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Day one of reminding you all that you're all beautiful and loved, even whenln you don't think you are.
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Sam’s Story Stash.

1) "You're My Hero..." AKA: The Shy Boy and The Cheerleader! [Romance, M4F]

"You're My Hero..." AKA: The Shy Boy and The Cheerleader! [Romance, M4F]

Okay, so a simple premise but here goes nothing.

My character is a shy young man who keeps himself to himself. 18 years of age, he's spent his entire school life as a "loner" or an "outcast". The school in question is mainstream, but he is on the autistic spectrum and sadly not understood by many of his fellow students or his teachers. He is full of artistic talent, his sketches and paintings being wonderful though he is often scared to show them to others.

She is a popular young woman, and desired by many of the male and female students. Somewhat vain and a little cocky, she can get away with these flaws because of her looks and her parents money. She's never paid that much attention to <M/C>, not that he really minded. He had enough of being picked on by jocks, never mind the popular girls starting.

However, there was an... incident a few weeks ago. The details of which are still under investigation, but what is clear is that *he* saved *her* life. He got her breathing again, and despite the fear in his eyes and how overwhelmed he felt he got the ambulance to her!

He's her hero, though of course he's unsure how to feel about this. She's starting to get feelings for him, but are these true feelings or merely a result of his actions?

2) Nerdy Boy x Goth/Emo/Alt Girl (M4F)

“D… Did you run away from home again?”

James spoke in his quiet manner as he stepped aside, to let his best friend into his house. His soft, baby blue eyes flickered up her taller frame, as he closed the door behind them and locked it. He was used to her coming to his home when she’d had an argument with her parents, and truthfully enjoyed her company. Yes, she might be moody or angry a lot of the time but he knew the true person beneath the mood swings and the facade.

“I have something that might cheer you up…” The blonde haired boy vanished for a moment into the kitchen, coming back with a cold can of her favourite drink. Holding it out to her, he headed up to his room once she’d taken it if she so desired before going back to his own room with the intention of her following him to hang out in there as they often did.

His bedroom was a real reflection on how shy and nerdy he could seem to others. His room was smaller than her own, with a bed in the corner, a computer desk opposite and shelves full of various knick-knacks. Pokemon figures, comic books, video games, and more fantasy novels than he knew what to do with.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, he patted the spot next to him for her to join him. He leant his head on her shoulder once she had done so, pressing a soft and sweet kiss to her cheek as he often did to display his affection.


Okay, so I’m ideally looking for someone capable of playing a woman who’s his opposite. He’s shy, sweet and reserved with a love for more “nerdy” or “geeky” hobbies like comic books, role-playing games, etc. He is a talented artist and photographer, who makes his living through commissions and photographing events like weddings and parties. He is autistic, something he’s sometimes teased for due to his inability to make eye-contact and his struggles to make friends and meet new people.

She on the other hand, is a moody/grumpy sort. She leans into the more “alternative” sort of lifestyle, such as grunge, emo, or gothic sort of lifestyle. She loves music and is part of a band, much to the displeasure of her more conservative and “upper-class” parents who want her to have a more “professional” job as they do. She is protective of James, and battles her own mental health issues that he supports her through too.

The fact they’re best friends can often shock people at first until they actually bother to observe how they two act together and around each other. Best friends since the age of ten, they first met in the 2nd grade when her parents moved the family to his hometown. For the ten or more years since they’ve been pretty much impossible to separate. Despite being so different, they care deeply for eachother and the line between dating and best friends is seemingly blurred.

And that’s all I have so far! I’m happy for you to write her as totally different to the way I described if you want, but I do want her to be taller than him by a few inches if that’s okay. I just love the concept of a taller girl and shorter guy being paired up.

3) May I Have This Dance? [M4F]

*Ring ring! Ring ring!*

James lay on his bed, a look of confusion and worry spreading across his soft features. He’d been trying to get in touch with his best friend all day, but hadn’t heard from her. She said she was going on a long road trip, but she’d usually talk hands free to him when driving! They always spoke at 5pm, had done every day for the last three years despite being opposite sides of the country.

They’d met through Discord, and spoke every day since. They became friends quickly on the server, soon having voice calls and video calls. Nothing made him happier than seeing her face, or hearing her voice. Granted, they’d only been friends a short time to others, but James adored her and knew he wanted no other best friend.

Tonight should have been his prom, but the 18-year-old had opted to skip it. He didn’t like social events at the best of times, and with his mom and step-dad being on honeymoon he had decided to spend the time inside his house. He struggled with meeting people and being out in public, often feeling overwhelmed on a sensory level.

Hearing a knock at the door, he frowned and placed the phone into his pocket just incase his best friend opted to call him back. Heading downstairs, he opened the door and a smile crossed his lips. He stuttered for a moment, then threw his arms around the woman in a warm embrace.

“I didn’t know you were coming here!” He sniffled, tears of joy rolling down his face. “Wh.. what are you doing here?”


Simple premise for a cute and fluffy RP. Best friends, met online and live across the country. Been best friends since 15/16, having met on a server for writing. They became friends fast, feeling comfortable talking to the other about school, family and so on. Neither of them really had friends IRL, and hate school life.

They speak daily on the phone or through Discord calls, and both have strong feelings for the other. They love eachother and have said as such, dating for about 5 months now. They’d always spoken about meeting in person, but he never thought it would actually happen. He always thought she’d drop him for someone more… “normal” down the line.

So I figured she knows he wasn’t going to go to prom, and decided to come and see him to have a “prom” together! Dancing in the kitchen, listening to music, cuddling and sharing a takeout…

4.) You... You Wanna Be Friends?!


If one word, just one, described how James was feeling right now it would be “Overwhelmed.” He sat on the floor, his knees drawn to his chest and his head bowed to rest his forehead against them. The halls of Hamilton High School were much more full than usual, thanks to a much-anticipated football game. As a result of this, students, staff and parents from both schools were filling the corridors, classrooms, bleachers and anywhere they could get. The game wasn’t scheduled to start until 3pm, but that seemed to make no difference to those who were excited.

And James didn’t blame them, but the noise, lights and general chaos were rather otherwhelming to the soft spoken young man! Closing his eyes tightly for a moment as if to try and find some peace, his trembling hands slipped into the pockets of his jeans and retrieved a small circular, metal case. Fingers tried to open it to retrieve the earplugs within, but he was starting to feel frustrated and close to tears with the noise! He felt a hand on one of his and looked up to meet eyes with a familiar face. He was surprised one of the cheerleaders had even spotted him, never mind bothering to stop.

“H…Hi?” He spoke quietly, barely audible above the noise of the other students. His head rested on her shoulder if she allowed it, closing his eyes for a moment. He needed to get out, but was feeling too overwhelmed and tearful to make a move for himself!


Okay, simple premise! I’m looking for someone able to play as a popular but rather aloof cheerleader, who can come across as self-absorbed and rather mean at times. However, she is rather kind and understanding beneath that facade, especially towards James. They’re friends and have been for about 3 years now. Her father and his mother dated briefly, and although it didn’t work out for the elder two, James and her are still friends. He doesn’t like to bother her in school, fearing she’ll be picked on for talking to him.

If one word, just one, described how James was feeling right now it would be “Overwhelmed.” He sat on the floor, his knees drawn to his chest and his head bowed to rest his forehead against them. The halls of Hamilton High School were much more full than usual, thanks to a much-anticipated football game. As a result of this, students, staff and parents from both schools were filling the corridors, classrooms, bleachers and anywhere they could get. The game wasn’t scheduled to start until 3pm, but that seemed to make no difference to those who were excited.

And James didn’t blame them, but the noise, lights and general chaos were rather otherwhelming to the soft spoken young man! Closing his eyes tightly for a moment as if to try and find some peace, his trembling hands slipped into the pockets of his jeans and retrieved a small circular, metal case. Fingers tried to open it to retrieve the earplugs within, but he was starting to feel frustrated and close to tears with the noise! He felt a hand on one of his and looked up to meet eyes with a familiar face. He was surprised one of the cheerleaders had even spotted him, never mind bothering to stop.

“H…Hi?” He spoke quietly, barely audible above the noise of the other students. His head rested on her shoulder if she allowed it, closing his eyes for a moment. He needed to get out, but was feeling too overwhelmed and tearful to make a move for himself!


Okay, simple premise! I’m looking for someone able to play as a popular but rather aloof cheerleader, who can come across as self-absorbed and rather mean at times. However, she is rather kind and understanding beneath that facade, especially towards James. They’re friends and have been for about 3 years now. Her father and his mother dated briefly, and although it didn’t work out for the elder two, James and her are still friends. He doesn’t like to bother her in school, fearing she’ll be picked on for talking to him.
Okay, so I'm looking for a best friend/caregiver for my character. This can be only be platonic!

I'm looking to focus on the concept of my character having a little space, with your character being his best friend with a motherly nature towards him.

We can discuss plots together, and though I've attached a starter, it doesn't need to be used at all as it describes her as being a punky type.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

Lightly knocking on the door of his best friend's bedroom, William entered after a moment or so. Shutting it behind him, he glanced at the young woman occupying the room, her bare back turned to him. A small smile graced his lips as he observed the various tattoos that covered her skin, seeing his name on the back of her right shoulder among a few Tattoos of his own design. He was used to walking in on her in various states of undress, and both were perfectly comfortable like this around each other. She had treated enough of his injuries to see him in not much more than boxers or a towel some days, and she just didn't really care.

There was the slight lingering of cigarette smoke and her deodorant in the air, but that never bothered him. It was part of the sensory comforts he linked to her, and was indeed how the leather jacket he'd “borrowed” from her smelt.

He had let himself into her house, having a spare key. It was a gift from her for his 18th birthday (One of many), so that he could come and see his best friend whenever he pleased. Which was quite often, to the point where it would have been easier for him to move in were circumstances better

"C..can I stay the night please?" He spoke in his timid manner, eyes scanning the room. Her bedroom was so different to his room at home, from being considerably larger to the band posters, the records on the wall and the general disorder and lack of organisation to it. Her room reassembled a bomb site according to her parents, with clothing strewn everywhere, empty energy drink cans littering her desk and bedside table with a couple of full ashtrays in various places.

Despite this, he liked being here. It always made him feel safe and sound, both knowing his parents had no ability to get into her home let alone her room, and knowing that she'd protect him. After all, her arms were like castle walls. Protecting him from the outside world, and always tight around his smaller frame.

In his hands, he held two things. His left hand had his worn and loved sketchbook in it, something he was barely ever seen without. It was like a sort of... well, comfort blanket for lack of a better word. His art was important to him, ranking just underneath his best friend in his world. Her, his sketchbook, food. Those were his three keys to living, so he thought.

In his right hand was an ice cold can of her favourite drink, something he'd picked up from the grocery store on his way to see her. He knew she loved this drink, so would always bring her one. His steps were cautious as he walked towards her, eyes flickering up to meet her face as she stood up. She practically towered over him at her full height, compared to his mere 5 foot 5 inches.

Often, he would relax on seeing her face. But tonight, he was tense as he stood there. He was on edge, tired, and sore as hell. He just couldn’t relax in the slightest, tears brimming in his eyes as he made eye contact with her. He looked away, cheeks darkening and turning a deep red at the shame of starting to cry. But it wasn’t hard to see why. Bruising and swelling around his left eye showed he was struggling with the pain and discomfort of a black eye, among other cuts and bruises from a recent… altercation with his father. It wasn’t two-sided, but rather the smaller, blonde-haired boy being on the receiving end of it all.


Name: William Peter Carter
Nickname: Will
Age: 18
Nationality: American.
Height: 5 foot 5
Weight: This can fluctuate, but usually between 90 and 100 pounds depending on where in his life you discover him.
S/O: Straight, with a real thing for punk and tough girls. He likes anyone whom shows him love though.

History: To say William had been dealt a bad hand in life would be rather unjust. He considers himself to be deserving of the pain and suffering he goes through, fearing that anything he does is wrong and deserves to have his ass kicked for it all. This is despite the fact William could never hurt a fly (Indeed, he has never hit a person. In fact, his worst behavior was stealing an apple from someone's tree when he was starving.) and just needs love and affection to make him realize all of this.

His father and mother are both heavy drug users, and as a result William never really had a good childhood. He grew up in poverty, wearing raggy and threadbare clothing which was often dirty or torn up. As he got older he began to take care of himself, patching his clothes up and washing them in a lake not far from the trailer park where he lived in what people would call squalor.

At the age of 16, he moved to a smaller high school where he ended up being bullied mercilessly. Used to such behavior, William never stood up for himself and allowed it to happen. The young man saw it as easier than defending himself, which resulted in him being used as a verbal and physical punching bag from both those who wanted to seem tough and those who wanted to vent anger out on a nice easy target.

Currently <age>, Will is desperate to move to somewhere safe and away from his abusive father and neglectful mother. He sadly only has around $100 saved up, which is a mixture of money he's found on the floor around places and a little earnt from his job at a Walmart. His parents often steal his money, so what he has saved is hidden away in his locker at work.

Will suffers from a number of physical issues, including malnutrition and weaker bones. He often has sore and blistered feet, and struggles in cold weather as he doesn't have much ability to keep warm. Though he is rather good at looking after himself, he struggles with affording medical essentials so doesn't currently have the type of hearing aids that would allow him to have a slightly better "quality of life" as some might deem it. He doesn't let this fully impact him, as he can sign and lipread. He is more fluent in ASL than he is in BSL as he's not actually met anyone who signs predominantly in the latter yet.

Despite all this, William is a sweetheart who has love and affection to give out to the right person or people. He doesn’t really know who the right person is of course, but he knows when he discovers them he will do anything to make them happy and hopes they will like him back.

He’s also a surprisingly talented artist and an excellent photographer. With little to do at home due to a lack of funds and parental caring, he took to taking scraps of paper home from school to draw on with the few crayons and pencils he owned. From scrawls and doodles, he began to draw beautiful and detailed pieces of work which he keeps in his locker at school. After saving up to move out, he currently lives in a small trailer at a park. Though he rarely ever spends money on himself, he did afford himself the luxury of a sketchbook and pencils so that he could keep honing his skills. He owns an old film camera which he rescued from a closing down store, along with plenty of film though he is running low on this.

His dream car is a 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air, preferably in blue or a 1950 Chevy 3100 pick up. He knows it'll probably never happen, but he still dreams of the day!
Fanning the (Literal) Flames of Friendship! [M4A Playing Female.]


As was usually the case in Mr. Maguire's classes, the students sat in silence. The only noises being made were the occasional shuffling of paper as students turned over pages in books, and the light scratching of pens and pencils as students worked away on assigned questions or essays.

The silence was broken by the loud ringing and beeping of the school's fire alarm, high pitched and urgent. Chairs scrapped and feet hurried, as the students started to evacuate the rooms and indeed the school. As the students of Mr. Maguire's room spilled into the hall, they were met with the distinct smells of smoke and burning, heat seeming to fill the space from the blazing science block below them. Thick, black choking smoke rolled in, obscuring the vision of students.

As one student, William “Will” Carter made his way out, he couldn't help but worry. He was a quiet soul who preferred to sit and observe rather than get involved, but in the mass of panicking students forcing him along he couldn't see a particular student who was often in his classes. He didn't know her too well, but they'd been partnered together a few times.

As the crowd moved and surged, spilling out into the open air he still couldn't see her! in a split decision, he forced his way back through the students. An elbow hit him in the face, splitting his lower lip but he refused to stop. Coughing and wheezing as thick smoke filled his lungs, he dropped to his knees to crawl through the crowd.

Smoke, Ash and blood all seemed to mingle on his tongue, cinders, dust and dirt clinging to his hair and clothes. He called her name, pushing open doors and pulling on others as he checked each room.

Entering one bathroom, he found a figure collapsed on the floor. Pulling his hoodie off, he soaked it under the tap before standing with her unconscious body in his arms. The damp hoodie was placed over her to try and protect her, as he dragged her outside….


And that's all I have at the moment! Now, I'm looking for someone to play as her, please.

Will is a quiet soul, living in an unpleasant situation at home. He’s lacking in confidence because of this, and barely ever speaks unless spoken to! A natural talent for art and photography, he has an eye for detail that helps him in other aspects of life. Partially deaf, he knows how to sign though doesn’t often get an opportunity to use this as his parents don’t give a damn and he is yet to meet anyone who will communicate with him in such a way.

Y/C can be played however you desire, but I would like it if she was a strongly built woman, a few inches taller than Will’s 5 foot 7 inches in height, simply because I kinda like the Short Guy x Taller Girl pairing as a reversal of the typical. But of course, we can discuss this!

Obviously, he saves her from the fire! She becomes a little over-protective of him following this entire thing, and over time they bond.

This can be romantic or friendship! I'd prefer the later, but obviously that can be discussed.
Name: William Peter Carter
Nickname: Will
Age: 19
Nationality: American.
Height: 5 foot 5
Weight: This can fluctuate, but usually between 90 and 100 pounds dependent on where in his life you discover him.
S/O: Straight, with a real thing for punk and tough girls. He likes anyone whom shows him love though.

History: To say William had been dealt a bad hand in life would be rather unjust. He considers himself to be deserving of the pain and suffering he goes through, fearing that anything he does is wrong and deserves to have his ass kicked for it all. This is despite the fact William could never hurt a fly (Indeed, he has never hit a person. In fact, his worst behavior was stealing an apple from someone's tree when he was starving.) and just needs love and affection to make him realize all of this.

His father and mother are both heavy drug users, and as a result William never really had a good childhood. He grew up in poverty, wearing raggy and threadbare clothing which was often dirty or torn up. As he got older he began to take care of himself, patching his clothes up and washing them in a lake not far from the trailer park where he lived in what people would call squalor.

At the age of 16, he moved to a smaller high school where he ended up being bullied mercilessly. Used to such behavior, William never stood up for himself and allowed it to happen. The young man saw it as easier than defending himself, which resulted in him being used as a verbal and physical punching bag from both those who wanted to seem tough and those who wanted to vent anger out on a nice easy target.

Currently <age>, Will is desperate to move to somewhere safe and away from his abusive father and neglectful mother. He sadly only has around $100 saved up, which is a mixture of money he's found on the floor around places and a little earnt from his job at a Walmart. His parents often steal his money, so what he has saved is hidden away in his locker at work.

Will suffers from a number of physical issues, including malnutrition and weaker bones. He often has sore and blistered feet, and struggles in cold weather as he doesn't have much ability to keep warm. Though he is rather good at looking after himself, he struggles with affording medical essentials so doesn't currently have the type of hearing aids that would allow him to have a slightly better "quality of life" as some might deem it. He doesn't let this fully impact him, as he can sign and lipread. He is more fluent in ASL than he is in BSL as he's not actually met anyone who signs predominantly in the latter yet.

Despite all this, William is a sweetheart who has love and affection to give out to the right person or people. He doesn’t really know who the right person is of course, but he knows when he discovers them he will do anything to make them happy and hopes they will like him back.

He’s also a surprisingly talented artist and an excellent photographer. With little to do at home due to a lack of funds and parental caring, he took to taking scraps of paper home from school to draw on with the few crayons and pencils he owned. From scrawls and doodles, he began to draw beautiful and detailed pieces of work which he keeps in his locker at school. After saving up to move out, he currently lives in a small trailer at a park. Though he rarely ever spends money on himself, he did afford himself the luxury of a sketchbook and pencils so that he could keep honing his skills. He owns an old film camera which he rescued from a closing down store, along with plenty of film though he is running low on this.

His dream car is a 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air, preferably in blue or a 1950 Chevy 3100 pick up. He knows it'll probably never happen, but he still dreams of the day!

♤His Hometown♤:

I envisioned it being a riverside town that is quite close to a heavily wooded area, with the town once having a heavy connection to the Logging industry.

This failed when the local railway link was shut down, with the nearest source of transport being by the river through use of tugboats and barges. This proved too expensive, and with the local roads being dangerous for trucks there was no way to maintain what had built the town.

Hence the town has gone from being a busy, bustling industrious place to a small and rather rundown town with a population of less than 1,000. The only big-name company in the town is a Walmart which succeeds based on having ripped apart the smaller mom and pop stores.

There is an elementary school, which is combined with the middle school. No college of any kind there, with the biggest employer ironically being the Unemployment centre in the town's north end.

♡Writing Sample♡

William glanced down at the rusted, twisted railroad tracks beneath his feet, stepping carefully from sleeper to sleeper in order to follow the lay of the old railroad line. The odd misstep made him slip on the damp moss beneath his aching feet, though the light young man regained his footing rather quickly.

The line curved to follow the hillside, as it headed deeper into the forest where less sunlight tended to shine through and things were a little darker, to say the least. That aside, the feeling of unwanted gloom and dreary dampness wasn't helped by the mist settling in the evening haze as the temperature began to plummet somewhat dramatically. Will's breath was hanging on the air in clouds, the thin young man shivering as he made his way along.

Eventually, he came across an old, rusty and clearly neglected trestle bridge, which seemed to have fallen victim to the elements more than the old railway line that lead up to it had done. Rails were rusted, standing out like copper and brown lines atop the rotting and missing wooden planks that had once provided a firm base. Some were lost to the river below, which would often become a raging torrent in storms, threatening to wash the entire bridge downstream if Mother Nature so desired it.

More cautious steps were taken here, as Will sidestepped along to avoid some of the larger gaps in the middle. He even seemed to cling to the far left of the bridge, as though he knew this was the best way to go. He should have done, as he walked it often enough. Indeed, only his own footsteps were evident, as though proving to the world he was the only person brave or stupid enough to cross a rotting old railroad bridge for whatever lay on the other side. On occasion he did see other footsteps, although he had no clue whom they belonged to.

Once across, the teenager found the going much easier. He walked for roughly 30 or 40 minutes, pushing through brambles and low-hanging branches, before stepping over rabbit holes and scrambling across a stream until he finally found what he was looking for.

An old, rotting and evidently disused farmhouse. The building had been left for the elements and nature to claim back, and it seemed as though that was the plan of the world. Holes in the roof let in rain and snow during the less desirable times of the year and provided little shade in the hot summers. Nearby sat an old pickup truck, a rusting and discarded hulk with missing parts and a shattered windscreen. Hornets had made a nest in the truck the previous summer, something Will found out with less than pleasant results!

Pushing open the door with an ominous creaking noise and taking care to step over the missing floorboards, William carefully padded over to a dark red sleeping bag, which he knelt down beside and unzipped. Pulling out a first aid kit, he retrieved the painkillers from within. Taking out two, he swallowed them without water before sitting with his knees drawn to his chest, his bruised and battered body aching like all hell had broken loose. And it had at home.

Hence why he came here, where nobody could hurt him. Where he could be alone. Stripping off, he gazed at his reflection in the dusty mirror. His almost ghostly pale skin was pulled tight over his malnourished body, ribs apparent as all hell. He was almost skeletal in build, his body black and blue beneath his discarded clothing with specks of unblemished skin peeking through like a river on a map. Cuts were fresh, scars deep and lining his body like some horrific clay sculpture that had been tampered with.

Pulling out wipes, he silently began dabbling away at the blood, hissing in pain. His footsteps were slow as he moved to the sink, filling it with cold water out of a large bottle. Though the water he used was thankfully from a clean stream, it was still icy cold and unpleasant to wash with. Using what little soap he had to wipe away dirt and grime, he flinched more so as he ran over bruises on his legs and elbows before washing under his arms, cleaning his groin and feet.

Once he had dressed once more, William took a deep breath. He started to walk out of the farmhouse and towards the west, a way he had never really travelled before. Brambles and low-hanging branches cut at his legs and smacked against him, but the blonde continued to fight through, regardless.

For a good twenty minutes he carried on, even as a crack of thunder boomed and dark clouds rolled in overhead quicker than one might have anticipated. Rain fell, slowly at first, then almost in relentless sheets as if out of nowhere. Drenched through, and extremely cold, wet and muddy, the blonde boy continued on his path, regardless. He needed to explore, to focus on something new.

Eventually he came back to his hometown, having taken a different path out of the woods, of course. Here, he was in the north end of town and near the unemployment centre. Faint streetlights barely broke the dark gloom, but a yellow glow about a block away captured his eyes.

The light led him to a magnificent-looking church, the doors barely open. Discarded paper cups and bowls littered the grounds, and Will realised it must have been the night of the soup kitchen and the food bank.

Hesitating, the malnourished young man stepped inside the church. Water dropped off him at an alarming rate, splashing on the ground. He was so soaked his socks and shoes seemed to squelch as he walked, light steps seeming to echo heavily in the apparently empty church. Tired and weary eyes scanned the lavishly decorated place of worship, from the wooden pews with plush seating, to the scrubbed and polished golden decorations that seemed out of place against the darkened wood of the preacher’s lectern.

He made his way towards what he thought was an altar (Technically he was correct, though some people might have felt it necessary to correct him.), catching sight of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He guessed she was a similar age to him; maybe a few months or so older?

But what he couldn't explain, not guess, was the strange heat in his stomach at seeing her and the quickening beat of his heart inside his chest. He was used to his heart beating quickly, but that was always fear or pain. This was different. This seemed to be accompanied by a good feeling!

"E... Excuse me? Is there any soup or bread left?" Will was so frightened sounding and looked ready to faint from hunger. Blood stained his jeans from the cuts he sustained from the brambles, the malnourished blonde looking kinda sad and pathetic in a sort of.. lost puppy way.
Thud. Thud. Thud.

William's heart pounded against his chest at an alarming rate, almost threatening to leap out. Sweat trickled down his pale face, and each deep breath he had to take seemed to almost make his very blood scream in pain. Yet he remained silent, the only noises coming from his frame being the occasional hiss of pain intermingled with pained breaths and footsteps.

A trembling hand rested on his right hand side, set atop his ribcage. He knew he had broken ribs, the bruising on his pale skin a sickeningly dark black and blue. Blood poured from his nose, and trickled from his busted lip. His pale skin only seemed to make the injuries look much more severe than they were, though they couldn't be taken lightly.

Gravel crunched underfoot as he limped up the driveway of a classmate, raising his left hand to rap lightly upon the front door of her home. He didn't quite know what had drawn him here, the young woman in question wasn't someone he'd ever spoken to. Though that could apply to *all* the other students to be fair.

That said, he knew her mother and father both worked in the medical profession, so perhaps that was the answer. The click of a lock being opened brought him back to his senses, and he managed to stammer out a meek, pained and frightened "Hello". It felt so alien to actually say something. He couldn't recall the last time he'd uttered a single word, though that could have been the pain fogging his brain.


OKAY, so I'm happy with either romance or a sort of found family plot.

You can portray her as you want, though I love the idea of her being this rather stuck up, "I'm too good for this place" kinda young woman who does have a soft spot for this shy, abused and broken boy.

I just do not want characters and writers under 18.
This is SFW only.

I'm actually looking for a writer capable of playing as an older sister to my character Quinn.

Please note that Quinn is transgender. Transitioning from male to female, her older sister only discovered this after Quinn was forcibly outed.

Now, you can write Y/C as having any personality type you like, and any age from 17 upwards of course, to Quinn's 16.

Now, I do kinda like the concept that she's the kinda stuck up, sometimes quite mean girl type but fully accepting of Quinn and kinda overly protective of her now little sister!

Or, maybe like her mother and father, she could be a rather conservative Christian who has issues around LGBT rights. If the former, I figured she’d be 100% accepting of Quinn, no questions asked. The only thing she might be a little hurt by is that Quinn didn’t feel she could discuss this with her first! Regardless, she’s protective of her baby sister and would do anything to protect her.

If the later, perhaps she’s a little confused and unsure but at the same time kinda confused. She’s always been taught that being LGBT is wrong and a sin, but Jam… No, Quinn is her baby sister and she loves him… her! Her with all her heart regardless. There might be the internal battling, but at the end of the day her love for her sister would prevail.


Long ago, but not so very long ago
The world was different, oh yes it was
You settled down and you built a town and made it live
And you watched it grow, it was your town

Running a soft, pale hand through their shoulder length, blonde hair, Quinn let a smile grace thier once tired face. Deep, sea blue eyes shimmered with happiness, warmth and excitement in equal measure before looking down the reflection perring back, not afraid to gaze into the tall, wood-framed mirror.

Time goes by, time brings changes, you change too
Nothing comes that you can't handle, so on you go
You never see it coming when the world caves in on you
On your town, there's nothing you can do

A long, beautiful white dress sat on their form, running from shoulders down to about just above knees. It was a little frilly in places, a white bow across the chest. Knee-high rainbow socks accompanied the outfit, along with white, almost ballet styled shoes. Spinning in place, a delicate giggle of excitement passed Quinn's lips before they padded to a large, pink painted bookcase. Flicking off the "Pride" rainbow LED lamp, they pulled a leather-bound sketchbook from between a copy of Kelly Quindlen's "She Drives Me Crazy" and a copy of Rainbow Rowell's "Scattered Showers" borrowed from their big sister.

Main street isn't main street anymore
Lights don't shine as brightly as they shone before
Tell the truth, lights don't shine at all
In our town

Sun comes up each morning, just like it's always done
Get up, go to work, start the day
You open up for business that's never gonna come

As the world rolls by a million miles away
Main street isn't main street anymore
No one seems to need us like they did before
It's hard to find a reason left to stay
But it's our town, love it anyway
Come what may, it's our town

Turning off the radio, Quinn took a deep and anxious breath. Despite how close they were to their big sister, this was still a scary moment. Slipping out of the bedroom they'd spent the previous night in, Quinn walked over to <name's> bedroom, knocking twice upon the door before entering.

Gone was James Harper. Stood in his place, was Quinn Harper. No baggy clothes hiding a body, no unkempt short brown hair. No tears, no sadness.

"How do I look?" Quinn whispered, nervous energy practically crackling from the teenager. But she looked so happy, that it was almost unreal.
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