" Hallo to zhose of jou dunkoffs receiving zhis transmission, my name is Edward Richtofen! ZHE DOCTOR! Ja~ I am an insane doctor for Group 935, I created zhe wonder-weapons und helped create zhe minions!... or zombies, vhatever jou vant to call zhe blasted things. Don't spheak to me about Ludwig Maxis and his wretched daughter Samantha, I DISPISE ZHEM! Anyvays, if jou push those things about me all zhe vay back, I can be a decently nice person! Ja~ I love to eat spleens of my minions, sthabing things, experimenting and other things... things I vill not tell jou about until I deem it worthy enough to be known!!! " The crazed German was then heard laughing, followed up by gunfire on the recording and sounds of blood splattering onto the microphone that he spoke into previously.
" Urgh... I shometimes get carried avay! ZHIS VAS A NEW RECCORDING DEVICE AND I ALREADY GOT BLOOD ON ZHE MICROPHONE! Wunderbar~ Anyvays living person zhat listened to zhis transmission, hope ve meet soon! " He yelled before the tape came to a click, signaling that the transmission was finished.
" Urgh... I shometimes get carried avay! ZHIS VAS A NEW RECCORDING DEVICE AND I ALREADY GOT BLOOD ON ZHE MICROPHONE! Wunderbar~ Anyvays living person zhat listened to zhis transmission, hope ve meet soon! " He yelled before the tape came to a click, signaling that the transmission was finished.