Leonel did as the beast told him and moved off to the side of the door, keeping his back to the wall the whole time. He figured that this whole situation wouldn't last long, his father would be able to find the data that the beast needed. Then he'd be stuck back in the government building once again. He wasn't too happy about that being the situation, nor was he happy that he was in this kind of situation. Somehow, though, in his mind a hostage situation was way better than being left in a safe government building where he was given no chance to leave except for the times he risked his life to sneak out. Actually, both situations were starting to sound quite a lot alike, the only difference was there weren't as many people around and his risk of getting attacked by a beast again had just gotten worse. He would rather not repeat the whole getting mauled by a beast, the first time left him with a robotic arm and so much surgery just to get rid of all scaring and any evidence that he had ever been attacked. It was the reason he could never go outside again, because he knew too much now. He couldn't be trusted to go outside, he might tell someone about the beast project.
As Leonel's father walked outside, Leonel whispered, "Everything will be alright, dad." He watched his father leave from sight and then looked back at the beast. "Alright, so you got your way. Now, what are you going to do?" Leonel crossed his arms, the place was a warehouse, there couldn't be much furniture in the place, meaning there weren't going to be any beds to sleep on and the chairs were probably all wooden. There probably wasn't even a running refrigerator for food, or running water. The best that he could hope for was maybe a employee lounge that might still have a bit of furniture left, but it'd be old and probably broken down. It wasn't like either of them would be able to show their faces in public, they'd have people looking for them, and that would just end in disaster.