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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pikmin Eye
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Pikmin Eye The Simple Distraction

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Martin Price

Alright then, it seems that greeting people was not the right way to start a conversation. Then again, would he just drop everything to say hi to a stranger? At least the headband boy responded, it wasn't much. but it's the thought that counts. Martin shifted the bag on to his other shoulder, guess he should pick a person by them self and just say hi. he looked around this odd group of people. black trench girl had her hood off and was talking to the girl in red. headband was with blue, and shady was with braids. looked like everyone already found someone to talk to. Martin didn't mind being left out right now. It was just greetings at the moment, and simply stating a name wasn't good enough.

He turned his gaze to look for someone not busy already, and he found an odd ball. Off in the distance, a man wearing a top hat, with a matching suit ready for a formal party. he was just staring at everyone here, man that is creepy. part of him wanted to confront this guy, but he wasn't doing anything wrong. Martin gave a sigh, you can't force people to like others. So he just found an empty seat and sat down to wait. He ended up mumbling some words out loud to himself. "Some way to start a journey..."

He put his bag on the ground to pull out a small pack of playing cards. He lined up the cards and played a game of Solitaire while he waited. It was boring, but at least it was better than idly standing around. He was never good at this game, and still yet to finish it. Still, maybe today was the day he would win. Besides, maybe he scared them off by being so direct.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dawkin Trustram

It seemed the groups were starting to form, nearly everyone was talking now- save for a blond haired boy in a cap and scruffy looking clothes. Dawkin sighed internally. He could tell from the downcast gaze, the sigh, and the half-hearted interest in the cards that he'd pulled out, that the kid wanted to talk with everyone else but felt he couldn't. Jeff did the same thing all the time. Dawkin walked over and sat on the ground in front of him. "Games are a lot more fun when you have someone to play with. Ever played War before?" Dawkin asked cheerily. Not that ignoring the kid and letting him play by himself wouldn't have been easier, but Dawkin would've felt bad, plus standing around wasn't very entertaining anyway. I'm Dawkin by the way, I hope I'm not intruding on your game." He said in a friendly tone with a good natured grin, something he'd been practicing for a long time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Donna Riverwell

The red haired girl was being there for a while now, leaning against the wall of the building. Sun was already up and warmed her nicely, maybe too much. Stretching her head against the wall, she closed her eyes for a moment and enjoyed the sunshine. She was on her thought, thinking about the upcoming journal, what her first pokemon could be, what kind of pokemons she could meet on her trip and what kind of persons the other trainers could be, could she made friends, maybe a boyfriend...she opened her eyes and shook her head, slightly blushing 'What I am thinking about? This is pokemon trip...' she thought, face palming herself.

The nearby forest was rustling noisely, which attracted her attention. Next to a tree was standing a strangely dressed man, with long Silver hair and big hat '...is that some clown who is excaped to a circus' she thought herself, trying to figure out, what was he doing there.

Sighing she tryed to forget this odd man, for now 'Maybe he is some kind of a pokemon and trainer researchers' she thought, broke away from the wall and walked a little ahead. Far enought to noticing the other waiting trainers '...wait what? Where they come from, this many?' she thought confused, glancing around the boys and girls '...I see I was waiting at the back door, this much to be the front door' she thought,squeeze her head embarrassed 'I am an idiot' she sighed, walking closer to the closed front door, glancing at the others, if there should be some familiar faces, but so far she didn't see any.

Walking forward without looking where she was going. She crashed into something "Oh! I am sorry" she said taiking few steps away, before turning at the boy with blond hair (Martin).

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reiji took the comment then looked down the long stretch of road he had just ran but before he could reply the red head was off in her own world talking to some of the others. No big deal, I'll find someone else to chit chat with he thought as he turned to face the rest of seeing what looked like the start of a card game. The game seemed like a fun idea so he decided to walk over but something caught his eye. A man in a silver suit, he wasn't really doing anything nefarious but he was still just creepy as he stood there staring at the group of kids.
"Hey creepazoid in the suit!" he began, acting on impulse as he often did. "Any particular reason you're staring at a group of kids!" he shouted to the man as he sat and stared. Reiji was trying to meet the mans eyes so he could try and figure out what he wanted from them all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pikmin Eye
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Pikmin Eye The Simple Distraction

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Martin Price

Martin set up the cards and was playing a game when a voice snapped him out of his concentration in finding where the 8 of hearts could go. He looked back up, there was a kid with red hair and green eyes looking at him. "A game of war? Sounds like fun. Nice to meet you Dawkin. If you didn't hear earlier, my name is Martin. You aren't intruding, Solitaire is meant to be played when you have time to kill, it can be quit at any time. Are you excited to be getting a Pokemon as well?" He picked back up his card layout, not like he was gonna win at this anyways. He reshuffled the deck and dealt the cards out, a pack of cards always was a pretty good icebreaker.

He dealt out the first hand when a girl with red hair and a pink hoodie crashed into something and was apologizing. Martin looked up from his game and smiled at the new girl. "No need to say sorry, accidents happen. Care to join us for a card game? It's better than standing around, and a lot more fun. My name is Martin, what's yours? He was still playing his game of war while he spoke, a 1 of diamonds... Oh well, maybe he'll win the next round. War is not always straightforward, even the best plans can lose to random luck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The guy was just standing there inspecting, when suddenly he’s being called by someone. The man blinked a little, hearing sound-waves directed at him indicating speech, and he turned to look at the source. A… young and fierce-looking boy, quite in-line for how he’d himself imagine a new Pokémon Trainer should look, with suitable quirkiness. Of course that would be the kind which called out to an odd stranger. He chuckled at the amusing typicality. Only polite to respond that, isn’t it?

‘Do not worry, young hopeful.’ He replied. ‘I have business in the lab. It is not the same business as yours, but it does leave me waiting all the same. As for watching young hopefuls, it’s simply a nostalgic thing for an adult to watch children getting ready for their fateful journey. Can you blame me? As someone who only comes by Pureplain City rarely and with all that's been going on, it’s a refreshing sight. Fu-fu.’ He chuckled, confident he had given reasonable enough an excuse for his presence here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abigail glanced over at the strange kid-watcher guy again. Maybe he was one of those team Virtue guys? She wasn't sure whether that was better or worse than her original suspicions. At least he didn't seem to be kidnapping anyone or anything. Shrugging, she turned back to reply to... what was his name again? It definitely started with an L, she remembered that much, but... Wow, maybe she really was scatterbrained. You learned something new every day.

Anyways, she didn't want to be rude and ignore his question or anything. So, she decided it was best to answer him anyway, and besides that, it was a chance to talk about pokemon! Why wouldn't she want to? After all, if she didn't like pokemon then why else would she have even applied for the pokedex? Her eyes were shining as she spoke to Lucian. "I dunno. I really like electric-types, though. They're so cool and fast and tough and exciting and..." This went on for roughly a full minute before she needed to breathe.

Seeing as she didn't actually remember his name properly, Abigail went for the next best thing - making something up and pretending she just liked nicknames. It had worked for her before! Not well, but there was only so much you could ask for, right? "I'll take pretty much any Pokemon, though. As long as it can keep up with me, you know? So, how about you, uh... Lucky? What kind of pokemon are you hoping for?" Yeah, that worked. She looked cheerfully up at 'Lucky', and asked a second question. "And what do you think's keeping the professor for so long?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Donna Riverwell

She taked few steps back to the boy, silently. She wasen't very good to talking with strangers, so she was little bit of shy at this kind of situations. Taking a deep breath she smilled at the boy "...I am Donna" she answered turning to look at the other red haired boy next to Martin. Moment of silentness she looked at the card game he was playing at "I guess you like to play solitaire" she said after realizing what kind of game it was. She wasen't good at playing card games and knowed only the most common games "No, sorry I am not good to card games, so I will pass this one" she said.

As she was waiting for the answer, she noticed that one of the trainers was gone to talk with that weird hatter man 'What's his problem is...'she thought sighing, before glancing at the labs front door this time 'And were is the Professor? Did we all come there, maybe a wrong day?' she thinked feeling kind of annoyed at the moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pyromaniacwolf
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Pyromaniacwolf Edgy Character Maker

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Lucian chuckled at the nickname Abigail had made up it does suit , considering my families business. But she has no idea about any of that ,so put it down to...chance? Lucian put it down to that. "Personally I'm hoping the professor gifts me a dark type, or a poison type. I've had a fondness of them since I was a toddler because my father owns an umbreon and my mother has a seviper." He explained , revelling in memories of battling other children around the casino with his fathers, rather powerful, umbreon. For cash, of course.

Lucian stopped to think about the girl's second question why is she late? Is she still preparing? Probably, I'm sure she has to have done a lot in advanced before we arrive he reasoned before putting his thoughts into words "I suppose she must be doing some last minute preparation, you know, setting out the pokedexes and pokemon in a sensible fashion, probably things like that" Lucian reasoned. This was most likely the case, after all, the professor was a professional when it came to pokemon so she should play the part!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 1 day ago

❄Erika Olson❄


Erika waited patiently for the strange looking girl to respond and she continued to wait without disturbing the awkwardly long silence that followed. The girl's leer put Erika on edge as she was seemingly stuck in limbo. Clearly this had been a mistake as the other girl's face displayed something akin to being annoyed. While Erika looked like cool and collected, her mind raced as she desperately wanted free of this horrible stare-off. After some time, the girl finally looked away, sighing as she did so.

Erika was just about to return, making sure never to make this mistake again until she heard the girl speak up at last. "Oh... uh. I'm sorry..?" Erika meekly spoke, not really meaning her apology but saying it anyway. Then Erika's ears twitched with despair as she heard the rap on the wooden bench followed by the command to join her newfound 'friend'.

"Oh... O-okay!" Erika tried to feign some excitement but it came out sounding like she was a little bit nervous. In truth, she didn't want to talk with this girl for awhile but felt obliged to obey her command, lest she be cursed or something by this witch-looking girl. Erika stepped away from her physical barrier, Claire, and took a seat next to this witch-looking girl. It couldn't be helped but Erika did look pretty timid sitting there.

Erika swallowed a lump in her throat as if a wrong answer would impact her life. "I'm Erika!", so far so good, "And yes! I just got here from Cooldome this morning." Claire added feeling a bit more confident as she still wasn't hexed. Things might appear to be going smoothly but that's when Claire joined in, making particular mention to the outfit Ren was wearing. Erika's eyes went wide as she feared the worse. Erika's fear was just enough to distract her from hollering about the man watching them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pikmin Eye
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Pikmin Eye The Simple Distraction

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Martin Price

"Well, Donna. It is nice to meet you as well. We were just passing the time with a card game or two. You can suggest a game if you want. I know most card games rules. You might even win a couple rounds." Martin's luck bad today, 2s, 5s, and a rare 10 of diamonds. "Good game Dawkin, are you fine with changing games to include Donna here?" He looked back at Donna again, "I mean, if you still wanted to join. No pressure, just trying to include others if they want to." She looked nervous, and pushing the game on her would be just as bad as telling her no. So the best he could come up with was leaving an open invite.

Still, looks like that creepy guy was being talked to. He couldn't hear much from where he was, but there wasn't a reason good enough in his eyes for just staring at everyone here like a zoo exhibit. Martin shook his head, no need to get that upset over this. The creepy guy wasn't starting a fight, or directly doing anything wrong, just continuing to stare. Other people were in conversations, speeches talking over each other, so no use figuring out who was saying what. Still, Martin had the same thought everyone else had, where was this doctor? If he was the only one here, he might have guess it was the wrong day, or even wrong location. No way this many people all talking about Pokemon could also have the wrong info. He was getting a bit jumpy, was this just a hoax? A joke set up by people around here to laugh at the dumb trainers for trying this. No, another wild accusation dancing in his mind.

Guess it's just last second doubts before it all happened. Those nagging thoughts of what ifs and other distractions. No, he was here for a reason, just like everyone else. He realized he lost concentration and was trying to use a joker as his card for the game of War. Martin was pretty sure he took those out, so he is really not thinking straight. "Ha ha, how did that get in there? Guess you win this round as well. I got to take the deck and make sure I remove those joker cards. You can join if you still want, Donna." He smiled at her, then went through the deck to find the jokers. Now would be a good time to join in or refuse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ren kept unnaturally still as Erika took a seat beside her. She didn't want to be in the company of another person, but she had a feeling this girl might not want to leave her be, either. Then again, they were all going to be getting their Pokemon soon. At the very least she could speak to one of the trainers present. She had a feeling she'd end up possibly meeting them on their travels, and in that regard, it was useful to be able to put names to faces in case there was need for favours.

"I'm Erika! And yes! I just got here from Cooldome this morning."

Her gaze was focused solely on Erika, or at least that's what her eyes said. She'd connected the name to the face. Unmoving. Unwavering. Just staring, and listening intently, as though her life depended on it. Rather ominous, but to her it was just how she could speak to others. Multiple conversations at once gave her a headache.

"Hey, Ren! The names Claire! And can I just say that you look fabulous? In a 'I'm a spooky scary ghost' sort of way?"

Speaking of headaches...

Workout Girl had made her presence obnoxiously known. Although she had introduced herself as Claire, she would forever be known as Workout Girl, unless Ren was feeling especially nice. "Oh, it's you." Her gaze shifted from Erika to Claire, emerald green eyes now focusing solely on the red-haired fashionista. Her tone wasn't exactly the friendliest, even if it was unintentional. "If I may be so bold, interrupting a conversation between two people is rather mean-spirited, is it not?" Though her question was rhetorical, she insisted on proving her point before Claire could interject. "I am a foreigner, so I'm not exactly perfect when it comes to exchanging conversations between multiple people. That being said, I am Ren. I will do my best to make the conversation work."

Her gaze returns to Erika. "I have never heard of Cooldome City, since I haven't ventured the region nor learned much of it's history, as I stem from Offshore Island. I wouldn't suppose it houses many ice type Pokemon?" She asks, her attention then swiftly diverting to Claire. "And you, Miss Claire? I don't suppose you live around here, either...? Which Pokemon do you seek for your journey?"

This was going to be a looooooooooooong conversation...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reiji eyed the man still but continued on having forgotten all about the card game to take a seat near the door. That guy is just rubbing me the wrong way. He thought as he looked around at the group of people. There were a good number of them now and most of them were having a conversation or interacting with one another in some way shape or form. which made Reiji smile he loved seeing people getting along even if it didn't always happen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Claire Blackwood~

Mean...spirited? Claire was taken a little aback by that comment. She simply stared at Ren for a few seconds in silence. What the hell was this girls problem? She could understand not being all that good at talking with people, but mean spirited? That comment was completely out of left field. Also what was with that tone? That was...was this girl seriously just trying to piss her off? Because she was succeeding. Granted, she wasn't exactly the hardest sort to make somewhat annoyed, but this girl was being completely antagonistic for no reason. She almost wanted to smack some sense into this girl, and no, that was not just a figure of speech.

However, maybe she was just tired/grumpy from the long trip? Moving wasn't fun. She had spent the last week almost doing just that - so she could sympathize. Besides, causing a scene here just might not be the best way to show the professor she was ready for a pokemon. So she'd be the better person here and for now, at least, decide not to say anything. Losing her cool now would be uncool, man.

"Uh...yeah," Claire began slowly, though her tone of voice indicated slight annoyance despite her best attempts for it not too. "I'm actually from Kalos. Lumiose city! I just moved here last week, so not from around here." She gave Ren a bright smile, trying to at least appear somewhat friendly, though she was likely failing somewhat. "And I'll take whatever pokemon looks absolutely fabulous. I don't really have any that I really want." Claire leaned back in her seat, shrugging still giving Ren a small smile. "I do wanna see if there's any cool grass, poison, or maybe even a ghost type in the Infested Woods on Route Two though, so I'm gonna head there first."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Donna Riverwell

She looked at the boy, little unsure what she could do. Giving a quick look around she thinked that the proffessor wasen't coming maybe too soon so, maybe joining in to the game wasen't a bad idea. Well at last she did have something do to "Álright, Maybe I can try... I really don't know much about card games, except Memory game, I loved it as a kid" she said little smile on her face, but get then serious. She usual didn't speak others about herself, especially a starngers she just meet. She felt a little stupid, and changed the subject back to this game "..So what is this game about? What I much to do?" she asked shyly, glancing at ground where the card was, trying to figure out something about the rules.

Taking her pink hoodie off, and installed it on the grass next to the two boys, but not too close. Then she sat on it and put the bag next to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkins nodded, "I think it's safe to say anyone here is rather excited about getting a Pokemon." With that he waited for Martin to finish setting up the cards, then raised a skeptical eyebrow when a clutsy girl somehow managed to run into Martin, thankfully not starting a game of 52 card pickup. Dawkin introduced himself as well and then addressed Martin's question. "Hello, I'm Dawkin. Luckily War is as good with three as it is with two." Dawkin said just as Martin pulled a joker. Dawkin had not believed it was possible to be bad at War as it was luck based, but Martin seemed to be proving him wrong.

"Here let me help with that while I explain the rules." Dawkin said as he took part of the stack and quickly pursued it for jokers, removing those he found. "We split the deck into 3 equal parts then we each play the top card of our deck the person with the highest number wins and takes the other cards. The objective is to get all the cards. If cards with equal value are played then a war occurs everyone in the war, places three cards face down and one card face up then the highest number takes all the cards or another War happens. Also Aces are the best and suites don't matter, ready to play?" Dawkin asked he offered his joker free pile to Martin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The door is suddenly thrust open. The doorway of the extremely silent lab flies open, a figure standing with an arm stretched as she had just forcefully pushed the door open. There may have been some sense of urgency in the move, and an assistant that ran behind quickly moving some last-second preparation that, just as intended, none of you saw what it was.

In the doorway stands... Professor Kalmia, her hair wet from having showered but completely failed to dry it completely and her lab-coat is hanging onto her body with a bunch of wrinkles that make it clear she had no time to iron it. Yet her face is filled with excitement for the event that is coming to pass.

'Good morning, trainers! Nice day for a wait, eh!?' She grinned happily, referencing in all haste that she's acknowledging to be somewhat late.

'For those who don't know me, I am Professor Kalmia! I am a Pokémon Professor of Isson, and me along with you all have been hand-picked through a multitude of different means-' That are more or less just Kalmia picking whoever she felt for as long as they had any reason at all to pick the person in question. '-to complete the Pokédex for the Isson Region, a mission given to us by the legendary Professor Oak himself!' She looked pretty enthusiastic about that fact.

'However, no more waiting! We have Pokémon to capture, awards to win and a Pokémon League to dominate! Now-' Her eyes suddenly fell on the tenth individual who had arrived here. Onto the man with the top-hat. Kalmia suddenly physically flinched backwards like a scared rabbit, turning her body and lifting her arms as if in self-defence.

'J-Jacques!?' She exclaimed in disbelief. The man, who apparently was called Jacques, took his hat off his silver-haired head and gave a little bow.

'Professor Kalmia. It is very nice to see you again. Fu-fu...' He made his odd laugh as he said his greeting in an oddly sinister tone before standing straight again.

'Eh... ah...' Kalmia blinked at him a bit, glanced around at the kids present who wouldn't know who this man was, before taking a deep breath, standing straight calmly and without her usual smile, looking towards him politely.

'It is nice to see you again, too. Say, for what do we owe the honour of an Elite Four to visit us?' Kalmia asked the man, putting extra emphasis on the title. … As you may know, the Elite Four are a group of four individuals just below the Champion, and they need to be defeated in order for a trainer to get the privilege to challenge said Champion. And, for some reason, here stood one.

'This is a matter which the Pokémon League has interest in as well. I'm just here to watch, as an official observer. I trust there are no issues?' Jacques informed and then asked, looking at Kalmia with confidence. Kalmia stared at him with a slightly raised eyebrow... and then smiled again.

'Nah, that's no problem. You can watch if that suits your fancy suit!' She told, happily grinning, her words quite clearly being made up on the spot as she formed sentences to speak.

'You're most kind, Professor.' Jacques bowed once again, before putting his hat back onto his head and smiled sinisterly. His eyes trailed over the young hopefuls, to see if the revelation of his title had any impact on the younger crowd. 'Fu-fu.' He chuckled a little.


'NOW, no more waiting! Lesse, is everyone here?' Kalmia looked around at the people present. 'Yes, you are! Now, come on in!' She said happily, spinning around to enter.

The lab itself contained a combination of bookshelves and machines with little room in between to walk on. She shelves were stationed so they stood in a circle in the rectangular room, not taking advantage of the corners as it could. Fortunately, the space in the middle was pretty large, which was lucky because there were multiple what appeared to be computer-servers standing filling 40% of it on an angle to the back and right, big blocks of computer-hardware, and it was all coupled to a laptop sitting on Kalmia's desk, which stood right in front of it.

Said desk had, except for the laptop, also numerous papers, several opened letters, binders with research-labels and such. It appeared she spent most of her time there. There were also two other machines. Another big platform which had small spots where to place six Pokéballs, and it would appear it was actually a healing-station like that found in a Pokémon Center. Also, there was a more item, a large cylinder with a glass middle with a hatch in it, seemingly made to place something moderately large within it. There was nothing that revealed the purpose of it.

Despite how everything was at an angle, there appeared to be some logic to it. Kalmia knew exactly where everything was, and the part where there wasn't any machines was decently manoeuvrable. In the back there was a front-door, and on the right there was a door to the side-house where one could assume Kalmia lived. In front of that door, blinking a bit in realization at that people were coming in, was Kalmia's assistant. Realizing she had to look good the girl spun around, straightened her back and poked her glasses, staring in focus at the newcomers.

Jacques, entering after the rest of you, calmly walked in and placed himself watching from right next to Vivia with a light smile and an inspector's gaze, mildly freaking the glassed girl out and making her flinch away towards a nearby bookshelf with a distressed expression...

And at a separate bench on the left, there were numerous red machines stacked, along with numerous prepared Pokéballs. For seemingly no specific intelligent reason, there was also a Slowpoke standing on the left edge of the table, pink on four legs, tail in the winds, staring into nothingness. Kalmia went right over to the tables, not giving any indication of noticing the Pokémon.

'Alright, everyone come in, and listen up.' She put her hands on her hips and spun around to the audience. Her smile was excited, and she was eager to get started.

'These Pokéballs contain the Pokémon which you'll be starting your journey with. In order to ensure fairness, I have picked out your first Pokémon for you. That should prevent anyone who came first from picking one another wanted.' Kalmia nodded, pleased with herself. … So the only danger was that maybe she picked one for someone that another wanted, but eh, that'd always potentially happen.

'Along with that, I'll also give each of you a Pokédex, which I'll describe all about, but...' Kalmia rolled her eyes and grinned. '… I figure I've kept you waiting long enough! You're getting your Pokémon FIRST! Now, who's first?' Kalmia asked, grinning to the crowd.

<And now, to save time, here's a little text-thing about receiving your Pokémon, in the order which the characters are in the Characters tab>






@Pink Madness



@Pikmin Eye

The Pokédexes you're all receiving look like this. It has a touch-screen to enable quick usage, and it is that touch-screen that is displaying the information and the virtual keyboard. There are buttons for those who don't want to use touch-screen, that left thing is part-joystick, we'll say, even though it's clearly something else. The nickname needs to be registered to the database, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Claire Blackwood~


The start of something beautiful!

As the doors to the lab finally opened, Claire's head turned from Ren to Kalmia. Nice day for a wait? Pfft, no day was a nice day for a wait. Keeping people waiting was just bad manners. That said, she was too excited thinking about finally getting a pokemon to particularly care. Blah blah something about a pokedex, blah blah, professor oak, blah blah Isson region. Really, it was probably rude to ignore her in such a fashion, but Claire was like a kid in a candy store. She could barely contain her excitement at the moment. However, she was not so out of it that she didn't hear the position of the man in the fancy suit was.

Part of the Elite Four? Claire's head swiftly turned to look at the man in his fancy suit. Well, obviously someone with such a good sense of fashion couldn't be a bad guy, but part of the Elite Four? Now that was something she hadn't expected. What was one of them doing here? Not that it mattered, though she almost wanted to challenge the guy to a battle...as completely foolish as that would be since she'd probably get her fabulous butt whopped hard.

Either way, waiting time was over.

Without waiting for Ren to reply, Claire bolted in. The lab looked...well, like her room did after she spent an hour deciding what to wear if she was going out somewhere. A complete mess then. Several machines Claire didn't recognize hummed with power, doing some sort of...sciency stuff. She was somewhat curious as to what they did, but she was too focused on her objective at the moment to give them more than a passing thought at the moment. She did take note of Jaques entering behind them, though. Everyone seemed to be a little put off by the guy - Kalmia and her Assistant here included.


Claire walked up to the desk with the pokeballs where Kalmia was. Right, a pokedex. She mentioned something about that earlier. She couldn't say she was completely behind the idea of completing it. Aside from being a lot of work, she just wasn't really the sciencey type, and such a task was better left to someone who actually wanted to accomplish it. Her goals lied somewhere else - The pokemon League. Well, whatever - she'd complete it as she went along and use it, but it wouldn't be her priority. Besides, she was too focused on the pokeball being handed to her at the moment.

'Feel free to knock the entire region off their seats~!'

"Haha, oh trust me! Isson won't know what hit 'em! I'll put on a show that'll dazzle 'em dead!~" She grinned brightly, accepting the pokedex and pokeball from the professor. "Thanks professor!" That was all that she needed to say, though. After that, she took a few steps to the side, letting whoever was next in line get their pokemon. She looked at the pokedex briefly, wanting to get that out of the way before spending the rest of the day with her adorable new Ralts.

- You've obtained Ralts! -

Pokédex Entry #280 – Ralts, the Feeling Pokémon. The horn on its head can sense emotions, and its own mood will be affected in turn. It will approach positive emotion and its body will warm, while it will shy away from and avoid negativity and hostility. Quite rare to see in nature.

- Would you like to give Ralts a nickname? -

It could sense emotions? Well that was cool. Well, she was a bundle of positive fabulous energy so she shouldn't have any problems getting along with Ralts. More importantly that nickname. She needed an adorable and fabulous name to go with her, but what exactly should that be?...hmm. After a few seconds of thinking, she came up with one quickly deciding that it was the best name for her little Ralts. Now it was time to greet the little pokemon. She pressed the button on the pokeball, the small pokemon appearing at her feet in a flash of red light.

"R-ral...?" The small pokemon seemed somewhat confused at suddenly being released, looking around somewhat confusedly before focusing on the human girl in front of it as she knelt down, giving it a bright grin.

"Aren't you just adorable!~" Claire almost squealed. "Hey hey, the pokedex says you can sense emotions, right? So, what am I feeling right now?" Ralia, the newly named Ralts stared up at the redheaded human for a moment...before breaking out into a little dance. The foot tall pokemon twirled around on its little foot before placing a small hand over its eye, posing in a somewhat dramatic fashion, extending an arm outwards. Claire simply looked down at the pokemon, blinking in surprise.

"That was...almost scarily accurate." Claire laughed, quickly picking up the little pokemon in her arms, hugging the small pokemon with Ralia laughing along with her new trainer and returning it. The pokedex wasn't lying again either, Ralia was quite warm. Claire almost broke out into dance right there with the small pokemon, but there wasn't exactly enough room to move about so she'd refrain for now. Plenty of time for dancing fabulously later.

She wondered what everyone else was up too, or what pokemon they got? She stood, Ralia sitting in her arms as it kicked its legs back and forth, looking at the other trainers present, giving each of them a once over, likely checking their general disposition in the same way it had just done with Claire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Reiji's attention was suddenly grabbed when the door to the lab and the Professor stood before them. Yeah such a great day to wait I guess. he thought to himself before hearing the news about the creepazoid across the road. Great mouthing off to a member of the Elite Four way to go Reiji he added to his train of thought as he walked into the lab. The lab was unlike anything he had ever seen but in the coolest way all the tech and machinery made the place look nearly futuristic. After a short while and the others getting their Pokemon Reiji heard his name and stepped forward receiving his PokeDex and a PokeBall. After stepping back from the professor Reiji opened the PokeBall and out popped a Pokemon he was all to familiar with. The small blue and black dog like creature looked up at him grinning mischievously as the PokeDex registered him.

Pokédex Entry #447 – Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon. It can see the emotions of others in the form of their “auras”, and can also alert others using its own aura when feeling strong emotions. While small, Riolu is really strong. While sensitive to it, Riolu cannot effectively utilize aura.

- Would you like to give Riolu a nickname? -

Reiji listened to the voice of the PokeDex in his hand and looked down only to click no.
"No need to give you a nickname you seem to be perfect the way you are" he said smiling a the little Pokemon before looking up to Professor Kalmia. "Thank you so much professor Riolu is perfect." he said grinning as he and Riolu walked back to where the others were standing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pikmin Eye
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Pikmin Eye The Simple Distraction

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Martin Price

The game of War with Dawkin and Donna was a bit rocky at first. Still, they managed to get a few games in. Then the lab door finally opened up to show a scientist who obviously forgot that she was supposed to be here. This was some way to make a first impression, not like anyone can be perfect every day. She apologized and introduced the strange man. Turns out creepy guy was one of the Elite Four. Martin ended up giving a small tsk sound. Guess it doesn't matter what kind of person you are, so long as you have power. It was almost like her saying Elite Four was supposed to be a magic wash on what was previously a creepy adult eyeing young trainers to be. Now he was a bit different, he was Creepy Elite Four guy. Even his name was a laugh to hear, Jacques. Still Martin had to suck it up, respect people for what they are.

It was a shame to have to put an end to an impromptu game of War, but he was here for the same reason as everyone else. Getting a new Pokemon. So, after thanking Dawkin and Donna for playing a few games, he packed up the stack of cards back in his backpack. He wasn't the first there, but Professor Kalmia said that everyone already had their Pokemon picked out in advance. Finished packing up, he flung his bag back on his shoulder and proceeded into the building. All manner of tech was in the area. It was a wonder to look at and it distracted Martin for a bit.

When he got up to Kalmia, she asked about his trip. "My trip was about four days of hiking through the area. At least I have a good idea of some of the paths. Still, would love a proper bed eventually. Finally getting here, I already feel this was worth the trip." He took the Pokeball and looked at the Pokedex. He got a Nincada, pretty awesome. This was a Pokemon known for changing types a lot through evolution. He called out his Pokemon before even looking at the prompt for a nickname. Seeing was a lot better than reading anyways.With a flash of red light, a small bug was called out. Nincada looked around, irritated by the light. It didn't look that bad, but the thing could probably use some help. Martin took his beanie off, and put it on the Pokemon. Nincada looked a bit happier, revealing Martin's hair was messy and not cared for in a bit. He crouched down low to look Nincada in the eyes as he spoke cheerfully. "Hey there little guy, you and me are gonna be a team now. Hope we get along well."

Martin looked at Nincada, does he need a name? Well, would Martin like running around being called Human? Probably not, but he didn't have a good name already picked out in advance. He didn't know what Pokemon he was going to get until now. His Pokedex was still asking for confirmation, so he shrugged and declined the nickname for now. If Nincada was going to have a name, it would be better to have one that made sense, rather than a name on the spot that might be regretted later. Martin took a look at the Pokedex entry.

Pokédex Entry #290 – Nincada, the Trainee Pokémon. It is usually found underground, using its antennae to sense its surroundings. It gains nourishment by tapping into the roots of trees with its claws as it await evolution. Nincadas are nearly blind, and avoid sunlight due to inability to withstand it.

That was a bit unnerving, but bugs don't always follow normal rules. Still, Nincada was one of the most out there so far. The other Pokemon in sight was a Riolu and a Ralts. Martin was jumpy with excitement. Still, it would be rude to run off this early. Perhaps he could try a fight with one of the people here before he started his travels on the routes again. He stepped to the side with the other trainers who had their Pokemon and waited for everyone to get theirs.
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