Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyro V
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Pyro V

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The city of Aissur was busy that day. The streets were brought to life with commotion, commoners and lesser nobles lining the sides of the streets, watching the procession that passed by them. For the first time, the feared cult, the Children of the Dark Suns, were marching through the streets of Aissur unhindered, welcomed, in fact, by happy cheers. Their gold and black armor reflected the light of their Father, and more than a few waved back to the people who gave them such a grand welcome.

Following swiftly behind them, the Lunar Watch. These stoic men and women stared ahead and walked swiftly, some even catching up with the Dark Suns, stepping on heels. Most wore simple clothing, looking like peasants themselves, while others wore heavy, dark armor that seemed to absorb the very sunlight. They were quiet, and stared firmly at the castle ahead. The people became somewhat lackluster in their cheers with the lack of response from the Watch, who was gone nearly as quickly as they had arrived.

Finally came the freelancers, the ragtag army of mercenaries from all walks of life, who whooped and hollered along with the ground. Some of the older, more professional men and women quietly walked, offering smiles and waves, but for the most part they were little more than a bunch of glory hungry boys who didn't want the restrictions of the military. The people cheered on as these brave "volunteers" marched on the way to give their bodies off to the Queen.

The sun was high in the sky when they all arrived in the palace courtyard. The Dark Suns and the Lunar Watch stood silently, patiently, respectfully. Many of the mercenaries did as well, but there were some who could not resist the urges to mutter and giggle and reel at being cheered on like heroes. All around, members of the military stood, watching over the odd men and women who were taking up residence in the area. Amidst the soldiers were a few men, walking around in thick robes despite the heat, their heads covered by black or red bandanas. High above, a door opened to a balcony, and out stepped a pair of humans. The first was a large, red robed man, his skin dark, marking his Conjuskan ancestry. His hand ran over his bald head as he stepped aside, allowing the other person to step into view. A young woman, clothed in a white dress that hugged her body nicely, came into view, the Iron Crown of Aeribis resting on her head.

The woman gave the people a small bow, and moved her mouth, though from so far below none could hear. She touched at her throat, and looked to the man. He cleared his throat, stepped forward, and spoke, his voice booming down loudly, heard clearly as if he were standing next to each and every person. "Friends, colleagues, hired hands, the Queen, our most gracious Eline I, welcomes you all to her city, and her palace!" A round of applause and cheers from the mercenaries, and even some of the Dark Suns, while the Watch remained quiet as ever. "Thank you, my friends. However, we wish these were better times to invite you all! Unfortunately, our homes, our country, our Queen, is threatened by a presence that has never made itself known to us in this way before: Demons!

"The witches of Ezdenah and Arejj have attacked us with beings beyond which we are capable of combating on our own! You, all of you, are among the best of what Aeribis and its allies has to offer! You have all offered yourselves to your Queen and country to aid us in this time of need, and for that, we thank you, and we thank you for the sacrifices that some of you will have to make. It pains me to ask it of you, but some of you will have no choice but to pay the ultimate price to save the many. If any of you think you cannot handle it, then please, now is the time to back down." The man paused, and raised a hand to stroke through the thick, curly goatee that covered his mouth. None made a move to leave, not even the mercenaries, whom no one held in high regard. The man smiled, and continued. "Very well then! The soldiers around will hand out your assignments, mercenaries, and tell you all where you will be needed the most. Lunar Watch, Children of the Sun, you are free to work as you please. Some of you, however, have been invited inside to be given a special audience with the Queen. Those of you who received the invitation, please, come in. A meal has been prepared for all of you."

And with that, he and the Queen re-entered the palace, and the door shut behind them. The Lunar Watch and Dark Suns dispersed through the palace and the city, though most of the Watch returned to the forest, happy to be done with the formalities. The mercenaries stood around, grumbling and shuffling as they were handed out slips of paper by the soldiers around. However, there were a few people from each group that were brought to the palace, and escorted through the large doors that led inside. The hall was gorgeous, polished marble forming the walls and pillars while grand tapestries and a thick, red carpet led down to the throne room. They were lead off down a hallway towards the dining area, the walls lined with weapons that, at first glance, seemed impressive, until someone looked closer and noticed that nearly all of the blades were dulled or blunted.

They entered, and were seated by a handful of servants, the Queen already seated, along with four other individuals sitting around, while the red robed man stood behind her, whispering into her shoulder. Around the table, nearest to the Queen, were high ranking members from each of the groups invited to aid Aeribis: Justicar Aura Valerian of the Lunar Watch, Sentinel Balor of the Dark Suns, Vladimir Karrov, honorary leader of the mercenaries, and Major Norman "Stonewall" Bellerin of the Aeribis Military. All but the giant fenrir were waiting patiently for the others to arrive. Vladimir, though, was busy tearing into his food, causing Stonewall to give him a disgusted look. Vladimir looked up from his food, and grumbled "It took you lot long enough" before returning to his meal.

The Queen smiled at the group, and bowed her head. From this distance, they could all see just how small she really was - she was terribly thin, her skin pale as a sheet, though she kept up a slender rather than thin look. Blonde hair, nearly white, ran down her shoulders, while the crown that previously rested on her head now laid on the table. Her hands folded in her lap, she took a deep breath and addressed the group. "Thank you all for joining me," she said, her voice soft. "I will not take up your time with too many words, as I am sure you are all eager to begin your meals." She gave a small look to Vladimir, who had finished off a second plate by the time she had spoken those words. She looked more amused than annoyed, though.

"Firstly, I want to personally thank you all for all of the work you'll be doing for me, and all of Aeribis, over the next few months. It is deeply appreciated, though I doubt I must say it aloud too many times. But, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we should get on to business. While the bulk of our organizations will be working as troops against any large forces found in Aeribis, you all, along with these four fine people, will be working as an elite team, tasked with taking down the highest members of the Fire Cults and Chaos Servants, or otherwise going where you are needed the most. While I understand that some of you might have hesitations working with each other, I must implore you all to put aside your differences for the greater good, especially since you will be working beneath each other at different times. Justicar Valerian will act as your commander for these next few weeks, until you are needed elsewhere. Now, I will leave you to Commander Aziz, if you have any questions. I am not feeling too well, so if you would excuse me..."

Eline stood rather abruptly, scooping up her crown, and hurried out of the room, followed swiftly by two guards. The red robed man, presumably the Commander, pushed in her chair and glanced down to her untouched food, letting out a small sigh. Then he looked up at the people gathered at the table, and gave them a little smile. "Please, eat as much as you wish. And, if any of you have questions, please, address myself or one of the other commanders in the room. We are all here for you to become familiar with, so please, ask away."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Bubsy 2

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon strolled down the crowded avenue alongside his fellow 'Freelancers', the name that now unofficially unified the bunch of ragtag mercenaries. Despite his qualms with his new position alongside the military, Leon was for the most part happy. Was Leon trilled to be working with the army? No. But he did promise to help those who needed him, and this was where he needed to be. Plus, the promise of regular meals helped. He was somewhat worried about somehow finding his elder brother, but Leon pushed the concerns out of his head. It was hard to be worried in the middle of a parade dedicated to you, wasn't it? As the crowd cheered for the mercenaries, the majority of the bunch were unexpectedly rowdy in clear contrast to the Lunar Watch. Leon elected to remain unnoticed in the procession, keeping his hood drawn over his head and not drawing attention to himself.

As the group arrived in the courtyard, Leon elected to take a small rest, anticipating the busyness of the day ahead. Leon propped himself against one of the outlying walls of the courtyard. He shut his eyes for but a moment, before the booming voice of a man interrupted his rest. Leon opened one of his eyes, taking a sideways glance at the man addressing them. Beside him was a women who could only be assumed to be the Queen. The man spoke of the hefty cost of the struggle ahead, and commended them on their sacrifice. The speech was hardly far from what Leon expected. As for the dying part, Leon may have lost it all, but he hardly plans on dying when he can still make his life worth something. The part that really caught Leon's attention was the talk of special invitations to a feast with the Queen. It was hard not to wish for some special assignment, although Leon doubted he would be picked for such a task. However, Leon was soon proven wrong as the Queen herself approached him and handed him one such invitation. Leon was taken aback to be personally selected by the Queen. He quickly bowed to her as she began to walk away. The Queen did not match Leon's expectations. He heard in other lands less prone to patriotic bias that Eline ruled her nation with fear, but it seemed to him that she was a benevolent ruler. He reserved his judgment for now.

The dining hall was gorgeous, a temple of extravagance and marble. The weapons on the wall were little more than two-bit play pieces, but their surroundings were nonetheless impressive, and hardly what Leon imagined for his first day serving the crown. Leon was led to his seat, and thanked the servant that directed him. Before him sat several imposing figures- The Queen and the leaders of the different factions assembled together. Leon's stomach turned at the sight of Vladimir Karrov. Being a traveler Leon met many people, including some of the mercenaries that roamed the lands- one of which was Vladimir. A crass and crude Fenrir with an unmistakable capacity for cruelty. Leon was not a fan of Vladimir, and did not acknowledge his presence. The Queen gave a small speech and departed rather abruptly- Leon was under the impression that she would join them for the feast, but she appeared to be in some sort of discomfort. For now Leon held any questions he may have had, and began eating.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The crowd jeered angrily at Yithare as he was forced through the procession, just behind the various freelancers and mercenaries. Two guards accompanied the witch doctor as he was paraded through, heavy objects thudding against his body. The crowd was obviously aggravated with his presence, and did not hesitate to show it, not caring for the guards they sometimes hit with their haphazard projectiles. Still, Yithare bore it, turning the other cheek. He knew he would be subjected to such torture upon being captured, but he prefered to look at the silver lining. As long as life ran through his blood, there was hope.

So, through his skin was stretched tight over his bones, and his body was scarred from the beatings he received, he held his masked head high, knowing that someday, his demons would take pleasure in ripping these men to shreds. A slight flame flickered within his eyes as the daydream played out in his head, but stayed at a mere ember.

Even that trace bit of magic stirred the steel beast that gnawed at his wrists. The slightest sign of anything unnatural woke the cuffs, which drained him of his energy, leaving him cold and tired. Just thinking about it sent a shiver down his spine. The nerve of these mortals, daring to chain him- his revenge would be sweet.

But the time for daydreaming didn't last long- as the barrage of various items ceased, more soldiers swarmed around Yithare, spears raised, as if Yithare was actually able to do anything at this point. After multiple pokes and prods, he was led into the castle, being watched like a mouse under the gaze of a hawk. Clearly, this was important. Yithare gazed in awe at the riches of the palace as he was shoved through- his entire life had been a poor one. The splendor of the place made him stop, only to be rewarded with a quick backhanded strike from a guard, prompting him to enter the dining area, where he was violently shoved to his knees.

The scarce population of the room gave him disgusted looks, as was expected. Yithare's mouth watered at the aromas of food that filled the room, though he knew that he would be treated to no such thing, being the 'monster' that he was. So he stood tall and proud, despite the shackles that covered his frail body, and the five guards standing by him, spears raised. Yithare was truly only there to get the others used to the fact that they would be working with the enemy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

Johannes followed the illustrious procession calmly, each step measured and perfectly executed. It would hardly do well for somebody in his position to mess up a public welcoming parade. He'd gotten lucky to be blessed by Lun, and he made sure to make good use of her gifts. Whether he was hunting the wicked, or fighting much more monstrous foes, he made good use of his abilities. However, standing behind the Children of the Dark Sun made him uneasy, perhaps for the first time in many years. Their doctrine was one he held strong judgments about. He refused to see any group or person that wished to rule the world as "good." He had a hard time seeing monarchs as such, as well. Power was a dangerous thing, and nobody was immune to the corruption it caused.

He wasn't surprised in the least that he'd received an invitation from the Queen to participate in this special audience. As far as he was aware, there were perhaps three or four other of Lun's Chosen here, and one of them was a young lady of not even twenty years. Graciously accepting the invitation, he went along with the others who had been offered the same privilege, noticing one distinct individual being escorted by a group of Inquisitors. Whoever-or whatever- it was must have been powerful beyond measure before their capture. The mask this person wore intrigued the Watchman, and at the same time it made his body itch. It made him want to fight-to kill, even. Forcing his arm to stay by his side, he turned away from the mask-wearer, the muscles of his face contracting in discomfort. This situation was ugly as is. Did they really need this person here?

As they entered the dining hall, Johannes instinctively took a knee and brought his fist to his chest before standing again and removing his helm, finally revealing the telltale signs of his gift. Few needed to know who or what he was. If you did, your life was going to be very long, or very, very short, courtesy of his sword and shield.

Taking a seat, Johannes listened patiently to the Queen's address, his brow visibly furrowing at her speedy departure and less-than-ideal appearance. Part of him was genuinely concerned, but that was more so for the people of Aeribis than the Queen herself. A sickly, pale and fragile woman could hardly run a nation properly. Beginning his meal, he spoke up. "I understand that we are expected to...work with one another. That idea is difficult enough for me to reconcile as is. But...whomever this individual here is," He gestured to Yithare, "I am greatly discomforted by the fact that he is chained...and has a guard the likes of which I have truly never seen. I must ask before I come to regret it: what...exactly am I looking at here? The others around me I can more or less understand. But this character is an enigma, and that fact disturbs me greatly, loathe as I am to reveal such a rudimentary weakness."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XecutionerRex


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XecutionerRex


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The city was filled with the scent of food, the sound of festivity, and an overall sense of celebration. Dese and Aviine both walked along with the freelancers, Aviine to his brother's right. They were taller than most of them, with a long stride to match. The brothers wore casual Aeribissian outfits, two human skulls attached to Dese's. The older brother carried two, one edged, 18 inch blades of clear Conjuskan craft. The younger sported his staff and a four foot sword. They bore no face paintings, but their expressions were nonetheless indifferent and hard to read.

They had been expecting the crowd to be booing them on as barbarian trash, but that simply wasn't the case. The citizens were glad to receive any help they possibly could, and the brothers spotted no glares in the masses. For a moment, deep inside, their souls were lifted. But it quickly sank back beneath their waters of troubles, and a smile never showed upon their faces.

The sun was shining and the temperature was comfortable --- even for those in heavy armor. It was a good day to have a ceremony such as this. Some released doves into the skies. It was typically done for weddings or other such occasions, but many saw this as the beginning of a cleansing of evil, and thus released the peaceful birds as a sign of the purity to come.

Aviine's eyes looked to the skies at the doves, as did Dese's as they began to reach the palace court yard where a speech would be delivered. Out of the corner of their eyes, they saw a swift, dark figure dart through the skies, catching a dove in its talons without mercy. Aviine recognized it as Diminuendei without any trouble. The eagle quickly soared out of view, white bird in grasp, leaving a group of falling feathers where the dove had once been enjoying the freedom of flight. It was ominous; seeing a sign of purity afloat so gracefully, only to be cut off and ended by something foreign and dark.

"Your eagle is misbehaving," Dese said to him under his breathe.

"My eagle is trying to acquire a meal,'' Aviine corrected him. Of course, he would rather have had the bird of prey choose different hunting grounds, but it was too late for that.

As for Dese's animal companion, his whereabouts were unknown. He had last seen him two days ago.

Drums beating loudly, the brothers entered the courtyard with the rest of the men and women who had responded to this threat. Some were here for the glory, others to kill that which they hated, and a lot for money.

Dese and Aviine were here to support their village as much as they could. They had already acquired large amounts of money before coming here; perhaps they were too ambitious and fueled by their past success past the point of accepting reality. They had both considered dropping the job before reaching Aeribis, but they never voiced it out loud, and so here they were. Perhaps they would pay the price for foolishness.

Dese and Aviine both took note of the young men and women laughing and reeling about being cheered on like heroes. They seemed immature, to say the least -- unprofessional. But it wasn't like the brothers cared; they weren't here to teach others how to shut up and stand straight.

Once they entered the palace court yard the Queen arrived, revealing herself to the masses. She gave that small bow of hers, and began to speak. But none could hear, and so a bald man stepped forward. The first thing Dese and Aviine noticed was his dark skin; it was a stand out in this land of pale people. It showed off his southern descent, and they both figured that he most likely had Conjuskan ancestors, if not ancestors from one of the North Conjuskan plains tribes. He spoke loudly in the name of the Queen, and the corner of Dese's lip was tugged at slightly in a sardonic smile.

How can she be the leader of a nation and be unable to speak? he thought.

"Friends, colleagues, hired hands, the Queen, our most gracious Eline I, welcomes you all to her city, and her palace! Thank you, my friends. However, we wish these were better times to invite you all!" the bald man said.

It's ridiculous, he said in his head. It was like someone stuck their penis too far down her throat.

"Unfortunately, our homes, our country, our Queen, is threatened by a presence that has never made itself known to us in this way before: Demons!" the speaker continued.

Dese wasn't going to lie to himself; the Queen was attractive -- At least from this distance. But her ability to project a speech was pathetic. Oh well, Dese told himself. Perhaps she is sick. Everybody has their down falls.

"The witches of Ezdenah and Arejj have attacked us with beings beyond which we are capable of combating on our own! You, all of you, are among the best of what Aeribis and its allies has to offer!"

Dese started contemplating the rumors he had heard about the beautiful Queen Eline whilst down in Conjuska. He didn't hear a word about it when he was working in Aeribis. He wasn't surprised; anyone who spoke a word about the matter in this land was tired of living. There was never any solid proof, but it was entirely plausible. And the fact that no one spoke of it in Aeribis was a convincing piece of evidence to prove that she truly did have hounds up and down the streets. Dese would never forget the night in Aeribis where he heard a voice claiming that the "Walls have eyes".

"You have all offered yourselves to your Queen and country to aid us in this time of need, and for that, we thank you, and we thank you for the sacrifices that some of you will have to make. It pains me to ask it of you, but some of you will have no choice but to pay the ultimate price to save the many."

Both brothers doubted that any of those last words were true. Perhaps they were being too prejudiced towards the upper class, but they were doubting that the rich man had a care in the world about how many men and women died so long as the problem was fixed and he was left unhurt.

"If any of you think you cannot handle it, then please, now is the time to back down."

Dese and Aviine both looked to see if anyone would make a move, although Aviine did so more discreetly. No one tried to move, although a short black haired girl to Aviine's right moved uncomfortably, as though she was thinking about it. On Dese's left a short, chubby, black haired boy looked at her and shook his head, his blue eyes communicating something. They seemed to be related. If that was the case, why didn't they just choose to stand next to one another? Whatever the case was, she looked back at him, nodded vigorously, and took a deep breathe. She propped herself up on her toes momentarily while doing so, pulling her shirt down and collecting herself. In the end, she didn't leave. Both brothers had seen the small scene, and when it was over, glanced at each other.

The booming voiced man stroked his thick, curly goatee. It seemed no one was willing to back down, although Dese and Aviine both knew that it was probably more so to avoid looking like cowards than from actual bravery. The speaker smiled and continued, "Very well then! The soldiers around will hand out your assignments, mercenaries, and tell you all where you will be needed the most. Lunar Watch, Children of the Sun, you are free to work as you please. Some of you, however, have been invited inside to be given a special audience with the Queen," he said. "Please, come in. A meal has been prepared for you all."

Everyone dispersed, receiving assignments, exiting the city, headed to the markets, or looking to see if the city had any brothels. Dese and Aviine, unsure of their mission and certain that they would not be invited to eat with the Queen, stayed where they were until they were notified.

Aviine was looking out into the crowd, leaning on his staff, when Dese asked, "Are you hungry?"

Aviine snapped out of his gaze and turned to his older sibling, "Huh?"

"Are you hungry?" he repeated himself, shaking his pocket to expose the jingle of coins.

"Where did you get that?" Aviine questioned.

"I stole it," he said plainly.

Aviine shrugged, "I suppose I could use something to eat."

Dese turned and left the court yard, glancing at the guards who were posted at the entrance. It sounded like one of them whispered something, but Dese paid him no mind. Once outside of the court yard, he paused, looking around. He turned and spotted his brother in the crowd, who gave him a short wave. Dese returned the favor and went left, towards a street so particularly full of people and food stalls with their cloth and wooden roofs that the street was depraved of sunlight towards the ground. Squeezing between people, he felt eyes glued to him from all about the place.

He stopped at a particular food stall, run by a young, short, blue eyed blonde woman who didn't seem so prejudice as the rest. He bought two pieces of honey cake and thanked her. He considered tipping her, but so many years of discrimination caused him to wonder if it was all an act. He refused to be fooled if that was the case, and gave her just the right amount.

He was in a land of racial prejudice and he was an eye catching target. This was no place for an Atzi warrior, which was why he was totally surprised when he spotted another walking ahead of him.

Speeding up his pace, he caught up with the man. He was 7 feet tall, dark, and sported corn rows atop his head. He wore traditional Atzi clothing, brightly colored reds and blues. It seemed that he may have been high born within the tribe. "Brother!" Dese called as he caught up with him. A toothed smile appeared on his face for the first time that day.

The stranger Atzi turned around to see another one of his nation, and he too, seemed delighted about it. "Who are you?"

"My name is Dese," Dese responded. They were both standing in the street, not caring about the eyes glued to them any longer. The first thing Dese noticed about the other Atzi's face was his blue eyes. They were light blue. Such eye color was extremely rare south of Aeribis and Ezdenah, but yet it happened despite the one in a million chances.

"Dese, it is nice to meet you. My name is Asafai Timbuktu."

"It is a great pleasure to see another of my people here," Dese said. "Are you headed to the court yard?"

"Yes in fact I am," Asafai said.

"As am I. Let us walk together."

They both headed to the court yard, eating their food and talking to one another. When Dese saw Aviine up ahead, he noticed that his younger brother had a surprised expression on his face.

"You are a mercenary, I assume?" Asafai asked.

Dese nodded, "Yes. I have been for many years now."

"Letting the rest of the world know that the Atzi do not play."


When they reached Aviine, Asafai seemed even more elated. "Another brother? Incredible. I did not know so many would come here." Aviine and Asafai shook hands.

"What village do you hail from?" Aviine asked.

"Iraie. About two day's walk from the King's Village," Asafai responded, finishing his bread.

"Here," Dese said, handing his brother the honey cake he had bought.

Aviine took a bite, nodding in approval of the flavor. "I almost forgot to ask you," said Asafai. "What are your names?"

Dese thought with his mouth rather than his head. "We are brothers: Dese and Aviine Atranga," Dese answered, finishing off his honey cake.

Asafai's mood suddenly shifted, and he furrowed an eyebrow questioningly. "Dese and Aviine Atranga?"

"Yes," Dese said. It was after that that he suddenly realized his mistake, and the conversation went down hill from there.

"I have heard about you," Asafai said. "You both belong to the village that was severed from the rest of the nation. You are both exiles."

Neither Dese nor Aviine said a word; their smiles were gone.

"You ran, didn't you?" Asafai mocked. "Your village was slaughtered and you took the remaining survivors and ran," Asafai was looking specifically at Aviine now.

Aviine didn't answer.

"I asked you a question," Asafai pressed.

"I was the only man left. What would you have had me do?"

"You broke an Atzi code. You disgraced our people. Y-" Asafai started.

"I-" Aviine was cut off when Asafai spoke over him.

"You're both exiles," he said again. "And as for you," he looked at Dese, "Never call me 'brother' again. Those are my brothers," he nodded in a direction behind Dese. Dese turned to see a group of three Atzi men hanging under the shade along the edges of the court yard. One of them, with thick, full hair stood on his toes and raised his chin to get a better look at what was going on between Asafai and the brothers. "Look at you," Asafai pulled at Dese's clothes. "Not even enough pride to wear your native clothing?" he said, showing off his brightly colored attire.

Dese's jaw clenched.

Asafai continued with his insolence, "Not only do I sport real Atzi pride, but unlike you," the 7 foot tall man put his hands on knees to lower to Dese's level, despite the six inch difference, he did it just to piss him off. "We do not run!" he said with a mocking smile. "Cowards," he said, rising back to his full height.

Dese pulled out both of his 18 inch blades, spinning them in both hands before grasping them tightly and stepping toward Asafai. "Issue the word again and I'll carve you up faster than the Leopard Warrior did Ukande," he said in dead seriousness, both blades right at Asafai's unprotected belly.

Even Aviine had unsheathed his sword, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Diminuendei soaring in circles over head.

Asafai stepped back, opening his arms and nodding as if inviting an attack.

"Ho there!" a heavily armored guard approached, spear in hand. "Weapons down, men," he commanded. Dese and Aviine sheathed their weapons, and stepped back. Many people in the crowd were staring at the scene. "What in the Hell is going on?" the guard demanded.

"Nothing," Asafai said, staring at Dese with a clenched jaw.

"Didn't look like nothing," the guard pressed.

"I said nothing," Asafai repeated himself, an insubordinate tone in his voice.

"Excuse me?" the guard turned around, approaching Asafai, who stepped back. "I'll have none of that. I don't know who you are down south in whatever shit filled village you hail from, but right now you're in Aeribis. You're in my field."

The two began arguing, but Dese and Aviine didn't stay to hear it. Diminuendei had flown off, and the brothers began to walk away, noticing that Asafai's mates were eyeing them from their spot. The tallest, woolly haired one said something to the rest, who got up. All three of them were approaching the brothers, who saw them and stopped in their tracks. Dese's right hand gripped one blade. "Ready?"

"They don't understand that we are already pissed, do they?" Aviine asked. The brothers were already near their set off point, and their faces were once again emotionless.

"No. They do not," Dese said.

"If they say anything smart, kill them."

Suddenly, a female voice caught them by surprise. "Dese and Aviine Atranga, is it?" They turned to see the Queen. They quickly put on convincing smiles and awkwardly bowed. They had never been in the presence of a King or Queen of Aeribis before, and assumed that they had to bow because they had seen people bow to nobles during their jobs in Aeribis. Queen Eline didn't give them an odd look or anything of the sort, so they were pleased to know that that was the appropriate response.

"My Queen," they both said.

Queen Eline l handed them both one slip of paper, "An invitation to my palace. I look forward to dining with you," she grinned.

They both accepted the paper. "I am honored, my Queen," Aviine nodded to her. The Queen nodded back and left. Once she was gone, they both turned to look at the three men, who had stopped once they saw the Queen speak to the brothers. Without any further conflict, Dese and Aviine headed towards the palace.


Dese and Aviine entered the palace, stopping to look at the weapons. Upon reaching the room where they were to dine, they noticed that Queen Eline had beat them there. They were still emotionally hardened from the earlier event, and did not thank the servants that seated them. Queen Eline greeted them and they once again feigned an elated mood and bowed in their response.

They looked at all the people around them. Their eyes first took in the shackled man who was being handled so roughly by the guards for a reason that they were not sure of. They took note of the the Conjuskan descended man whispering into Eline's ear. They also took note of the ravenous fenrir who tore at his food like he was cursed to never eat again. Not being familiar with non Conjuskan or Atzi customs, the brothers wondered if that was socially acceptable. They saw that the fenrir, along with several other figures, sat closer to the Queen than everyone else. They must have held some form of authority. They took in everyone else's presence, wondering if they would be working with them in the future. It would seem so, seeing as how they were all called to this particular room. There was a particular person completely covered in armor that somehow seemed to have clear vision of the world despite solid metal being where one would expect his visor to be.

Dese and Aviine's heads both turned quickly in direction of the Queen the instant she began speaking. "Firstly, I want to personally thank you all for all of the work you'll be doing for me, and all of Aeribis, over the next few months. It is deeply appreciated, though I doubt I must say it aloud too many times. But, now that the pleasantries are out of the way, we should get on to business. While the bulk of our organizations will be working as troops against any large forces found in Aeribis, you all, along with these four fine people, will be working as an elite team, tasked with taking down the highest members of the Fire Cults and Chaos Servants, or otherwise going where you are needed the most. While I understand that some of you might have hesitations working with each other, I must implore you all to put aside your differences for the greater good, especially since you will be working beneath each other at different times. Justicar Valerian will act as your commander for these next few weeks, until you are needed elsewhere. Now, I will leave you to Commander Aziz, if you have any questions. I am not feeling too well, so if you would excuse me..."

Dese and Aviine's eyes followed the Queen as she hurried out of the room.

She really cannot speak to an audience, Dese thought to himself.

He then tapped Aviine and looked at him with a questioning face, gesturing discreetly at where the Queen had been sitting before. Aviine shrugged, “She looks sick. Notice how she left her food there.’’ Dese turned just in time to see the Conjuskan looking down at the full plate and sighing. So much for her looking forward to dine with them -- she was probably vomiting.

The red robed man from earlier, who seemed to be the Commander Aziz Queen Eline spoke of, encouraged the group to be open, "Please, eat as much as you wish. And, if any of you have questions, please, address myself or one of the other commanders in the room. We are all here for you to become familiar with, so please, ask away."

Once they were served, the brothers began their meal in silence. Dese thought about what the Queen had said of cults. Glancing at his brother, he let out a short sigh and shook his head. It was a good thing he was a shaman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyro V
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Pyro V

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aziz did not look too pleased when the masked man, Yithare, was brought before the rest of them. Whether it was because of his background or the guards was unknown, but in a moment his face was one of neutrality once more. With his hands folded behind his back, he awaited the questions that he assumed would barrage him and the other commanders. So, he was quite surprised when the only one who bothered to speak was the man from the Lunar Watch, whom were nearly as secretive and quiet as his own people. He glanced to Sentinel Balor, who had been staring intently at the masked man, and nodded in his direction. Then, Aziz said, "That, my young friend, is a man called Yithare. He was once one of the witches of the Fire Cults, but has since been tamed to be but an ember of his former self. I understand that it may discomfort you to be working with one of their kind, but it has already been discussed with Justicar Valerian, and she has deemed it necessary. He will behave, or he will have to face your people."

As he was talking, Balor had made his way over to Yithare, and helped him over to a seat where a plate of food was already waiting, as was a servant, who would aid the witch doctor in anything he needed. Major Stonewall gave them both a cold look, then waved a hand at the retinue of guards, dismissing them. As they left the room, Vladimir let out a belch and scooted his chair out away from the table, lounging in it. Four empty plates and several glasses were scattered out before him, and a satisfied look was on his face. Leaning up against the chair was that legendary axe, Opheim, looking as foreboding as ever, even when in such a harmless position. The massive fenrir looked over to Aziz, and gave him a toothy grin. "Boys here aren't that talkative, are they?" he asked, his accent thick, his voice deep and gravelly. "Gonna be a long trip if they have to work with me!" The Commander looked the other way, a look of distaste on his face, clearly hating to have to work with the brute.

The Justicar, however, only looked at the fenrir with interest, which went unnoticed by the thug. However, her gaze slowly slid over to the rest of the assembled warriors at the table. Her face remained blank, her lids low over her eyes as if she were tired. Rather than focus on her own warrior, however, her eyes rested on the armored man, Belrend. Even she knew little of him, but from what she could tell, he seemed to be the formidable warrior, and confident at that. After a few long moments, she stood, and Aziz took his seat next where the Queen had been sitting, and she turned to address the people gathered.

"All of you will be under our command, jointly," she said, skipping right over the formalities. Her voice was light, soft, and overall not what one would expect from a fierce warrior. She continued, "If any of you do not know, allow me to make more thorough introductions. I am Justicar Aura Valerian, of the Lunar Watch." She gestured to the gold armored elf seated nearby, "This is Balor, a Sentinel of the Children of the Dark Sun. He is one of the most cunning and dangerous rogues on the continent, and likely even more deadly than most of the Watch." The elf smiled at that compliment, but made no move to speak. Her gaze then turned to Vladimir, who was idly swirling a glass of wine. "That is Vladimir Karrov, descendent of the founder of Veretta, and the most feared warrior in the world. He is a mercenary, but is no stranger to commanding men, and should be treated with the same respect one would give the rest of us." He grunted his approval, then she turned to Stonewall. "And lastly, this is Major Norman "Stonewall" Bellerin, one of Aeribis's top strategists, and the commander of the Queen's armies in southern Aeribis."

With all of the commanders covered, she continued. "Major Stonewall will be stationed in Fort Kathus, on the plains bordering Conjuska, and will be spearheading negotiations with Pharaoh Ramses, and all defensive measures in the south. Sentinel Balor will be heading incursions into Ezdenah, spying on their people and rooting out any of the witches that he finds within. Vladimir will go wherever he is needed, but I suspect that he will be spending time on the northern borders. I will be in charge of hunting down the cults within Aeribis, or at least the most powerful of them. The ones that seem to be leading the rest. Cut off the head, and the body will fall. You all will be sent around between us to do whatever mission we assign you at the time."

She took a deep breath, then glanced over them. "You will begin working with me. While the majority of the forces will not mobilize for another weak, at best, we will be leaving for the wilderness tomorrow at noon. I have already heard rumors of activity in the east, and so that is where we will start. Enjoy these meals, because after tomorrow, it'll be nothing but rations and whatever you can catch." With that, she turned and left, her own plate little more than picked at here or there. The long coat flowed behind her as she left in the same direction that the Queen had gone in.

Balor merely smiled that same, warm smile he nearly always had on him. He looked to the gathered people, and gave them an apologetic look. "Please, forgive her if she seems a tad... abrasive. Aura prefers to get right down to business, rather than dwell on pleasantries. But, as she said, you all will be leaving with her tomorrow to begin. Just be sure to be careful. None of you have faced demons before, I am sure, and while I doubt I must warn you, I will anyways: They are not like mortals. They will not fight like mortals, or at least most of them will not. They are monstrous creatures of immense power and strength. You will have to out-think them, plan around them, or just plain avoid them until there is a surefire way of making sure that you can kill them."

Aziz waved a hand, silencing Balor. "Please, enough. The Justicar is more than capable of informing them of the dangers tomorrow. For now, let them eat and enjoy themselves. The city has been informed of who they are, and have been told to serve them whatever they need, within reason of course. That also extends to yourself, the Justicar, and you, Vladimir." The fenrir grinned, and looked eagerly towards the door, seemingly read to abuse this gift already. "The servants of the castle will also be ready to serve your every need, also within reason, and have prepared rooms for all of you. So, please, enjoy your stay in Aissur!" And with that, the Aziz left the room as well, leaving them with three of their commanders, one of whom seemed itching to go, only held back by the possibility of being questioned. The others seemed as at ease as ever though, and awaited any responses from the gathered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bubsy 2
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Bubsy 2

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon Thorne was surprised that they had enlisted one of the creatures they fought. The witch would cause internal strife within the team. Leon liked to think he didn't judge people based on their past- it was hard for him not to believe in second chances- but this creature was another matter entirely. Most of the team wouldn't want to work with it, it could turn on them, there were just too many problems that bringing it in would cause. But Leon kept his mouth shut. He doubted the commanders would listen to him second guessing them. So, instead, Leon finally pulled down his hood- revealing his face, covered by a large smile. Despite the trouble with the witch, new faces were new faces, and Leon is always eager to met new people.

Leon decided to take a look at the group he is now a part of. First, there were, of course, the commanders. He's heard of all of them in some capacity. First was the Justicar Aura Valerian, the leader of the famed Lunar Watch. Her reputation preceded her, but she didn't quite live up to the stories Leon has heard. She didn't seem strong. She was lithe, and pale. She seemed to counter the tales of the imposing Lunar Watch. Next was Balor, the Sentinel of the Children of the Dark Sun. Leon did not have a high opinion of the cult- they were portrayed as monsters, a terrifying cult to be feared. But now they have marched freely in the open streets, cheered on as heroes. But Eline was willing to get help from those who offered it, and here they are. Balor seemed to exemplify the negative traits of the Dark Suns, underneath his gold armor was a lithe man that was nonetheless incredibly dangerous. Ready to kill, and ready to bring his own twisted form of justice to the world. After Balor came Vladamir. Leon has already made it known he thought of Vladamir as little more then a beast. Finally was the Major, Stonewall. Leon had heard of his exploits in his travels. He sounded like a reliable man, but Leon could not speak beyond that. Besides the commanders, his new allies were also assembled. The team was compose of Lunar Watch, Dark Sol, and Freelancers such as himself. The distinct lack of Inquisition was surprising. He had heard rumors the Eline's soldiers would be participating in operations such as theirs, but that appeared to not be the case.

The meal was pleasant. Leon was in awe of the large dining hall- it was not a setting he was used to. The food was significantly better then anything had, but that was hardly unexpected considering he lived in the wilderness. Leon was sure to be talkative to anyone who would listen, spreading tales of his exploits among the group. AS Leon finished his meal, he stood up from his chair. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. For anyone that do not know, I am Leon Thorne." Leon said aloud to the group. He the turned towards the commander, "If you'll excuse me, I will go to my room and prepare for tomorrow. Thank Eline for the meal on my behalf, please." He turned away from the dining hall and asked one of the servants to lead him towards his room. Leon muttered words of thanks to the servant and headed inside. He spent the rest of the night doing just what he said he would do. He spent sometime sharpening his sword and organizing his supplies. Finally as the sun fell and the clock struck nine Leon undressed, and laid in his bed. It was hard for him to sleep. It always has been ever since he took his first life.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yithare was a bit confused by the sudden hospitality. He had been used to cruel treatment in his time being captured. As he was relieved of his shackles, he rubbed his neck where the chains had constrained him. Though the chains were constraining, in a way, he had become accustomed to them, almost missing their cold embrace. But now, there was freedom. Freedom to a degree, that is.

Memories of long weeks spent in damp cellars clawed their way to the surface, reminding him of what a luxury this was. So, he allowed himself to let his guard down, for the moment. What were the chances that this was all some elaborate ruse, to accomplish some offbeat goal? Nay, for the first time in quite awhile, he would allow himself to relax- even though he walked among some of the most lethal men to even have hunted his kind.

The speech given was of no interest to him, though his attention was tugged at upon the mention of demons. As the elf spoke of how dangerous these creatures were, he thought of the one trapped for eternity beneath his wooden mask. Yes, demons were powerful- Yithare knew better than anyone the raw power that could be tapped from the fiery beasts. He had seen dozens fall before his brethren, screaming in pain and horror as the fire engulfed them. Just the thought of it brought some of the light back into his eyes. Looking around the room, he entertained the thought of letting a demon loose- see how many he could kill.

The thought was enough to remind him of the cuffs on his wrists. Though they did not actually restrict his movement, they did render his magic to be all but useless. Yet still- perhaps he could convince them to take them off- many of those in the room believed him to be benign, for the time being. But no- there was too much doubt in the room for that to happen. Before he did anything to cause a scene, he turned down to the food before him, to focus his mind on something, or anything else.

From the plate came a melody of aroma, an assault on his senses. Even before the assault on his tribe, Yithare had never seen the likes of it, more used to bland foods, tasteless bowls of gruel made only for sustenance. He was even unsure of what made up half of the plate. Was that a flower? Still, now there was no time to be wasted. Eyes gazing across the plate, he took only what would provide the most nutrients to him. Though there was no literal rule set down, in his tribe, it was something ridiculed to eat anything simply for flavor. He did notice what appeared to be a small bowl of sauce. He was a bit interested, as much of the local cuisine had some. So, trying not to draw any attention to himself, he gulped it down, in a quick motion. Fire filled his mouth, the pain blossoming out, seemingly worse than when he was on the receiving end of demonic punishment.

After relieving the pain with a quick gulp of water, he took a quick glance back around the room, glad he had enough pain tolerance to not draw any adverse attention by making a scene. Still, perhaps a trained eye or two would have noticed his discomfort, however slight it was. Without wasting any more time, he left, adjourning to his room, led by the servant. All throughout the trip, the servants eyes remained trained of Yithare, an almost scared look blanketing his face. Yithare thought to acknowledge it, confront the whimpering man, but he held his tongue, rather than scaring him further. With a polite nod to the servant, he stepped into the room, looking around.

Though there was still the awe that this entire castle brought about, he had begun to expect a certain degree of luxury from this place. He was almost uncomfortable here, but he surely looked forward to when their mission begun. He would finally be back where he belonged. He would like to see some of these men try to survive. Even if they didn't have to deal with witches, e doubted these men could brave the harsh elements, outside of their luxurious palaces.

Then, that brought up another issue he would face. He was unsure of how he would deal with the fact that his brethren were being slaughtered. Though he had seen the blight delivered upon the land by these witches, he had once been with them. Surely though, he couldn't be held responsible for the killings should he sit back and watch the battles take place. Perhaps while the hunters were distracted with murder, he could make a run for it? Or, on a more macabre train of thought, he could stab them in the back, and join back with the witches. But no- these men seemed to be skilled in their craft, even if they were a bit overzealous in their extravagances. So, he decided that he would play out the circumstances, until he could make up his mind. So, after arranging his few possessions, he went to sleep on the rooms bed, unable to get quite comfortable in the plush thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WellDressedJester


Member Offline since relaunch

One would expect a lot of anger from the crowds surrounding the imp, but surprisingly, Zhit heard none. This was probably as a result of his small body structure surrounded by the warriors and magi from all 7 corners of the world.

This was a new experience for Zhit, receiving a heroes welcome into a kingdom such as this. His entire life he spent as an outcast, not as some kind of a potential savior.

The further the procession moved, the more outcast Zhit felt. He was no warrior, no holy man, no paladin or mage who followed the "beliefs" of some celestial object.

Zhit was a tinkerer. A junkyard thief. He was the lowest of the low. But that was no reason to quit. He was about to enter the Queen's palace!

As he stepped through the door, a prompt "are you f***ing kidding me?!" escaped Zhit's lips as he glanced at the riches around him.

Thoughts of what the materials could be used for encircled his brain and all other thoughts stopped. "The supplies in this castle alone could create so many improvements on the huts around" he thought.

As they sat at the table the silver dining ware gleamed the light of the golden chandelier above. This palace, this mound of riches, would never cease to amaze him.

After the Queen's brief speech, Zhit could not bring himself to eat. His mind was to busy processing and creating new gizmos.

Post formalities, Zhit proceeded to his room. This place was beautiful, but it took every ounce of Zhit's will not to disassemble it and build all kinds of tools and things. The only real option now was to sleep and control himself long enough to reach the adventure of tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

Johannes leaned forward a bit for the explanation on Yithare's condition, leaning back when it was complete. A fire cultist, working with them? That was almost unthinkable. He wanted to protest, but held his tongue. If his orders were to work with the cultist, he would have to obey them. However, given the first opportunity, he would eliminate the menace just as he would any other enemy. For now, he seemed to be harmless, so Johannes breathed out his tension and continued to eat his meal, which was truly delicious. For now at least, he would definitely be able to relax. The next day, their journey would start, and he would be ready to get going, back on high alert.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Justicar Valerian silently watching one of the Children of the Dark Sun. His eyes following her own, he took note of Belren, a small smile crossing his lips. They certainly could have chosen much worse warriors for this task. Yes, he would do very well for their purposes. He'd have to get to know some of them better, but this specific man would be first. Johannes believed in the benefits of comradery, and actively forged these bonds with his allies, though they were usually fellow Watchmen.

As he was looking around, one of the others stood and introduced himself as Leon Thorne. It seemed the man was a freelance mercenary. Normally, Johannes wouldn't give the man a second look, but the fact that he had been chosen for this mission meant that he was more than just an ordinary hired sword. Whatever made him stand out, the Queen had seen it, and had decided that he was fit to work directly under the assembled leaders and commanders. Finally, he finished his meal, stood up, replaced his helm, and walked out of the dining hall. Making his way behind a servant to the room that had been laid out for him, he wondered how he would go about trying to forge the bonds of comradery among this motley crew of warriors. It might be tough, but against the enemy they were facing, nothing less would do. They couldn't afford to distrust one another.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyro V
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Pyro V

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One by one, they all left, all but the Child of the Dark Sun. Servants swarmed the table, clearing it of empty plates and uneaten portions as the remaining three commanders sat around, quietly letting them do their work. None of the three looked like they were pleased with the lack of interest many of them showed in the work they would be doing soon, though Vladimir seemed to be the least concerned. As the last of the food, barring Belrend's, was taken away, Balor spoke up to address the question. "As far as we know, they are all linked together, far more organized than any of us have ever seen before," he said, then glanced over to Vladimir.

"Cutting off one hand will hinder them, but won't kill them," the giant wolf continued for him. "There are many heads connected together, leading them. Their god would not leave this task in the hands of just one person, or even just one group. Not only that, but we've heard rumors that the Chaos Servants are working with the Fire Cults as well, and that just isn't any good." He shook his head, and allowed his massive hand to grip the hilt of his axe. The leather squeaked beneath his grip. "They're bad ones, possibly worse than Taloran's bunch. She'd take us into her realm and enslave us, whereas they'd just end it all, leave nothing left of everything we've strove to build over the thousands of years we've existed."

General Stonewall grunted, and stood up from his seat, leaning heavily on the table. "Enough, that isn't what he asked about. To answer you, Dark Sun, no, we cannot simply cut off one head and all of this be over with. This is a war, and we will have to clash armies at some point, even if all of their leaders are slain. However, the wounds that you inflict will be of great importance to me, and to all of us. In fact, I'll go ahead and tell you just who you'll be going after, since you seem to be the only one who gives a damn." His face turned to one of disgust as he looked back at the doorway where everyone else had left through. He rapped his metal clad knuckles on the table, and a serving girl made her way over, holding a small stone tablet. She set it down by Belrend, then backed away.

On the tablet was a painting of a woman, her features sharp and angular, much like an elf's. Her hair was dark and short, and her skin pale, as if she had never seen the light of day before. An eyepatch covered her right eye, while the left was an icy blue that chilled the bone. Stonewall continued, "That is one of the Chaos Servants, one of the few to be working directly with the Fire Cults. In fact, spies in the Watch tell us that she is leading one of the larger ones, not to far from Aissur. She is your target. Kill her, and her underlings will scatter. But be warned, five of the Watchmen were sent to scout for her, and only one returned."

The three went silent as they all stared at the tablet, clearly worried about something, but opting to keep their mouths shut. Even the remaining servant seemed to be shaken by the image, even though she knew less than any of them about the woman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyro V
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Pyro V

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the afternoon passed, the mercenaries and soldiers in the courtyard were gathered up and escorted away. Some headed out of the city, heading up north, while others were ushered into hastily constructed barracks. Dark Suns and Lunar Watchmen were offered free places in inns and even a few families opened their doors to welcome in the heroes who would save their lands. The sun was still high, and the streets were littered with stalls of vendors attempting to sell drinks, food, and sweets to any who passed by them. The mercenaries were the ones who took part in most of the festivities, though. The Watchmen were busy making preparations for the night - by morning, most of them would be gone from this place and back into the forests. The Dark Suns were doing the same, many of them heading off to Ezdenah to scout out any threats in the neighboring nation.

Eline sat on her throne, her cheek pressed into the palm of her hand as she looked boredly at the assembled nobles and rich merchants. One of them was bowing and talking and acting the part of a humble citizen, the fat man dressed in clothing that would be in style in Conjuska, though he was clearly an Aeribissian. She had stopped paying attention some time ago, but as a glass of wine was pushed into her free hand, she glanced up to look at Aziz staring down at her, an eyebrow raised. She let out a sigh, and turned her attention back to the noble who had lost her interest, and tuned him back in once more.

"--ther more, some of us do not approve of the usage of these mercenaries, none of which have the wellbeing of Aeribis in their sights!" he exclaimed, waving his hands in the air for emphasis. "They are only in it for the money. You'll bankrupt the kingdom if you pay the ridiculous amounts that you've promised them all! What's more, you've invited those fiends, those 'Children of the Dark Sun', into our capital! Into your very palace! What is stopping them from killing you, killing all of us, in our sleep?"

There were some mumbles around the room as nobles and merchants agreed to his statements. At the sides of the room, and on either side of her throne, Eline's elite guard, the Black Knights, stood, white swords unsheathed, tips planted on the polished floor. None made a move nor a sound, as if they were statues. The Queen took a sip from her wine, allowing the man a moment to calm and compose himself. When he was breathing evenly again, she smiled. It was a smile that one who knew how the world worked had, one that held no warmth, only some sort of sick amusement that only the smiling one could understand.

"You think that, do you?" she asked, her voice calm and even. The man nodded once more, confidently. "Well, let me put it this way," she continued, giving a glance to Aziz. The dark skinned man nodded. A look of confusion went through the rich men gathered, and then suddenly one of the knights around the room was holding the noble who had spoken against Eline, his arms wrapped beneath his, hands locked behind his head. The others stumbled away, shocked,while Eline continued. "I am the monarch here, correct? This is my land. The wealth of Aeribis is mine to spend as I wish. Even so, so few of them will survive that my wealth won't even take a dent. They are shields and swords for my generals to throw at the enemies to soften them up."

The knight's grip on the man tightened, causing a small cry of pain to escape him. "As for the Dark Suns, they won't be in my land for long, and even if they were, my eyes are everywhere. So do not be worried for my well-being, Lord Harvey." She waved a hand, and the knight dropped the noble down to the ground. "You are all dismissed," she said, sweeping her cold blue gaze over all of them. "Oh, and one more thing." The men turned to look back at her, some fearfully. "Never question my decisions again."
The next morning came early for the mercenaries, most still hungover as soldiers stormed their rooms and barracks, ordering them up. Orders were barked, ranks were formed, and sluggish men and women were shoved out of the city to head north towards the border with Arlejj. Watchmen and Dark Suns had already left the city, leaving homes that had been opened up to them without a word. The city was ablaze with activity as guardsmen and soldiers said goodbye to their families and readied up their gear to head south. Merchants were packing away stalls, blacksmiths were loading up materials, cooks throwing together rations.

Of course, all of this was a world away from the going ons of the palace. Eline, Aziz, and the four commanders were all situated around the long table, enjoying their breakfasts, as the special group in their rooms prepared themselves for the day ahead. Vladimir leaned back in his chair, the legs creaking beneath his weight, and he waved a hand through the air, scoffing. "Bah! You're all thinking too far into this," he said, gruff voice booming through the dining room. "I'm ready to believe that these little cults are summoning demons and such, but there is no way that any of them have summoned a spirit!"

Stonewall slammed his fist on the table, causing the nearby silverware to rattle, his glass nearly spilling. "You think my men liars?" he asked the fenrir, glaring darkly at the massive creature. Balor opened his mouth to say something, but Aura reached over to grip his arm, urging him to keep quiet.

"No, I believe them to be terribly misinformed," Vlad responded, raising one of the knives to pick at the spaces between his teeth. "Before you go on shouting, let me tell you there is a vast difference between a spirit and a demon. You humans may believe them to be similar, or even the same, but I can guarantee that they are not. Demons serve gods. Spirits, however, are like gods. Alone, they could not usurp any of them. Together, united, though, they are far more powerful than any of the gods. Even when separate, even those monsters deemed 'greater demons' wouldn't be a match for a spirit. If one of them were to summon and bind one, it would be the end for all of us."

The rest of the room was quiet. Finally, it was broken by Balor, who was rubbing his temples idly. "Then we will simply have to hope that whatever your men saw, that it was just some sort of demon enslaved to the witch's will. And we will leave it at that." There was a collective muttering of agreement between the six. "Alright then, I suppose we must all be getting ready. Vladimir, would you mind going to gather up our men? The servants should have gotten them up, so you just need to tell them to report to the courtyard." He nodded, a grin on his face. Aziz shook his head, already imagining what would soon be happening.

As the beast left, the humans all looked back and forth between each other. Aziz glanced towards the doorway, and mumbled, "I do not trust that man." Eline merely chuckled, and took a sip of wine. "As for them, do you think they'll be able to handle what their being thrown at?"

Balor and Stonewall nodded. Aura made no move to say either way. Eline just smiled. "They'll do what needs to be done, even if it kills them," the Queen reassured him. "They're all here because they are the best, or at least claim to be that way. The same with the wolf who just left, and all of you. Aeribis will be fine, because we have the best at our disposal. Now, we should go outside. They won't want to be kept waiting."
After a rude awakening from Vladimir, who proceeded down the hallway that contained the rooms of the seven warriors, shouting while banging together a pair of shields he'd ripped from the wall, kicking in each of their doors. Once he was sure that they were all awake and ready to go, he tossed the shields to the nearest guards, and proceeded off towards the courtyard.

Once everyone was assembled, the four commanders, Aziz, and Eline all stood in a line before the seven. Eline looked a sweet and small as ever, though now she had a small glint in her eye. Aziz was at her shoulder, as always, while the commanders all stood stoic and silent. There were no speeches, no attempts to alleviate tensions. Eline merely reached out to shake all of their hands, and then was escorted away by Aziz.

Balor looked up at Belrend, gripped his hand in a firm shake, and said "Good luck" before heading off on his own.

Major Stonewall gave them all a low bow, then exited without a word.

Vladimir took a sip from a foul smelling flask, then gave them all a wave. "Hope you all make it back," he said, sounding strangely serious, then he too was gone, leaving them with just Aura Valerian, who took up a position in front of them all.

"Any last words before we head out, say them now. Otherwise, I want all of you to get to the southern gate. We'll be heading out east towards the shore, the port of Maron our destination." She stood there, with her hands folded behind her back, waiting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

Johannes was already awake in his room when Vladimir came by with the wake-up call, half-adorned in his armor. He looked at the man who opened his door and smiled. "Good morning." He had barely started speaking before Vladimir moved on to the next door, but his point had been made: Johannes Lunaris was a punctual, disciplined soldier. He wouldn't hold the others up by being the last to wake up, even if he wasn't the first. In many ways, Johannes was the ideal soldier: awake early, on time, obedient, powerful, and a good team player. He was hoping that his comrades would prove similar, and so far he hadn't been particularly disappointed from what he immediately saw. The Child of the Dark Sun and the mercenary Leon Thorne were the two who stuck out in his mind the most at this point, but he was hopeful the full group would get on better terms as time went on. Or, more accurately, he was sure because he would do his damnedest to make it happen.

Finishing the process of adorning his armor, Johannes grabbed his rucksack and continued down the hall toward the courtyard. While he waited, he looked a bit around, mainly at the commanders present. Each was a formidable presence on their own, but together he had no doubts that this campaign would be a success. The only questions were how long it would take and how many men and women would die in securing the world's peace. It wasn't a thought he was particularly fond of, but he would keep his mouth shut. He knew damn well that if these people weren't around to fight and die, many more would perish in their stead. When the full group had arrived, Johannes stood silently as the commanders and the Queen gave their own forms of farewell, leaving them in the hands of Justicar Valerian. He was significantly comforted by the fact that the Justicar was at least a familiar face, if nothing else. He was used to dealing with members of the Lunar Watch, as well as its leaders. People like him were...well-known among the Watch.

When Justicar Valerian asked if they had anything to say, Johannes didn't hesitate to speak up. "This is more for my comrades' sake than my own. I never did properly introduce myself. My name is Johannes Lunaris, and as you likely noticed yesterday, I am gifted with the blessings of Lun. It was for this reason that I was brought to the Lunar Watch, and it has been, in large part, responsible for my abilities and my position within the Watch. I hope that we may fight well during this campaign. I was uneasy to be working with those not affiliated with my own group at first, but after meeting all of those present, my unease proved to be unfounded. I'm confident in our abilities, so long as we can work together."
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