Avatar of Cale Henituse


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
Everything smells like kerosene.
1 like


Hot takes.
  • Most Casual Roleplay threads are secretly Advanced. Not anyone's fault that Casual has 5× as many players in it.
  • Tables never look right on phones.
  • Your antisocial character is not antisocial enough.
  • Nullification and Future Sight abilities are boring, on an RP perspective at least. I do like Desir Arman and Cris Johnson though.
  • I wanted my username to be Andrias Cromwell but that's one letter too long.
  • I don't like RPs on preexisting universes (e.g. Pokémon RP, Sword Art Online RP). I like original universes.
Casual Roleplay threads I think you should join.
My own threads (onsite func when?)
Casual Roleplay:
  • Test Scenario work-in-progress. The idea is that it's the same dilemma tackled over and over, by different people, more optimally over time.
Test Forum:

Most Recent Posts

I'm just realizing right now that I'm not into RP of preexisting universes...
Maybe this thread will just be a list of overviews of completed scenarios.
Reserved, although I assume 150,000 characters are beyond enough for everything. This might be unused.
Herein lies... The current objective?
Herein lies... I'm not really sure yet.
Herein lies the current scenario settings, the participants, and their characters.

Mainly, this is a short but repeatable scenario that has hopefully many possible endings, and nearly unlimited freedom with your actions and character creations...
for aside from just winning, I believe it also matters how you win.

Honestly I'm just trying to steel my mettle as a GM.

I'll post somewhere if I've finally set everything up.
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