Olu Bumdoa
The Nautolan pummeled his own chest, barely able to catch his breath from his recent outburst of laughter. Sighing, he lowered his hood, revealing to the newcomer, Wrenu, his tendrils which were mostly wrapped in brown rags, along with a ruby circlet adorning his forehead. His tendrils gently swayed as Olu cocked his head to face Wrenu, sensing pleasant, eager emotions radiating from the young Mikkian. "Aha.~ A pleasure to be of your acquaintance, Padawan. I am master Olu Bumdoa. The Nautolan greeted him with a smile, and a flashy bow just for show. At first glance, Olu may have seemed like a jolly person to Wrenu.
However, those with sharp competence in the force may have sensed impurity inside Olu. His connection to the force was wobbly, as Olu has previously been victim to the temptations of the dark side. Needless to say, it is obvious he remains of good heart, but he has forever been tainted.
As Master Wick isntructed his Padawan on the mission details and whatnot. Olu turned to face his starfighter. "Correct. We'll get to the bottom of these anomalies yet." Turning once more, he rests his hands over his waist and awaits for the rest of the group to settle in before they embark. "I'm ready when you are."