It appears to be a rather normal letter. Stating trivial things, such as the weather of places you haven't heard of and the offers of shops you've never noticed before, the only astounding point is the statement that, at a certain hour, somebody will become a murderer.
Of course, you think it's something ridiculous, like junk mail or a petty prank someone is trying to pull, unless you miraculously believe in the almighty power of randomness.
Once you close the e-mail, you get another notification from your phone. This time it says "Key App Installed". Never wanting such an application in the first place, you quickly check through your list and find it, an icon you have not the slightest clue about. There are three options of action.
If you chose to ignore it, the phone will keep beeping until you give it some of your oh-so-precious time.
If you were to attempt to delete it, you will feel the sensations known as a headache and fright, for you will not be capable of deleting it.
If, at some point of time, due to one, both or none of the first two mentioned, you buy a new phone, the message will be sent again.
In the end or in the beginning, it all depends on you, you will open the app. What comes up is not a trickster's prank, something frightening or more spam. Simply an online shop, where everything displayed to you is completely free. Not a dime at all. However, all the pages except the first one are locked, thus you can not browse around. The shop offers numerous keys, which look like those your great-grandfather used to have, but dug up and restored with a few adjustments and they always have some sort of keychain along with them. Overall, a place for fancy keys. Your basket has only room for one item and the no-price offer has no expiration date.
If you were to close the app again, your phone will keep sending you reminders. In the case you decide to simply throw the thing out the window and get something else, say, a tablet, do not worry. You will receive the same message in any way possible and go through the process again. Don't be rude to the poor phone, this isn't its fault =< In other words, you will be forced to 'buy' a key.
Interestingly enough, about 5 minutes after you chose your desired object, your doorbell will ring. Upon opening the front door, there will be no one there. After closing it you will notice a package on the table, desk, bed or simply a location you enjoy most in your home. Yes, even the toilet. By now, you're either freaked out, keeping your cool or insanely happy. Once done with the unboxing, you will find a smaller box, which corresponds with the fashion of the key inside it. Other than that, there is, remarkably, a note with instructions. It reads as follows:
1. Use on any door, gate or lock.
2. Keep in a dry, safe place, away from small children, pets, your parents, other family members and basically anyone you know.
3. It's suggested you let the key sleep in its box.
4. Do not molest the keychain. An auto report will be sent and you will receive punishment. \(`0´)/
5. To link up the key with your phone or Ipod, simply get them close to each other.
6. Do not tell anyone about this, otherwise the key will unlock you, which results in releasing your soul from your body.
7. Play nice (☆^ー^☆)
From this point on, you may continue as if nothing ever happened. But, honestly, you have to be at least a little curious about this nonsense.
If you were to lock a door or anything else, in most cases, nothing will happen, other than a voice suddenly starting to speak in your head.
If you were to unlock a door, the moment you push it to get on the other side, you'll be transported into a whole new world.
Everything changes, but everything is the same, because it's different, with the exact same core.