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<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Well, what other jobs do you have?

Bartender would be good.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

I make a great bouncer. I can eat any of your rowdy customers.

We do not do that here, and server and or cook would be out of the question too.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Um... food or energy would be great. I don’t really ever not feel hungry, so whatever you have that makes it less intense is all the payment I want. I start to lose my grip when I get too hungry.

Hmm, well I can help you with that for a time being as long as you are sure you can help with the patrons. How is your experience with service?
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Um... No money, just food. The truth is, I’m really not good about controlling my appetite. But you have entrees that makes it less painful, at least for a little bit.

So payment in the form of food would suffice? What other way would satisfy your hunger?
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

*Finishes up the last one and slides the papers toward you*

*looks at it smiling*
That is better. Gotta have accurate documentation if you were to get hired.
*clears my throat*
Why do you want to work here? Besides food and money.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

I am a Reploid, we don't usually eat food or drink, we maintain ourselves with Energy Crystals most of the time.

Reploid, now that is new.
*puts an order in for you*
I under You may be a bit uneasy at the moment.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

You happen to have any energy crystals?

Oh? I do, though not many ask for it. Are you a digital creature by chance?
*I sit down, still wondering why I am here.*

I'm Axl, by the way...

Pleasure to meet you Axl, my name is SideSlash. Is there anything I can get for you? Food or beverage?
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

*Checks each field on the form as I fill it out to make sure it’s as clear as day*

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

*Takes a deep breath and goes through the form again, this time opting for a careful cursive*

You can just print, just make it legible.
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