Avatar of TheTwistedOne


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4 mos ago
Current I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back. Daisies on your nightstand, never forget, I blossom in the moonlight.
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5 mos ago
I live
2 yrs ago
I've returned
4 yrs ago
I'll send it to you first daddy
4 yrs ago
Wow. I actually want to roleplay


I like turtles.

Most Recent Posts

Bump bump

Hi there, so I like 1x1 and small groups because we can move at our own pace. So here I am!

I’m a sucker for romance, and it’s my favourite part of stories. All my stories always have some romance, however, that doesn’t mean I’m here to write constant smut. I’m ok if it happens, I kind of expect sexual content when romance is involved, but I’m also ok if it fades to black. It can be a huge part of our story or it can be a minor part. Our roleplay can be as dark and tragic or lighthearted and funny. I’ll tell you what I’m not comfortable writing. I usually do MXF, and I usually play females. I’m also open to other ideas.

We can build a world and story together

Dark Ambitions

[(Demon x Human (Supernatural - Modern - Comedy - Romance )]

You’re a demon lord trapped on earth. You were exiled from your realm, and betrayed by your pupil( you can decide how and why ). Being trapped on earth slowly weakens your full demonic powers. I’m a human, a university student trying to get by and a little to fascinated by horror films and the occult. A seance prank on halloween goes very wrong ( and very real ) and summons you to earth realm. Lust, murder, chaos... the darkness that lingers in humanity .. it all helps you stay strong while you hide in human form. To what extent would you go to return to your kingdom and punish those that betrayed you? And how do I explain my all of sudden incredibly attractive, intelligent, humorous, new ‘boyfriend’

I prefer DM's :)

Hit me up with some ideas!

Hi there, so I like 1x1 and small groups because we can move at our own pace. So here I am!

I’m a sucker for romance, and it’s my favourite part of stories. All my stories always have some romance, however,  that doesn’t mean I’m here to write constant smut. I’m ok if it happens, I almost expect sexual content when romance is involved, but I’m also ok if it fades to black. It can be a huge part of our story or it doesn’t have to be part of our story at all. Our roleplay can be as dark and tragic as you want. I’m open to almost anything. Just ask and I’ll tell you what I’m not comfortable writing. I usually do MXF, and I usually play females. I’m also open to other ideas and pairings! Just let me know.

We can build a world and story together

We don't have to follow any of these plots... they're just ideas! Fandoms are also welcomed

Tainted Love

The Harvesting

Dark Ambitions

Hit me up with some ideas!
Sup little hunnies

Hi there, so I like 1x1 and small groups because we can move at our own pace. So here I am!

I’m a sucker for romance, and it’s my favourite part of stories. All my stories always have some romance so I won’t include them in the categories and plots. That doesn’t mean I’m here to write constant smut. I’m ok if it happens, I almost expect sexual content when romance is involved, but I’m also ok if it fades to black. It can be a huge part of our story or it doesn’t have to be part of our story at all. Our roleplay can be dark... it can be as dark and tragic as you want. I’m open to almost anything. Just ask and I’ll tell you what I’m not comfortable writing. I usually do MXF, and I usually play females. I’m also open to other ideas and pairings! Just let me know.

We can build a world and story together

We don't have to follow any of these plots... they're just ideas! Fandoms are also welcomed

Tainted Love

Heart of Flames

The Harvesting

Moonlight Shadows

Bonded by Fate

Dark Ambitions

Coming Soon

Hit me up with some ideas!

Shinobi x Shinobi
Buumpie bump
We can build a world and story together

Hi there, you can call me Twisted, Twisty.. whatever youd like. I'm a lady well over the age of 18 and I like 1x1s because we can move at our pace.

I’m a sucker for romance, and it’s my favourite part of stories. That doesn’t mean I’m here to write constant smut. I’m ok if it happens, I almost expect sexual content when romance is involved, but I’m also ok if it fades to black. It can be a huge part of our story or it doesn’t have to be part of our story at all. Our roleplay can be dark... it can be as dark and tragic as you want. I’m open to almost anything. Just ask and I’ll tell you what I’m not comfortable writing. I usually do MXF, and I usually play females. I’m also open to other ideas and pairings! Just let me know.

The Harvesting

You’re a Vampire overlord. A wealthy, powerful bachelor with all the right connections. I’m a Special Forces Agent. Vampires and Humans co-exist peacefully, with an equal number of human, and vampire on every countries council. There’s been an increase of missing humans, and vampires turning up dead around the city. I’m investigating a Human Harvesting ring. You’re a suspect, and at the top of my list. The spot light on you is bad for business, and you know you were framed. You want to clear your name, but more than anything you want to know who is framing you, and who is leaving the trail of vampire bodies.

We don't have to follow this completely and of course I'm willing to make changes! I'm a lax partner and I love to discuss plots and key points throughout the story. DM me with any questions!
Bumpie Bump
Sup little hunnies

Hi there, so I like 1x1 and small groups because we can move at our own pace. So here I am!

I’m a sucker for romance, and it’s my favourite part of stories. That doesn’t mean I’m here to write constant smut. I’m ok if it happens, I almost expect sexual content when romance is involved, but I’m also ok if it fades to black. It can be a huge part of our story or it doesn’t have to be part of our story at all. Our roleplay can be dark... it can be as dark and tragic as you want. I’m open to almost anything. Just ask and I’ll tell you what I’m not comfortable writing. I usually do MXF, and I usually play females. I’m also open to other ideas and pairings! Just let me know.

We can build a world and story together

We don't have to follow any of these plots... they're just ideas! Fandoms are also welcomed

Tainted Love

Heart of Flames

The Harvesting - Would really like to do this one!

Moonlight Shadows

Coming Soon

Hit me up with some ideas!

Shinobi x Shinobi
Demon x Human
I still plan on making a hunter of sorts. Got a little busy
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