Doivid said
Partly ribbing you, but yeah I can see it.I think roleplayers in general will skew more to female, and I definitely get that vibe more often from them. Dat prevalent gender nonconforming tendency.
I'll rib you, baby.

Doivid said
Partly ribbing you, but yeah I can see it.I think roleplayers in general will skew more to female, and I definitely get that vibe more often from them. Dat prevalent gender nonconforming tendency.
Kaga said
Sorry; I'm too slow. Didn't see your post in time.
Doivid said
I've been sure you were a dude ever since I first saw you post, but this made me confused as to what you meant.You are a dude, right?
Overwatch said
I forgot that I never showed you what I look like... heh.~ So, you can't be sure...I love it!!~Actually, by acting on both sides, I can drum up confusion. That's what I want. Heheh. Gender doesn't really matter much for me, I guess.
Overwatch said Gender doesn't really matter much for me, I guess.
Doivid said
Pretty sure like everyone thinks/knows you're a dude. I have never once seen you referred to as a girl in my time in spam. your post up there just threw me a bit.
Lucian said
I'll rib you, baby.
Kaga said
Yeeeeaaah, therein lies the other flaw in your plan, Overwatch. In order to confuse an online community about one's gender, one really has to a community with that ruse...You can't assert yourself as a male for who-knows-how-long and then all of a sudden act all ambiguous. Just admit you're bad at this, man.
Doivid said
sounds mildly uncomfortable. Or are you offering to give me ribs as in food to eat?
Overwatch said
Damn. I suck... I wish I could go back in time and tell past me to be all ambiguous.
BrobyDDark said
We should just keep count of how many times Kaga, Halo and Sherlock get called a he.
Doivid said
I've never really had trouble thinking of Kaga as a girl, though I will admit you don't always act super feminine.
Doivid said
It's okay dude, just be yourself! what can go wrong.
Overwatch said
I know. It's not about not being me. ^^ I just wanted to see if I could fool some of you for a few moments as a joke. (a bad one) I'd never act like anybody other than myself. That would be exhausting.
Doivid said
well hey dude, don't put yourself down, just take it as practice. It is very fun to fool people. It does require some skill, but it comes naturally from experience.
Sherlock Holmes said
...that I get a little chuckle out of every time I see someone on here thinking I'm a guy?
BrobyDDark said
We should just keep count of how many times Kaga, Halo and Sherlock get called a he.
Prentice Hall said
I think if you like being called a woman or whatever it should totally be ok. You shouldn't be afraid to be yourself Halo!
PrimezTime said
Holmes is a girl? ...I was one of those people. You put up a good mystery with first impressions there Holmes.