Bear with me on the wording and format of this CS. It is more or less a stripped version of a faery character and it's contents are basically the result of the GM and I setting her up to suit this rp. It will more than likely be edited to include additional changes and corrections and for clarifying it's content shortly. It can more or less be ignored for now until completed.
Faeries are magical creatures that originated in The Faery Realm, which rests just above the human realm. Generally lithesome and beautiful, they are the same size as humans, although often with ethereal features and exhibit increased strength, speed, and reflexes. Faeries possess an innate glamour that allows them appear close to human while perhaps looking slightly out of place. As part of that glamour, Faeries are unobservable by humans unless they want to be seen. That's not invisible, but rather anyone that sees them won't be able to focus on them. Children with expansive imaginations can see through this as well as many supernaturally inclined humans and other beings like demons. A changeling is a faerie exchanged for a human infant at birth for whatever reason.
Faeries are higher up on the food chain than humans. They eat dreams, turning them into nightmares. Faeries are capable of traveling freely to and from the dreaming. A faerie cannot lie or break a promise. (Literally physically impossible, not just figuratively) They do not age(Yes they do, they just won’t necessarily die from old age) or require physical sustenance, but if they do not feed, they simply fade away into nothingness(and can no longer hold their human appearance to remain inconspicuous or to keep their wings hidden and safe). They may be killed permanently by being stripped of both wings, in either realm, either by force or willingly through ritual.) Stolen or gifted Faery wings, or their fragments, can grant varying degrees of healing, as some races of Faery do not inherently possess the power to heal, despite the myths that they do. A wing fragment can heal a disease, affliction, or mortal wound once before fading away. An entire wing will heal and extend the users possible lifespan by 1000 years if human, or the equivalent if non-human. (***Note that I do not plan on using this at any point in the rp, as faeries are terribly selfish with their wings, but it is here simply to explain her backstory. Especially considering that she is already missing one wing, the only time hers will be mentioned would be if someone were trying to kill her that way, or happens to be looking at them. She will not be healing anyone.
Name: Allyse Blanc
Field Name: TBD
Age: “24” in appearance
Position (role on team): Field Agent of various roles. 3 main: Identify & Gage, Clean up, or Transport.
1. Identify: Typically sent to first verify the magic happenings identified by intel are indeed the sort of demons they seek, gage their level of power, and the amount of damage they have already caused.
Gage: The amount of damage or worldly disturbance that may result from the DIS engaging them and making a recommendation on who of the team would be best suited to lead the attack.
2. Clean up: Either before or after the battle, this can consist of literally moving the bodies or debris caused from the wreckage into the Faery Realm, in order to keep the city intact and as unsuspecting as possible.
3. Transport: She will, in times of great need, take her team members into the Faery Realm in order to keep them out of certain amounts of danger, or retrieve them from enemies if they’ve been compromised. It is incredibly risky, however, for non- humans, human hybrids, or humans who enter knowingly. She will only do so when absolutely needed and has only had to do so once before. The person died anyhow.
Time served on team: Officially 6 years, though not consecutively, or with this particular branch. She was most recently a part of a team in NYC and was transferred to LA about two years ago.

Role: Recon, Clean up, Emergency Intervention
Race: Faery
Special Abilities or Expertise:
Intense knowledge of races, their languages, and powers/magic. Firsthand knowledge of certain accounts of history and what accounts are true and which are not, ie, she would know very plainly the truth about Jack the Ripper.
Special abilities:
• Relocation.
The power to bring non Fae into the Faery Realm. This means the person would not necessarily have to be asleep, nor aware they're being moved, to enter. At lower ranks she would have to exert a large amount of energy and power to bring them in and then yet more keep them there. At higher ranks she can do so at will and the power needed to keep them there would be greatly reduced.
• Suggestion.
As Fae spend so much time in the minds of others, Allyse has learned to use her powers to covertly place certain 'suggestions' into them. While this is nowhere near mind control, it is quite useful to drop a little fragment of a dream into someone’s mind while they're awake. Usually the person will believe it to be a thought or idea of their own and act on it if it is repeated enough times. Limits on this would be for 1) at lower power levels certain suggestions just won't work, especially on those of higher power, but also on regular people in general. If the suggestion is either too unlike the person it's given to, too complicated for the person to do, or too obvious that it's being implanted in their minds, the suggestion will fail. This would mean while suggesting a waitress give you free desert by making her feel she hadn't been very hospitable would be a simple task; successfully convincing a perfectly sane person to commit mass murder and then suicide would be unlikely.
Nationality: Danish
Biography/ Personality: Though she normally maintains the appearance of a human in their early twenties; Allyse claims being born in the fairy realm, some 230,000 years ago. Or perhaps it's reborn that she says? Either may or may not be true as the circumstances of her birth and younger years have been mostly forgotten as time passed, and with good reason. In her youth she was naive and determined to go about life in her own way, as all those blinded with stubborn ideals are. She hated The Faery Realm, where every inch of life had to be fabricated by Fae, and instead longed for the freedom of the human world. She longed for their company as opposed to that of her own kind, to live among them in a life much like their own. While feeding she became particularly attached to a human and eventually left the fairy realm to pursue him in reality. Allyse had never left the dreaming for more than a few days at a time before though, and this was at a time where demons running rampant across the earth was at a high the common Fae had not witnesses ever before. King Oberon was most distraught to find thousands of reports that demons all across the world were planting faery traps, attacking them at random, and stealing their wings. Even humans, plagued by demons and in such a tremendous way began to do the same, most of them with the intention of healing a loved one, but even more so as bargaining chips for the demons. If you had a wing to trade, your life could be spared. To avoid a war, and for the safety of the Fae, King Oberon simply banned travel to the human realm for the next 10,000 years making sure the main border was constantly guarded. Entry into the human world was strictly forbidden without express permission or on official business, which was mostly granted to high ranking warriors. In turn, the Queen declared that any Fae who was attacked as a result of not following their orders would be left to fend for themselves. 10,000 years is not even a fraction of a Faery’s lifetime, and within months of the first attack, 98 percent of the Faery population which once freely roamed the earth, had happily had opted to keep away from the human realm as much as possible. Allyse, on the other hand could not. Despite warnings that as a faery, she may be hunted by the creatures for her wings, she instead opted to try her luck alone, and for a short time her and her human lover lived a normal life, but as he aged and she didn't, she was forced to come to the realization that despite what reality had to offer, in the end she would have to watch it die when it's time came. It was at this point, she should have immediately returned home, but selfish and unreasonable as always, she did not. Unable to deal with the bitter truth she opted to do the only thing a faery could, and sacrifice a wing to at least secure her lovers life for the next thousand years. The stir of magic that erupted when she did, however, drew hundreds of demons to them in mere minutes, where she and her lover, who was mistaken as a Faery for the moment, were trapped and hauled off to the center of what once was a human town, several days away which had been completely overrun by demons. The commanding demon, whose name she never caught, had apparently been sending his lesser vessels out hunting for Fae, with promise of extended power being granted by the ones successful enough to return with one. At once the torture began, urging both she and her lover to lower their disguises and reveal their wings. She honestly, yet foolishly, pled on his behalf, trying to convince the others that he was in fact a human, and that he had no wings, but the demons being relatively young, or stupid she supposed, did not know or believe that a Faery could not lie, and although his body had been blessed by the wing, enough to sustain him for a few weeks, the aura of magic began to fade, eventually clearing enough to prove, he was in fact, a human. At once she was taken back to the general who had been more or less absent during the whole charade. When they explained the situation The General, the only name she would ever know him by, being the cunning demon he was, offered her something of a deal. Unlike the grotesque creatures around her, the general, like her, appeared almost human. He had hard features, but a handsome face, one that could snake up into a soft and believable smile at a moment’s notice. Seeming to surmise their relationship he offered her the life of her lover being spared, if she was willing to hand over her other wing. She was ready and positioned to give in without a second thought, when the emotions of the lesser demons around her shifted. The general, being stronger than she was at the time, had been able to keep a sincere aura about him, but the others almost erupted into joy the moment the covert order had been given, by the general, to kill the other human and the fairy as soon as she finally revealed her wing. The final blow that ended her lover ached through her chest, as it no doubt ached through his, all the way from the center of town where they’d left him behind. Relentlessly she called for The King and Queen to save him, and honor the 1000 years she’d given him only days before, but only silence echoed from the other side and with the last of his life force drained, she fled and secluded herself back to The Faery Realm. From then on she maintained something of a jaded and cynical view on life. This translates directly into her dry, rather sarcastic humor, as well as her tendencies to be aloof and disinterested with the concerns of others.
For many thousands of years, long after the demon activity died down, and the traveling ban was lifted, she stayed put in The Faery Realm, unable to cross back to reality because of the frustration the memories brought on. Bathed in silence and solidity for so long she began losing track of the ones she once called family, the ones called friends, and unsatisfied by what efforts she tried to regain them she turned her entire attention over to feeding. This proved most effective in numbing herself from the void they'd left and slowly but surely she resigned herself to being a solitary creature. Eventually she developed until she was no longer affected with the want to form human ties, nor those with her own people, and was able to function properly in both worlds once more. That being accomplished, she’s spent the last 7000 years roaming the earth in search of The General, the demon who led the hunt on her people, and who was responsible for the death of the only thing in the world she ever sought to protect. With the coming of the age of technology however, she found that even the humans had become wise to the magical happenings around them once more, and in 1891, after a tragic series of events for them, she found them banding together, all across the world, in hopes of investigating these occurrences, and what they meant for the safety of their world. While Allyse initially had no intention of joining them, she couldn’t help but admit that without the help of the King or Queen, which she would never accept anyhow, she would be hard pressed to find the Demon she was in search of, and with 7000 years wasted, she did, behind the scenes of course, whatever she could to aid members of the agency all over the world in connection with certain cases she thought might bring her closer to her target. Even more so, and even if she wasn’t willing to admit it, she still sympathizes with humans best, and somewhere down under still holds a soft spot for them.
Fast forward to present, where one particular case led her from New Zealand to New York, 6 years ago. The DIS were hot on something’s trail, and though they were doing all they could, very adeptly too, she couldn’t be bothered to wait while they rallied enough forces to prepare for what would seem to be a pack of demons hiding out in an abandoned laundry mat. A small group had followed the unknowing demon back to their hideout, and were waiting for backup to arrive when Allyse made it to the scene. Somewhere in that pack, one demon, had an unmistakable aura about him, and walking clear through the agents staked out, she at once descended on the place. In approximately six minutes after she entered, and nine before reinforcements arrived, the bodies of 13 demons, sans the one who she still held firmly, clutched by his throat were laid out before the agents, whom she then flagged down, revealing she was aware they were there, positioned on the neighboring rooftops, with weapons pointed keenly at her vitals. Dropping the final demon she raised both hands and spoke. “May I speak with your leader? I can hear him through your communication device.”
That day she was blindfolded and led back to DIS headquarters where, shortly after proving herself to be a Faery, bartering with ancient knowledge, and even proving that she had in fact helped them hundreds of times in the past, they reached an uneasy agreement that would allow her to work with them, officially now, though being non-human, she would be on a sort of probation and always with a team that could keep an eye on her. She stayed with her New York team for approximately four years, and when the trail dried up in New York she requested to be transferred to Los Angeles, the only direction the search for The General seemed to point. She has since been with her current Los Angeles team, and poses as an exchange student at the university.
Campus Cover: Exchange student
Trivia: N/A for now.