybe no one was willing to undergo such trials it takes to become a true leader. Perhaps people are afraid to? Whatever the reason, Saoji knows that people have become cruel to one another and it just didn't make any sense to him.
He sat there and continued reading.