And so, the tale begins. . . People are afraid. Their children have gone missing in the hardy country of Norsland. Mostly children who were almost in their teens, but no one knew if their other children were safe. For what nefarious reason are the children of the honest, hard working folk of Norsland disappearing, and what do we have to fear for their fate?
Sherlock, the greatest hunter and tracker of the entire land, a most peculiarly named woman known for being strong, and intelligent, gifted in magic and quite good at archery was enjoying a nice rest in her Hunting Lodge when suddenly, she heard voices. One was her Mother, Marsha, and a soldier. The soldier ran inside. "The King requires an audience with you. He says it is very urgent and there is no time to waste." Well, first Sherlock gathered a couple of herbs in her modest Hut and bid her Mother farewell. "So, Sherlock, you wrote to the King and asked to investigate the missing children. You always were the type who bit off more than she could chew. Be careful, and take care. Oh, and if you should come across a Beast Totem, remember to trade it in at a Totem Market."
Marsha always did love her Totems. She smiled as she saw her daughter run off towards the castle up yonder. Running off to the Castle, she made it to the city of Stromholm before dark. A city guard ran up to her. "Glad you could make it so fast. The King says it's urgent." Sherlock almost rolled her eyes. She petitioned the King to do this, why was it urgent? Whatever. Oh, she remembered. The King didn't want the Mercenaries back at the Barracks to be made to wait for too long. She immediately ran to the Castle. She was led by a Castle servant to the Throne Room."
This was worse than even Sherlock thought. The kidnappers didn't just take children from Kaybee and Stromholm, they were taking people's children away as far north as Helminsk? "Damn. I"m going to have to travel the entire country!" The King interjected her thoughts, which were almost audible, but not quite. "It will be dangerous for you to go alone, even though you are the Kingdom's most valued asset in this catastrophe. Three Mercenaries have been chosen above all the other volunteers as the most fitting for the job to be your Attendants. You will find them at the Barracks, perhaps eating or drinking whatever takes to their fancy. You are an hour late Sherlock. . . " The King said annoyingly.
However, the King's mentor, whispered in his right ear, and the King was blushing. . . "Ah, yes we'll get those clocks fixed." He looked to Sherlock apologetically with a sheepish expression. "Well go already"! He commanded. Since Sherlock was intelligent, and not stupid, she ran like a bat out of hell from the King's presence. She soon found the barracks after asking for directions from the city guard's. When she opened the door, it wasn't what she expected. The place was clean, with a large eating area, two clerks, one who legally changed people's names and another who signed the official papers of service to the King for their mercenary service. Drakel was the first to take notice of Sherlocks' presence.
"Well, if it isn't the greatest Huntress in the land!" Drakel exclaimed. "I am Drakel, the Wizard. Barioth, the Werewolf, and Broby Dark, the Paladin are also here." He looks to the far end of the room and brings them to her presence. Drakel looked to Barioth. "Okay, it's time to explain to her what we can do. Barioth. . . ?"
Barioth smiled. "I am a mighty warrior. . . Fearsome with my axe, and my muscles. But when I wish it, I can transform into a wolf, and heal from wounds that leave their mark on my body. Brodark steps forward. "Despite my ironic name, I fight for the light. I am the Dark's worst enemy, and I bring life to my friends. I fight well, and I can restore broken bodies." Finally Drakel nods. "I, of course, am a Wizard. Wizards are specialists in Black Magic. Black Magic does damage to the enemy, and is typically of the fire, ice, lightning, earth and magic variety." Sherlock nodded. She wasn't a specialist in magic like most warriors. She might have made an excellent Black Knight or Paladin, but people remarked that if she could take advantage of her shear versatility in battle, and combine it with her hunting skills such as he use with the bow, she could be a force to be reckoned with.