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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


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She’s not very far along in the development stages, so for now I’m going to avoid describing her until I get around to brooding more on her. I definitely agree on the interaction bit, if we’re not careful we might end up basically just writing a story where our own characters only interact with our same characters except during certain times. That would sort of defeat the ‘roleplay’ part of it.

I don’t think I want to go with sharing points of view. We have a lot of honourable and dedicated characters surfacing and I think I want to try and go with something just a little bit different. I have an idea. One is that he thinks his sister (whom he cares about a great deal) is acting foolishly and has gone to retrieve. This probably wouldn’t place him in any of the battles fought until he finds another reason to actually help Irea. And I do have an idea for that helping Irea part, but should I choose to go with it it’s the sort of thinking which would be more fun if not revealed pre-IC. Or they could both stay in Hiactance.

Edit; Page 2. ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I was thinking she could escape and go to Irea, but maybe not from the start? Maybe she could stay within your group for the time being, and eventually take an opportunity to flee at some given time. Maybe when our groups will meet at some point?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


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I’d like to see her stay with Hiactance and my group for a while, at least. For one it would help with later convincing other characters if we want to have them switch sides. You could also use her father as her reason for leaving later. Maybe she stayed around so much mostly because of him in order to try and help him to be as he once was, but during the course of the RP he only becomes more and more paranoid/distraught and she can’t see anything left of what he once was. Thus the kingdom could be essentially ‘lost.’ What do you think?

I do think they are going to meet up. In fact I was nearly counting on a battle between them at some point. Not to mention if everyone’s not dead by the time we bring in an outside threat they’ll probably start to get a lot friendlier. Also portions of the groups will likely have a good few opportunities to intersect each other.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Good, then that's the way we're going to go. She'll stay with the group for now. I still need to write down my Jehanna heir and HIactance Princess characters and then we'll be ready to go. I create followers for Lance, but my other characters will have you so I don't need to create any more...unless we want more mercenaries in the group with your captain character? If that's the case, I can easily create at least one to fill up.

You should add a part in the first post where it list the main classes of each nations. I tend to forget it. o_o Could there exist, for example, Pegasus knights in other nations than frelia?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


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My abrupt vanishing act yesterday was caused by my internet’s refusal to do as I asked. And then when I got home a while I was just much too exhausted to go through the trouble of logging on, I went right to sleep. Today (after some hassling) I got my computer/internet to work again, hopefully we can catch up on some lost discussion time.

Wait—I hope you aren’t saying you’re waiting on me to finish my characters for you to finish your Jehanna Heir and Hiactance Princess—I was waiting on you to finish each of those before starting their respective counterpart. If this is the case we might want to discuss their relations a bit more. And finally, I think it would be a good idea to make a couple of extra’s for the Mercenary group. If you make one and I make one we can have up to four, a good solid number. (I also imagine there would be several ‘un-character’ units.)

I’d actually started working on something detailing a fair amount on the countries, classes included. As for Pegasus Knights not being from Frelia… Well I could see them being from Renais or Carcino as well. If one was a deserter they could also now be allied with whichever country they want. I’ll add the classes soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well if that is the case I'll start working on both of them right away. :) Don't worry about not answering me for only a day or so, I don't mind that. I'm gonna start working on them, but I also leave to go to work pretty soon so expect them somewhere later tonight for me, or tomorrow.

Also, this weekend I am moving from one place to another so I don't know if it's gonna be Saturday or Sunday, but I might be less active during those two days. One for packing, one for moving. :P I should be all set up by Sunday's evening.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


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Added classes. Your opinion on Irea/Hiactance/The Free City classes would be nice (and on the slight modification of class-weapons uses). I wasn't really worrying, I was more trying to keep you informed, since I did sort of just stop replying. I'm really looking forward to seeing both of them. And congratulations on moving. At least your inactivity will give me time to finish up the OOC/my sheets/my portraits/etc.

Edit: Knowing when the former-Grado Kingdoms were formed would also be nice. While they probably weren't formed directly after the war, some may be quite older.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

These things take time. However since there was a war and the reasons for it were the king being selfish, as far as people know, the fact that the people of Grado would be real angry at their former king may speed up the process. I'd say that the first one to split up may have been between 15-20 years after the war, maybe less if things were left in a real turmoil back in Former Grado empire. The first one to split could have been...Irea? I don't know.

Irea > Hiactance > Free City Taizel. The free city might have originally been part of Hiactance, but decided to become a state themselves.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


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And everytime I think I'm going to get some free time... <sighs>

What do you think of Irea (822) > Hiactance (834) > The Free City (856)? As a note that was the same order I was thinking. Did you have anything to say on the notes I made about the classes?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sounds all good. I'll leave the dates to your care since you began working on them and all. I read through the notes quickly and didn't see anything I disagree with or anything like that.

I also wrote my character for the Hiactance Princess. Shaman it is, and though I am not quite sure I am 100% ok with the picture, it got the style I was looking for in clothings. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


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Every time I think I’m going to have plenty of time to work on things… Things come up. Anyhow I did actually manage to get some stuff done (and I’m hoping to get some more done before you wake up). I’ve uploaded the Irean General and Second Prince of Renais although I made some major edits to him than I originally talked about so I do hope it still works. Here’s a summary of what I had in mind.

Otherwise I’ll mention that while I’m catching up on character sheets I am still more than a little behind on character images. I basically have Ismaire done—at least in the basic sketch. I still need to upload her, touch her up and colour her. I had to change her hair a little but I left it as close to the original as I could, however, I did change her clothing/armour a lot as I tried to blend that picture with anime and myrmidon style dress. And don’t feel bad if I show you the picture and you don’t want to use it (either because you don’t like it or because it isn’t even close to what you had in mind).

About Princess Alessa: Firstly, if you’d like I could draw those clothes on a different character—although I’m going to try and finish some of mine first. Secondly it’d be nice if you lowered her age a little. [16-17 like you previously said would be preferred]. As I was planning on making her older brother and King Vendrick is 35. 35-19=16 as is. Or if you’re really set on having her that age I can make him her younger brother. Aging the King up is also, technically, possible.

Mona was written to 'join' Lance's party as an early healer. Also I imagine all my "image pending" quotes are a bit annoying, so I apologize. I'm probably going to look for at least decent reference pictures for some of them, at least until I have caught up on some of the others' pictures.

P.S. As a brief fore-warning if I randomly stop replying for more than two days it’s probably because my computer/internet has finally refused to work.
P.P.S If you ever have any English-language questions I'd be more than happy to try and help. ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

About Alessa, no problem. I forgot that's what I already said earlier x). I was confused when I was writing her down, I forgot how old I was supposed to make her.

Don't worry about images, they'll come when they'll come it doesn't matter. Same thing about not replying, though if you disappear for more time than that because of computer issue i'll be real sad. :P

I need to go read what you did and all before I can give any opinion right now. The summary you wrote concern your Frelia character, right? If so, sounds good. I got confused, though, will he be joining south Carcino, or fight against them?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


Member Offline since relaunch

No problem. In that case I'll probably start working on her brother now.

I don't want to disappear that long. I'm just giving a slight warning because my computer has been a little arse lately. And my internet has been about two times worse.

I think you'll understand once you read it, but the summary is about the Prince of Renais - The King's younger brother. He would be fighting against South Carcino with a very likely change of alliances later on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah I get it now that I read the character.

I need to make more characters in your group, more than just my Hiactance princess. I'd very much like to have a character be by your First Prince side, if you intended on playing him, though he became king now, right? I really want to have a wyvern rider, or pegasus knight, serve your side at least. You got a couple of characters on mine, but I got one on yours. :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


Member Offline since relaunch

Make as many as you want! The more the merrier. ^^ If you ever see an opportunity or have a suggestion I’ll be glad to hear it.

I’d very much like for him to have a character by his side, especially since I have been growing rather fond of Eldys and would like to play him very much. I could see either or both serving the Golden Alliance (which is my unofficial name for the Frelia/Renais/Rausten alliance). A Pegasus Knight could have come from Frelia or Renais just might have taken in its own few/several Pegasus Knights. And due to the chaos in Grado I imagine there are probably more than a few odd Wyvern Knights out there.

And while on the subject of characters—I was working on my mercenaries, did you have a class in mind for you ‘filler’ mercenary?

I'm quite in the muse for writing the mercenaries right now, however, I'm trying not to get ahead of myself and write more than works. My plans were to make the mercenary troop itself be quite old and the Captain would only have inherited it (so to speak). He's going to be ~28 years old (for note, six years older than Ismaire). I was planning on having him inherit the rank at a fairly young age due to being the most nominated/strongest/qualified/whatever after a rather unpleasant defeat during which over 50% of the troop was killed. He was going to be anywhere from ~21-24 when he becomes Captain. Going with this I see two (or two and a half) major points for her to join.

1. She joins before he takes the role of Captain. This could allow her to join at the ages 15-18 (maximum) and I could just adjust his age of succession to fit however long you want her to be in the group. (Say you want them to have both been in the group four years before he became Captain—she could join at 14 and he could take the position at 24, etc.).

2. She joins after he has already become Captain allowing her to join at ages 15-18 (minimum). She could join either almost directly after his promotion to Captain having her still be with the group a good while or sometime much closer to the start of our story, making her more of the ‘new’ member.
Personally I like the idea of her having been with the troop for at least a little while now. Of course if you don’t like the sound of any of this we can do something entirely different.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mine's a Myrmidon, and I might make my second one a Knight, actually. If that is the case, you could be a Thief? Or Mercenary? We also don't have any Cavaliers yet o_o.

Wyvern Rider it is, then. Should we all start as first tier classes, or should some of our stronger units start at higher classes such as Generals and stuff?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


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You should probably read my above edit. We have one paladin. Why would anyone want to bother with cavaliers? My Captain is going to be a Mercenary so I don't think I need another one of those. We could probably use a thief though.

We definitely shouldn't make everyone tier one classes. I made Farsine a paladin. Eldys is probably going to have his own fancy class. I'd say it just depends on who we're making second tier and how old/experienced said character is. Characters who hold high position (i.e. The Rank of General) should definitely be able to be upgrades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Then I won't change my characters so far, but I'll make the one on your side a Wyvern Knight as you stated. xD I am a little slow when it comes to that stuff. ;P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lanre


Member Offline since relaunch

Excellent, I look forward to seeing this character. ^^


To Quote my edit you may have missed:

" I'm quite in the muse for writing the mercenaries right now, however, I'm trying not to get ahead of myself and write more than works. My plans were to make the mercenary troop itself be quite old and the Captain would only have inherited it (so to speak). He's going to be ~28 years old (for note, six years older than Ismaire). I was planning on having him inherit the rank at a fairly young age due to being the most nominated/strongest/qualified/whatever after a rather unpleasant defeat during which over 50% of the troop was killed. He was going to be anywhere from ~21-24 when he becomes Captain. Going with this I see two (or two and a half) major points for her to join.

1. She joins before he takes the role of Captain. This could allow her to join at the ages 15-18 (maximum) and I could just adjust his age of succession to fit however long you want her to be in the group. (Say you want them to have both been in the group four years before he became Captain—she could join at 14 and he could take the position at 24, etc.).

2. She joins after he has already become Captain allowing her to join at ages 15-18 (minimum). She could join either almost directly after his promotion to Captain having her still be with the group a good while or sometime much closer to the start of our story, making her more of the ‘new’ member.

Personally I like the idea of her having been with the troop for at least a little while now. Of course if you don’t like the sound of any of this we can do something entirely different. "

This information is vital to how soon I finish my next character.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Twinklemoon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think she should have been with the troop for some time, too. She could still be the newest member to have entered the group, but be part of it for a few years? I wrote her to be 22 years old, do you want it to be more 19-20? She would have joined before he becomes captain, so they could grow closer on a soldier to soldier scale instead of soldier to captain, know what I mean?
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