Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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On the 23rd of April 1986, the No. 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant violently exploded, sending hundreds of tons of radioactive material into the surrounding area. The nearby city of Pripyat is evacuated, and a 30 kilometer zone of exclusion is established. The only people allowed to enter the zone are so-called "liquidators," officials in charge of cleaning up the area and covering the gaping hole over the exposed reactor core. Hundreds of people die in the process to contain the center of the disaster, but eventually a massive concrete structure known as the sarcophagus is finished. It effectively seals off the reactor core and prevents any more radiation for leaking out, and the zone remains like this for two decades.

The quiet, empty land was violently shaken in 2006, when an impossibly bright light, seemingly originating from above the plant, illuminated the land for kilometers around. After several minutes the light disappears as quickly as it came, and those who observed the phenomenon are left without an explanation. A few days later the sky lights up again, only this time it is accompanied by a violent earthquake that shakes the entirety of the zone. A wave of energy emanates from the plant, killing practically everything within the zone which isn't in sufficient cover. Simultaneously, the landscape all across the zone becomes nearly unrecognizable, as land formations suddenly spring out from the earth, creating strange and unfamiliar landmarks. The zone's boundary is extended by 5 kilometers, and scientists all around the world flock to determine what happened. Few of them return, and those who do tell of a world which is practically alien compared to our own. Local flora and fauna are hideously mutated, invisible dangers are scattered all over the place, and strange objects called artifacts, said to possess powers beyond explanation, can be found in certain places.

Over the next several years, waves of people from all walks of life come to the zone. Some come to escape real life, some come in search of riches, some come to take advantage of the zone's lawless nature, and some come in search of the fabled wish granter. These people are called stalkers, and each one has their own reasons for coming to the zone. The zone represents not only great danger, but great opportunity. It is a new frontier to be explored and discovered by those who dare to brave it's hostile and unnatural environment.

This remained the status quo in the zone for years, but over time subtle changes began to reshape the zone. Stalkers began to notice emissions becoming more frequent and drawn out, reports of horrifying new mutants began to circulate throughout the stalker community, and new anomalies materialized all across the zone. Scientists within the zone scramble to figure out what is happening, even as the zone's borders continue to grow and grow.

8 April 2018 - Present Day: The zone's radius is estimated at 60 kilometers, giving it an area of over 10,000 square kilometers. The population of the zone reaches well over 2000, and continues to grow. Factions have come and gone, stalker camps have changed locations, and very few stalkers from the original waves are either alive or still within the zone's borders. Even to those who are, the zone is a whole new world, one that is constantly changing and growing. New legends have circulated throughout the stalker community about mutants, anomalies, and artifacts the likes of which have never been seen before. Some parts of the zone have become uninhabitable due to freak changes in anomalous activity, while areas previously deemed too hazardous to traverse are teeming with veteran stalkers eager to explore the newlands.

More people are signing on with Duty as the border of the zone comes closer and closer to Ukraine's capital city, Kiev, reinforcing the idea that the zone may one day swallow the entire globe. Freedom still exists, but their numbers are dwindling, and their mentality is shifting, since even they can't ignore the threat the zone poses to the outside world. The two factions have been in a cease fire for over a year, and talks are circulating about a possible alliance, combining certain aspects of both factions. Monolith has mysteriously faded into the realm of memory, and almost every mercenary squad has evacuated the zone, fearing the new dangers spawning into the ever-expanding zone. The former has been replaced by the Marauders who, as the name implies, attack any other stalkers without provocation or reason as far as anyone else knows. As a direct result of the emergence of the Marauders, a small group of highly skilled and experienced stalkers from every faction, calling themselves Sentinels, banded together in an effort to learn more about the Marauders and defend other stalkers from them.

Though the details in the zone change, the basics remain the same. Anything that isn't human will try to kill you, even some fellow humans will try to kill you, and there are no rules. Every stalker has a thirteen percent chance of dying on day one. The average life expectancy in the zone is a month. Exceed six months in the zone, and you're either incredibly skilled, incredibly smart, incredibly lucky, or all of the above. Every decision you make in the zone will have an effect, and every action has it's consequences. One move can mean the difference between life and death.

Before anyone continues reading, I would like to have a committed player base, that means no flakes. For anyone who is familiar with the stalker universe, this roleplay should be fairly straightforward to you, with some tweakage. Like I said in the above few paragraphs, the zone is in a state of flux, and things are changing. Most things in the original stalker games will be included, some have been removed, and several things have been added to it. I've already thought through a basic synopsis which I will be developing as the RP progresses, and I already have a decent idea about how it will end. Bear in mind, this RP does have a fairly linear progression of events. There will be room for side bits, but there is an ultimate goal in mind. In addition, it is highly likely that characters will start dying off near the end, and I don't just mean NPCs, though they'll be going in fucking droves by the time we reach the eleventh hour.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, I will do my best to reveal information to you as time progresses, and I'll try to get the players who are more familiar with the Stalker games to help with that. As of right now, I will tell you a few bits of information about Stalker which may help you make your character. First of all, pretty much every stalker goes by an alias. Not all of them, but most. Second, women are pretty uncommon in the zone, and out of the handful that are in the zone most are noncombatants. Female characters are not unwelcome, just know that yours will be setting a precedent, unless you conceal your gender. Finally, once the RP gets started, as long as you stick to the main group of players, you should be okay.

Regarding characters, basic shit applies, meaning NO GODMODDING, NO OP CHARACTERS, NO MARY SUES OR MICHAEL STEWS, ETC. As long as you follow a few restrictions I will put in place for the sake of the storyline and you follow the basic guidelines your character should be alright. Your character must be a fairly experienced stalker, which is why I recommend no one really signs on for this unless they have played any of the Stalker games (for those who haven't, you can download and play a standalone mod for Shadow of Chernobyl called Lost Alpha from ModDB), and for this reason, if you haven't played it but want to join the RP anyways, I would like to call on my fellow stalkers to help me out in teaching you rookies.

Now, the part you all have been waiting for (I hope), the Character Sheets.

If you have any questions or want additional information, you can either post it here or PM me. Now, I'm going to get to work on my own character. Good hunting, stalkers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BerryBuns


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I'm interested, but I'm totally unfamiliar with the games, so I'm gonna do some research and play Lost Alpha a bit before I commit.

I would more than likely be playing a female, so I have a few questions there. Would a woman have to be able to physically hold her own against men in order to survive in the Zone, or would survival skills + luck (+ good allies) be enough? I'm thinking a medic who's quick on her feet, but not a badass by any means.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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If she knows how to use a gun, even if it's just the one she has, even if she's not particularly good at using it, she should be fine. Go ahead and make your character and I'll let you know if she'll need tweaking as far as combat abilities goes.

And thank you for reminding me to add a skills/weaknesses section to the CS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

Member Seen 9 days ago

I'm in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Awesome, awesome. Always good to have more players.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm also in, us Loners got to stick together.
Played all 3 if you must know my experience in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R zone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

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Character Sheet: WIP

Name: Ryan Monroe

Alias: Exile

Nationality: United Kingdom, England

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Physique/Appearance/Clothing: WIP

Spoken Languages: English, bits of Russian

Faction: Mercenary for Clear Sky, then joined Sentinels when Clear Sky was disbanded

History: WIP

Reputation: WIP

Weapons/Ammo: WIP

=Backpack: (Inside backpack)
- 3 Pieces of stale bread
- 2 Cans of canned food
- 2 Energy drinks
- 4 Bandages
- 1 Medkit
= On person: (Outside of backpack, easy access too)
- Gasmask
- Binoculars
- Flashlight
- Class bear detector

+ Stealth
+ Lockpicking
+ Mechanisms (traps and stuff)
+ Speed
+ Tracking
+ Knowledgeable on the zone and how to survive it
+ Perceptive
+ Steady/good aim, better than most with a rifle more specifically

- Not as strong as most stalkers
- Not as tough as most stalker, relying on his speed to get him out of sticky situations
- Stubborn
- Cynical
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lone Wanderer said
I'm also in, us Loners got to stick together.Played all 3 if you must know my experience in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R zone.

Weren't you in the last S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP I tried to start, before the old forum died?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Indeed I was.
Also is what I have on my CS currently, correct?
Also, also should we include weapons on our skills/abilities?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

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Name: Porfiry Semyonovich Istomin

Alias: Smoke

Nationality: Ukrainian

Age: 46

Gender: Male

Physique/Appearance/Clothing: Porfiry is a thin, lanky and wiry man of average height with a head that looks like a pear put upside down. His brown hair is mostly balding, the canyon of recession going through his hair somewhat hidden by the unkemptness of his hair and some defiant tufts still clinging to his scalp above his slightly wrinkled forehead. His hair also has streaks of grey going through it, which was one of the reasons for his alias. The recession has made his large forehead look even larger, and this, combined with his shrunken cheeks and eyes-wide-open expression, has given him a mad scientist look. His clothing consists of a grey militarized radiation suit based off the GK-2 drysuit of Soviet make with integrated padding in form of quilts to give protection from gunfire gifted to him by Ecologists.

Spoken Languages: Porfiry can speak Russian and Ukrainian to an expert degree and has a fair grasp of English.

Faction: Porfiry, while technically a Loner, has very close ties with Ecologists thanks to having worked under contract for their expeditions and the fact he has befriended many thanks to his above-average knowledge of matters ordinary stalkers wouldn't know much about such as philosophy and music. He is also liked somewhat by stalkers of Freedom thanks to the fact that he solved a conflict between a Duty squad serving as escort to Ecologist field scientists and a bunch of Freedom members caught unaware.

Personality: Porfiry is quite an interesting character with an ever-changing, unstable demeanor - it's hard to predict how he'll react to a situation, being as forgiving as Jesus in one minute and then going medieval in the next. This is not to say that he's crazy or distracting, however, as he has the self control to keep his opinions to himself. Still, he can be easily prejudiced, and his opinions about people stay the way the moment he gets them indefinitely, so he can be incredibly grudgeful or be ridiculously pissed off at a passing gesture that happened weeks ago. Nonetheless, his actions are guided by reason compared to anything else and he knows how to keep his emotions in check, nearly unable to act out of impulse (though when he does, expect shit to hit the fan). All in all, he's quite a nice fellow to have around, and a reliable one too, so long as he's treated nicely.

History: Porfiry was born to a rather wealthy family, with his parents both in the filming industry. Being the younger one of two brothers, Porfiry was quite introverted thanks to an overbearing mother, a somewhat high intelligence and his rather shy demeanor. Suffering from constant insulting and beating by his brother and his inability to find good friends in school thanks to putting things bluntly in a way that usually ended up insulting people, Porfiry soon grew to be a bitter sociopath in the making, spending most of his time reading. This life went on for quite a while and Porfiry soon ended up becoming an unemployed, quiet man whose presence was barely known by anyone else than his family and the readers of a magazine that he wrote essays to on an irregular basis. His writings eventually reached the members of an University and he was hired as a teacher, though he soon quit the position thanks to his lack of confidence and condescending behavior towards most of the students causing complaints.

His life changed after a rather absurd action taken by him, in that he murdered his brother with a hammer for no discernible reason but past grudges. After the murder, he wrote one last essay on his opinions about evil and nature of man, and packed up to move to the newly-created Zone to escape authorities, fearing jail. Most of his days in the Cordon were no different than most of his days in his home, except that most of the conditions were much worse. After spending days listening to other Loners' stories (most of them outright lies or exaggerated experiences) and eating canned food, he eventually gathered the mental courage to travel from the Cordon. Following a group of cocky stalkers, he ended up being the sole survivor in a Mexican standoff that occurred in the group after an argument on sharing loot by simply hiding and not taking part in the seconds-long shootout. Realizing that he was the only one of the group to live, Porfiry took all things of use and value and kept walking on solo to Rostok, somehow surviving the journey. There he befriended the more experienced stalkers thanks to his reasonable attitude (and being able to shut up Smartass by defeating him in an argument), and after exchanging the wares he got from the dead loners for vital equipment, he ended up being part of a Duty relief mission to Yantar (mostly thanks to the leader of the squad, who seemed to enjoy Porfiry's company).

Unfortunately, during the rather perilous journey, the squad leader was killed by stray gunfire from zombified stalkers, and Porfiry was left alone with military wannabes. Conflict erupted quickly after Porfiry stoopped the Duty members from starting a shootout with Mercenaries. He soon parted ways with them near Yantar when one of them nearly shot him for his comment on their pretentiousness. This filled him with emnity against most Dutyers, with outright hostility prevented only by the fact that the more experienced Dutyers wouldn't take it kindly if he were killed. He settled down at Yantar, working for the Ecologists as protection. The Ecologists eventually took him as one of their own thanks to his friendly demeanor and knowledge of more intellectual matters, and the fact that he saved a wounded scientist from a Blowout by carrying him to the Mobile Base. However, after a fruitless expedition in which the group came upon a bunch of Freedom members and Porfiry kept the trigger-happy Dutyers from mowing them down, he was advised by the Ecologists to cut off contact as new Duty members were getting nervous about him. Understanding their point, he agreed, and his profitable relationship with the Ecologists ended. Since then, he's been spending most of his time doing absolutely nothing, which is probably why he's been alive for so long in the Zone.

Reputation: Porfiry is well-respected amongst most of the factions' experienced members thanks to his demeanor, and these connections have kept him from getting killed by human factors in the Zone. The only exception to this is amongst the Freedom high command, where he's suspected to be a Duty spy after learning that the Duty high command had ordered their stalkers to not harm him. Instead, it's the lower ranking members of Freedom that respect Porfiry. Overall, it can be said that either people like Porfiry immensely or dislike him heavily. Unfortunately for Porfiry, the changing Zone has claimed many of the old-timers, and he has lost most of his friends. Most of the replacements have been cocky people whom Porfiry is at odds with, and this means that he doesn't have much connections left.

Weapons/Ammo: Porfiry is armed with a SVU-A rifle, loaded with 20 round magazines. However, the rifle lacks a scope. His backup weapon is a standard Browning Hi-Power pistol. He also has a combat knife holstered on his right shoulder. His magazines are kept in a chest rig.

Gear: Aside from the essentials such as a PDA, a flashlight and an anomaly detector, Porfiry's backpack is mostly filled with canned meat and beans. Alongside the food, he has a few regular-issue medkits in it. The remaining space is filled by two ammo boxes of 7.62x54. He also has a few bottles of water in the bag. He does not carry a sleeping bag, finding the interior of his suit cozy enough.

-Level headed person. It's hard to rouse him.
-Despite his bulky suit, he runs quite fast.
-Pretty patient. Can wait for days.
-Can stay awake for long.
-Has extensive theoretical knowledge of the Zone.
-Smarts. He knows how to react.
-Has some connections left amongst the factions.
-Is immensely reliable once you get on his good side.

-Most of the new stalkers hate him thanks to his condescendinghonest attitude.
-If he loses his shit, it's hard to get him back to his senses.
-Holds grudges for an incredibly long time.
-Takes him a while to aim correctly. Even then, he's not the best shooter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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@Wanderer: Aside from the WIP bits everything looks good. I would prefer a somewhat more descriptive... description for your skills and weaknesses, but what you have will do. And about weapons being skills, if you're an absolute beast with an AKM, but only par with any other gun, that's a skill, if that's what you mean.

@Peik: CS is looking good, I'll take it. :)

I've been working on my own CS for the last couple of days. Yeah, I'm slow, give me a break. I'm also probably going to start working on an OOC, so I should have both of those up by tomorrow.

Also, Berry, are you still interested?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

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Well, with a bit of hesitation on my own part after a long hiatus from RPGuild, I've decided that this might be a good start. You all seem like responsible people who'll stick with something, so why the hell not. Also, its the summer time and I need something to do.

Also, Mad, I remember seeing you from some place, but I can't remember what. Still, I'm pretty interested, but what would your opinion be on having an English/American character who is a photographer and has paid his way in to be smuggled into The Zone? I thought it would be interesting since he won't be military or trained in much. Maybe a little bit of training with handguns 'just in case' but that'll be mostly it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BerryBuns


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Yes! I should have my CS up by tomorrow as well. I was wondering about medkits - is there a set list of items in each one? Will other medical supplies exist within The Zone, aside from the various medkits, bandages, and anti-rad meds? (Am I over thinking this?)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

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@Beowulf: I don't remember ever seeing you, but if you say you recall seeing me somewhere then alright, cool. I read your post about half an hour ago at first, and while I liked that your character could add an interesting dynamic to this RP I couldn't think of any reason a photographer would be needed for the sake of the storyline. After thinking for a few minutes I think I might have a place for you, so go ahead and start on your CS and I'll let you know if it needs tweaking.

@Berry: Good to hear. Like I said, I'm not doing this exactly like the stalker games, so specifics on items are somewhat open to you guys. Of course you'll have the generic medical supplies, and each medkit has all of the basic first-aid stuff (meaning a bandage, surgical tape, gauze pads, latex gloves, an ice pack, antiseptic pads, painkillers, things like that (army medkits will additionally include morphine)). Bear in mind, I'm not going to make your character healthy if he gets shot in the leg, even if you use 10 medkits. The medkits will keep you from bleeding out and getting an infection, but now you've got a broken leg, so unless you've got some morphine or a healing artifact, or you can build a splint, you're not going anywhere without having someone carry you. But, like I said, I'm mostly interested in story progression, so I won't let you guys get severely injured unless A. you're asking for it, or B. it fits with the story progression.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

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@Asshatter: Thanks for letting me come along for the ride. I really only meant that I had seen your face (avatar) around the forums a few times. Still, its good to be here and RPing once again. I was thinking about something interesting. Are we going to be allowed to find artifacts like you can in the games? It would be pretty interesting if we could use those artifacts for our weapons and what not. Maybe something that allows my character to use his camera to do some awesome shit à la the anime Speed Grapher.

@Berry: I recommend you visit this link right here for anything you'd like to mention in aforementioned medkit.

By the way, I should have my CS up by tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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TheMadAsshatter Guess who's back

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Beowulf: I don't see why you can't use artifacts in tandem with your gear for certain effects. One of the things that I'm going to exploit with this RP is Stalker's unexplored potential. It's so easy to take a game in which one of the main principles is mystery and intrigue and add to it, and I intend to do it justice, especially considering that so many features were cut from any one of the games. I intend to fill those gaps with something that I hope you all will appreciate and make the zone slightly richer for it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BerryBuns


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Can someone tell me a little bit about the Wish Granter? I'd like to work it into my character history, as a minor/hidden motivation for having stayed in The Zone (like, she wants to "restore something that was lost", ooooh cliché mysterious). Is it still a part of the lore at this point? Does it even exist anymore?

I have looked it up on the wiki and all that, so I get that it's not exactly legitimate; I'm not planning on making this into some personal quest, more like a whisper of a possibility that's kept her around, among other things.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Peik
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Peik Peik

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I don't think anybody'd know whether it was destroyed or not.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

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John Smith Rickard Kelber.

'Camera Guy', 'Идиот', 'Get The Fuck Out Of My Way', 'No Cameras Allowed'.



The one with the penis.

Physique/Appearance/Clothing: (Picture or realistic art for an image, please. Physical description as well.)
Standing at a rather average height of 6'2", Rickard isn't really much of an intimidating figure. He has a bit of a childish face that almost all of the time wears a smile on it. He usually wears an unfashionable jacket that totally goes well with his blue eyes and blonde hair. He likes to travel light, only including what he can carry on his back, his clothes, and the Nikon FM2 that he carries around at all times. Well, most of the time. He doesn't sleep with the damn thing, if that's what you're thinking. Other than the clothes on his back, he usually keeps a trinket or two that he finds around The Zone. A few shiny bottle caps tied around a string goes around his neck. A bit of melted glass that shines like a rainbow when he holds it up to the light.

Spoken Languages:
He really only understands English. Maybe a few words like Да or Нет, but he does understand the word несумњиво!

He really doesn't belong to any sort of faction, so he mostly just kind of roams The Zone. Well... most people are usually rather 'rude' in his opinion. You wouldn't believe how many curse words in Russian have been thrown at him. Most people don't take kindly to an upbeat американский roaming around their Zone, but Rickard doesn't usually pay it much attention. Its surprising how many people have wanted to steal his camera and film, but each time he's managed to keep his Nikon shinier than a whistle. You could still just call Rickard your average Stalker, but you would be completely wrong.

Rickard is surprisingly happy for one being stuck inside one of the closest places to Hell that you can get to on Earth. Rickard's very optimistic compared to your average gruff and untalkative Russian. Still, that doesn't mean Rickard is one emotion at all times. He's usually very joking, and will often throw zingers whenever he gets the chance. Of course, that means he usually gets his ass kicked, well, someone attempts to kick his ass for being annoying. Rickard chooses the second option when given the choice of Fight or Flight, and to be honest, pretty much 90% of the time it saves him out of a beating. The rest of the time he just flashes someone in the eyes with his camera. Nobody expects the camera.

History: (Same as the above.)
He hails from the city of New-York. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. 'Of course, he's just your average middle-class American who got to a great school and blah blah'. Well, kind of. His father was a rather impressive banker and a stockbroker on the side. Of course, fat load of good that would do him when the stock markets crashed in the early 2000s. After that, for the most part, Rickard didn't really have very great living conditions. Still, Rickard, through plenty of hard work and lots of begging, managed to get into a nearby College and earn his bachelor's in photography and quickly jumped into amateur work.

His degree turned out to be worth shit, but Rickard still managed to get a few deals. Remember Kony 2012? Yeah, he managed to get several great videos for that experience. Also managed to get a few vids of the BP Oil Spill as well, earned a few big bucks for that. Of course, only recently had he learned of the greatest deal he would ever manage to get.

High Quality photos of The Zone were what his bosses wanted. At first, he might have been a little afraid. News coming out of The Zone were rather sketchy at best. Heavily mutated animals that killed on sight. Troves of raiding stalkers who'll also kill you at first sight. Of course, a lot of that turned out to be true for the most part. Still, Rickard wasn't gonna deny the money it would earn him and the fact that no other reporters managed to come out of the zone. He signed up for a simple firearms class before he went, and a few survivalist ones, but that was it for the most part.

Boy, was his first day a doozy.

Lets just say most people don't like him. You might find treasure hunters, bandits, hell. Even political enemies go there just to escape Russia. But a photographer? Really, you don't expect a civilian to show up and just waltz into The Zone and survive more than five minutes. Somehow, Rickard managed to do that, much to the chagrin of many stalkers who meet Rickard.

Rickard wasn't very smart when he showed up to the Zone. Like your average American, he wanted his gun large and show-offey. Rickard carries an Israeli Desert Eagle and carries a small bag full of .40 Magnum cartridges. Enough for five magazines. Yeah, go figure. Of course, he really didn't mean to shoot anyone, he really just uses it to scare off your average rabid dog and scaredy-cat Stalker. Nowadays, he's a little smarter. After trading away the piss poor weapon, he managed to purchase an MP-2 Uzi that is great for his skill since he mostly can just spray and pray for the most part. He currently has six magazines of 25-round 9mm.

Not much gear for the most part. He carries around a brown rucksack that holds most of his supplies. Inside he has: Two cans of Heinz Baked Beans, two more canned peaches, and one packet of Twinkies. By the way, Twinkies are one of Rickard's favorite snacks in The Zone. He also carries around a small bottle at least half full of purifying tablets, a quarter filled bottle of radiation tablets. Also a bottle of vodka. Sure, Rickard can't stand the damn stuff, but they have good trading value. He's got a small blanket and pillow stuffed in there as well, and another set of clothes. He also has his wallet with about 10,000 Rubles and a thousand Dollars.

+ Of course, the first thing you would notice about Rickard is his ability to take photos of stuff. While this usually isn't that great of a skill, to him he's a master. He's only managed to be inside The Zone for about a month, but already he's taken at least a hundred great photos.

+ Another skill is... running away? He really isn't much of a fighter, so most of the confrontations he more or less just runs the fuck away as fast as he can.

+ Yeah, he can spray his uzi, but that's about it. Still, he's able to pretty much able to spray all of his ammo onto a single position and suppress the hell out of whoever is on the other end of his gun.

+ Another skill is his ability to notice small differences in the environment around him. A small mouse rummaging through a pile of trash maybe twenty meters away that most people wouldn't see. A cache full of supplies hidden under rubble.

+ I suppose being optimistic is a good skill to have. When you're down to your last can of beans, but hey, you could find a mother load of supplies just around the corner!

- While he might not have tons of strengths, he sure does have plenty of weaknesses. Rickard isn't very strong at all. Sure, he tried playing Football when he was just a youngin', but he failed horribly at that.

- He also isn't the the most agile either. I wouldn't advise giving him a grenade, because he would probably make the worst throw of all time.

- Then again, Rickard isn't very well known for his smarts. Leave the computers and machinery to those who get paid to actually fix them. Hell, he can barely access the email on his smart phone. Not like he needs a phone in The Zone, there isn't even any reception or wifi to use.

- Lastly, Rickard isn't a fighter at all. Close-combat, gunfights, yeah. He won't be much of a help, and is likely to hit is own team members with his lack of accuracy. Still, Rickard isn't a coward, and will help his friends if they're in danger.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheMadAsshatter
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Berry: It's still part of the lore, only no one has ever found it yet. It's still just a myth as far as every stalker there is knows. Let's just say that even with the brain scorcher turned off and Pripyat no longer occupied by Monolith, no one has ever found the wish granter, and those who have gone into the NPP looking for it and returned were disappointed.

@Beowulf: I like it except for one thing. I don't mind if your gear is stated in a paragraph like it is, but would you mind listing your skills (need 8 of these) and weaknesses (4 of these) out?
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