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    1. Zugzwang 9 yrs ago


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Hype thrusters at maximum, Captain. Two points to port, good times on the horizon. Estimate Time of Arrival: whenever the GM starts the IC.

Amolia Fairfax

A swordswoman from distant lands, learned in lore both ancient and modern. Quick to anger and full of jealousy, eager to mete out justice and win adulation. She never stops her peregrination; a rest for a day or a year always end in quiet exodus, seldom to return. The true joy of adventure is the journey, not the destination. She would have hers last forever; the destination is fit for nothing but scorn. Scorn, and disgust, and infinite fear.
<Snipped quote by Zugzwang>

Nah, lizards and fire are more Urban's thing.

I'm more a bird and fish man myself.

As long as the Lovecraft references are oblique, I'm happy.
I swear to god if it has a "Strange Organization of the Fire-Breathing Lizard" in it, I am going to be disappointed, @SepticGentleman
I think I've got apotheosis on the brain. It's the core premise of the book I'm totally going to finish and not drop after another 20k words, and now every time I want to think about some kooky shit for the continent my mind keeps jumping to "people/places/things that in some way relate to ascending to divinity.

I think more spooky monsters are needed.

I want to get off Mr. Bone's Wild Ride.
A tease for what might come from my parts of the Continent. Because free reign, and an excuse for bizarre world building, is essentially my fetish.


A city torn from time, stooped in fulminant solitude. Its promises ring true. They shall bind forever, and ever.


But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him. I beseech you brethren, by the mercies of god, that ye present your body, a living sacrifice. Holy, acceptable, which is thy reasonable service.


The deep-woods are the enemy to travellers, not anything within. Her roots contain whispers from the birth of the world, and her bosom nests children of all kinds, their cradles forever temporary.


The true joy of adventure is the journey, not the destination. She would have hers last forever; the destination is fit for nothing but scorn. Scorn, and disgust, and infinite fear.
I too am excited. Is there still room for me to join? I can promise little but the wild and wonderful.
I'd be happy with most of these, if you're still looking for people.
In --- 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
EDIT: Whoops, just realized I wouldn't be able to play an adult. Ignore this post.
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