Name: Katherine Mary Mullen
Age: 14
Birthday: August 14th
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Irish
Nationality: Irish
School Year: Fourth year
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Pet: Tabby Calico Cat mix
Boggart: Rats that turn into small bouncy balls when the Riddikulus Charm.
Wand: The wand is made of sassafras and has a core of unicorn hair. It is 12 and 1/2 inches long and is somewhat springy. It is somewhat darkly colored and is ornately carved with a few Irish symbols.
Favourite Lesson: Potions is her favourite lesson because it comes naturally to her. She prefers that class over every other class in the school.
Least Favourite Lesson: Charms is her least favourite lesson because she must work harder at it than she used to. In her first couple of years at school, Katherine loved Charms class with the teacher, until she failed a test that she thought she had passed with flying colours. Since then, she’s hated the class and sometimes she’s hated the teacher.
Extracurricular Activities: Katherine is a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
Appearance: Katherine has crystal clear bright green eyes, and a rounded face with a few freckles with a clear complexion that compliment her face. Her ratty, dirty blonde, but mostly brown hair, when down, reaches all the way down her back. However, when her hair is up, it is most likely usually in a braid that reaches half way down her back. Her bangs hide her eyes most of the time and she likes it that way.
Katherine is of average height, but a little on the low side with weight. She never takes more than she needs with food and that is the main contribution to her weight problems. She’s pretty for your average 14-year-old girl, but she never brags about it.
Personality: Katherine is quite shy when you first get to meet her. She barely opens up to anyone, not even to her own parents. Katherine is pretty modest about being a bright student, while people congratulate her for her accomplishments in school, she usually says thank you and is done with it. She learns to take everything with a grain of salt.
When it comes to other’s problems, she sets hers aside and usually helps others first. Katherine practices the art of empathy more than anything else. She shuns the richer, more stuck up kids for their selfish ways. She observes people and is usually in the background more than she is in the action with others.
Despite her ambitious ways, Katherine is rarely ever risk-taking. She tends to be more courteous to others, even when the situation doesn’t demand her to be there.
Backstory: Katherine was born as the youngest member of her family. She is the youngest of eight siblings and never gets hand me downs. Katherine was born prematurely and when she was born, she had a slew of medical issues from her first day to her fourth birthday. She gets sick easily, but her family doesn’t have enough money to get to a doctor to figure out why she’s having all those issues.
In descending age order, her brothers Michael, Johnathan, Timothy, Alexander, and her sisters, Mira, Jordan, and Tiffany, tease her all the time because of her medical issues. It was never easy for her growing up in a family of eight, especially as the youngest. The house that Katherine and her family has lived in for many years was always nice and cozy if not a bit large for a family of limited means.
Katherine has always had issues making friends. It was never easy for her to open up to other people about her problems. She never considers herself a member of upper class society, more a member of the middle to lower class society. While they’re taking care of her siblings, her parents never have any time with her anymore.
Extra: Broom is the Comet 260, unknown release year, the wood of the broom has been carved in ornately by Katherine herself to distinguish it from other brooms of the same make and model.