Name: Vance Meridian
Age: 27
Species: Human
Position: Free Man
Personality: Very gentlemanly, polite and somewhat stubborn when it comes to doing what he believes is right. He tends to go with his gut feeling on most things and will fight to the death for what he cares for.
Wearing this:
Carrying this along with a small dagger:
History: Born into nobility(Not a direct decedent of royalty, but close enough to have money), he has always had a strong sense of right and wrong and let neither riches or titles get in his way of seeing things for what they are. He is best known for his good deeds to those less fortunate than him, especially slaves. He remembers the night that he got the scar over his eye while saving a group of slaves that were being mistreated by their masters. Some of them he could simply buy off, and once the slaves were in his possession, free them. Others needed a more personal touch with a sword and dagger to be convinced. Once they were taken care of, their slaves, who were now his, were freed, though some objected and wanted to stay and serve under him. He respectfully declined and gave them money to be on their way.
Where they lived: Ceirn, Common but more upper class.
Skills: Swordplay with a Rapier/dagger, cooking, being irresistible to women.
Reasons for joining the crew: "It's something I've never done before!"
Extra details: Scar over his right eye going down to his cheek.
Age: 27
Species: Human
Position: Free Man
Personality: Very gentlemanly, polite and somewhat stubborn when it comes to doing what he believes is right. He tends to go with his gut feeling on most things and will fight to the death for what he cares for.

Wearing this:

Carrying this along with a small dagger:

History: Born into nobility(Not a direct decedent of royalty, but close enough to have money), he has always had a strong sense of right and wrong and let neither riches or titles get in his way of seeing things for what they are. He is best known for his good deeds to those less fortunate than him, especially slaves. He remembers the night that he got the scar over his eye while saving a group of slaves that were being mistreated by their masters. Some of them he could simply buy off, and once the slaves were in his possession, free them. Others needed a more personal touch with a sword and dagger to be convinced. Once they were taken care of, their slaves, who were now his, were freed, though some objected and wanted to stay and serve under him. He respectfully declined and gave them money to be on their way.
Where they lived: Ceirn, Common but more upper class.
Skills: Swordplay with a Rapier/dagger, cooking, being irresistible to women.
Reasons for joining the crew: "It's something I've never done before!"
Extra details: Scar over his right eye going down to his cheek.