Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prince


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

OOC | IC | Original Wiki | YYHAU-Titanpad | Character List & Character Sheets| NPC List

I will create a list with links to all approved character sheets for Yu Yu Hakusho [AU] here. I will also be posting the Character Sheet Template here. Simply reply with your filled out character sheet, and I will either approve it or critique it before adding it (possibly after some editions) to the roster.

Feel free to edit the Character Sheet with BBCode or add whatever you want to it. That is simply the most basic information I want.

Approved Characters

Spirit Detectives

Secondary Characters
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirth


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Name | Mizuki Ikino

Species | Human

Gender | Female

Age | 17

Appearance |
A relatively tall girl with waist-length grey-blue hair and blue eyes. Always scowling. Nice figure. Faint scar under the collar of her uniform.

History | Kuchikiroka's resident shrine and cemetery are cared for by the Ikino family and have been since the family moved there in the 80's. Their home is set apart from the other houses, situated on a hilltop separating the suburbs from the tidy rows of tombstones. Following an icy divorce, Omai Ikino moved to a different province, leaving her husband Ikuji to raise their daughter alone.

Mizuki Ikino was born prematurely at the local hospital and was immediately handed off to her father; the Ikinos' marriage had never been solid and the birth of a child had not stabilized it. Omai left as soon as Mizuki went home and, since then, has never returned to Kuchikiroka. Mizuki exchanges Christmas and birthday cards with her, but that is the extent of their contact. She has never been to see her mother in person. Her father acted as both parents during Mizuki's uneasy childhood, given she had always been able to see spirits. From the time she could speak she was always talking to things that her father could not see, and while he never took her to a psychiatrist or a doctor for the 'visions', he was unnerved by his child.

When Mizuki began school (a private academy nearer to the city), it went about as well as could be expected for a little girl who could not tell the living from the dead. Mere weeks after classes began she was the pariah of not just her class or her year, but the entire student body, and several staff members actively avoided her. As she grew older she learned to hide her abnormalities (by ignoring all spiritual contact) but was still largely disconnected from her peers. By the time she left middle school she rarely spoke to anyone.

Unfortunately, highschoolers were not as leery of mocking her as the younger students had been, and soon a regular pattern of harassment and bullying began. She stayed silent, took the torment, and kept her lips tightly shut. This lasted for about two years, at which point she broke.

Mizuki went on a rage-fueled rampage, throwing anything she could find at her attackers. "How dare you!" She screamed, flinging a chair at one boy. "Bastards!" She screeched as she hurled a desk out a window. When she had finally calmed down, the classroom was all but destroyed. Although she had caused over a thousand dollars of damage, the school chose not to expel or discipline her beyond a mandatory anger-management class; Mizuki chose instead to transfer. She began attending Kuchikiroka High School, finishing out her sophomore year, and has just begun her junior.

Personality | Mizuki is, at present, unable to hear spirits, although she can see them quite well and sense the presence of many types of apparitions. Unfortunately, because of this, her one potential social outlet was shut off, leaving her to spend a very lonely life. Other students tended to be afraid of her, which prevented her from making friends; being bullied made her to withdraw further inside herself. However, as a result, her internal world is very well-developed, and she finds happiness in solitary activities. She is fairly well-read and her grades are excellent; after the incident at her previous school, she purposefully excels academically to draw attention.

Anyone who dares to bother her will most likely have a chair thrown at them. When she was younger, she was much quieter and much more timid, but since she transferred she has become a force of nature. Instead of breaking down, she became empowered, and, while inwardly uncertain of this new self, is outwardly fierce and confident. She is suspicious of other people because of her past and remains isolated socially, so her people skills are close to nil. She is not close to her father; while she loves him dearly she understands that he is scared both of and for her. Her closest friend is the spirit of a cat she called Mochi. He is the only soul she can hear, as she discovered him by following ghostly meows to the road where he was killed by a car. After burying his remains, Mizuki adopted him. She is highly protective of Mochi.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prince


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Kurohana Ibuki

[ Black Hair | Brown Eyes | 5'9" | 142 lb. | 17 yr. | Male ]

Ibuki is a fair-skinned boy of average height, weight and build with little outstanding features. He has been doted on for his calm, cool demeanor that adds to his appearance, but alone he is not outstanding. Ibuki tends to prove himself stylish by wearing the one article of clothing allowed over the Kuchikiroka uniform: his signature jacket. During summer, winter, fall and spring, Ibuki is known for wearing his jacket and switches up every year to a new size of similar style. The only time Ibuki is known for removing his jacket is inside the greenhouses of his family businesses were the heat and humidity are often far too high to comfortably wear a jacket.

History. Ibuki Kurohana is the bastard son of a half-demon named Gurēnue, son of the late Kuronue. The Kurohana household has been the primary producers of plants and flowers ever since they were used for medicines long ago when the town was first founded. Due to the convenient location near a Jigoku no Kuchi (Hell Mouth), the Kurohana greenhouses became the target for all manner of raids from half-demons procuring samples of plants from the Ningenkai (human world) to introduce, hybridize or alter the attributes of demonic plants. However, with the ever-growing superstitious nature of Kuchikiroka, the difficulty of procuring said items became greater for lower-ranking demons.

Gurēnue, the half-demon son of Kuronue - an infamous bat demon thief in the Makai - integrated himself into the Ningenkai on a mission to procure rare and potent herbs to be transplanted into the Makai as per the request of high-ranking demons and dark practitioners. He done this in a manner no demon had attempted before him; seducing a member of the Kurohana family to become part of it, then fleeing upon the next opening of the Jigoku no Kuchi. All in all, his plan worked. Two years of waiting, perfect timing as well as a hollow marriage and the birth of Ibuki ultimately led up to him disappearing randomly into the night, leaving his mother Midori to raise Ibuki by herself.

Ibuki was born as Ibuki Tanaka, but had his name legally reverted to his mother's maiden name afterwards. He also has two step-sisters - both significantly younger than him - after his mother married the husband of her late sister in an attempt to keep the family together, meaning his step-sisters are also his first cousins. Despite this, Ibuki is and his mother are still much considered the black sheeps of their family as Ibuki is a bastard whose only outstanding feature is an innate ability to care for plants while his mother is often referred to as the Kurohana whore, since her husband ran away and she married again.

As one might expect, Ibuki was put through a significant amount of adversity growing up as he was fatherless, detested by a majority of his family and never even truly accepted by his step-father or step-sisters. Where Ibuki excelled, however, was in Junior High and High School. After hitting puberty and his growth spurts, Ibuki became a capable tennis player and a fairly intelligent student - keeping within the top five percent of his class. Although Ibuki was talented in these fields, he never went far enough to actually win awards, meaning his notable talents were generally disregarded by his family.

His peers, however, often felt different. Ibuki tends to be rather introverted due to his lonely upbringing and thus gives off a relatively calm and cool atmosphere around him. Granted he was also involved in academics and sports, his popularity within the school was rather high. Most people within the school know who Ibuki is, whether he is the guy that everyone has chilled with at least once or the girl every girl looked twice at. As this is his graduating year, Ibuki is being offered a spot in the second-most revered university in the region Kuchikiroka is located in and intends to study homeopathic medicines.


Personality. Although Ibuki tends to be calm and cool on the outside, he has a lot of pent of up rage as one might expect. He is sensitive to the paranormal and feels in most contact with it while working with plants, however this is primarily because his father - never forgetting the son he had left behind - used to contact him through the spiritual veil using the plants he personally planted years ago. Unfortunately, Gurēnue died in the Makai around the age Ibuki was 11, leaving Ibuki with only frustration and the innate ability to feel the spiritual world around him through plants that tapped into his demonic nature. Ibuki has internalized most of his frustration with the hope that if he became successful, his father would return, but in his age essentially realized that would never happen (not because he knew his father was dead; mostly due to a sense of hopelessness). Ibuki is aware that he is a shame to the Kurohana name, and often has tried to be successful to appease them, but has never added up in their eyes. With this, Ibuki is prone to rage-filled outbursts on the streets or in school and is generally kept out of trouble due to the corruption of the school system and his academic as well as athletic status. Quite possibly due to his demonic nature and athletic side, he's considered undefeated on the streets with few people daring to cross him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BoundToPlay
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BoundToPlay Gender? Never met them

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Name | Paul Ito

Species | Human

Gender | Male

Age | 16

Appearance |

Paul is of average build and height, while in decent enough shape he is not particularly athletic.

History | Not many people know about tiny little church hidden in a shady little corner of Kuchikiroka. Even the handful of local Christians have trouble finding it at times it is so small and out of the way. Attached to that church is an even smaller home. That is where Paul and his father Hanayama live. Hanayama is the Pastor of this run down little church. While his following is very small, just enough to keep his doors open and performing the occasional Christian wedding, Hanayama is quite devout to his faith, even giving his son a name of an apostle. As for his mother...well, Hanayama doesn't much talk about his former wife. She left just shortly after Paul was born. The best Paul can piece together was that she couldn't handle the natural level of piety that came with being a Protestant Pastors' wife in a country where only 1% of the people claim to be Christian in faith. Though, in her defense, Paul is unsure how he hasn't managed to run away sometimes.

Some of Paul's earliest memories are being in the church with his father during sermons .He never much understood what exactly was going on but he remembered enjoying listing to his father speak about things like love and faith. Eventually they Discovered paul was 'Blessed' as his father put it. Paul was born with an 'aggressive' spiritual energy, highly tuned to healing and warding. He could very naturally dispel off negative energy or minor apparitions from afflicted people by touching them. This, for a time, garnered the church decent businesses. Paul himself didn't exactly know what was going on, but enjoyed the praise he would get from his father when he helped people and did so without questioning much.

Though as he got older he became more skeptical of what he was doing and his father's faith in general. If god loved them so much, why did they have to work so hard to get by? Why did all these sick people need HIS help if god was so powerful? Was he even helping these people? His spiritual awareness was very low, he could not feel what was afflicting these people or what he was doing for them. He began to believe he was at best a placebo of sorts, at worst that his father was taking advantage of him and the faith of his followers. These thoughts casted him further into doubt. The finishing blow for his faith was when other children found out about his status as a 'miracle worker' and began to tease him. Having already singling him out as a Christian and with a western name, he further distanced himself from the church and his supposed abilities, this proved to be the last straw. Soon he refused to lay hands of people, and began to only go into the church when he absolutely needed to.

This naturally caused a great deal of tension between his father him, and without the 'miracle boy' their following dropped back to being a especially small. Years pass, Paul is now a sophomore in high school, the relationship between Paul and his father is strained at best. He feels as if he has been shackled by his father's beliefs and lifestyle, them making him an outsider among his peers. Paul catches his fair share of crap for his name and his father profession, but he has been able to gain an average level of acceptance by being the loudest decrier of both.

Personality | Paul detests his name, and prefers for anyone close to him to call him Ito. He doesn't much like to stick out and does his best to be a normal highschool youth. He has developed a big personality as a defense mechanism at school. While he is well enough behaved in class, he will clown around a bit for the other boys, mostly to keep them off of his back. He learned if he plays the role of a 'harmless goof ball', that is more or less how he will be treated. He'd rather not have their respect than be a target for bullies. Even non bullies kind of see him as something of a big joke now.

To that end, it would be suffice to say the Paul does not like conflict. He does not cause trouble and is liked well enough among the staff of school to be largely ignored as just another average student. And yet he is not a fan of seeing others being picked on. He if he sees an opportunity he'll use his clown like status to draw attention away from a victim to either give them a chance to escape or simple completely re-direct the bullies awareness to him.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name | Hitashi Smith

Species | Human

Gender | Male

Age | 17

Appearance |

History | Hitashi is the son of an American police officer and a Japanese maiden; but due to gang violence in his home town in America shortly after his birth, Hitashi was left fatherless and he and his mother had to move to her hometown of Kuchikiroka.

Hitashi lives quite causally with his mother in a small underdeveloped neighborhood towards the edge of town. Nothing ever happens in the neighborhood as it is mostly filled with old and retired folk who spent most of their time indoors or tending their gardens. His mother works most of the day, preventing Hitashi from seeing her everyday save for the few minutes after dinner when she arrives home and heads to bed, only to be gone before he wakes up. His relationship with his mom wasn't bad though, they're both quite content living with each other over the years, and it wasn’t as if his life was completely void of people. For as long as Hitashi could remember, he could sense the non-living. He never really cared that they were there, but he also never thought them any different than anyone else, save for a more inclined feeling to not participate with them

Hitashi did, however, feel inclined to do as he pleased if something caught his attention. All it would take is a little curiosity and the surrounding area would become destroyed no matter who was there and without any moral judgment taken into account. This didn’t only apply to mere objects that could be easily replaced, for the usual victim of Hitashi’s curiosity was often a kid his age or younger. This would sometimes leave him with a black eye or two, but it would always leave his victim with a cracked rib or worse. Pain was always just factor of his body he never paid much attention to. As long as he wasn’t dead, he knew that the majority of his health problems would fix itself in time.

And as for the rest of the people who had the unfortunate luck of being a part of his life, they always just chalked it up to the effects of having poor/hopeless parenting or from being a ‘hot-blooded American’ and moved on with their life, avoiding him when possible.

Personality | An extreme introvert, Hitashi never likes to deal with people verbally, if at all. He isn’t mean, so much as focused and curious without care for others, and was never one to be told what he could or could not do. If he wanted to do something he would try at it until it is completed or he grew tired of wanting to do it, but he always used everything at his disposal. As for smarts, he knew enough to get buy, but that’s all he cared for. It is unsure what his true potential would consist of in any area he participated, but it never really seemed he really cared whether or not the outcome of his trials actually came out in his favor or not.

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