Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

*Vark quickly gets out of bed and starts to get dressed, he most certainly didn't want to be late on the first misson, He gets dressed in a black shirt and grey pants as he runs out of the room. He then heads back into the room and comes back out with his map. He studies it a bit and heads quickly to the bridge, trying not to lose anymore time. He would quickly try to get on the bridge past the guards and salute the man in charge.*

*Parasite would quickly head to the bridge, not needing his map as the time he had he memorized the entire ship as he heads for the bridge. He makes it in no time and quickly salutes the man in charge and stands at attention*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Damakos woke up to the word "dressed." After siting there for a bit and trying to figure out why that would be broadcasted throughout the ship, he decided to make his way to the cafitirea. After 3 attempts (that ended in the armory) he stumbled across a place that he had never seen before. It had two people guarding it and the id plate of the bridge on it. even weirder was that the two guards where expecting him. This was obviously not the armory. Maby his luck is changing? (No wait, the armory is just around the corner.) He went inside two see two of his bunk mates and a centipede talking to a person that seamed to be of a high rank. He walked up to them ,reported in (that's what you normalcy do, isent it?) and asked if they had any food.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

" YES!!! We're leaving. I'm so excited.I wonder who's going with me? All right time to leave," Agana said to herself as she got up and exited the cafeteria. Forgetting to take out her map, Agana carelessly got lost.
" GOSH DARN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled as she punched the wall. Cracks appeared around Agana's hand."Now their gonna yell at me for this too!" She yelled and out of rage punched the wall, again. More cracks appeared. Agana sighed. The the wall broke.A hole big enough for Agana to climb through formed in the wall. Agana looked through," YES!!!!!! I finally found the bridge!" She yelled as she climbed through the hole and joined the people at the bridge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian


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*Felith sighs and turns right back around, breaking into a jog as he heads for the bridge. Occasionally asking for directions along the way. He slows down to a fast walk halfway there, then picks up the jog again when hes almost there. He nods to the two guards as he jogs inside and then slows down, panting. He walks over and salutes the captain*
"Felith reporting as ordered, sir!"
*He then stands with his arms at his sides and his feet placed together*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Captain of the ship and Dreveden look among the group. Between the two, the Ah’Kier moves fowards. “Greetings, I am Dreveden, an Ah’Kier assassin. I will be accompanying you on your first mission, which is on Vorku, a relatively oceanic planet. We believe that the Halycon may have a base there. Right now we are in orbit around Vorku, and will be heading there in a few moments. We know nothing about this base, and everything seems fine from orbit, so we have no idea what to expect. I will be there as an emergency bailout. I’m not here to baby you through this mission. Zarnex will be the one giving orders. Marcolus, or Parasite, will be there to gather samples if possible. Now, go suit up, we leave from port D in twenty minutes.” He walks past them and heads for the armory himself. In the armory there’s plenty of types of armor for everyone to pick their preference. The choice of weapons are Psionic rifles and Psionic pistols, as well a few combat knives as backup. Dreveden watches as they suit up, then leads them to the docking bay, already suited up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Zarnex put his tier 2 armor on he was constantly complaining how heavy it is and how hot it is and how uncomfortable it was. He was constantly complaining till one of the soldiers snapped at him and told him to shut up. He the kept asking if there where trees there and if there where tall or short and if they where green, red or hot pink. Eventually on of the soldiers reminded him that it was a Oceania planet. He then asked what kind of fish where there and if they were big or small if they were red, blue, or hot pink, and most I importantly if they were tasty. A soldier reminded him that we were landing on a mostly unknown planet. This continued till they landed on the planet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Vark nods his understanding as he heads over to suit up. He puts on his Tier 4 armor and takes a couple guns and holsters them, along with a pistol. He wouldn't complain much about the heaviness of the armor, it's really lightweight to him as far as he knows. He looks around at each of his comrades in arms, knowing he has to rely on them to make it out alive. Fear can be seen in his eyes before he straps the helmet on and stands ready for combat.

Parasite heads over right as they get done talking to make sure his armor is in place and he grabs a gun. He looks down the sight and quickly makes adjustments to it. He puts it in it's holster quickly and takes the pistol, he looks down the sight. "Must make changes to weapons when we get back. Can easily increase power and speed. Must improve upon return." *He puts the pistol in it's holster and takes a knife and quickly readies himself, not showing fear or anything behind his eyes. On his side are his research tools and vials for samples.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

For once the odd warped laws of the armory actually helped damakos. Before anyone could choose a set to call theirs, damakos had all ready jumped into a small t3 (they make good blankets), grabed some sparkaly jems, and a rifle that scraped the floor when he walked. He then contemplated trying the t4... But decided against it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Agana grabbed some tier 4 armor. And then headed over to grab a gun. As she grabbed a gun she looked around. Alright, so the short one found the armory before the rest of us. I wonder how he found it, Agana thought. So these are my new team mates. Oh, I wonder if the planet's gonna be fun? Oh, I really hope it is, she thought as she walked out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian


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*He nods then turns, jogging to the armory. He looks over the armor before dawning tier 1 armor, He rolls his shoulders experimentally before grabbing two pistols, setting on one each hip. He then grabs two more, putting them on his belt behind his back, and grabs 12 extra psi crystals, placing them all along his belt. He then grabs 8 knives, two on his ankles, two on his thighs, two on his chest, and then two on his hips. He grabs a rifle and slings it across his back. He stops for a moment, thinking, and stuffs 2 more psi crystals on his belt. And then heads to the docking bay.*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

They all load into the landing ship, and after a few lurches the ship undocks from the Dellias and heads down towards the surface. There is a little bit of turbulence as they enter the atmosphere, and once that stops the windows on the ship open, letting in the sound of wind. They all would have been given an earpiece to communicate. After a moment, they hear the pilot curse, and the ships jerks suddenly as they stop descending. Below them is a gigantic hole, about two KM across, and so deep there’s only blackness inside. Even from where they are in the sky, they can make out a hanger being built to one side of the abyss. “Okay, where in the name of Azure did that come from?” The pilot yells through the wind, tilting to take a turn. “Okay, Draco, I’m going to land at the southern part of the isle. Use your remote communications unit when you’re on the way back so I can prep for takeoff.” They begin to descend again, heading for the southern part of the isle, which is maybe half a kilometer of space before the sea. As they get closer, they can barely make out a building in the darkness of the pit. As they get under 3 KM, a few dozen fighters launch from the building in the abyss, and fly at the transport. They can hear the pilot shouting into communications with the Dellias. After a moment a dozen Divitian fighters engage the Halycon fighters. When they hit the ground, Dreveden indicates for them to get out fast, and leaps out onto the grassy ground. There’s no trees or any sort of cover in the area, but fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any hostiles either. Yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"WHAT WHERE ARE ALL THE FUCKING TREES," Zarnex says utterly disappointed, angry, surprised,etc. He would probably dart off in to the distance if he saw something but there was nothing that could possible be a tree. After he got over the fact that there were no trees he said with excitement "Let go on a adventure!" and sprinted across the plain until he came came to the giant pit they he completely ignored on the flight. "ooooooo a hole" he says simple. He spins around and asks his men "any ideas of how to get down?" obviously not think at all of the ways of getting down the pit.
(( I CANT post for a week cause of a camping trip to the beach so im just letting you know now))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Vark quickly runs out and looks around, making sure to take in everything to make sure nothing bad will happen. He readies his gun as he forgot to right before running out, he holds it and keeps a look out. "This is different. And I forgot to have my gun ready... how stupid of me..." He sees one of the team run off. "Wait!" He quickly heads after him and looks at the massive pit. He looks at the other of his team and shrugs. "No idea. Sorry."


Parasite readies his gun on the spot and heads out pointing it in different directions. He nods and points his gun down as he looks around and quickly says. "Will have to do what I can to collect samples. So many opportunities and new things to discover. Will have to gather what I can." He watches the two run off and shakes his head. Quietly, "Hopefully team will learn later on to not do stupid things..." He heads off after them and looks at the pit, he doesn't say anything as he thinks of everything that can be done to get to the base in the pit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Damakos jumped out of the ship, gliding behind every one. He landed and ready up his gun in case anything appears. As he skans around the group, he sees the armory again. He looks behind himself. Armory. "well at least I won't run out of ammo" he thinks as he sees another armory
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Agana landed with a soft thud. Seriously, nothing, there is absolutelty nothing here. She scanned the group and nearly burst out laughing. The short one had just found an armory.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian


Member Offline since relaunch

*Felith unslings his rifle as the ramp drops down, and rushes down, scanning the area before half-lowering it so it is pointing at he ground. He raises a brow at Damakos and then shakes his head. His head whips around as their oh so brilliant leader runs off, and he lets out a groan, raising his rifle up to cover him* "Fucking idiot..." *He slowly follows after them, keeping his rifle raised as he scans around. After reaching the hole he peers down, judging distances* "No idea what it is, but whatever it is, obviously Halycon. Seeing as you know, some of their fighters came out and nearly shot us the fuck down." *He shakes his head, mumbling under his breath* "We're all so going to die if we constantly have to listen to HIM" *He looks over at Zarnex*
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