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<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Can... she wait until we’re done here? Ram threatened to raise our rent last time.

Hm? Well, she won’t be here when y’all are still here.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Oh yeah, for sure. Lemme go talk to her.
*Walks out of the back*

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

*Lily and I look at each other, and then release the silencing spell*

*walks out after you all*
- By the way, I think I may need to make that additional fragment, please contact Ram and let her know to come here.
W: Yes Ma’am.
*the waitress goes into the kitchen area*
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Yeah, what’s up?

W: Uhm, Mrs Redfox requested that I ask if you all are wanting to continue your conversation, especially with it being about her and her place within Gio’s party, that if you all can speak with her in presence.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Sweet, that's pretty snazzy.

<Snipped quote by Session>

Yep. We good to go now, or?

*the back room door opens and the waitress comes in*
W: Hello?
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

Well that's a relief.

There you go!
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

*Picks it up and spins it on my finger*
Niiiiiice. So I just slot it into the machine or something?

Yes, and it’ll upgrade the room.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Cool, all problems solved then. No murder psychopath magicians to worry about.

*slides a cassette tape*
Here is your upgrade.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Blitz would intervene if she tried something, yeah?

Yeah, he would.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

What do you mean see? You were as concerned as we were.

In terms of the contract, you were fine. I was concerned cause I have no contract with her.
<Snipped quote by Session>

Hah, just kidding. Look, Levy and I had enough overlap in utility that we didn't really work together that often. But she's not evil or anything, and you have a pretty good contract worked out. I don't think she's going to weasel out of it.

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

How dangerous is she?

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