Avatar of Estylwen


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1 mo ago
Current "There is no one in this room that can stand against me! The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World!"
6 mos ago
Took me 10 years to realize antagonists are way more fun to write.
7 mos ago
Updated my bio after 2 years. Feels good. :>
9 mos ago
Back from a two year break?
3 yrs ago
Writing is like a workout muscle. If you haven't written in a while, it hurts at first, but when you're done, the endorphins come rushing in and you forget why you ever stopped.


Your Local Antagonist



"A million times I have done this charade. The moment people figure it out, I get the boot." she thought.

"But don't you want to see the fear in their eyes when they see who you really are...? Don't you want dominion of this place, just like how you were unchallenged in Vaal Kastrix?" said the Voice.

Ciara scoffed, immediately thinking of Gulliver and Valen. "I'd love to wipe the smirk off their faces."

"It starts by building a rumor. A rumor of power. This could be the place to start."

She took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes resolutely at the Undermage. "Head Advisor, with all due respect, you have no right to ask me about my intentions. If you want answers..."

She stood from her seat, rising to her full height.

"You'll have to duel me for them."

Iris Ascendis Roleplay (2023) | TikTok Tribute

Her breath caught when she felt the cold metal of a pistol against her temple.

"Put the heart down, and back the hell up if you want your friend to live," the guard said to Ellie in a rumbling baritone, digging the gun into Dream's head.

Dream squinted at Ellie, vision blurred as she tried to breathe. The heart, glinting in Ellie's hands.

The doctor, his face turning white every time she asked what would happen if they failed. Above all else, he said, they had to keep the heart safe. They had to, even if it meant...

She snarled, her boot stamping down on the guard's foot, a burst of light bruising the bone. He yelped, losing his grip. That's all she needed, and she tore away. But in her haste, she saw his free arm reaching for her, and she slipped on panicked feet as he pushed her off the railing.

She held back a scream, staring straight down into the boiling pit below. The guard wrapped a tight hand around her ankle, and Ellie could see Dream's other foot flailing; she restrained herself poorly from kicking the guard, desperately hoping she wouldn't die.

As her captor supported himself against the railing, his pistol pointed at Ellie.

"I'll drop her, I swear I'll drop her!"

TENEBRAE: The Rebellion of Shadows Roleplay (2021)

We have a RPer Appreciation thread?
This is beautiful, I'll bookmark it. (2016)

Deep, golden orbs stared back at her from within the cave.

God, she couldn't breathe.

He was monstrous. The ground trembled under her feet as his rippling, massive body exited the cave. Thunderous footsteps left cracks in the dirt, his breath sent waves of heat creeping over her skin. The transformation was slow, but it looked like something from a nightmare with the way his long teeth were bared.

A great and terrible roar sounded from his gaping maw.

She needed to run. Now.

Academy 218 Roleplay (2014)

Most Recent Posts

@Lexisheeps Thank you for the update! I'm sure you'll love the new post when you have time to read it.

@Days Yaaaay, thanks so much for the update!!
Ahhh, the little reactions are so sweet, Days. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. :>

How is our sweet, lovely Esty such a savage and brutal antagonist?

That is a VERY good question. :DDDD

Waiting anxiously for your post, Daaays. :>

Near Kari's House
Mentions: None. Direct Dialogue: Stormy (@Blizz), Sully (@Atrophy), Tayla (@silvermist1116), Drake (@Punished GN)

"If that were the case, why didn't you approach us openly? You could have done so sooner, or waited until we were done investigating the house. You could've even done it while we were here. I'd be lying if I didn't understand why Drake felt the need to attack you.”

Luna grimaced on the ground, feeling her heart sink deeper and deeper. Of course Stormy was on Drake's side, at the end of the day. Sympathetic to the why while she was worse for wear than she had been in a while.

“You were one of us, Tsukino. I'm almost positive Auri tried to reach out to you. And if she did, you had to have known stalking us would've been a bad decision, when all of us are very capable of defending ourselves. So why? Talk us through that."

She could feel Stormy's gaze on her. Even if he was patient in his words, his demeanor was watchful, attentive. It would be very hard to escape, even in her current state. She stared up at him, then shifted her gaze to the side, trying to find some kind of salvation, a release from having to answer.

“You can lie.”

Luna was quiet, before she growled under her breath, crushing first and grass under her finger as she lay there, willing the pain away, willing for an answer to come.

She knew Stormy. They had fought side by side once upon a time. She knew Stormy would value the truth above all else, especially if she wanted to be welcomed back in the coven.

She bared her teeth, mumbling strings of curses.

“...My hands are tied here. I have a plan. Just play along. I… have to say what's on my mind. I might not have another chance.”

She was met with only silence in her mind, and she cursed again under her breath, shakily pulling herself half-way off the ground.

She stared up at Stormy, eyes tight. “I…”

A swallow, and her gaze broke, looking away.

“I was ashamed.”

She drew aching arms around herself. She could see it vividly behind her eyes. The scorn, the fights that broke out, the ridicule she went through when her secrets were discovered ten years ago. Angry and outraged faces that haunted her dreams.

She shut her eyes.

“How could I face you? You remember how I left. How could I face that again? So I did what came easy to me. I watched from a distance. I documented the triumphs and tribulations, pretending I was there with you. I watched my family, my home, become rebuilt, and I thought… Maybe it was better this way.

“It was… easier, this way.”

She stood shakily, lips pursed against the pain and ache in her muscles.

“I realize now it was wrong. It was the wrong way to deal with how I was feeling, and unfair to you. Especially given the current… situation. …I'm sorry.”

She just had to hold her breath, and play her cards right…

She watched as Sully, good ole’ Sully, kept in between her and Drake, acting as a mediator, similar to Stormy. Her eyes slightly widened, realizing that Sully might actually be willing to give her a second chance.

He shuffled over to her and Stormy after he tried de-escalating everyone. Lucky for Sully, Luna was in a bit too much pain to bother fighting or retaliating, at least not now, not yet.

She watched as he offered the Chalice, and her eyes tightened. Sully is too soft. Better to keep me weak, I'll be more inclined to talk. Sully was truly the definition of a good person within the coven's ranks. Goodness she didn't know she deserved. Regardless, she took a sip from the offered Chalice, and the pain from being electrocuted to high heaven melted away.

She breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes showing a crack of warmth. “Thank you, Sully.”

“Hell, I thought you were Tayl-uhhhh, anyway, look, I’m sure this is all just some big misunderstanding that we’ll all be laughing about in minutes. So why don’t we all go back inside and carry out this conversation where there’s a nice, comfy sofa and Aislin’s bong?”

Luna picked up on the slip right away, her smoky eyes zeroing in on Sully. Is something going on with Tayla? Her lips pursed as she thought. But with little else to go on, she let it slide. There was enough of a shitstorm to navigate without sticking her nose where it didn’t belong. She had to be re-assimilated successfully first. Then, bother with the intricacies of the coven. Intricacies that could only be seen when she could actually speak with them.

One step at a time.

But before she could accept Sully’s hand, Tayla herself spoke up.

"Or, we can not give a flying fuck about her reasonings when she's clearly here with bad intentions."

”Can you explain, exactly, how I’m here with bad intentions? For all I know, you’re the one here with bad intentions.” She said with a slight narrowing of her eyes. ”I’ve explained why I didn’t approach directly, I don't believe there’s anything sinister with that.”

"Didn't I just say she's off? That she has malicious intent?

"He shocked her ass for a reason. Let's not pretend she isn't dangerous just because we can defend ourselves. We shouldn't invite trouble. We have enough going on as is. Tsukino, fuck off back to your gang and forget we ever existed."

How could I ever forget?

“You need to play her differently. She’ll never accept you like this.” The White Suit’s voice encircled her in her mind.

Luna’s own mental voice was painted with frustration. “I’m trying. It’s hard enough to try and remain emotionless. She’s picking up on every emotion, it’s a powerful tell I have no control over.”

“Don’t focus on that right now. Focus on what you know of her. The ‘squishy spot’.”


Luna dragged a palm over her mouth, cupping it there before looking at Tayla. ”Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I know why you’re against me. Why you’re against… this. You’ve been burned before, badly, so you’re expecting only bad can come from someone like…. Me.

“I’d like to state clearly for everyone present that my intentions have always been for the goodness and benefit of the individual. I’ve always tried to help. Just ask the late Alizée. She didn’t have anywhere to go when the coven split up. I gave her a place to go.

“I’m not asking anything from you. I’m only looking to work alongside you. You don’t want me at meetings? Fine. But it’s up to the group as a whole, not individuals. Or should I say, it’s up to leadership.

“But I would also say that you’re not in a position to refuse help.”

”Look, Luna, we don't want your help. You weren't trustworthy ten years ago, and you're even less trustworthy now. Fedboy was one thing, but I'm not going to stand by here and let you worm your way back in here.”

Luna felt the crush in her heart again, but she kept it off her face, simply staring at Drake as he handed over the little death sentence and shut the door in her face.

”So... Turn your wings on, fly away, and never come back. Because if I catch you again, it's-”

But before she could speak, or do anything to respond back, she was swept away in another Recollection.

Her mind’s eye filtered through all the terible fluff - like the 8th Street girls trying on Kari’s underwear - until she was left with the highlights. Highlights that might prove to be a turning point. From what she had picked up, Sycamore was ransacking Kari’s house to get a clue on Father Wolf. That is all they cared about nowadays, anyway. All she should care about, too.

“8th Street weren’t there on their own accord. Someone paid them.”

“Yes. Someone wanted to either get Kari’s secrets for their own, or cover their tracks. But who would know about Kari’s secret notes? She even tried to destroy them…”

“Someone who has yet to make their appearance.”

“So it means I’ll get to strangle out a few 8th Street after all.”

“The mind of a capo never sleeps, yes.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “How else are we going to get 8th Street to talk?”

“Don’t tell your Sycamore friends your plans. They won’t understand.”

“Wasn’t planning on it.”

”Is it possible that Kari could be doing that to us? Showing us that recollection? Maybe a spell that transferred information when someone went investigating?”

Luna listened. But as for her opinion on the matter, she kept it to herself. She was the small fish. Sycamore had bigger fish to fry, if only they would drop old pretenses and see the overwhelming benefits she could give them.

Having been interrupted by the Recollection, Luna took a breath and finally turned her eyes toward Drake.

“You have every right not to trust me. Heck, I wouldn’t even trust myself. If you want me to leave, I will. But I want it to be put up to a vote.”

That's when Jack came with the news.

8th Street was coming.

"Seems you have bigger problems than little me, anyway.

Kipnu Riil

Lurkin’ Near Kari's House
Mentions: None. Direct Dialogue: None.

Something was off. Something was wrong.

Kipnu knew the Coven. He knew Drake, and Stormy. When they ran off to address a disturbance beyond the trespassed home, Kipnu thought nothing of it, observing through Layla’s eyes and content to wait. But now?

Now, there might be a risk.

Drake still hadn’t returned. No one had gone to check on Tayla and the party. They were all mindlessly obsessed with the recollections and pointless baubles.

Well. It kept Layla occupied. That was good.

But if there was impending danger, he had to be the first to know. He was protecting his livelihood, the reason for his existence. If he didn’t have access to Layla, to her sweetness, there was no point. If anyone besides him hurt Layla… Well, it drove a lot of his actions, like how he found himself appearing in a smoky haze behind the brush and foliage, eyes looking on the scene unfolding near Kari’s house.

From his hiding spot, he saw Drake, Sully, Tayla, and…

The lenses of his mask glimmered darkly.

“What is my asset doing here?” he thought to himself. A pause, before it clicked. “She was spying, wasn’t she.”

He held his position, wondering just how compromised Luna was. From what he could see, she stood on a figurative tightrope between acceptance and rejection, and he was unsure exactly how hostile Sycamore was or would be towards her.

He crouched a little further back into the cover of the foliage, watching patiently.

He may have to protect this asset as well.

Done a quick redacting, Mr. Rill and HoC scenes have been removed from my previous post. Don't worry, Mr. Riil will instead be re-introduced in the next post.
Thank youuuu!

Stella Theo collab, Stella Theo coollaaaaab!!!
Nice! I'll wait for @SilverPaw to post before I do.
Made it home safely! New post is up!

The Louvre, Gala, Main Area

In collaboration with @Days

While Theo definitely had tried to imagine how a moment like this would feel, and if he’d ever achieve it, now that it was here he had trouble fully pinpointing his feelings. There was an interesting cocktail of emotions swirling inside the man, but you wouldn’t see it on the outside, as he looked like a charming, proudly grinning man, posing for the photos toward the press area. Pride. Happiness. Fulfillment. Yet, nerves. Uncertainty. Was his mother proud of him? Would his father be impressed? Would Nick? And why did he even care?

In the end, one’s achievements should not be achieved for the benefit of praise or other’s approval. Theo was proud of himself. He’d done this, he’d achieved this, and soon he’d achieve much more. The Louvre’s offer was on his desk, more exciting things were to come, and Theodore Noel de Villiers was ready. Things were as good as they were going to get, right now. His sisters were back, his mother finally seemed more cheerful and getting her confidence back, and his father and Nick appeared satisfied, as well.

Theo’s observant eyes and his working hands knew every small detail, bump, groove and shimmer on the sceptre, and so the young man’s gaze was on the audience instead. The surprised eyes, the murmurs, the stares of disbelief and the rise of chattering. There was applause, and a bit of a commotion in order to take the best picture of the recovered lost treasure. And so, he didn’t see the odd reflections the artefact hadn’t shown before.

The flickering of lights, a piercing screech, cocktail glasses and champagne flutes shattered in hands. Close to him, a sound unknown to him, yet the sight it produced was even more unfamiliar. An arrival of sorts. A flurry of almost stark white hair, a sunken face, a body so fragile Theo was surprised it didn’t crack and fall once her feet landed on the stage. His stage. The son’s eyes widened, and while the sights in the Pyramid of Giza so many years ago had opened his mind to things unknown, what was before him was hard to process still.

Her intentions were vague, but her objective was clear. Theo didn’t care an iota about who the woman’s father was as she went for the sceptre, now exposed to the chaos of the Louvre’s lobby now the glass casing had shattered. His fingers curled around her wrist without much thought, the bone pressing in his palm ”No!” Was all he could say, his eyes locking onto hers. For just a moment, he tumbled into the depths of her icy pale eyes, cool-toned, and so opposite of his warm inviting ones.

Her voice tortured and somehow sincere, pulled him from reacting to the thump in his chest. He blinked, confused by her statement, and it allowed her to pull from him. Theo didn’t care about any curse, he was cursed enough as is, which the sudden punch with unexpected strength all but seemed to confirm. His hand shot up to his face and he stumbled backward. And before the man could process what the hell had happened, the woman palmed the artefact and disappeared without another glance his way.

No. No. All he worked for…

The chaos below the stage was complete, and as the ringing from his ears cleared, Theo realised the disarray of the crowd, growing on volume. Guns. White smoke. Coughing. Crying. The sounds of shots and agony. He worked his jaw to soften the pain of the punch as his position atop the stage gave him an awful and unwelcome view of the carnage below. What the actual hell was going on?

Unsure what made him do so, Theo glanced up, his eyes widening at the sight of the being encroaching on his form. He recognised it. Not from memory, but from Aurélie’s tales. This was the beast, and it was coming straight for him. Frankly, it just pissed Theo off. This was supposed to be a good day, yet everything shattered, literally and figuratively, and Theo wasn’t fucking having it today. The creature wrapped around him, wrinkling his green suit as Theo’s temper flared, and the creature spoke. Used his full government name and everything. What the hell?

His chestnut gaze landed on the handcuffs offered. It struck Theo as odd since his movement was already limited. The beast could just whisk him away, so what was so special about the cuffs? Before he could fully process, the young man his father married came guns blazing, calling out his name, and Theo cringed at the sound of the ricocheting bullets. Surely, the man had aim good enough not to hit him, right? That would be an awkward conversation for Thierry and Nick. Sorry, I shot your son.

As Nick fired off haphazard shots in the direction of The Beast, one connected. A metallic screech echoed above the cries and hiss of tear gas. The snake-like body wrapped around Theo recoiled, and The Beast momentarily slunk back into the shadows of the stage.

The man, windswept and slightly unhinged arrived before him as Theo felt the beast let him go. He dropped to his knees, his eyes wide as his lungs tried to suck in enough oxygen. A question, sincere yet oddly placed. Was he okay? Fuck no. ”I’m fucking peachy. What is that thing?” He asked, his voice influenced by the previous tight grip as he coughed. The catching of his breath took priority over answering the man’s second question, so Theo just quickly nodded a couple of times. He had, in fact, gotten familiar with using guns.

He watched the man fiddle with his watch, and Theo waited, knowing what the watch could do and produce. The device around Nick’s wrist used to belong to Thierry, Theo knew that. He had spent his youth admiring it on rare occasions Thierry took it off. Theo was fascinated by the Louvre-supplied watch. He’d always wanted one, too, and while Thierry always told Theo “one day, when you’re a man”, Theo could always see the glint of hesitation in his eyes. Because those watches weren’t just for any Louvre employee like Theo would become.

Yet this was his father’s alright. Theo knew it like the back of his hand and had noticed before that his father sported a new one while Nick wore his. It sparked an off sense of hurt in Theo, but he tried to bury that. Right now, it wasn’t time for that to resurface, either, and Theo watched as Nick succumbed to something unknown to him. Without supplying a gun. ”Nick! No. Fuck.” Theo shook his arm, finding him well and fully passed out. Protect himself, he said.

Above him, Theo could hear and feel the looming presence of the beast, and his hands shot to to Nick’s watch, hopefully able to find some form of protection. As he fumbled with the device, his eyes shot up to the crowd, going toward where he saw his mother and sisters last. He found his father instead, Cosy right behind him, cowering, and his mother, too. Where was Auri? His roaming gaze didn’t take long to find the blonde-haired woman through the mist, in her dark blue dress, the fine fabric of the skirt bunched in her hands as she ran toward the stage. Toward him.

However, as Auri made her way forward, she was tased from behind. The HiveMind agent holding the taser gun was smirking.

“Where you think you're going, girlie?” He said, pressing a knee into her back and grabbing her wrists, handcuffs in hand.

There was a growl from behind as The Beast approached. Metal was repairing itself at a rapid pace where it had got shot, and there was dead annoyance in its eye.

It held up the cuffs again, countless metallic strand-like appendages from its head raising up as if to attack.

“Step away from #6 and surrender. Now.”

Theo knelt down next to Nick, two fingers on the skin of his wrist to confirm. Still breathing. Good. His gaze shot to his sister, and he watched as she suddenly stopped in her steps, her eyes wide and her body rigid. Her fingers curled and the fabric held by her delicate fingers fell from her hold, forming back to her body. The sound of loud crackles filled the air, and it was then that Theo realised his sister was getting tased.

”AURI!” Theo roared out, anger rising from deep in his chest. He’d be damned if something happened to his sister, again. Yet, his one move toward her was stopped by the beast and Theo tore his gaze off Aurélie on the marble floor and put it back on the beast. A muscle in his angular jaw ticked, and with a quick sleight of hand, Theo took off Nick’s watch and placed it in his pocket as he rose.

It was a horrifying sight to see, the beast, the cuffs, and Theo had to realise he was out of choices here. He was held at gunpoint. In some odd form of it. Standing before the creature, in his emerald green suit worn for his accomplishments, he briefly looked back at Auri, screaming his name on the floor, agony in her face as a knee pressed into her back. He couldn’t cause her more hurt. He couldn’t cause his family more hurt. They’d all been through enough. Through way too much. His head snapped back into the creature’s direction. ”Alright, just let my sister go. Leave my family alone, too.”

He raised his hands, and when the beast just held out the cuffs even more toward him, he sighed and grabbed them, snapping them around his wrists. He tried to keep a straight face, stoic for the beholder, yet a shimmer of fear reflected in them.

The Beast watched for a moment, before its gaze fell on the HiveMind agent detaining Auri. ”Let the girl go.”

All at once, Auri would feel the knee removed from her back, and the sound of footsteps moving back. If she were to look at Cosy or the rest of her family, the HiveMind agents seemed to be moving away from them as well.

Theo would have little time to digest this change of events due to his surrender, however. As the cuffs snapped around his wrists, a metallic appendage would snake around his waist, lifting him up.

”Your compliance will be rewarded. Come with me.”

And just like that, The Beast turned away, Theo in tow. There was a hum of static in the air, and the two dematerialized, disappearing from the gala entirely.

The Louvre, Gala, Main Area

@Lexisheeps, @WhiteAngel25, @Days

As the Beast escaped with Theo in his grasp, muffled laughter could be heard on the gala floor. Amidst the blurred lights, cries of the guests, and shrill commands of the HiveMind agents, the laughter grew.

Nick cackled on the floor, unnatural in how he half-slumped upwards, trying to pick himself up like a broken doll off the floor. He stood and staggered, a glazed, far-away look in his eye as his gaze locked onto Theirry, Sabrina, little Subject #3, and Auri. He wasn't Nick anymore. Something else, or someone else was steering at the wheel now.

“S-step-dad?” Little Subject #3 bleated out.

“Your step-dad has taken a little nap, darling. I am #6.”

#6 had an evil glint in his eye as he stepped towards Theirry. In a blur of movement, Thierry found his arm painfully twisted behind his back, and the wind knocked out of him as he writhed on the floor, pinned. There was a low chuckle as #6 leaned down, whispering in Thierry’s ear.

“You think you've escaped me, but I am always here. Submit to me, and maybe I’ll let you keep the ashes of your son.”

His words were like ice. “He will serve me well, opening the way to the End. You should be grateful. Your son will make the impossible possible. Everything his father could ever be proud of.”

A dark cackle, twisting harder on Thierry’s pinned arm. #6’s gaze shifted to Sabrina, and gestured to the HiveMind agents, who forced her to kneel. Cuffs were slipped onto her wrists, and tightened.

“The Lady of Nobility, Mistress of the Broken Home, do not grieve for your son. He is merely serving his destiny that he evaded all those years ago in the depths of Gaza.”

#6’s eyes glanced over to Auri, who was finished being handcuffed, and dragged into a kneeling position by her agent.

“You haven't fully recovered from the darkness, have you? Do not fear, Von Galloes will happily adopt you when your father finally falters and succumbs.”

A deep, cruel chuckle, before #6 rested his eyes on little Subject #3, shivering in the grip of HiveMind agents. He was quiet for a moment, before speaking.

“The runt of the family, the innocent child without a memory of her happiness. What will happen to you, I wonder…”

#6 cast his eyes across the family, speaking to them all once more as he crushed Thierry under him.

“Theo is the lamb that was never slaughtered… until now. Von Galloes dares you to save him, if you can reach him in-”

But before #6 could finish, the doors burst open. Smoke canisters and flashbangs filled the room, filling the air with heaviness and blinding light. There was the sound of screams, and frantic gunshots. Someone tackled #6 off of Thierry, and pulled Thierry to his feet. The sound of scattering footsteps, and relieved voices of gala attendants as some had their handcuffs removed, others were helpd to their feet.

It appeared the HiveMind agents had temporarily retreated deeper into the facility, with the aim to regroup and overcome the police force rescuing hostages.

A gun was pressed into Thierry and Sabrina's hands, handcuffs falling to the ground.

The officer in front of Thierry and Sabrina gave them a grim look. “We need help capturing these HiveMind thugs. Hostages have been secured, but the Louvre isn't safe. You know this place better than our best men, will you lead us?”

An officer approached the Vice President of VoidLight as well, handing him a gun. “You know how to use this, right?” He said, winking at Star.

If Thierry and Sabrina were to observe the disheveled gala attendants, they would find Rodrigo Vandelez and the representative of the Etherium to be suspiciously absent.

Undisclosed Location

@WhiteAngel25, @Days

“Yes, I know #6 has an issue with orders. It can't be helped… No, no, I know the Beast promised that. Listen, if the boy asks for proof I- wait… Yes, yes I see. Then it's all worked out.”

Von Galloes looked up from his phone call as the Beast and Theo entered the basement laboratory, finding Von Galloes, the scepter, and Stella all in the same gray room.

“...I’ll see you soon.” Von Galloes said before he ended the phone call, a cold smile on his face as he observed Theo and the scepter.

He moved to stand over Stella, a hand raised before it came down, stroking her head oh-so-sweetly. “Well done, daughter of mine. You've made your father very, very proud.”

His gaze locked on Theo as he spoke. “Not only did you bring me the scepter, but you brought the one who can unlock its powers… Very good.”

Von Galloes stepped toward Theo, his sick smile widening. “Finally. Finally, I have you.”

He ran a finger down Theo's cheek, before lifting his chin, moving Theo's face from left to right, inspecting him. With a nod of approval, Von Galloes beckoned Stella with a finger.

“Daughter of mine, kindly escort the young de Villiers to his holding cell. Then report to your own cell and await further instruction. We have much that must be done, and oh-so little time…”

Ciara Ventura

Wingram, Leyline Attunement Zone
@Nanaya, @ERode, @Sifr, @Psyker Landshark

The speed at which they soared across the sky was breath-taking, and Ciara had to hold on for dear life. She saw from her peripherals the bright flash of light, and listened as the light gave her instruction.

“I have an idea.” Ciara grunted out against the wind, and gripped once before letting go, free falling on her own through the sky now.

Shadows crept up, wrapping around her legs to sprout off at her back in wing shapes, catching the wind and slowing her descent. From a snapshot bird's eye view, she saw the battlefield spread out before her. A beast attacking the dark one and Hildegunde. Iraleth's tank-shot impact against the Beast. Ciara watched, tilting the shadows she glided on so she was falling on top of the Beast. And, at the last minute, she dispersed the wings, gripping the dark one's sword firmly in her hands as an aura of shadows crept around the blade.

With a hiss of air through her teeth, she brought the blade down on top of the Beast, the blade causing an arc of shadow to cut through the sky. The impact would be enough to create cracks in the ground and send up clouds of dust.

After the impact, Ciara would flip back in the air, landing cleaning a few feet from the Beast. Her eyes would land on Hildegunde immediatly.

“Are you okay?”

Near Kari's House
Mentions: Everyone present. Direct Dialogue: Drake (@Punished GN), Stormy (@Blizz), Tayla (@silvermist1116)

”Drake! That’s enough!”

Luna opened her eyes to find herself in Stormy's arms, saved from directly impacting the ground. Her bleary gaze caught sight of the shields over them, and Drake's piercing glare behind them.

Luna was used to dealing with hateful thugs and unpleasant people. That was the life she led. But the hot fury and irritation, the utter disgust directed at her from Drake, hit so much harder on a personal level.

She felt like shriveling up and disappearing. But she feared that wasn't in the plans for her.

”Can you stand?”

Her mind reeled. Her entire body was on fire, the convulsions causing incredible muscle pain along every inch of her body.

But instead of complaining, she simply looked up at Stormy. This was the closest she had gotten to the coven in ten long years. And unlike Drake, Stormy wasn't actively upset with her. Yes, displeased, but he kept that off his face, treating her like a human being first.

“I'm… fine. You can put me down.”

"Stormy, give him a break. If you felt what I felt from her, you wouldn't say anything about escalating. You said yourself that she couldn't be trusted. I didn't feel anything good coming off of her. There's...an intent there. I don't like it."

“Tayla, get the fuck outta my head!” Luna snarled, mustering enough strength to lift her head a little and level a glare at the girl. Tayla and her Pink Lux could go to hell.

“You fucked off and left this coven in ruins, you have no right to say anything about trust and not to trust. You think I don't know about your habits when you fell away? Huh?!”


Luna immediately clamped down on her lip, visibly flinching. White Suit's voice was calm, yet commanding, leaving no room for debate.

“Much was sacrificed to obtain that information. Remain calm. You know better than this.”

“Sorry, Don.” Luna squeezed her eyes shut, sucking in a sharp, pained breath. It hurt to get so riled up; her head was ringing.

”... Especially with shady motherfuckers like her!”


Luna listened to Drake defend electrocuting her to kingdom come, and her stomach twisted uncomfortably. A sense of foreboding slowly seeped into her bones.

”Now, drop the shields, and let's go find something to tie her u-”

Luna stared at Drake, her heart sinking. What were they going to do to her? Drake had already hurt her with impunity, what else could she expect?

At least, that was until Sully came to her ‘rescue’, tackling Drake to the ground. That was all the slip in focus Luna needed, and she thrashed hard in Stormy’s arms, hopefully with enough surprise to make him drop her.

Whether it worked or not, the sudden movement on her convulsed muscles shot pain throughout her body, and she went limp, groaning, the pain causing stars to dance in front of her vision. Thus temporarily ended her short-lived escape attempt.

She gritted her teeth, her voice hoarse. “This isn't fucking fair. I'm just trying to help you. Don't you know I have friends that can help with your little problem?”

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