World: The story is set in the great blue, a world covered in 80% ocean with various islands. The world is low level steam punk (no planes or flying craft) with pistols and the odd steam machine but the legion is pushing its technology forwards at a dangerous rate. Sea monsters such as the kraken do exist but are common place for sailors. Special things know as 'loadstones' powered by animagi magic serve to keep the more dangerous creatures away from islands and floatilas. There are two poles and to the very east an west lie what locals call the storm front, no one has ever crossed it and returned.
Story: D leader of the Legion of Steel is intent on finding one of the more powerful animagi artefacts that allows control of the sea itself. With this power he intends to rule the Great blue in the name of the light. Opposing him is Solomon T, leader of the rebellion and current possesser of the Ziz artefact allowing him control over storms. He is rarely seen by low ranking rebels. D has forced any animagi to register wth the legion, in exchange for being left alone they must assist the legion when needed. D doesn't engage himself with others much, his orders are carried out by his right hand known as M. M is a powerful magma animagi and a force to be reckoned with.
Your character may be either
Legion - You will start in the iron city (optional for animagi)
Rebel - You will start in either Browndocks or little rock
No allegiance - You will start in little rock
If your character is animagi they will either have alliegence to the legion or be hiding their ability (rebels/neutrals).
Notable locations:
Little Rock - A neutral island town to the east. Know for its library and farms. A favourite of rogue animagi as the town dislike legionaires and do as little to assist them as possible. 300 people living there permenantly but can hold 600.
Iron city - One of the large islands to the north acting as the Legion of Steel headquaters. Its size has been increased with large flotillas being attached. Centre for the millitary power. Contains factories and academies. The academies hold about 1200 people each, about 400 non-legion people live in the shops and taverns.
Browndocks - Named so due to the wood its made from. A centralised flotilla that acts as the trade centre. Has it's own guards that remain completely neutral, D has tried to change this but the legion needs the trade access so he is forced to put up with it. 300 permanent residents, can hold 600-700.
Rebel base - Solomon's base. The Legion have so far been unable to find it, with only his highest ranking members knowing how to access it. It's unknown how large it is or how many people it holds.
The legion is currently making a push for the rebels meaning they are using whatever resources are availble. Legion characters will be given orders once we've started. Non-legion characters will be looking for work or adventure and have found their way to one of the two locations mentioned above. Rebel characters have heard no orders for a while and are looking for work aswell.
This is casual but I would prefer it to be towards the high end so 2 paragraphs minimum. Hopefully this gets interest and starts.