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Considering throwing my own hat in the ring here with Mobius from Honkai Impact 3rd, a super-genius scientist who fused herself with cosmic alien DNA in the pursuit of evolution and her ideal of Infinity. As one of 13 heroes called the Flame Chasers, she fought against the apocalypse of a 50,000 year Samsara and managed to make contributions that would eventually help the next Era achieve victory where hers failed.

P.S: I haven't been involved in any Group RPs for the last 2 years so I may be a bit rusty.

Whoa, damn! Welcome back! Long time, no see! To think I'd happen to come across your first post here in years! It's like the stars aligned. XD
Kasumi Haruno

Listening to Ren's words, Kasum suppressed a groan and rolled her eyes. So, this is about Lin's bullshit? What did he even say that was worth tears? Ugh... Kasumi mentally lamented getting saddled with this drama, as she did her best to ignore Ren's horrible attempts at being subtle about his burgeoning crush. She wondered if she should bluntly address it and clear up any potential brewing misunderstandings. Mu didn't seem to be quite "all there" at the moment, and it was possible he was feeding the perception of reciprocating something that wasn't there...

Nah, not worth the trouble. Just gonna... stay far away from that trainwreck... until it matters anyway.

The pinkette frowned at the brunette's retreating form, as Mu sprinted ahead towards the ramen shop. Aloud, she merely groused quietly, only loud enough for perhaps Ren to hear over the rain, "Still only paying for myself. I didn't agree to shit." Man, she didn't even really know this guy that well. The hell was he saying, trying to extort her into paying for his food?

Her frown deepened, as Ren inquired after her troubled mien, only for the pinkette's expression to smooth out into neutrality. "Bah, just my imagination. Don't mind me," she said blithely with a casual shrug of her shoulders, stuffing her hands in her pockets and turning on her heel to follow Mu. The lie leapt from her lips easily, as Kasumi mulled the matter over internally. Despite her concerns or her desire for impromptu meat-shields, if what she was sensing was any real form of danger, it would be objectively irresponsible for her to involve fellow Academy students in such a matter. Unbloodied and inexperienced as they were, if it was a matter requiring the attention of experienced shinobi, she'd just be leading them to the slaughter, which would hardly reflect well on her in the eyes of her superiors.

Kasumi quickly approached Ramen Ichigo, brushing aside the flaps to enter to small seating area, as the familiar scent of warm herbal broth intermixed with meats and vegetables. She felt her mouth watering a little at the promise of food, clicking her tongue at Mu's words and resisting the impulse to smack him on the back of the head. "Oi, slow down; there's more to ordering a proper bowl of ramen than telling the chef to go nuts. Read the menu, or you'll regret it," she groused.

Her words prompted a hearty laugh from over the counter, as a tall mustachioed man with greying hair, a somewhat portly countenance and laugh lines on his cheeks walked up to the counter, wiping his hands off on his apron. A grin was already on the lips of Mr. Ichigo, the present owner of the establishment. Elsewhere behind him in the relatively small kitchen area of the rest of the building, the sounds of chopping and bubbling liquid echoed out, and glimpses of a younger girl and man could be seen occasionally bustling around the workstations. Both were brunettes and looked vaguely similar if you were actually looking for it, likely to be related.

"Don't trust my chef's instincts, Miss Haruno?" Mr. Ichigo chuckled, receiving only a flat look in response.

"With a 'chef's choice' meal? Not on your life. That's one 'tasteful adventure' I won't be taking again," Kasumi said bluntly, eyes narrowing at the belly laugh she got in response, as she flopped one of the stools at the counter, already resting one elbow on the countertop and her chin in the palm of the related hand. "A large beef bowl for me instead..." She paused. "In a carry-out bowl if you please."

Calling the orders back to the kitchen, Mr. Ichigo raised a single bushy brow, his mustache twitching. "In a rush today, are we? And here I'd thought you'd have time to chat, since you came with friends," he chuckled.

Not friends, not even close the pinkette didn't say aloud. Kasumi frowned, her chakra senses still prickling in the distance. Despite doing her best to dismiss the matter... "I just realized there's something pressing I may need to handle," she finally said as a nondescript answer. Her eyes drifted towards Mu and the redhead presently pining after him, her gut twisting in annoyance at the idea of having to endure their little "not-date" as the third wheel. Oh, to be sure, that wasn't the specific reason she was leaving, but it certainly contributed. "I'll come back if I have time-" She probably wouldn't. "-but please, don't stop having a good time on my account." She didn't imagine that would be too difficult; she was self-aware enough to know she wasn't exactly a "cloud of sunshine". They'd probably get along much better without her there to be a killjoy once her patience ran out.
@Lewascan2OK, haha! You're really passionate about it. We can do whatever, I don't mind!

I'm just of the school of thought that though Kakashi is a good person, he's a really not a very good teacher unless he's forced to be. He's an unideal instructor to use as an example for the masses, evidenced in no small part by the fact that all three of his students ended up having to abandon him as a teacher to actually get anywhere notable.
Gotcha. All right, one more question. Just for the sake of uniformity, are we using the localized terminology (technique instead of jutsu, master instead of sensei, Mr. instead of -san and so on or...?

I'm planning to just use whatever I feel like tbh. When I feel like actually making an effort, I'll sprinkle in Japanese for funzies.

No, I watched this video: hyyyyaaaah!

Ehh, if I look at it from a more objective perspective, I already rather dislike the original bell test. It's inherently unfair as a concept, since the testees are lied to and basically have to luck into passing. To actually standardize that nonsense? Bleh. Clearly some nepotism in play to have a final test based entirely on ideology, rather than actual practical skill. Kakashi basically says this outright; they passed the moment they worked together, regardless of skill or actual success. This is an incredibly unwise passing standard that would (in any real scenario) just get these students killed in the field. Having competent individual skill, a proper foundation, is far more important than teamwork, no matter what Kakashi would like to claim. Teamwork can easily come later, but it doesn't matter if you can't carry your own weight. Overreliance on teamwork just turns you into canon fodder to be mowed down by the newest badass on the block (which Naruto inhabitants should be well aware are a thing; literally the Bingo Book). That test just feels irresponsible, tbh.

Although, the bell test being used on Boruto's class is noted to be because his class was filled with "troublemakers" and students that otherwise don't take being a ninja seriously, something Kakashi blames Boruto for. The Bell Test (and derivatives) only seems to be broken out if the students actually look like they need it (or if Kakashi is given more influence than he should be :V).
I get you! We can talk about it. The practical in Boruto was to ring a bell attached to Kakashi.

Oh, you meant the "Jonin test"?
I was talking about the actual standardized Academy graduation test stuff.
How a Jonin tests their potential team is another thing entirely and totally up to them, so I could easily see it being more "nonstandard" or whatever else they feel like.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Maybe it should be something fun like a twisted game of tag or capture the flag.

I was picturing something less silly or competitive to be honest. This is supposed to be a final test, after all, and one where the students are largely graded individually on their own merits, rather than pit against and compared to each-other, makes more sense. Aside from maybe the sparring (which, again, could simply be against an instructor for fairness), everything they're graded on should basically be almost like a standard test, where everyone is graded alone on personal performance with a score that doesn't rely on others.

I could still picture what you propose as something the Academy might do, but it doesn't sound like final test material... Unless you want to really stretch out the testing to a full arc for the AU? Honestly, in canon, the test likely took a single day at best, but I could see a practical exam including a test on survival skills. Having students competing in the wilds in a "camping trip" type deal for a day or several isn't entirely out of the question. I wouldn't call it the "final" final exam, but it could be a part of the overall final exam.
I’d assume a practical exam would at least cover all the physical bases.
Perhaps a sparring match against either other students are simply preset instructors that grade the performance of each student in turn.
Weapon handling tests on accuracy and damage with thrown weapons.
Physicality testing on stamina and agility with an obstacle course?
Testing ability to recognize and break out of basic Genjutsu.
Testing all three E-Rank jutsu, as the inability to cast even one of them competently was grounds for total failure in canon.

Just as some starter options.
In which Kasumi attempts to help(?) Mu in her cast-iron bitch sort of way.
She also notices Hikari's artillery, because despite cloaking her own signature, she still imbued her attacks with chakra. :V
Kasumi Haruno

"Ramen first, then," Kasumi confirmed, her chin inclining slightly in assent to Ren's choice. Shortly thereafter, her lips made a slight downturn, and she scoffed, flapping one hand dismissively. "Obviously, I'll pay for myself... at least for the ramen." It was within her splurge budget. "I was the first to suggest it anyway." And therefore bore some level of personal culpability for the cost of this venture. Though, paying for herself was about as far as her generosity went. Mu was the one to suggest this outing in the first place, after all; she wasn't about to start giving people ideas about her paying for her "host" in these sorts of matters. That was just liable to set an annoying precedent. Still...

The pinkette's expression of mild displeasure developed into a full frown, as Mu's chakra song continued to grow more and more discordant and negative, directly in contrast to her expectations and the slightly improving song of Ren. Kasumi's brows pinched in confusion, as her gaze turned away from Ren towards the gradually hunching form of Mu. She almost missed it through the rain, but-

Is he actually seriously crying? Oh come on, man, we're in public! Why?!

"The fuck is eating you?" Kasumi asked Mu bluntly, before clicking her tongue. "Come to think of it, you haven't said a word since we left the Academy; silent as the grave, you are. Oi, this 'grabbing a bite' thing was your idea, after all, so show a little more initiative." Her eyes narrowed, as she stepped closer into the brunette's personal space, making no illusions that she could likely see the woodcutter's tears. "Yare yare, the hell are you crying for? Pull yourself together, and let's fucking eat already. You're not you when you're hungry." Leaning yet closer, her frown deepened. "Since you haven't been talking, I'd guess that means you've been doing a lot of thinking instead, and since that clearly isn't doing you any good, maybe you should sto-"

A sharp brief distortion in the local chakra suddenly flickered overhead, quickly followed up by several similar distortions, and Kasumi stiffened, her gaze snapping to the sky. The pinkette straightened up, eyes narrowed upwards at a phenomenon only she seemed to have detected, judging by the way the citizenry were still going about their business undisturbed. Hell, even the few shinobi she could see wandering the streets didn't seem to take notice. Kasumi's gut curdled, her earlier premonition of unease rising back to the forefront. Curiosity mingled with caution.

Was this an attack on Konoha? A careless instance of training? Kasumi's brow scrunched in consideration, her lips pursing. The smart thing to do would be to stay hands off and leave things to more experienced ninja, to pretend like she hadn't noticed anything and stay far away from ground zero of... whatever this was. That would be the easiest and safest thing to do, right? But then again... judging by the reactions of the shinobi on the street, the 'more experienced' ninja were largely entirely ignorant. What if the pinkette was the only one that had noticed? Or rather, she and what few other sensors Konoha might have. Should she tell someone? But if she did, wouldn't she need to explain what had tipped her off? Kasumi quickly lapsed into a silence of her own, paralyzed by indecision.
Mu: Referring to Kasumi as a friend.
Ren: Also implying Kasumi is a friend.

lmao even.

There's also the funny instance where (inversely) Hikari assumes Kasumi was preparing to defend herself when Lin pulled out a knife. When really, she was actually planning to swap herself with Lin using Replacement to get him away from his "target". Averts the attack and simultaneously creates distance if things got ugly. It's probably the one outwardly altruistic thing she's almost done so far. XD
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