The name's Cynder and it was before the reset as well. Some knew me as a regular in the Free and Casual Roleplay sections, a GM for several RPs that died and the "non-fficial RP Partner" to DarkGrey (now just known as "Grey" as far as I know) -- a.k.a, the Saucy Canadian. It's actually thanks to him that I'm back. It'll be great to see all the familiar faces again.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm sixteen years old, an Aquarius-Pisces, right-handed and I absolutely hate the color yellow.
It's great to meet you and a belated welcome to the Guild, assuming you joined after the reset?
That being said, I look forward to seeing you all around and RPing with you all as well. I also generally looking forward to getting back into the swing of RPing, especially after wasting enough time not doing anything on Iwaku, spending time in the RP section of Tumblr (I regret everything), and using Skype + other clients to periodically RP. So yeah, I'm a little out of touch.
Shouldn't be too hard to get back into it, eh?
Well, none the less, I really do look forward to using this site again and well, that brings my introduction to an awkward close...doesn't it?