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    1. DisturbedSpec 6 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current So I'm pursuing a PhD in Philosophy (Ethics, specifically) and meanwhile I can't for the life of me make any quick choice when it comes to coffee. Am I fighting an uphill battle here?
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5 yrs ago
Hooray for upcoming surprise CT Scan! :/
6 yrs ago
Did someone say Disturbed?
6 yrs ago
"...You haven't changed at all, Snake."
6 yrs ago
Underwent cavity repair yesterday and woke up to blood pouring out of my nose and mouth at irregular intervals. Ain't life grand?


Heyo! Just your friendly neighborhood Disturbed Spec here. Avid Roleplay addict, writer, reader and gamer who owns for baby birds (because honestly why not?) I look forward to creating amazing memories with you all on this site! Cheers!

Most Recent Posts

VIT: 100%

LOC: Corpo Plaza Apartments - Room 16 > The Afterlife

INT: @Thayr

MNT: @Thayr (Rogue Amendiares)

As soon as she awoke the duffle bag was opened; its contents tenderly laid out on the outer spread of the bed as her eyes meticulously scrutinized each piece of hardware and its accompanying accessories: a custom built Ajax and Unity, both modified to accommodate their own optics and suppressors. Three loaded magazines for each weapon were laid out in a neat row underneath, approximately 90 and 32 rounds for the Ajax and Unity respectively. It wouldn't be hard to find a vendor to top up on ammo around here anyway. The frequency of crime in this city guaranteed no shortage of arms or ammo in circulation, either from corporate sales or the more commonly-sourced civilian markets, legal or otherwise. Jennifer stood up from her hunched posture over the bed, glancing over and out to the window overlooking the skyline just as a shrill whine emitted from a device on the kitchen countertop.

'Beep! Beep! Beep!'

She was halfway to the coffee machine before her display lit up with a call from Kaleb. She accepted the call, opening the cabinet door and retrieving a sterile white mug before placing it underneath the machine's catch. Vantablack liquid shot into the ceramic cup in a clean stream just as Kaleb spoke.

"Ever hear of the Peralezes?" Kaleb asked.

"Sure. Jefferson's the Mayor of Night City." Jennifer replied, reaching to bring the ornately engraved cup into her hands as she moved to sit in the luxury parlor. "What about him?"

"He was a law student with a full ride scholarship courtesy of NightCorp, marries his sweetheart and moves back to Night City to later become a Councilman. The incumbent Mayor at the time dies, and he campaigns in his place."

"Sounds typical."

"Right, but it gets weird. Some contact of Jefferson recommends he hire Secure Services Inc shortly after his mayoral campaign starts. SSI wasn't exactly well known, and still isn't to this day despite being founded in 2062. Point being that there are far more reliable security firms Jefferson could have hired, and didn't. A few weeks after he hires the firm, things start happening to him and his wife even the media couldn't hide on air. Changes in behavior, backpedals in policy pledges, irritability when confronted, the list goes on. It was almost as if he was wrestling with something inside his head he couldn't fully control, and his wife took the initiative to get help out of concern for his health. Some PI and their NCPD buddy detective enter the fray, the Peralezes fire SSI, and the rest is history." Kaleb paused, clearing his throat before continuing, "Except SSI is still in operation, and that NCPD detective did this off the books along with that investigator. Whatever they did prompted the Peralezes to fire SSI immediately, and those two left without a trace. Several months later Jefferson wins the election, seemingly symptom-free. Are we on the same page here?”

Jennifer took a ginger sip of the steaming coffee, swallowing as she made a musing guess. "NightCorp and SSI are in cahoots?"


"...So where exactly should I start?"

"Integrate yourself. Fixers, gigs, connections- whatever it takes to net your gain to get into NightCorp to gather what we want to know. Get on it."

"I'll start there, then." Jennifer replied, placing the steaming empty mug back onto the countertop.

"Looking forward to it. Kaleb out."

After the Holocall disconnected, Jennifer released a tense sigh as she made her way over to the bed and secured her weapons' attachments onto them; loading and chambering fresh rounds into each. She had to get in network first. Contracts, connections, then she could advance up the ladder. A Fixer would be a great place to start.

Stepping out of the apartment room, Jennifer made her way to the elevator and took the car down to the lobby. Desolate and no Xhao Ling in sight, she made her way through the scanner and out the door as the device blared in a tinny alarm. She would have to explain it later, no doubt. Jennifer took the right corner and activated the Holo; ignoring the strange glances and gawks from passerbys as she spoke curtly to the materialized holocard of Ray.

"Hello, Miss Huds-"

"Ray, could you spare a ride?"

A pause.

"Of course, Miss Hudson. Why the rushed tone?"

"Just somewhere I need to be, I'm sure you know how it is. We'll talk more when you get here."

"I will be there momentarily."

Minutes passed as Jennifer leaned up against the sleek graphite-hued shell of the hotel's exterior. Wisps of neon danced and swirled around her vision as the giant corporate signs flashed within her peripherals. The people-watching of people people-watching her was an inescapable cycle that subconsciously made her want to hide from prying eyes; serving as a constant reminder of the ill-fated operation that gave her such a distinct appearance. Shaking herself from further thoughts was a distinct three-tone horn that came from her left as the same driverless cab pulled up to the curb and opened its back passenger door. Jennifer stepped inside as the door closed, and the rendered butler greeted her at the viewscreen with a courteous bow. "Welcome back, Miss Hudson."


"Where would you like to go today? I hear Japantown has excellent Unagi." The butler chirped, the voice module struggling slightly with the Japanese pronunciation.

"Just a moment, Ray. Got some questions for you."

The car pulled off the curb, beginning to drive after the sound of honking horns had forced it to move. "Well then, I am listening."

"How's biz? I heard there was some similar autonomous taxi service that previously dominated this city, called Delamain. Are you doing well?"

The butler paused, clearly not expecting the hail of questions as the projection remained silent for far longer than she thought it would. Clearing its throat, the 3D model arched a brow as it spoke once more and gave a rather boilerplate response. "Since 2077 following Delamain's dissolution, the company Raymond Autonomous Transit has grown steadily in the following years as the premier autonomous taxi service. We have seen a tenfold surpass of Delamain's last annual growth in profits, though it has been three years since they went out of business. For your last inquiry, all systems are nominal in this car- if you are talking about me."

'Okay, time to try again.'

"Glad to hear you're doing well, Ray. Listen, would you know of any work? Fixers I could be connected with? I've got a job I need to do, but to do it I need to get in someone's good graces. Do you know any Fixers that have previously used your services I could get in contact with?"

The cab began driving around Night Ring; merging with and to the flow of traffic as it pondered further. "As I would have it, yes! There are three Fixers who have previously utilized my services. There's Rogue Amendiares of the Afterlife, Sebastian Ibarra or 'Padre', as he is known more commonly, and the rather mysterious Mister Hands. I assume you are familiar with, or have heard of them?" Ray asked, to which Jennifer shook her head in response. "I was born in DC. This is my first time here." The car hummed as it revved its engine, flipping its turnsigal to merge onto an exit as the Butler nodded. "Perhaps you may best be acquainted with the legendary Rogue. Shall I head to the Afterlife?"


The drive to the bar had been relatively smooth. There wasn't much to look at, save for the new introduction of Militech personnel and their various autonmous drones patrolling deeper into Watson. Militech were partially to blame for her state as well; having ordered a bombardment on an insurgent location her team had just infiltrated. Suppressing a scowl, she turned her attention back to Ray as the car pulled up to the curb. "Here we are!"

"Preem, thanks Ray."

"Just one moment. For your safety, I would advise leaving your weapons with me. They will be protected while I wait for your return. Is this acceptable?"

Jennifer shrugged as she brought her rifle over her head and lowered it into the adjacent seat, doing the same with her pistol. "Suits me fine, appreciate the concern." The butler clapped his hands together as her passenger side door opened. "Wonderful, Miss Hudson. I await your return. Good luck!" Stepping out of the cab, Jennifer waked toward the Afterlife nook as she descended the stairs and bladed her way through the patches of people loitering at the stairs and further into the building. Descending the stairs, Jennifer slowed her gait as she approached the titanic Animal. The giant's eyes narrowed as he silently held out a bear-sized hand at wrist length; stopping her a few inches back from the entrance. The man barely tilted his chin down at her as his eyes flicked over her extremities, finally he grumbled in the back of his throat. "Never seen chrome like yours before... what's your biz."

"Here to see Rogue." Jennifer responded, concealing her intimidated tone. The man's eyes illuminated a bright blue as he stifled a scoff.

"As everyone else is. Nobody bothers to come in for drinks much anymore. Get on, go on through." The hulk's eyes dimmed back to their original color as he stepped to the right and beckoned her inside, almost immediately signaled to accompany another massive brute as he grunted at her, turning on a pivot to head through the sea green illumination of the bar area as she followed behind. Through the dips and bobs of the man's shoulders, she could see the bright profile of a neon yellow cut-top jacket adorned by a woman with gray hair and matching eyes, tucked into a booth and surrounded by mountains of muscle. From the perpetually pissed expression she wore, Jennifer deduced that it would be rather wise to keep her conversation in brief.

VIT: 100%

LOC: NCX Terminal C

TOD: 23:17hrs



"Orbital Air welcomes you to NCX — Night City International and Translunar. Don't wait! Leave your earthly worries, ulcers, and tumors..."

The chirping feminine voice of the loudspeaker resonated through the dead empty gate of Terminal C, as the woman stepped through the jetway door and took in her first breath of the stale musk. Not even a second in and Kaleb Varsk was calling her on the Holo; his [REDACTED] light-blue ID card jumping up on the upper left side of her vision. She answered on the second ring, bracing herself for the harsh buzz of his vocoded voice.

"Report." Kaleb's voice growled.

"Arrived at Terminal Charlie. Place is a ghost town." Jennifer replied. Her own voice was soft spoken in contrast, dead and cold as the limbs which propelled her through the rows and rows of vacant rotted leather seats.

"Good. Exit at the right. A transport with your kit is waiting for you. Call me back once you're on the road." *ffzzswush*

The door to the outside of the terminal was merely a few meters away, sliding open with a soft hydraulic hiss. The air was notably better, yet now carried the sharp pungency of CHOOH-6A as tanker trucks pumped the stuff into the greedy bellies of waiting aircrafts. A quick glance to her left revealed an awaiting black taxi-like cab car, the trunk popped and illuminating her grey duffle in a faded orange-yellow interior light. As soon as she descended the stairs, the trunk slammed shut on its own as the the rear right passenger side door opened. Arching a brow, she climbed into the backseat and got herself buckled. She was able to spare a glance toward the driverless compartment as the car closed the open door, and turned itself on.

"Good evening, Miss Hudson." Came a posh British-European accented voice that rumbled through the cabin, seconds later materializing on the viewscreen on the back of the passenger seat. A torso-cropped male figure with warm amber eyes and slicked back black hair, dressed in a matching black butler's coat met her gaze. "I am a Raymond Autonomous Transport commercial shuttle. Your expenses for this visit have been graciously covered under our Onyx plan. Are you ready to proceed to your apartment?"

"Sure. Thank you.."



The car shifted into drive and lurched forward as it slowly turned to plot its course onto the exit. As soon as its wheels hit the pavement, Jennifer got back on the holo and shot a call over to Kaleb.


"On the road." Jennifer said, her gaze out the window of the car as she watched the scene of industrial plants, slow-moving blimps, and the rolling Badlands tundra pass her by.

"Excellent." Kaleb rasped a breath in, and continued on. "Given the nature and duration of your assignment, you have been provided with an apartment in the 'Corpo Plaza'. Your first task is to collect and compile any information you can on NightCorp that we do not already know. Leads, insights, floorplans, blueprints, anything you can and upload it to the terminal within the apartment. Then you will infiltrate the building how ever you can manage. Any accomplices you find to assist you will not know your identity, not must. You are a ghost. Beyond what we have provided you, you are alone. Should you come under serious injury and attempt exfil, we will not come for you and any involvement will be summarily dismissed and denied. Do I make myself clear, Jennifer?"

"Crystal. I understand completely."

Kaleb's tone softened, though his voice proved somehow more haunting with the added benevolence. "We are counting on you to see just what NightCorp is. We believe it is not an organization merely dedicated to NightCity's wellbeing- not anymore. Richard Night died in '98. His widow remade Night Industries into Night Foundation, which later became Night Corporation. Miriam steps down from CEO with her status still unknown to this day. Which begs the questions, who's running the company now? How many does it employ? Are they really the social welfare heroes keeping Night City aloft all this time? On one dead man's vision?"

The cab reached the exit, swerving left to turn off of Morrow Rock and onto the Interstate toward Night City; seamlessly merging into traffic and swiftly positioning to evade the worst of Night City's civilian drivers miles behind them. Kaleb continued on. "Arasaka may have pulled out of Night City, but Militech was all too eager to fill the void. You're in Free State territory, and there's no telling how they'll act, if they'll remember you on our previous op at all. Just be cautious. You're here for NightCorp, not them."

"-If I may, Sir.." Jennifer asked, able to find her break in the conversation.

"Go ahead."

"Why NightCorp?"

"Where else is NightCorp?" Kaleb countered. "Orbital Air, Arasaka, Biotechnica, Zetatech, Militech, Petrochem- every single one of these corporations, either founded in the Free States or within the NUS, sought to spread internationally or at the very least domestically across the country. You could say NightCorp, being solely for the sake of Richard Night's city, remained the way it did. Yet in this world? Everyone has to have a stake in something for their own gain or else there's nowhere to go. The fact that NightCorp is continuing to operate in such a contentious market not only with the means to sustain itself but without having to depend much at all on other organizations for its funding, is bizarre. Social welfare programs, wage standardization, education opportunities- all within the Worst Place to Live in America? You'd be hard pressed to see they're fighting a losing war, but they're not. They're thriving when they shouldn't be. That's what makes this so interesting to us."

Jennifer nodded to herself, looking down at her hand as she pivoted it around her wrist. Internal debate could wait for later. "I see why. I won't let you down, Kaleb."

"You won't. All goes well, you'll be back in Langley within the week. Your efforts will not go unrewarded. Good luck." The holo ended, leaving the ringing silence to float around the cab. Glancing out the window once more, Jennifer allowed herself a tiny moment to be starstruck at the towering monoliths that stretched into the neon sky. Ray's voice hummed in her ear. "We have arrived. Please watch your step, and collect your things from the back. Should you require pickup, feel free to call for a cab. Good luck, Miss Hudson." The door opened up as Jennifer stepped out, crossing the back of the cab and retrieving her duffle fron the trunk as she stepped onto the sidewalk to the apartment building. The cab gave a soft honk, before shutting its trunk and peeling away into the crowd of cars.

Jennifer blew out a sigh, turning to make her way into the building before anyone took to seeing her for too long. It wasn't that she was known, it was that she was nearly a Borg, and not quite by choice. The last thing she needed was a heckle or, god forbid, a catcall. Stepping into the apartment building, Jennifer glanced around its black abstract stone walls and floor, glistening red flora containers and plant life nestled in between the set of benches on either side. The Concierge to the left had caught her eye with a polite bow, clad in golden skin and wearing a maroon dress with gray trimmings. Approaching the counter, the elegantly dressed woman was the first to break the silence. "Ah, hello! You must be our newest tenant. Welcome!"

Jennifer paused, standing like a lightstricken deer as she awkwardly waved back. "Ah, yeah. This uh- 's my stuff. Do I need to run this through?" She'd had an easier time talking to the people at Richmond about her 'kit' then here already. The woman made a strange 'glu-glu' sounding chuckle and shook her head. "Your serials were scanned when you stepped inside. This scanner is purely biometric. Please head on through. Your room is Sixteen, second floor to the right." She blinked as a message materialized across her center screen.


Jennifer dipped her head, moving quietly through the scanner as it unsurprisingly lit up and blared a gentle warning signal. "Hmm.. Wait a moment, Miss Hudson." Jennifer turned around. "Yeah?"

"The scan is showing abnormal weight ratios. You are measuring only 28 kilograms. Are you feeling well?" 'God-damn it all.'

"It's.. normal. I uh, got my legs and arms blown off. War mission went south." Jennifer sighed solemnly. The golden woman creased her shaved brow, an expression of pity on her features as she nodded. "I am sorry to hear that, Miss Hudson. War is Hell, as they say. My husband was a veteran of the Unity War. He took his life last December. Thank you for keeping in the fight." Jennifer stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. "My condolences, miss-"

"Ling. Xhao Ling."

"Miss Ling. As long as he remains in your memory, he'll never stop fighting for you. Even if he couldn't fight what was eatin' at him personally. He didn't fight 'cause he hated what was in front of him, but because he loved what was behind him." The woman pursed her lips and nodded; imperceptive movements suggesting she wanted to break into a hug. Instead, she nodded, stepping back with a hazy-eyed smile. "Thank you, Miss Hudson. It is rare to find someone who understands loss nowadays. Especially here."

Jennifer bobbed her head, nodding as she sighed, "Yeah. Be seein' you around, Xhao Ling. You're not alone." With a pivot, Jennifer turned back and slowed her pace as she entered into the hallway and took the stairs up to her room. Approaching the door, the verification panel on the wall blinked a bright green as the door slid open, revealing a neomilitaristic interior with beige hardwood floors. She stepped inside, almost in disbelief the FIA would spare her the degree of these luxuries. Then again, she'd never been away from Langley for more than a few weeks. Heading inside, Jennifer glanced around the apartment before settling her gaze on the stairwell to her bed. Ascending the staircase, Jennifer dropped her duffle at the foot of the bed as she sat at the edge. Deep within the back of her mind, she couldn't help but feel it was going to be a longer stay than normal.

<Snipped quote by DisturbedSpec>

I see. Not entirely certain why FIA would send such an agent in, although it is entirely possible that they are banking on Night Corp hitting Jennifer, revealing their assets for more obscure FIA agents, while hoping Jennifer's skills would keep her alive. As such, I imagine she would lose connection to her FIA handler rather early-on as to isolate any potential losses.

Would this be acceptable as a why for having such an overt agent go against such a covert agency?

Works for me just fine! Appreciate the help, Thayr.
Sweet fuck it's a FIA operative. That's not what I expected. Questions I have from reading over the application...
- What modular upgrades do her Zetatech 'Gen VI' Cyberlegs/Cyberarms have at the start of the game? Bearing in mind that getting them altered will be relatively difficult in Night City - Such access for tech would need to fit with her cover, after all.
- How has she avoided detected by Night Corp, seeing as she is very conspicuous physically speaking. What cover does she have? Or will she be entering Night City at first post for you to figure out then-on?
- What sort of relationships do you have in-mind? Not really something I expected considering it's not in the actual application format.

As far as modular upgrades go, she's going to be baseline for a while before she attempts acquiring one of the specialized packages- that will most likely be the 'Reinforced Tendons' modification to the limbs, which would function like a pneumatic piston inside the base of her heel that propels her up in the air by shooting into the ground. Given Zetatech seems to have only one HQ office in Night City's Berkley Avenue (being where Vik works if I'm not mistaken from what we see) it'll be that.

She'll be flying in at the first post, checking in at the hotel in Corpo Plaza. Cover would be indeed difficult to achieve and maintain, especially with such an enigmatic entity as NightCorp. To be truthful, I have not exactly figured out a way to achieve said cover. If anything, it'll be first getting acquainted with the terrain and lay of the land with Night City. if this poses a conflict with her implementation into the setting, I can more than make needed adjustments.

The relationships tab was, funnily enough, pasted over from another format. These relationships are individually-specific and (later) faction-specific. When Jennifer interacts with someone in-game, or hears about news/directly has information, it's merely a dynamic way to add more flavor to her inner thoughts regarding what happens to her character development.

Hey hey hey! Y'all still accepting? ^_^
Interested! Do keep me updated with what I should do next!
Character's name: A-Ø62 'Price'

Age: 14 (24 due to accelerated aging).

Race: Republic-era Clone

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): Formerly, the GAR. A Member of the Bounty Hunter's Guild.

Character Alignment (Choose one):Good, Neutral, Evil) Good

Character Background: Created in 32 BBY in the Cloning Facility on Kamino, A-Ø62 was a Cloned human of the biological template of Jango Fett. Whereas most clones looked identical, Price suffered a mutation that resulted in distinct appearance and altered vocal tone during the cloning process. Unsure of what to make of the soldier, Price was initially destined to be disposed of, but was ultimately placed into ARC training upon discovering nothing physically wrong had happened to him. Training alongside his brethren and under personal evaluation of Fett and his Mandolorian instructors, Price quickly proved to be a remarkably fearsome combatant, quick learner, and display excellent discipline and leadership qualities. However, the biggest flaw was Price's own autonomy; going so far as to keep his team out of Jedi command and reporting only to HIGHCOM personnel of the GAR's military forces. As one of the ARC's of the 110th Hunters Division, this Captain worked alongside his brothers during the peak of the Clone Wars; undertaking numerous black operation assignments and other covert engagements. However, it was on the Battle of Utapau where Price's world would be changed forever.

Under orders to sabotage a Separatist facility during the ensuing engagement by forces of the 212th, Price and a small strike force of six other Clones of the 110th had entered the cliffside facility; carrying out the objective and caving in the installation before escaping onboard an LAAT. As the gunship moved away, reports began coming through that the enemy defense was quickly mobilizing into a substantial offense; having set a sudden, overwhelming counterattack Republic intelligence failed to predict. Within the next few seconds of the Gunship doors shutting, the LAAT was intercepted by separatist AA fire, and shot down to the bottom of the lakebed below. Price was the only survivor of the crash; having escaped the decimated gunship and swimming toward the surface. He watched in exasperated horror as what remained of the 212 were either shot down, destroyed, or retreating. He was now alone, and Price ultimately spent the next ten days sneaking his way back to the surface before making a daring nighttime escape from Utapau to reaching an abandoned CIS Belbullab-22 Heavy Fighter. Along the way, Price discovered a terminal that had the schematic data of the Inhibitor Chip. Realizing that the Clones were in fact the mass weapon of the Sith, Price copied the schematic and made his way to a nearby landing pad, where an abandoned Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter sit. Destined to inform the Republic of his suspicions, Price was ambushed by Commando Droids; knocked unconscious and quickly transferred to a waiting transport to be placed into stasis. With his signal being tracked, a Republic task force was sent to intercept the fleeing transport. With nowhere to run, the transport quickly plotted a destination solution to a random sector right before receiving damage to the Hyperdrive subsystem; causing the ship to jump and disengage several lightyears away from its intended destination. With the Separatist Droids running out of power, the ship containing the Commando in aimlessly drifted in space.

The Droids all ran out of power, one by one until the last B1 had the brilliant idea to activate the distress beacon before failing. 23 years would pass in the loud silence of space, before a mercenary outfit found the derelict Banking class. Boarding in the hopes of securing more salvage alongside the acquisition of practically ancient Separatist tech, the boarders found the Clone, his weapons and armor all preserved. Initially discussing among themselves to auction off the goods in exchange for profit, they came to the consensus that having a Clone Trooper among their ranks would no doubt keep their outfit alive longer. Gathering what they could and leaving the ship to rot, they eventually brought Price back to their hideout on Omwat. Waking the clone up from stasis, the mercenaries had to explain to the quite agitated, confused and combative Clone that the War leading to the Great Purge was over; the Republic dissolved into nothingness as the new Empire came to power. His morale crushed and spirit broken, Price initially felt nothing short of guilt and depression for failing his mission- yet relented to join the outfit as the only way left to fit in that he could. Four years following the destruction of the Bastion of the Empire, the Death Star, Price had made a name for himself among the Outer and Mid-Rim territories as a terrifying combatant and ruthless mercenary; scouring the various contracts among the cosmos and only taking out those who were judged by Price as villainous scum the galaxy simply needed rid of. Customizing his armor and eventually managing to secure a old Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter, Price spent his credits on upgrading the starfighter; departing the mercenary band and setting out to become an independent contractor upon his fifth year following the destruction of the Death Star.

Character Personality-(Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Price is cold, calculative and cunning, coming off as snide to anyone unfamiliar. He displays a notable dislike of droids in any form, as well as any Force-sensitive or Lightsaber wielder. During his service prior to his ultimate abandonment, he still viewed the Jedi as nothing more than inexperienced military leaders. Given his enhanced autonomy, Price's freethinking mind has proven to be his biggest blessing and curse. Speaking out of turn, questioning the legitimacy of orders and being temperamental in disagreement had ultimately left him isolated from the majority of communications outside those of which he and his team operated with. While born and bred for warfare, Price has shown a remarkably softer side to individuals he has bonded with over the course of the Clone Wars; interacting with the regular Clone Troopers as well as Civilians he had come across in his service to the Republic, when reason permits it. Morally speaking, Price is quick to judge individuals and almost never turns down a job contract within moral reason. He actively avoids any jobs involving the elimination of bureaucrats, civilians other targets that, according to him, are simply just a waste of ammo without cause. As services can be bought with credits up-front, Price can be a wingman, attache to a squad, or even ally if there is a close enough bond. However, respect from the Clone is difficult to earn, and a friendship is even rarer.

Character's Physical description (Describe or post a picture of what your character looks like):

Armor: https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F76%2F18%2F5d%2F76185d1ae8f88353755e321c50dce904.jpg&hash=9261d89a7180265ccb283a53f6e83806

Face (to showcase extent of mutations): https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fprofile_images%2F621430869459341312%2FcZrqJX2p_400x400.jpg&hash=d4f1a09eb2ee839f33305e4a4c604ca4

Character Class (choose one): Scoundrel

Items- What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):

WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifle: This specialized blaster Carbine was a favorite among many ARC Troopers; carrying a drum magazine pack of 100 shots and able to cycle between semi, automatic and burst-fire modes. Underneath the barrel was a fitted grenade launcher attached to the primary firing mechanism of the weapon; consuming ten ammo in order to fire the miniaturized grenade.

Phase-II Advanced Recon Commando 'Venator' Hybrid Armor: This variant was a massive improvement over the earlier version created at the beginning year of the Clone Wars, with an introduction into service in the late 22BBY. Price, having been a veteran throughout the numerous engagements of the beginning of the Clone Wars, chose to combine both Phases (integrated life support, hermetic seal) with increased ballistic protection from the supplemental protective dome design of the ARC Heavy Gunner and AT-Pilot helmet variants, respectively. Perhaps the most distinct of this change is the visor and fin of the helmet; with the visor allowing for more of a panoramic picture and the fin extending in reverse from the front of the helmet. It comes with a built-in rangefinder and light macrobinocular module.

Grappling Hook/wiresnare module (left arm): This dual launching system features a grappling hook module mounted on the top of the wrist to allow access to higher heights, and a wiresnare on the underside of the wrist that can be deployed when the user flexes their wrist up, palm out and toward a target of their choice.

Flamethrower gauntlet (right arm): This attachment is self explanatory, and is activated when the user flexes their wrist downward and turns their hand away from the muzzle of the device; projecting a horrific napalm mixture that can stuck and burn organics and synthetics alike.

Evasive Thruster Pack: This back mounted attachment appears as a small white circular mount as big as a jetpack attachment; possessing a

Akimbo DC-17 Blaster Pistols: These heavy-hitting Blaster Pistols feature a lower recoil and a higher rate of fire; capable of firing up to ten consecutive shots before overheating. This blaster does not need to be reloaded manually, and is able to consistently be kept operational if it is vented regularly while in use.

x2 Thermal Detonators, Detpacks, EMP Disruptors, Bacta-canisters (secured on person): These two Thermal Detonators serve as powerful alternatives to Fragmentation grenades; creating a miniature thermonuclear reaction that can atomically vaporize anything within a six meter radius. Pitching wise, the weapon can be thrown up to 20 feet from its source. Detpacks are remotely detonated explosive charges that can be affixed to static objects, and are common used either as an ambush or means of sabotage. Lastly, two canisters of Bacta ensure that the Commando can recover form his injuries after a fight, or sustain himself during one.

Modified Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter: Nicknamed 'Ruby Huntress', this CIS Heavy Starfighter chassis was mostly left as-is, but with a custom dark crimson and grey paintjob. It sports a sensory and navigations suite upgrade, shield module, an onboard AI system in control of a rear autocannon turret and two quadlinked twin laser cannons mounted underneath the ship. Lastly, on the top of the ship on either side of the cockpit are two concussion missile launchers. To compensate for the addition in mass, the default auxiliary thrusters and dual rear engines had to be removed and replaced with stronger variations to get the ship off of the ground with little issues.

Character Sheet

Star Wars: Legacies Character Sheet

Character's name: A-Ø62 'Price'

Age: 14 (24 due to accelerated aging).

Race: Republic-era Clone

Faction (does your character belong to a group, such as the New Republic, The Imperial Remnant, the Bounty Hunter's Guild, a specific crime syndicate, etc): Formerly, the GAR. A Member of the Bounty Hunter's Guild.

Character Alignment (Choose one):Good, Neutral, Evil) Good

Character Background: Created in 32 BBY in the Cloning Facility on Kamino, A-Ø62 was a Cloned human of the biological template of Jango Fett. Whereas most clones looked identical, Price suffered a mutation that resulted in distinct appearance and altered vocal tone during the cloning process. Unsure of what to make of the soldier, Price was initially destined to be disposed of, but was ultimately placed into ARC training upon discovering nothing physically wrong had happened to him. Training alongside his brethren and under personal evaluation of Fett and his Mandolorian instructors, Price quickly proved to be a remarkably fearsome combatant, quick learner, and display excellent discipline and leadership qualities. However, the biggest flaw was Price's own autonomy; going so far as to keep his team out of Jedi command and reporting only to HIGHCOM personnel of the GAR's military forces. As one of the ARC's of the 110th Hunters Division, this Captain worked alongside his brothers during the peak of the Clone Wars; undertaking numerous black operation assignments and other covert engagements. However, it was on the Battle of Utapau where Price's world would be changed forever.

Under orders to sabotage a Separatist facility during the ensuing engagement by forces of the 212th, Price and a small strike force of six other Clones of the 110th had entered the cliffside facility; carrying out the objective and caving in the installation before escaping onboard an LAAT. As the gunship moved away, reports began coming through that the enemy defense was quickly mobilizing into a substantial offense; having set a sudden, overwhelming counterattack Republic intelligence failed to predict. Within the next few seconds of the Gunship doors shutting, the LAAT was intercepted by separatist AA fire, and shot down to the bottom of the lakebed below. Price was the only survivor of the crash; having escaped the decimated gunship and swimming toward the surface. He watched in exasperated horror as what remained of the 212 were either shot down, destroyed, or retreating. He was now alone, and Price ultimately spent the next ten days sneaking his way back to the surface before making a daring nighttime escape from Utapau to reaching an abandoned CIS Belbullab-22 Heavy Fighter. Along the way, Price discovered a terminal that had the schematic data of the Inhibitor Chip. Realizing that the Clones were in fact the mass weapon of the Sith, Price copied the schematic and made his way to a nearby landing pad, where an abandoned Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter sit. Destined to inform the Republic of his suspicions, Price was ambushed by Commando Droids; knocked unconscious and quickly transferred to a waiting transport to be placed into stasis. With his signal being tracked, a Republic task force was sent to intercept the fleeing transport. With nowhere to run, the transport quickly plotted a destination solution to a random sector right before receiving damage to the Hyperdrive subsystem; causing the ship to jump and disengage several lightyears away from its intended destination. With the Separatist Droids running out of power, the ship containing the Commando in aimlessly drifted in space.

The Droids all ran out of power, one by one until the last B1 had the brilliant idea to activate the distress beacon before failing. 23 years would pass in the loud silence of space, before a mercenary outfit found the derelict Banking class. Boarding in the hopes of securing more salvage alongside the acquisition of practically ancient Separatist tech, the boarders found the Clone, his weapons and armor all preserved. Initially discussing among themselves to auction off the goods in exchange for profit, they came to the consensus that having a Clone Trooper among their ranks would no doubt keep their outfit alive longer. Gathering what they could and leaving the ship to rot, they eventually brought Price back to their hideout on Omwat. Waking the clone up from stasis, the mercenaries had to explain to the quite agitated, confused and combative Clone that the War leading to the Great Purge was over; the Republic dissolved into nothingness as the new Empire came to power. His morale crushed and spirit broken, Price initially felt nothing short of guilt and depression for failing his mission- yet relented to join the outfit as the only way left to fit in that he could. Four years following the destruction of the Bastion of the Empire, the Death Star, Price had made a name for himself among the Outer and Mid-Rim territories as a terrifying combatant and ruthless mercenary; scouring the various contracts among the cosmos and only taking out those who were judged by Price as villainous scum the galaxy simply needed rid of. Customizing his armor and eventually managing to secure a old Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter, Price spent his credits on upgrading the starfighter; departing the mercenary band and setting out to become an independent contractor upon his fifth year following the destruction of the Death Star.

Character Personality-(Give a solid description on how your character acts, their morals, etc): Price is cold, calculative and cunning, coming off as snide to anyone unfamiliar. He displays a notable dislike of droids in any form, as well as any Force-sensitive or Lightsaber wielder. During his service prior to his ultimate abandonment, he still viewed the Jedi as nothing more than inexperienced military leaders. Given his enhanced autonomy, Price's freethinking mind has proven to be his biggest blessing and curse. Speaking out of turn, questioning the legitimacy of orders and being temperamental in disagreement had ultimately left him isolated from the majority of communications outside those of which he and his team operated with. While born and bred for warfare, Price has shown a remarkably softer side to individuals he has bonded with over the course of the Clone Wars; interacting with the regular Clone Troopers as well as Civilians he had come across in his service to the Republic, when reason permits it. Morally speaking, Price is quick to judge individuals and almost never turns down a job contract within moral reason. He actively avoids any jobs involving the elimination of bureaucrats, civilians other targets that, according to him, are simply just a waste of ammo without cause. As services can be bought with credits up-front, Price can be a wingman, attache to a squad, or even ally if there is a close enough bond. However, respect from the Clone is difficult to earn, and a friendship is even rarer.

Character's Physical description (Describe or post a picture of what your character looks like):

Armor: https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F76%2F18%2F5d%2F76185d1ae8f88353755e321c50dce904.jpg&hash=9261d89a7180265ccb283a53f6e83806

Face (to showcase extent of mutations): https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F76%2F18%2F5d%2F76185d1ae8f88353755e321c50dce904.jpg&hash=9261d89a7180265ccb283a53f6e83806

Character Class (choose one): Scoundrel

Items- What major weapons and the like does your character carry? Such as a lightsaber, a rigged Sabaac deck, a blaster pistol, vibro-knife, wookie crossbow, telescopic lenses, etc):

WESTAR-M5 Blaster Rifle: This specialized blaster Carbine was a favorite among many ARC Troopers; carrying a drum magazine pack of 100 shots and able to cycle between semi, automatic and burst-fire modes. Underneath the barrel was a fitted grenade launcher attached to the primary firing mechanism of the weapon; consuming ten ammo in order to fire the miniaturized grenade.

Phase-II Advanced Recon Commando 'Venator' Hybrid Armor: This variant was a massive improvement over the earlier version created at the beginning year of the Clone Wars, with an introduction into service in the late 22BBY. Price, having been a veteran throughout the numerous engagements of the beginning of the Clone Wars, chose to combine both Phases (integrated life support, hermetic seal) with increased ballistic protection from the supplemental protective dome design of the ARC Heavy Gunner and AT-Pilot helmet variants, respectively. Perhaps the most distinct of this change is the visor and fin of the helmet; with the visor allowing for more of a panoramic picture and the fin extending in reverse from the front of the helmet. It comes with a built-in rangefinder and light macrobinocular module.

Grappling Hook/wiresnare module (left arm): This dual launching system features a grappling hook module mounted on the top of the wrist to allow access to higher heights, and a wiresnare on the underside of the wrist that can be deployed when the user flexes their wrist up, palm out and toward a target of their choice.

Flamethrower gauntlet (right arm): This attachment is self explanatory, and is activated when the user flexes their wrist downward and turns their hand away from the muzzle of the device; projecting a horrific napalm mixture that can stuck and burn organics and synthetics alike.

Evasive Thruster Pack: This back mounted attachment appears as a small white circular mount as big as a jetpack attachment; possessing a

Akimbo DC-17 Blaster Pistols: These heavy-hitting Blaster Pistols feature a lower recoil and a higher rate of fire; capable of firing up to ten consecutive shots before overheating. This blaster does not need to be reloaded manually, and is able to consistently be kept operational if it is vented regularly while in use.

x2 Thermal Detonators, Detpacks, EMP Disruptors, Bacta-canisters (secured on person): These two Thermal Detonators serve as powerful alternatives to Fragmentation grenades; creating a miniature thermonuclear reaction that can atomically vaporize anything within a six meter radius. Pitching wise, the weapon can be thrown up to 20 feet from its source. Detpacks are remotely detonated explosive charges that can be affixed to static objects, and are common used either as an ambush or means of sabotage. Lastly, two canisters of Bacta ensure that the Commando can recover form his injuries after a fight, or sustain himself during one.

Modified Belbullab-22 CIS Heavy Strike Fighter: Nicknamed 'Ruby Huntress', this CIS Heavy Starfighter chassis was mostly left as-is, but with a custom dark crimson and grey paintjob. It sports a sensory and navigations suite upgrade, shield module, an onboard AI system in control of a rear autocannon turret and two quadlinked twin laser cannons mounted underneath the ship. Lastly, on the top of the ship on either side of the cockpit are two concussion missile launchers. To compensate for the addition in mass, the default auxiliary thrusters and dual rear engines had to be removed and replaced with stronger variations to get the ship off of the ground with little issues.
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