Zack Cypher

15 Year old Male
Very active, doesn’t like being in one place for any length of time. Will fidget in his chair when he sits, but doesn’t get bored very easily.Bio:
Ever since he was little, Zack had a tendency to move around. As soon as he learned how to crawl, he was off having grand adventures… and getting into trouble. He was known for his mischievousness and high energy. Later on, he joined a few sports teams. After a bit of practice, he amazed his teams with his seemingly limitless endurance and ability to jump higher and run faster than all but the very best. He even broke the state record for running 100 meters, but due to a technicality of an abnormally fast tailwind, the officials added a few points of a second to his run, allowing the record to stand.
One day, a friend piqued his curiosity. He asked Zack why he never seemed to get winded for very long, even right after a sprint. Personally, he’d never noticed this before, so he went on a long run, figuring he’d head back as soon as he got tired. The thing is, he never did get tired, running the entire length of his town. Turning back, he looked down to follow his footprints back home, but they were extremely faint, as if he had barely touched the ground.
Upon arriving home, where as usual both his parents were too busy with their careers to even notice, he looked at a map and discovered he had run an entire 12 miles in less than an hour. He later experimented more and more, eventually figuring out that he could somehow manipulate the air around him as a sort of cushion, propelling him forward while running or giving him that extra push when jumping. He also noticed that while he ran, he didn’t breathe in and out heavily like his friends, but somehow did both at the same time, supplying a steady stream of air instead of getting it in pulses.
On another of his long runs, he came across what looked to be a spray painted picture on one of the brick walled houses… except it was far too detailed to be spray painted. Intrigued, he stepped closer to the beautiful picture and reached out a hand to touch it… and he was, for once, breathless as he was sucked through.
Which Academy preferred- Draconic
Beginning Magic: Air, water, fire, earth
Room Number: 10
Let me know if anything needs fixing.