Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
3 mos ago
I like attention.
7 mos ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
7 mos ago
I lost.
7 mos ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

@Punished GN aye aye, cap'n
@Atrophy I absolutely adore Sloane and what you've done with her lux. I can't wait to play alongside your character, they're very unique and enjoyable to read! ^^
Alright, here we go! Created over the course of several over-nighters, so let's hope there's not too many errors in there..
I'm sure Ghost will be happy that there's no furry material inside.

@Punished GN Hit me with any thoughts, questions, or needed changes <3
Ripley Lennox

Mentions: Clarissa (@Crusader Lord) Location: Byjerlfal City Industrial District, Wailord's Rest Cafe

The interior of the cafe was.. homey. At least to Ripley. It had a decent collection of customers seated about, each discussing their own devices, hanging out, dining, etc. While Rip had never left Rivenwall before this very adventure, he might've expected little shops like this to be a bit.. different. Sure, it was different in that it was in a different city, and it was adjacent a different length of ocean, even - but the atmosphere wasn't so alien.

As his gaze shifted over to a nearby menu at the mention of food, he could feel his mouth start to water. Ripley had always been a fan of seafood. The sea was a menagerie of sorts for different tastes and experiences that Ripley thought one could never see the end of. And considering he was from the sea-side town of Rivenwall, he was one to have tasted more than a few different flavors the watery expanse had to offer. He'd never pass up the opportunity to try more. As they were led to their booth he ordered the same thing as his partner - today's special.

His face lit up at Beryl's offer to give them a discount, and he thanked her excitedly before she left, leaving her Wobbufett behind to keep them company. Rip took this as an opportunity to scan the Pokémon as well, storing its data in his pokedex. He slipped the device back into his jeans before he sat back in the booth and tucked the heel of his right sneaker just under his butt up on the seat as they waited for Beryl to return. He couldn't help but allow his gaze to explore the inside of the cafe as they sat. He took it all in - even the presence of Tuule - which was surely a surprise to him.

His face took on a brief look of surprise at sighting the Gym Leader of Rivenwall here, of all places. What a coincidence! He'd met Tuule maybe a couple times throughout Rivenwall - well, more saw than met, as he never really approached him. But still! A part of Rip's mind wanted to go bother the old guy, pester him about something. But another part of him wanted to bide his time. He had never been able to challenge the geezer, due to the fact that he had no battle experience, and no Pokémon to boot.. but something told him that he'd get his chance. Maybe soon - they'd just have to get stronger.

In any case, the smell of baking, frying, and otherwise cooking goods wafted into the area, causing Rip's mouth to water once more at the thought of a meal. "Geez, I'm more hungry than I thought - this place's gotta nice atmosphere, eh?" He pondered allowed, giving Clarissa a nudge with his left foot from across the booth.
I'll be marring this with my presence.
Ripley Lennox

Mentions: Clarissa (@Crusader Lord) Location: Byjerlfal City Industrial District

Now this was more like home. As Ripley and his psychic companion ventured after the flock of Murkrow, they happened to travel into what one would only assume was a more industrial section of Byjerlfal - and that it was. The scenery transformed as they moved onward, turning into something more similar to the busy, machinated hotspot that was Rip's hometown, Rivenwall.

Eventually, they drew to a stop as the path ahead became not-so-clear. Their target seemed to have evaded them, but there were options. A set of friendly-looking alleys lay before, but so too did a cafe. The Wailord's Rest - seemed cozy enough. Ripley's eyes were drawn to Sir Lopsalot as the small rabbit-Pokémon gestured down the alleyway towards what they could only assume was their quarry. Or something like it. Ripley peered down the alley, looking for any sign of what may be waiting for them, to little avail.

He proceeded to listen as Clarissa spoke. He himself wasn't too concerned about the safety of the alley - how bad could it really be? They had their partner Pokémon to help protect them, anyways! Either way though, Rip was more than content with deferring to whatever path Clarissa wanted to take first. Afterall, there was a big journey ahead of them, and the first city they came across was not likely to be the most exciting bit of it. Plus, once Clarissa was busy with her super-star friend, Ripley would have the run of the place to himself to do whatever he thought he missed.

"Hmmmn.." He hummed, shifting a hip to one side. "The cafe sounds good to me! Who better to ask than a local, I guess!" He replied as he started to step happily towards the front of the Wailord's Rest. "Maybe they have something interesting on the menu, too!" Zorua's eyes gleamed in delight at the mention of food as it scurried around the duo of trainers in excited circles.
Zeltzin Sandoval

Mentions: None Location: Road to The Old Black Manor

The notion of riding clown-car in Jen's van with the group of strangers she'd known for all of half-a-day was not an enticing one to Zeltzin. Unfortunately, the idea of her bike sliding off a bank and into some tarry-ass swamp-water, which would definitely fuck it up, was even less attractive. Begrudgingly, she had determined she'd rather leave her bike behind, waiting loyally for her in the Summit Motel parking lot.

As she sat in the furthest-back row of seats, the van cruising down the back-roads of the swamp, she determined her choice was both right and wrong. It seemed the weather had taken a swing for the worse, transitioning into a torrential downpour, which she would've been forced to endure unsheltered, had she taken her bike. The alternative was that she was instead forced to endure the stench of weed coming off one of her traveling companions - and she could only guess who it was. Mind you, she had done her share of recreational medicinals in the past - but weed was not one which she had grown fond of. Fortunately, she hadn't too much time to lament her decision - for the ride was pretty short, as promised.

Her gaze scanned their surroundings through the window as the van came to a halt, looking over the gate and the depths of swamp to either side. She started shifting around as they drew up to said gate, reaching back into the cargo space and retrieving the black canvas bag that concealed the hardware she'd brought along. Considering how calm the ride was through the swamp, it seemed a bit silly in hindsight to come as heavy as they had - but better safe than sorry, as cliché as it was. Either way, it was coming along.

The rain droned against the roof of the van as she checked what few things she had on her person, before reaching over and pulling open the door she was sitting up against. The shower immediately started to dampen her clothes as she started to step out, and it quickly became a drenching. Fortunately, Zeltzin's leather jacket kept her torso relatively dry, but her jeans were quickly wet-through, and her head was also swiftly soaked. Her heavy combat-boots - which she was fortunate to have worn here - dropped heavily into the mud as she hopped out and took a better look at the gate. Yep, no getting through that with what they'd brought along.

She rolled her eyes at the previous notion of them shooting through the lock - that sorta thing was movie bullshit, usually. And 'specially wouldn't work with a scattergun. A softer Zeltzin would've had a chuckle at the response elicited from Ophrenia though - she surely hadn't expected the irritated snapback from someone as chill as her. But she had other things on her mind at the moment.

She started to mess with her canvas bag for a moment before she drew across it in a long motion, pulling the zipper around its length to pull out the shotgun stored within. She was mindful to ensure she didn't flag any of her 'companions' with it as she ensured it was loaded and the safety was on, before she slung it over her back, barrel-down. She imagined there wouldn't be many people out in the swamp, so her wariness with wearing it bare on her back was gone. She tossed the bag back into the van before stepping away.

Her eyes once again fell upon the gate that laid before them. The talk of scaling it had her looking up its length skeptically, before she laid a hand on her thigh reflectively. It'd been a while since she'd scaled a fence - the last time she exerted herself over climbing something like this was when she booked a rock-climbing trip, of all things, when she was with Eleanor. She had a stubborn adventurousness to her back then, and would endure many things for her Eleanor, even if the other made a fuss about it. In truth, climbing something like this would've been significantly easier if someone were to help her up -- but she'd rather die, naturally.

She limped up to the gate and looked straight up before measuring in her head how much of a task it'd be. She took a bit of distance before she rushed forward and hopped up to grab the top of the fence. She threw her left leg up-and-over and started pulling herself up, before she began lifting her right leg too. The latter effort caused her body to shudder as she felt a sudden, sharp pain racking her body. For a moment, she faltered, her muscles twitching in protest as she vainly tried to hold back a loud howl of agony at the attempt.
"A-AHNgh-!" There was a moment where she paused in the pain, and it looked like she might let herself stall - but it itself was halted quickly as she drew her muscles back under her control and redoubled her efforts, managing to finally throw herself over the peak of the fence and fall to the other side.

She just managed to somehow land on her feet, even if her right leg gave way and she fell to one knee. She took an involuntary moment of pause as she felt the nerves in the right side of her body flare and tweak in pangs. She let out a frustrated grunt as she managed to stand up after a moment, her right leg quivering as she violently shrugged off any looks or attempts to ensure she was okay, should there be any.

In truth, the pain was near-blinding. Once she stood up, it took her a moment for her mind to find purchase on what she was doing before the sudden onslaught of physical torment. After a pause, her head managed to readjust itself to its surroundings as Zeltzin found herself standing in the downpour, her comrades in front and behind her. Fortunately for her, she was not the last of the group to scale the fence, and she'd at least have the reprieve of a minute or so as she waited for the rest of them to climb after her. In this meantime, Zeltzin would take the opportunity to dig a shaky hand into the inner pockets of her jacket, searching for something. She was quick to find a bottle and deposit a few pills into her hand, which she swallowed dry as she waited.

Once everybody was ready, Zeltzin followed. She took it upon herself to take position at the right-most side of the group as they moved down the muddy path towards the Black Manor. They walked for some time, led by Jen as her flashlight highlighted the countless raindrops that poured through the beam of its light. That was, until Lily came to an abrupt halt at the front. "... What. In. The. FUCK?" Zeltzin's hand was quick but smooth to reach down and grasp the barrel of her weapon, preparing to whip it up under her arm if they needed it.

Her eyes followed the beam of light that connected Lily's flashlight and the.. thing that sat in the swamp, silently, as if watching them. Her eyes landed on it and she felt a chill run through her flesh as she paused, her grip of the weapon on her back remaining as it was. The thing was.. unmoving. It was just.. there. It - whatever it was - was hard to make out. With the downpour came a misty depth-of-field as the rain spattered down into the putrid, stale water of the swamp around them. Whatever the shape was, it was weird, but.. Jen had the right idea. Ignoring whatever that weird effigy-looking thing was, it was better to keep moving.

Her readiness to pull her weapon eased as they continued walking once again. Although Zeltzin was far from the superstitious type, turning her back to such a thing made her feel.. uneasy. Where she'd normally have tossed a glance over her shoulder every-so-often, now she made sure to give their flank a scrutinous gaze pretty frequently as she continued limping along.

Akimitsu Academy is known amongst its peers as a young and flowering institution wholly devoted to the educational enrichment of all enrolled students. Hosting attendants between the ages of 16 to 18, the academy delivers the full experience of a three-year high-school term to its students - who are notably international in makeup. There is something special about Akimitsu, though. It is further known amongst its peers as a cultivator of many-a highly-talented Kendo students, several of whom graduate from the academy's dojo and advance to admired careers in the arts and traditions of Kendo.

This proclivity for producing quality Kendo practitioners has caused Akimitsu Academy to grow popular amongst parents and other benefactors who wish to send children or students to a school that could enhance their growth in the sport. However, the academy is one of great integrity and finds its enrollments untouched by the esteem of potential benefactors - instead, it views each student in their own light, and accepts those which it does with its own verdict. This has led more than a few competitive Kendo teams, backed by aforementioned denied benefactors, to develop a grudge against Akimitsu's teams.

And on Akimitsu Academy's Kendo team is where you find yourself. The academy actually has a few teams, comprised of the junior Kendokas, the intermediate Kendokas, and the advanced Kendokas - the latter two of which are incorporated into the academy's competition teams. You hold a place on one of Akimitsu's several competition-teams, and as such will be one of the intermediate-to-advanced Kendoka of 16 to 18 years-of-age - a student that displays significant skill in Kendo, but evenstill possesses their own notable flaws.


Yo! Here it be, your Kendo-Club SoL RP! So yeah, we gonna be a buncha goobers in a competitive Kendo team, attending school together, and whathaveyou. I've a few plans in terms of arcs for competitions and such whenever those happen, but overall its a lil malleable world for us to all work with centered around the school, so any arcs and ideas you got, throw em out there! For now I'll include some info on the school, but I'm not gonna make the initial thread post too thicc.

Akimitsu Academy POIs

Akimitsu Academy Staff


Your CS doesn't have to look like mine, but it must have the included sections in it. Style however you like!
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