I'll get the history up tomorrow, which will help to explain better the DID, and I'll review it for grammar as well. :)
Name: Ivaniliana “Lia” (pronounced Leah)
Species: Silvan Wood Elf - They are very similar to other elves with the various affinities for controlling the wind and earth when in extreme danger or torment, and they are able to climb almost anything, even most non-scalable materials. Needs to breath fresh air and prefers to live in the most wooded areas, the trees considered brethren and the sun and moon – mother and father.
Age:220, but appears to be 18-20
Mental Illness: Lia suffers from the following:
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) - is a mental disorder that is characterized by at least two distinct and relatively enduring identities or dissociated personality states that alternately control a person's behavior, and is accompanied by memory impairment for important information not explained by ordinary forgetfulness. Lia’s other personalities are Ziak, a male who represents her brother and Sema, a female that represents her sister to her.
Dream shifter – a mental illness that leaves her to believe that she can control her future by shifting various situations/scenarios within the context of her dreams. Whether her gift has proven true or not has yet to be determined as she is lost in the notion that she has the power to shift tomorrow in her dreams.
Hypersensitivity – Lia is highly sensitive to loud noises and her mind associates them with terror, leaving her instinct to fend for her safety, which is never a solid bet. Being able to use various elemental magic at the core of her being often time in the midst of loud noises she will mentally black out and leave Ziak to destroy the room in a wind storm or bust a hole in the floor with a mild earthquake.
Lia stands no more than four and a half feet, her frame petite and feminine. Flawless alabaster skin stretches over her lithe frame, her color consistent without pigment variation of any sort. Her pale golden locks hold a natural wave but each strand twists tightly at its end much like the tail of a seahorse. Various strands of translucent hair stream throughout her thick silky mass and dance among the sun-streaked highlights that almost seem to move at times with derivative intent.
Her face is narrow and quite angular in structure, her blonde eyebrows designed with a high arch that presses the feel of elitism into the air around her. Eyes as dark as a moonless night sit in perfect proportion on her face, her stare a bit unnerving because of the absence of color. Her lips are full and dusted rose colored, turning down in her natural state as if distain runs along her thoughts at all that moves and breathes around her.
Her nails are long and claw-like, completely opaque and sharp as knives unless cut to the cuticle, which has been the requirement of her people for most of her life, namely due her mental state. Her feet finish with six toes on each one, the need to have additional grip when climbing trees and scaling mountains creating the extra appendages. A living vine grows from the base of her right ankle and wraps tightly around her shapely calf, small white flowers growing on the greenery when she’s well taken care of and in good physical health.
History: Lia grew up in the Vanacula woods on the Draken planet, which held most properties one might expect in a land littered with Fae, Elves and Trolls. The undisturbed forests were home to many nature-loving creatures, but humanoid in nature as well as various types of animals. Lia was the youngest daughter of the high wooden Elf King, Jared and their queen, Karina. She had an older brother, Ziakander who was being trained to take her father's place should anything befall the great king, and her older sister, Semantilla. With her parents being very involved in ruling their species and maintaining proper interaction with other races, Lia spent most of her time in the presence of her siblings. They were a close-nit group and trained together in both arms and education with only a chosen few from the woods they inhabited.
Having the ability to live hundreds of years, Lia's people were learned in things both imperative to survival for their race and various mysteries of other races and worlds. She spent lots of her free time in the great library of Colemon, her father's adviser, searching for a new adventure to take her away. Because her people were peaceful by nature, the arrival of the Daemon's from a dark world just beyond their viewing mechanisms was both a shock and lesson in unpreparedness. The Daemon's wasted no time in murdering the ruling bodies, Lia racing frantically toward the royal castle from the library and stumbling upon nothing being left but the remains of her family. It wasn't long before she found herself walking numbly through the woods that surrounded her once beautiful home, her mind scattered and throat sore from talking to herself incessantly for days on end.
Not being recognized, the King of the Useelie court ordered her to be removed from their world and sent someplace that she might gain her consciousness back or perhaps have it replaced. Knowing that her entire species was removed from Draken and that she was the only one remaining would do nothing but send the lovely girl deeper into the darkness that seemed to hang all around her like a disenchanted cloak. Having heard of the Osmand Institute, the Fae King arranged for the lovely young, nameless girl to be transported to the facility in hopes that someone might assist her in moving forward and possibly reinventing herself as she did.
Personality:Lia is offstandish and withdrawn, her natural tendency to move into the shadows and remain content to only keep company with herself and the lost love ones in her head. She is often willing to assist others before thinking of herself namely due to her past and is only passionate about one thing – the mistreatment of others.
Ziak is dominate and pushy. His tendency is to demand his way and physical force others to deliver on his expectations. He is outspoken and holds grudges for the remainder of the relationship should the offense be too much. He tries to move into the spotlight in all circumstances and enjoys nothing more than challenging authority.
Sema is outgoing and friendly. She’s always looking to make a new friend and offers herself to assist in any way possible with anyone. She’s flirty and kind, funny and willing to break a few rules to ensure a countenance of joy and excitement are present in her world at all times.
Sexual Orientation:Bisexual, namely depending on who’s running the show inside her skull in the moment.
Fears: Lia is afraid of commitment and deep water, Ziak is afraid of the dark and bees, and Sema is afraid of sleeping and overtly bright lights.
Capabilities:Elemental Magic - As noted above, Lia is a wood elf, so she has the ability to use elemental magic without the use of spells. She can call the elements in full force if out among them, but in confined spaces she can only utilize what’s available to her to pull at the wind, water, fire and earth. She loses strength more quickly with the larger displays of effort as one might imagine.
Strength – Lia is much stronger than she appears, her body able to hold 3-4 times its own weight and carry it for several miles at a time. She is able to climb with no weight on her back for more than a day at a time, her arms and legs strong and agile.
Transparency – A gift from her father. She’s capable of becoming completely transparent (if she removes her scrubs) for ten to fifteen minutes at a time, but needs lots of rehydration and sleep afterward. The strands of translucent hair on her head will grow and wrap around her like a second skin.