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    1. Zugzwang 9 yrs ago


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I find it hard to believe that, when faced with near-certain death, neither jedi nor sith would apply a tiny fraction of the force they need to throw massive rocks to someone's brain and turn it into a grey-matter smoothie.
So it can be done. Why wouldn't it work on a force user? Jedi can be pushed against their will by the force, and even if they could theoretically stop someone snapping their spine, are Jedi really going to be able to react fast enough to a seemingly instantaneous application of force? Or are they just expected to be holding all their vital parts stationary somehow with the force?

Also, is there any way for an average joe to not get his heart popped? Or is every non-force user just so much chopped liver within however many feet of a smart force user?
Ardam found the two Jedi in an atrium, lightsabers already blazing blue, both wearing the traditional robes of their order. The Knight, a tall rodian male with bluer-than-normal skin, looked calm and determined. He clearly didn’t think Ardam much of a threat, no doubt used to ‘pacifying’ the better-equipped criminals he no doubt resembled. The padawan, a human female of no more than fourteen years, looked terrified: her blue eyes were wide, her dark skin glistening faintly with nervous sweat. Ardam faced them both, a placid expression on his face behind the grey faceplate of his combat suit. His left hand rested on a grenade at his hip, his right snaked towards the blaster slung across his chest. None of them moved.

The knight broke the pregnant silence. “You will lay down your weapons and allow yourself to be taken prisoner.”

The placid expression turned into a smirk. What defined ‘weak minded’ was always vague, but the training he had received (and developed, partially), was more than enough to stop the compulsion. Ardam wanted to simply remain still, just to toy with the Jedi, but time was of the essence, and now that the Jedi had declared his opening Ardam had a sense of the rodian.

First, he threw the grenade: a squat cylinder with light yellow stripes around its center. Predictably, the Jedi reacted quicker than even Ardam’s augments, and pushed the grenade back as Ardam unslung the blaster shotgun, closing the distance with force-aided strides. The grenade flew far behind Ardam, and if it had been deadly, it would have knocked Ardam off balance long enough to be impaled on the saber, armor or no. Fortunately for Ardam, the grenade just exploded with an unbearable bang, and lit the room up with the power of a small sun. The knight staggered, going off balance as he raised his arm to console his temporarily-blind eyes, and Ardam had all the time in the world to aim and fire.

A cone of red plasma arced out, barely dodged by the knight and singing the turquoise skin of his right arm as he dodged. The padawan came on next, saber swinging much less expertly. The padawan dodged the second cone of fire much more dexterously, obviously less harmed by the flashbang than her master, and cut a low arc towards Ardam’s legs. ‘Less effected’ was a far cry from ‘unaffected’, however, and, taking advantage of his young foe’s disorientation, kicked the girl right in the face.

A gout of blood splattered on the steel toe of his boot as the girl’s nose broke. At a glance, she looked to still be conscious, but Ardam thought that would not last. He did not have time to dwell, however, as he felt himself fly bodily through the air, propelled by the Force, and he crashed into the ground, skidding along the tiles with a high-pitched screeching. Looking ‘up’ towards his opponents, just in time he saw the rodian leaping improbably far through the air, seeking to strike the finishing blow. Clearly hoping to use gravity’s help to slice the head from Ardam’s shoulders, the rodian had to use the force to push himself out of the way of the jet of fire that sprung from Ardam’s left hand.

The impromptu life-saving maneuver spared the rodian from a fiery death, but it did allow Ardam, springing to his feet, to draw his vibroblade, with which he parried the second strike by the knight. They ran through a lengthy and nerve-wracking series of parries and ripostes, leaving Ardam the clear loser with a number of burns and cuts in his suit. Seeking a quick way out of the fight, Ardam pulled the pin from another flashbang on his belt while still defending himself with the vibroblade. The jedi did not see it coming, and was blinded for the second time. Recoiling in pain, and now almost certainly permanent deaf-blind agony, Ardam stepped forward and sliced the Jedi’s head off.

The first sound he heard was the head hitting the floor. The second was someone vomiting at the other end of the room. The padawan had been struggling to her feet, but was forced to crumple back to a kneeling posture as she evacuated her stomach. The knight’s body toppled a second later, having jumped in the air slightly with the spasms of death.

Ardam walked over to her, his hands still shaking slightly from adrenaline and fear. “Don’t stand up, girl, if you want to live.”

She made one more attempt to stand, for which he forgave her. Everyone has pride, and killing people over it when they’re already beaten achieves little. After her failure, however, she remained slouched on the ground. Ardam stopped ten paces away, blaster shotgun draw and ready.

“I can’t let you leave, you understa-“

“Fuck your sister, you monster!”. She still could speak, it seemed. “I’ll kill you, I’ll avenge Andoorni, and I’ll give your head to the council.”

Ardam waited to make sure she was finished. “I’m sure you’ll get the chance. Not now, however. I have business with the governor. If I were you, I would thank the Force for bacta tanks.”

“What?” The look of confusion played on her face until Ardam raised his foot and kicked her in the head once more, this time knocking her cold. He then broke her left leg at the knee with a hard stomp, before cuffing her arms and legs. He never did like hurting children, but he had learned that, with jedi, one can never be too careful.

His first piece of business handled, Ardam resumed his trek to the Governor’s office.
So, question: if a Jedi really wanted to, say, kill a stormtrooper, could he or she just snap the trooper's neck with the force? Or pop his heart, or tear out the stormtrooper's eyes? It seems that they would be able to, since the force does not need line of sight, and the jedi are pretty accurate with it, but if so, why would they ever use a lightsaber?

I've seen this question answered a number of ways, but I don't want to assume anything.
<Snipped quote by Zugzwang>

You misunderstand; I feast on knowledge. I love the opportunity to do research, I'm just noting that I didn't expect that line of it going into this.

Good to hear. It is always a good thing when I can apply muh Military History. I get to feel like this major won't be fucking worthless.
Go /k/ or go home, strelok. If you want help or advice, I'm here for you. If not, I'll keep my disgusting interests in booletz out of the game.

Also, since we have cannons and airships and junk, do we have guns? Like matchlocks or Dishonored style matchlocks that are really easy to reload or what?

"Guns don't exist, or at least any that I would recommend using. After the introduction of cannons, some attempts were made to design smaller, handheld cannons that could be carried by infantrymen into battle. But Maandike dust's lack of stability made it more likely that you'd just kill yourself by firing the gun. Armies have continued to use swords, pikes, and other more conventional weapons of war instead."

Hence my character idea being "the shitty younger son who discovered black powder."

Also, a side note, the Dishonored weapons are not matchlocks. From what I can tell they shoot centerfire metal cartridges which would be ignited via firing pin.

EDIT: Upon further research [read: playing a level of dishonored again], the pistol certainly looks like a wheellock, but that is clearly cosmetic:the gun operates like a semi-automatic modern pistol, complete with modern rounds.
OK: character concept. Shitty younger son, no-one likes him. Loves to fuck around with chemistry and science it up, but knows that if shit hits the fan and he's just a scientist he is going to get murdered for his place in the line of succession. So he joins the army, gets promoted to Major or something, still fucking around with chemistry. A few months before the game starts, he discovers he can make shitty black powder [he dreams of one day making a smokeless propellant, but that is not going to happen any time soon], and has been working on a breech-loading, chassepot-esque rifle for his Battalion-equivalent [they used to be pikemen or something]. Cue the death of the crown prince, and now he has to navigate politics long enough to get someone to make his guns and ammo for him, while not tipping off his brothers and sisters who would like nothing more than to murder him and take his revolutionary, if somewhat half-baked, weapons away from him and use them to conquer things and take the throne.

Thanks to the evident quality of metalwork and gunsmithing, it won't be that hard for a talented individual to whip a breech-loading rifle up, though obviously since they've nevuh been done befo', things are going to be a little jury-rigged.
Oh man, I've always wanted to play a game full of Tercios: 1500s soldiering is a hell of a drug. I'm not sure I've ever seen a steampunk game wherein the military technology is ~350 years behind the rest of it, but I can dig it.

Though, a fun character would be a younger prince who discovered the joys of mixing charcoal, sulphur and saltpeter...

As an aside, what are the cannon like? Are we talking muzzleloading pieces of shit or screw-breech armstrong goodness?
Eriadu was an ugly planet. Dull and grey and boring, pockmarked with messy urban sprawl and polluted seas. It shouldn't be a difficult target: security was not what is should have been, and the PDF wouldn't be expecting him. Eriadu had been staunchly Imperial, and Leopard's information claimed that those sentiments were far from dead. Every government claims the people are on their side, obviously, but the data seemed credible. Then again, he wouldn't come along if there weren't Jedi present. It should be interesting: a distraction, an appetizer, before the main course.

He was in the rear of the freighter the Commodore had commandeered. His armor was on, the mottled plates silent and gleaming while he did what all good soldiers do before a fight: cleaned his weapons. He brushed the barrel of his wrist-flamethrower for a third time. He triple-checked his blasters, cleaned the bores and checked the batteries. Grenades were counted and double-counted, and his other more esoteric gadgets were run through with an eye for minute detail. He ran through diagnostics on his augmentations, and thanked providence for the all-green report. He saved his revolvers for last, polishing the already mirror-bright metal and loading the brass and steel rounds one at a time, not without a touch of relish.

Ahead of him in the ship, two hundred Stormtroopers and another two hundred recruits, all with their assigned duties. Come planetfall, they'd all have their own duties. He'd be operating on his own: not his preference of course, especially in close quarters, but the brass figured he was more than enough to handle the Knight and Padawan that were meant to be on planet.

Leopard felt the rumble of compressing atmosphere, and stood up. It was time: he was descending above the capital spaceport, and could hear past the thick door the sounds of clanking boots and muffled, tinny voices. He pushed through the door, and entered the makeshift hanger, the main cargo hold expanded and retrofitted to hold a dozen transports, and his sleek personal vessel. He climbed into the sleek flying-V shape, folding the wings down as he powered the extraordinary engine, watching the bay doors open in front of him.

"Leopard-1, this is Alfa-1. Captain has cleared you for exit. Strike for the Emperor." A voice cracked through his helmet speakers. He keyed the response.

"Understood Alfa. Exiting". His voice surprised him slightly, the deep and rough timbre echoing familiarly within the metal casing.

He thumbed the thrust forward slightly, narrowly slipping past a troop carrier and out, past the flames of entry and far above the Capital Building.

The Hunt begins again.

Of course, he had suggested a bomb. He always did, and it was always worth considering. There wasn’t much a Jedi could do to stop a ball of antimatter annihilating above them, and most couldn’t see the future and get out of there. It helped that they rarely were discrete in their presence, thanks in no small part to their tendencies towards burlap.
Of course, the Commodore had refused, and for good reason. Eriadu was too easily swayed to risk losing that advantage with large-scale destruction, and the Capital Building was of too much strategic importance to destroy for the sake of a pair of Jedi. And so, here he was.

The small ship was on autopilot as it descended towards the massive Capital tower and there landing pads it held. All but one were empty, the last holding a squat geometric corvette, likely the Jedi vessel. Leopard keyed the console, sending the landing documents, claiming he was a representative from Seswenna here for some talks over trade minutiae, and directed the ship to land. A familiar clunk-hiss, and the cockpit opened, out from which he dropped to the pad, his heavy armor making a significant crash after falling only three or four meters. He had purposefully left the screaming engine running. On the other side of the pad, a trio of human bureaucrats eyed him nervously. One of them reached for a communicator, but Leopard didn’t give him the chance to speak into it. Leopard reached to his lower back, and removed something the size of a blaster carbine, angular and jutting, grey with a black cylinder at its front. He squeezed the trigger, and the suppressed slugthrower spewed a cascade of tiny metal projectiles, slicing through the two men and one woman accompanied by the familiar rapid clicks of suppressed small explosions, the comparatively large rounds travelling at subsonic, but sufficiently deadly, speeds.

The three officials dead, Leopard tossed the suppressed weapon back into the cockpit, and listened to the engine turn itself off, leaving the pad in familiar silence. A silence which did not last for long, interrupted a handful of seconds later by the blaring of klaxons. Leopard thought he had failed to stop the man, but a distant explosion and the faint sound of firefights to the south corrected him. The Stormtroopers must have begun their operations, seizing government buildings and military installations all over the city. Leopard had wished they had waited: he needed to engage the jedi before they left the building, and having seen the size of their craft he knew they wouldn’t fly to conflict zones. They would just run there with the help of the force. Grimacing slightly at having to change his plan, he thumbed his communicator, and directed his ship to open fire on the corvette. The dorsal laser cannon wasn’t much against combat ships, but a civilian transport with its shields down would be turned to mince, and after a dozen ear-splitting shots, the corvette detonated.

The Jedi would have heard that.

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