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<Snipped quote by Zeal>

*Pulls back against my chair ever-so-slightly, nervous*
I, um... do have one thing that works. It won't work forever, but it doesn't have to.

*the pressure is release and a wave of comfort washes over you and I smile*
Great! That’s all I needed to know. The safety of the patrons are top priority for me. Satisfaction and readiness comes second.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

My middle name. Just like ya said.

*blinks and shakes my head looking at my cup*
Okay, that isn’t fair.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

If I'm not hungry, it won't happen. And I won't let myself let it happen, since I need the job.

*stares at you reading your body language with a controlled and slow breathing, you feel slight pressure*
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

*Quickly enough after you stop speaking, I nearly cut you off*
I won't do that. I promise.

*raises an eyebrow in response*
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Well, that's the thing... I don't know yet. Wendigos never stop being hungry, and the more we eat, the hungrier we get. And the more we don't eat... the hungrier we get.

*closes my eyes in thought as I tap the counter, opening them moments after*
What would be the plan if you frenzy?
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Ehh… I’ll tell you when you’re older.

I’m sorry?
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Ooh boy. Wait until I tell you some stories after enough time has passed that the judgment is outdated.

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Really, anything you have that makes the hunger go away. I don't care how much or how little.

Hm, very well. What are the conditions that satisfy your hunger? Do living beings have a stronger effect? Does sentience add on to it too?
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Sorry. Sorry, sorry. I'm focused.

Good. Back to possible pay. You mentioned that meals would be more than sufficient for you? Maybe call them rations as a currency term for you.
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

Too young to remember, at the very least.

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Trouble? No, no trouble for us. We don’t do that. Trouble is… What’s that? Weird word.

Your middle name, Phee. I don’t think a little bit of military confinement would break you that easily. It ain’t our way.
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