Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by andromedene
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Halo said
Some people are doing them to people on here as well, I know that much.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by andromedene
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Person A: We really need to hash things out. I'm happy that he proposed but I don't think you're in love with him. You cling to people too easily. I wish we didn't stop talking like that.

Person B: Sorry I had to ditch. It was lame and I was pretty angry at her. But I will totally make it up to you. Also punch your dad for me. Just wait until we move out. I'm gonna force you to get a job at a coffee shop like the filthy hipster girl you are.

Person C: ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH ME? ?? If you have guys that you want to date maybe you should stop calling me babe. :c

Person D: I love you and I'm sorry that I suck.

Person E: You're pathetic and petty. I don't understand how people can stand speaking to you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Person A.
I know I haven't been the best friend I could be over the many years we've been friends. I am just glad we are still friends. I have had my times when I couldn't stand you, and that you couldn't stand me. I haven't been able to give advice like you seem to ask, I feel like I am pathetic and not worth your time. So I say this again, Thank you.

Person B.
So much has happened between now and then. I wonder how you are doing my friend. We used to do so much together, but things changed. I am sorry for some of the things I did, and I forgive you for the things you did. Do you treasure those times like I do? Here's to you.

Person C.
Why the fuck are you still doing the same thing over and over, when I am trying to help you? Jeez, you just won't freaking listen for a second and think? Fuck it.

Person D.
I don't know how you did it, but it fucking hurt. I still hate you for it, and it seems others are still hating you too,

Person E.
I realise we probably weren't ever all that close. But, we were something like friends, but never got to really know each other, we used to hang around each other a lot. All I can say is, it was fun, but we weren't ever friends, and it was you who made it that way. Not me.

Person F.
It's interesting seeing that from one idea, we have seen that we think a like. It's interesting to see how this will continue, and what will wait at the end.

Person G.
It's good to see we have the same interest, yet they are completely different. Lots of fun!

Person H.
At first, we just knew each other. We were in the same class and we talked only from time to time. Before we knew it, years had passed. And then, we were in the same Methods class. After getting to know you better, I am glad we met. You have become my best friend, my closest friend. I cherish this bond, and hope it stays strong for the years to come.

Person I.
Although we never met, you have been close to me like a brother. We live far apart, and yet the internet brought us close together. We talk about how we live, how we aspire, and what is happening. We've argued but never for long. I thank the internet, just to have met you.

Person J.
I realise now, that I never treated you equally. Yet you looked at me like a friend. We have drifted apart, but if we had stayed together, I think we would of truly become friends, when I finally realised this. I thank you for thinking so highly of me. Will you be friends with me again if we ever meet?

Person K.
You have been an inspiration to me. You seem to transcend everything else around me, and I can't help but be in awe. I hope I reach that level of ability one day.

Person L.
It's been many years since we last met. But for some reason this feeling lingers. Too little too late, did I notice these feelings for you. If I could turn back time, I would just to tell you how I feel. During the times we were together it was so much fun, I truly treasure those times. I want us to be there again, I want to do so much with you, but I somehow, I don't think you feel the same about me. The past still haunts me, we were so close, and then you disappeared. I wish I could do something to keep you close. I miss you oh so much. I wish I can tell you these words face to face one day. And if I still feel the way I do now, tell you just how much I love you and how much you mean to me. Even after all these years. I will never forget you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jeez, people have a lot to say... I really don't though, even though I've been trying to think of things.... guess I'm not attached enough to some people to say something. That's kind of lame. I've always enjoyed the idea of being friends with everyone. /shrug/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You put too much emphasis on your so-called philosophy. At the end of the day we're shadows and dust, Maximus. We're whiffs of smoke, we're monkeys with fancy rocks. What you think you believe is of little consequence. The things that matter aren't in Albany, or in Washington. Sort your shit.

If you can't want the life you have, you'll never have the life you want.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Doivid
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I can see you struggle on here and I admit some of your behavior has turned me against wanting to help you. But I see some similarities in each of our struggles to mature and feel accepted, and so every now and then I feel a pang of empathy for you. I don't really have any mindblowing advice, mostly because I know I wouldn't have taken it, or I would have seen it as impossible to implement and given into old habits almost right away. But I will say that you don't have to try so hard or take on popular opinions. As much as this place circlejerks, you're able to influence people by expressing your own opinion, whatever it is. And stop worrying about rejection or w/e else. In a lot of ways, you've already been soundly rejected here. That should be your cue to feel free to be yourself without anyone holding it over you. I will give you credit for a few things you did independently, but you still seem like you worry too much and you need to just let that shit go. But you're young too, so the worry is understandable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

You suck and I hate you so much <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Awson
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Awson Waiting & Waiting

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I did part IRL and part RPG.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sethrine


Member Offline since relaunch

M: I am a very nice, caring person, as many tell me. I do right by everyone, put others before myself with family, friends, work, and beyond. I try not to ask for too much and work hard to keep my life filled with as much happiness as possible. But when you come in and can't get your shit together, can't even be bothered to do anything right and in a timely manner, that frustrates me a bit. When you're continuously two-faced and can't keep up with your own lies that you genuinely believe to be true, I become quite peeved. When you continuously call in, leave me to do all the work, yell at me and force me to tears over something that I was instructed to tell you that you didn't do, that upsets me. What really pisses me off to high-heaven, however, is when you do all these things and then quit like it was all of us that did you wrong, like the universe deserves you a favor for everything you didn't do. Do you realize that I have to now take your shifts and have no time to rest or get my life in order? You're the most pretentious piece of work I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of meeting, and I wish you smooth sailings and wave you off with an exhausted smile as you attempt to to find another job you can get paid not to do. God knows I'm thrilled you finally decided to leave the one I work hard trying to keep.

Wow, that felt really good, getting it off my shoulders.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

RPG one:

You're so vain you probably think this post is about you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 8

8 7 9

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A: You're cute and I wish you weren't 1000 miles away. We had a good thing going, I'm so sorry I had to leave you.

B: Get the fuuuuck away from me. Maybe that's a bit harsh, but just because I'm nice and friendly to you doesn't mean I'm your friend. It means I'm not a dick and I feel obligated to reply when you talk to me, unlike the rest of everyone at school who avoids the special needs kids like you. I know you have Autism but when I'm trying to study for exams and I have both earbuds in, that means I'm trying to study, don't try and talk to me. Thank you.

C: I can tell you're attracted to me, you smile at me different than the rest and I think it's adorable. I'm sorry I'm shy and I probably won't ever make any forward advances, you're gonna have to initiate that if you want more than just friendly small talk.

D: You are so fucking dumb, every time you open your mouth I want to punch you in the throat. You complain about anything and everything, and you are so rude about it. You self-entitled bitch, get over yourself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Halo
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Right. It's 4.07am. Fuck it, let's do this.

1. Of course it hurt me, what you did. I'm just thankful that I'm a good enough liar to hide that from you, to pass it off as okay, because I'd rather have you as a friend than as nothing at all - and the way you were speaking the next day, saying you'd understand if I never wanted to see you again... that scares me. I don't want you sabotaging our friendship to appease your own guilt. I need a friend, not for you to run - so stay my friend. We'll be okay, I promise. Thank goodness I can lie well enough to pass it off as okay, as if I don't care, because if you saw what you did you'd run a mile out of shame. And I don't want that. Stay my best friend, please, because I need you. I want you to be more, but I need you to be my friend, right now, especially with the sort of place we're both in emotionally. I hope we can do that; make this work as a friendship, because you're one amazing human being.

2. More than anything, I'm glad I got over myself/my principles and found my empathy. I still have issues with the selfish decisions you made with him, hurting others, but I also understand them better now. And I'm not going to hate him for you anymore; we might be incredibly close friends, but I'm not your brother or father, I can't be angry at him for you. If you forgive him for hurting you, I will too, and I'll try to understand the decisions you guys made. Hell, I've made similar mistakes, and we're young, and I cannot stand the thought of losing you as a friend over something like this.

3. You colossal asshat. I don't think you even realise what you've done. I trusted you, told you things in confidence; I told you I liked her; and you went off and kissed her anyway. Last time we spoke properly, we were drunk, and you hugged me and told me we were like brothers, that you were so glad we finally grew up enough to talk and be real friends. And then you stabbed me in the back. And the worst thing? You probably didn't even do it with malice or selfishness. You probably didn't even think of me, or how it could hurt me, and you probably still haven't. Thoughtless. And I tricked myself into thinking you'd grown up.

4 and 5. I know you care, but I wish it wasn't so passively. I wish you'd do something to maintain our friendship, not just stand on the sidelines and worry about me. It gets to the point where I feel like you care, you worry, you want me to be okay, but only as long as you don't have to do anything, as long as it doesn't inconvenience you.

6. I don't know whether to be sorry or whether to be pissed off at you or whether we should both reconcile and move on. I think all three. You were everything to me, and neither of us wanted it to end the way it did. It sucked, it hurt, it was awful to be young and trapped by circumstance, unable to do fuck all to separate ourselves from the difficulties of unfortunate circumstance. But you, you moved on so quick, and I know why - you've told me, said to me, that it's just a defense mechanism, to bury your head in the sand and not feel. It cuts me deep, though, to see how little you seem to care - even though I know you lie awake at night, feeling, you do it alone, hide it away, and don't you remember, dear, I can't look into your eyes and see it for myself. I can only know what you tell me. And right now, all you'll show me are the parts that are killing us both, and killing everything we shared.

7. I'm including you here because I feel I should, even though I've run out of things to say. One day, you will learn. You will stop repeating the same selfish, stupid actions and mistakes. It just won't be by my hand or from my lips that you learn, because I'm done trying to help you. I'm done.

8. You're so fucking infuriating. I've tried to care, to be there for you when I knew nobody else was. I've walked you home at 4 in the morning just to get the opportunity for us to speak about all that I can see is bothering you. You keep promising me you'll try to change. But you never do. And I don't know, after all the shit I've been through - you never consider that, do you? - whether I can continue to care for you, when you will happily drag me down with you. Once upon a time, I'd do it happily. Now, I don't know. I simply pray you get a fucking grip, so I don't have to break my promise to always be there for you.

9. We could have been much better friends. You think nobody notices the way you detach yourself, or the secrets that lurk in your eyes, the pain or upset you can feel. You think you hide it - but we see it, we all give a shit about you, if you'd only give us a chance. You are not the only one with the clarity you do, admittedly, possess. I understand, more than you would know. But now it is too late, and we will never have a chance to be that close, and it kills me.

10. I am so unbelievably proud of you. You've worked so hard and achieved so much, and you've grown so much since we originally stopped speaking. I couldn't be happier that we finally started again this year, and if we end up at different universities next year, I know how far you'll go. You've the smarts and the charm and the looks - nothing's going to stand in your way now.

11. You've been one of the most consistently amazing friends to me since I was lucky enough to meet you, and I'm so grateful. I hate that I won't see you much this summer, but I know we'll stay in contact. I just hope you stop beating yourself up and expecting perfection from yourself one day. You're already an awesome friend and one of the sweetest guys I know. When I was friendless, you pulled me outta a gutter I felt I was trapped in. Thank you.

12. I don't know whether you're a bitch or just so painfully insecure that I can only pity you, not despise you. I threw a hell of a lot into being there for you, and because nobody else will, I still do. I still wipe away your tears every time you get drunk and cry. And you used to be there for me too - the only problem was, you were in a relationship with a guy you were using as a safety blanket, and you were too willing to try to blur the lines with me for my comfort. And you've not changed since then. I don't know whether I lost a great, though insecure and misguided, friend, or saved myself from your vile manipulations. To be honest, I'm glad I don't know. I want to leave that behind. I just hope to God you forge something new for yourself, so you don't end up all alone, because even I don't want that for you.

13. You've... changed so much. It worries me. You were my closest friend before you left, very close, and you come back in a few months. To be honest, maybe I wanted to be more than friends, just a little, and I think you knew that - but as I told you, how could I let myself go with you when I knew you'd be leaving me so soon? Either way, I should be excited. Instead, I'm concerned. You've acted and talked in ways I never would have expected from you, recently. I missed you so bad, and you finally managed to admit you missed me too - but are you still you? I don't know.

14. You intrigue me and always have. I want to get to know you, but don't know how. We talk and it's nice, it works, but somehow something always comes up. It never quite clicked into place, even when you told me some of your insecurities. And I was tipsy, too tipsy to be able to give good advice... maybe that was when I screwed up the chance to get to know you and be friends. I wish you the best no matter where you end up.

15. Awh, honey, your mascara stained my shoulder. We've been through some real ups-and-downs, from being best friends to you almost literally nearly effing killing me, to cutting me off, to somehow being best friends with my brother and eventually reconciling with me, now we'd both grown up so much in a few short years. We never talk, but I feel very close to you - it's odd. Maybe it's just the peaks and troughs of the story we've had. Somehow we'll keep in contact, you lovely girl - no, woman, now. Thank you.

16. I stop talking to you and you try to fucking kill yourself? I could slap you silly, jesus motherfucking christ. I know; I know I was the only one holding you above the waves, the only one you could talk to, because you only knew me by reputation through someone who loved me, and you knew I had such a big fucking brain and a big fucking heart and I seemed to know everything. You told me that yourself. I'm very good at making it look like I know everything to people like you, when I need to. And I barely knew you, but like I've done with countless others, I tried to take you under my wing. I sat there while you were drunk and had a loaded gun to your temple, and I talked you out of it. Every day. And one day, I had to leave, you know why - and three days later I hear you've popped pills. Fuck you, man, and at the same time I bloody hope you're okay now - I don't even know. I just know you're alive. And I guess..... I guess that's all that matters. You're alive even though I left, even though it was after that night with the gun that I nearly cried in front of one of my closest friends simply because she asked me how I was holding up. You were the wake-up call, to me, the last one. That I couldn't keep giving without taking, keep being used by people like you - not malicious, just desperate. You're the ones that are hard to say no to, hard to leave, hard to cut off from, because I know you just need someone. But I can't keep doing this to my own detriment, I need a balance, and I need friends like many of those I've anonymously spoken out to above, those who reciprocate. I'm sorry. Please be okay without me.

17. I wish you could keep a conversation going. I remember good ol' days, and I actually confided quite a bit in you a couple of times - and you did in me, too. But I don't think you remember. Maybe we'll end up proper friends someday, but I doubt it for some reason.

Awh fuck it, there's more stuff I want to say to anonymous people that they'll never read, but oh well, I'm tired, and this is public exposure of the worst kind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Awson
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Awson Waiting & Waiting

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Breathe in, breathe out.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 7 days ago

Genuine question for those of you saying sorry to somebody; what's keeping you from actually saying it to the person? It's better to say and to know then to keep it to yourself with words left unsaid.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Halo
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Awson said
Breathe in, breathe out.Good.

I can feel the Zen moving through me.

Dervish said
Genuine question for those of you saying sorry to somebody; what's keeping you from actually saying it to the person? It's better to say and to know then to keep it to yourself with words left unsaid.

Not always. Sometimes things are too broken for a sorry to make any difference, and you've reached the point at which you both just need to move on and forget. Or perhaps the need to say sorry only comes in retrospect, long after the incidents at hand. There are a lot of reasons why actually saying sorry isn't always the best path.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 7 days ago

Even if a relationship's already destroyed, and there's no chance of salvation, apologies are never meaningless, even if the other person isn't receptive. Sometimes, you have to be brave enough to face the consequences, admit you're wrong, and move on. Either that person accepts the apology or does not, either way, what's said is said and sometimes things improve, other times they don't. It's better to know to move on, y'know?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 8

8 7 9

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dervish said
Even if a relationship's already destroyed, and there's no chance of salvation, apologies are never meaningless, even if the other person isn't receptive. Sometimes, you have to be brave enough to face the consequences, admit you're wrong, and move on. Either that person accepts the apology or does not, either way, what's said is said and sometimes things improve, other times they don't. It's better to know to move on, y'know?

Apologies aren't always a verbal entity.

Sometimes saying "sorry" may make the situation worse, or simply be unnecessary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Halo
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dervish said
Even if a relationship's already destroyed, and there's no chance of salvation, apologies are never meaningless, even if the other person isn't receptive. Sometimes, you have to be brave enough to face the consequences, admit you're wrong, and move on. Either that person accepts the apology or does not, either way, what's said is said and sometimes things improve, other times they don't. It's better to know to move on, y'know?

I didn't say it was meaningless; just that it isn't always the best option. Sometimes, the "sorry" will hurt you both a lot more; either because of certain complex emotions, or simply because it brings the painful past back up again. I suppose I've come to subscribe myself to an overarching principle of happiness - the best path to take is the one that brings you both peace/happiness/whatever. That supercedes the principle of honesty, or of facing the consequences, or whatever. Sometimes it's better to let things lie, rather than pulling up painful past issues to apologise. There are events in my past that I was terribly hurt by, and I really don't want the person who hurt me coming to me and saying sorry, explaining why they're sorry, or just generally reaggravating old wounds. And though I can't speak for those people, I imagine it's the same vice-versa. It's in the past now; we're beyond it.

EDIT: In essence, I'm saying that apologies aren't always the only, or even the best, way for you and others involved to move past something.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Cpt Toellner The Hero We Deserve

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This thread can get into some dark places if you read it the right way.
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