Name: James Rayne
Age: 31
Occupation: Programmer

Personality: Very passionate about his work, cats, and nothing else. Sometimes gets reality and technology confused.
Skills: Programming in Basic, C#, C++, Java, Javascript, HTML3, HTML4, and HTML5; Video Games (RTS, FPS, Strategy, Puzzle, Minecraft(!!!!) and Candy Crush)
Brief Bio: James has no life, no friends, no family. He works upwards of 80hrs/week on bizarre projects that never go anywhere in the hopes of becoming the next Notch (Markus Persson) and making millions of dollars. He spends most of his time outside of work playin' the vidya, eating cucumbers with salt, pepper, and vinegar as well as popcorn and cold cut sandwiches, and petting his cats Tiberius and Susan. He is currently working on a brilliant murder-based game in which you are tasked with killing other players while restricted by a time limit... (This is where the second sentence of personality comes into play.) One night, he was glanced by a passing car while bicycling home and fell into a dream in which he was placed into his own video game.
Not quite a dream, but injury-induced sleepwalking.
Inventory: (Just normal objects that people will have with them. You will find more conventional weapons on the train.)
1x Samsung Galaxy S4
1x KFHD8.9" (Android 4.3.1 hack)
1x Lenovo Thinkpad E531
$200 cash
x1 Mastercard (bal: $5302.96)
x1 Bag of Catnip
x1 House Keys
x1 Bicycle Chain Keys
x1 Backpack (contains all but cash/card, phone, and keys)
x1 Wallet (contains cash, card, keys)
x1 Envelope with: a ticket for the Royal Canadian Pacific train, a photo, and $10,000 in down payment
x1 Pants
x1 Flannel Shirt
x1 Undershirt
x1 Undergarments
x2 Socks
x2 Shoes
x1 Glasses
x1 Scarf