Boreal Dusk
Of course, the yellow and black colored pony who I came to dislike singled me out once again, this time on somewhat grounded claims, although I maintained my facade throughout his barrage of verbal attacks. My face a stoic expression as I made sure to look away, I then noticed his monologue had attracted some attention from a few ponies around us, who were obviously drawn in by the use of some rather choice words. Just great! I thought Now I'll have to deal with these ponies constantly checking their flanks. However, to both my surprise and confusion, the unicorn singling me out immediately acted as though no harm was done, proceeding to give me a warm welcome. Although this somewhat mended my past qualms, I was now more suspicious of him than ever. To see him change his opinion on me so suddenly worried me, to say the least. This warm welcome was preceded by a rather maniacal laugh, as well as what I could assume to be a slap on the back, but it felt more as though he gave me a rather enthusiastic pat. To add to my troubles, he added a thinly veiled threat of blowing me up if I got on his wrong side, but I there would be no way he could carry out such plans.
I had also noticed that Sound Chance and that mare he was conversing with last night. It was rather obvious they had averted a more complex relationship in favor of building one based almost solely off of sex, judging by how they seemed rather intimate with each other, at least by how the mare was very accepting of Sound's nuzzles. Although they didn't stay near the caravan long, obviously preferring to take their love to an establishment nearby.
I then noticed the hulking, metal armored pony from last night conversing with that . . . 'thing', before the metal armored one breaking off to annoy that demolition pony from before in a manner very similar to how I was dealt with. It was amusing, but it also clued me in that these two ponies were queer. Good to know I thought mo myself, before noticing a peculiar pony making a mad dash for the caravan. I had noticed that the clothes he was wearing mentioned something about some Reaper, although I couldn't make out the full text. What was even stranger was that he seemed to be carrying only booze, meat, and explosives, from what I could see. Immediately, my suspicions were now directed at this white coated pony. Although all I could do now was play the waiting game.