Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


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Light thought''I forgot to thank Umichi and Suki for their support'' and said:Umichi Suki...Thanks for support I needed that.Then says''You are right Suki we should go''then turns to Yumi and Haname and says''You guys wanna come with us we will have a break in safe zone''
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by great_hellup


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When yanamo woke up at 12:30 he saw a package in the back of his room, on it there was a note “Here is your new game, loves mom and dad”. He opened the package and saw a Nerve Gear and the game Sword Art Online coming out. “Hmm at least they bought me a good game this time” was his first thought. Realising he was just on time to get some breakfast before the game would start he opened the fridge that was in the corner of his room and ate some.

“lets get started” Yanamo said while putting up his Nerve Gear and lying down on his bed. “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Link Start!”

Ig name: YaShi, Apearance: “Hey no menu’s but I look exactly like I want!”

Logging in.

“Ha im in game, and It looks like im not the only one” he thought when logging in. “Let’s have some fun” he yelled to the players around him. He looked trought the menu and put his basic gear on, “this should do for the first bit, lets head to some training grounds”. Walking trough the city he saw several players selling their basic armour and buying some other equipment, he just thought it was a waste of starting money as equipment is never worth as much when you sell it as when you buy it. Walking out of the gates he saw several groups fighting boars together, he couldn’t even think about playing with someone else at this moment, he had to train alone to become stronger quicker then the rest.

Walking trough the groups of training people he saw an isolated boar, he took his sword and swung it around a few times to get the feeling of it. When he had the feeling he ran to the boar, making a small jump in the air, and swung his sword down on the boars had. It hit the first time taking some of the hp bar. But the boar wasn’t impressed, turned around and started running towards YaShi, he could only just jump away before he would get the full blow, but still, he got hit in his side and saw his hp bar drop as well. “Lets be more carefull for now” he was thinking. He jumped back on the boar and with 3 good placed hits he saw the hpbar drop down to 0 and the boar disappeared in front of him.

After a few hours of killing boars he got the hang of it and he saw that he was halfway passed level 2. He wanted to kill a few more so he would hit lvl 3 before he would go back to town to sell the drops they gave him and finally buy himself some more suitable equipment when he saw a flash around him and he was in the middle of the town of beginnings again.

“I am Akihiko Kayaba, the maker of this game” it was spoken by a large player like creature in the game. “hmm that must be the maker of the game” YaShi tought. After he and all other players had listened and checked his story he started to run. “I have to get away from this town before panic erupts” Yashi was thinking, and he ran away the same direction he went out of town the first time. Not noticing that the few others that where running ran the other way he did.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ScarletRose
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Haname Had just sheathed her dagger when one of the the other players, a blonde haired girl approached her, warning her that it was dangerous out here. Haname's lower face was hidden by her black scarf but her eyes narrowed and her eyebrows came together into an obvious frown. "So what if it's dangerous." She said, trying to sound tough but thanks to her young voice she just sounded impetuous. "I can take care of myself. I'm not a child."

She rearranged her features into a more neutral state when they were joined by another player, a dark haired boy, and crossed her arms to look cool and uncaring. When he asked if she'd like to accompany them to the next town she huffed dramatically and shrugged. "Hm, I suppose I can tag along with you. Maybe I'll protect you all if you're attacked again." She said as she strolled past the boy and girl to stand with the others. It was an immature boast, considering she'd done barely anything in the previous fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by great_hellup


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While YaShi ran over the training grounds he now saw people fighting alone instead of in groups, he also saw some couples and while he kept running he heard a scream to his left, when he looked he just saw a person disappearing. He ran to the player that yelled and asked what happened. “He got killed, I couldn’t save him, he’s gone!” she said half crying. “Let’s watch your friend list to see if he’s really gone, I still don’t believe that Akihiko lets us die for real.” She checked her friendlist and started crying even harder. “He’s gone! He’s not in my list anymore!” she yelled out while more and more people came in. “So much people, I have to leave now, someone else will check her out” YaShi thought, and he sneaked out of the group.

While moving on he started running again, on his way he fought a few boars here and there and the moment he levelled to level 3 he stopped to regain health. Just at the moment he stood up again to continue his journey he saw a shadow coming up behind him. He quickly turned around taking his sword of his back, at that moment he saw a boar just 2 metres from him, he couldn’t react on time, if he would get hit he would at least lose half of his live. At the moment he realized that he heard a fling in the air and he saw the boar flying a few metres to the side, when he looked what happened he saw a player at his right side laying another arrow on its bow. “Thanks for saving my ass” YaShi yelled. And he ran on.

While he continued he saw some houses in the distance, “That’s where I will be going” he quietly said to himself. He moved on and when he reached the houses he saw it where just 3 small buildings. It where a Blacksmith, a Tailorer and an Inn. First he went to the Inn to see if they had a place to sleep, a dinner and if he could sell his mob drops here.

“Hello there sir” he heard when he walked in. “Can I help you?” it came from the bartender.
“Yes sir, is it possible to sell some things over here?”
“of course it is! What would you like to sell?”
YaShi takes out his mob drops and displays them on the bar. “those are my sellingitems”
“Hmm it’s not much, but I can give you a small amount for them”

YaShi earn 225 Cols. It was a system announcement.

“is it possible to eat and sleep here later on?” YaShi asked to the bartender.
“Of course it is, whenever suits you best” was his reply.

“Let’s go to the tailorer now, I guess I need myself some new armor” was his next thought. He went there and bought himself a black cape which was standing up in his neck, he also bought a white t-shirt and a black pants.

The last thing before he went to go eat and sleep would be to go to the Blacksmith and buy himself a new weapon, it costed him 100 Cols, but know he had a weapon he could get used to. It was a one handed sword with at the downside of it, just at the end of the handle, a smaller out sticking part that just looked like a small dagger.

“Mister Blacksmith, can you learn me your profession please?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

Light thought 'She is little girl we need to cover her look out for her she is like my brother...''Light said''Ok lets go Lady Marauder''They started to move throught forest
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yumi sighed softly as she looked around and noticed all was safe. Not to mention there was another addition. A small, adorable girl. She just wanted to pick her up and snuggle her til she would bop. But she would keep it cool. For now. She looked over as she was invited to a party. She thought it over for a few moments. Twirling her spear in her hand and slipping it onto her back. She might as well join, a group would increase their progress. She clicked the green accept button and health bars appeared around the corner of her view.

"Sure. A party sounds like a good plan!" She said with a gentle smile. She stepped closer to the group, her metal boots thudding deftly through the grass.

"Do you know how far the town is?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

After reaching town Light said ''Ok guys I dont know about you but need go on a Hunt any time you need me just send me a message and I will be there so see guys you later'' I need to level up in order to keep up with my party I am sure they will level up when I am gone so I should do the same thing Light thought and went intoField of Crossroads to hunt some Dire Wolfs

After got into Crossroads in a short time later he ran into a Dire Wolf it was a mob for him but this time he was ready he fired 2 arrows at his fured enemy one he missed one stunned the mob after stuning it he used his Sharp Eye to find mobs weak spots and used TrickShot and shot all three arrows to animals weak spots and killed the mob [i]Yeah!! I am getting better at this /i]he thought looked at his xp bar and thought [i]Wow after 5 more I will be level 4 fantastic!!! /i] Ok lets do this!!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


With the man leaving, Umichi shrugged, "Good luck finding them", he called before the man disappeared. Apparently there was another girl, who Suki and Light invited, turning around, she was small and cute. Must of been young. Her attitude was bad, but he understood, it was the age where kids think themselves as adults. He sent her an invite as well and she seemed to accept. With this, it was five people. He looked at everyone's health bars, all healthy. Their names, Umichi, Suki, Light, Yumi and Haname. "Nice to meet you Yumi, Haname." He turned to them.

As Haname said " Maybe I'll protect you all if you're attacked again.", he went to pat her, "Alright, we will depend on you then" he smiled. This is how he treated his younger sister. She was similar to Haname. "Do you know how far the town is?" Yumi then asked. "Yeah, it shouldn't be that far." Umichi replied.
"Follow me" he called out, leading the way. Suki followed in tow.
Along the way, there were a pair of Little Nepents, but with such a large party, the pair ran away. There was no point in chasing them, it was better to rest at the town for the night.

After five minutes or so, they exited the forest, and found the town. Horunka village. "Let's get to the Inn and hire some rooms. Then discuss our plans." He commanded. He felt unusual, he wasn't usually a leader. Yet, with the way things worked out, he had started to lead a group of 5. Upon reaching the inn, they had paid for separate rooms. Suki seemed to be sleepy, and said she would go to sleep first. "Alright, night. See you in the morning." he smiled at Suki as she left. She replied, "Yes, see you in the morning."
Suddenly, a quest box came up. "What the? Rescue the damsel in distress?" he read allowed.
The box read as follows.

Wedding ring? WHAT!? he thought. Scrolling through the inventory, he got out the item. they were plastic, toy like ring. Looking again, there was a (P), indicating plastic. Putting it back in his inventory, What kind of quest is that? he thought. He wondered if Suki got something similar. Wait, pledging to see each other again ... so saying see you tomorrow counts!? WHAT KIND OF QUEST IS THIS!? he retorted to himself.

He then went to sit at one of the tables, and waited for the others to either sit or do what they needed.

Suki looked on as their group started to grow. Looking at Umichi pat Haname, she felt something unpleasant, but unsure what. But then they started to head towards the next town again. Looking at Umichi, who looked back at her, the smiled, but hers was a little shy. The then reached Horunka Village. Umichi commanded for them to head for the inn to book a night. "Yes, I agree." she said, following suit.

Upon reaching the inn, they hired separate rooms. She started to feel tired. "I am going to go sleep first guys. Good night." she said, Umichi then replied "See you in the morning." "Yes, see you in the morning." she replied back. Then suddenly, a quest box appeared.

What!? She took out the wedding ring. Looked at it, it was a plastic toy. What the hell is this she began to think. Placing it back into her inventory, she walked into her room and collapsed to go sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ScarletRose
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Haname accepted the party invite and looked over everyone's names as she pulled her scarf down and let out a breath. It was a little hard to breathe with it wrapped around the lower half of her face but she liked the way it made her look, like a real ninja. When the boy Umichi patted her on the head she hunched her shoulders and brushed his hand away, the scowl reappearing on her face, along with a little blush. She stepped away from him and pulled her scarf back up to cover her mouth and nose.

The trip was uneventful and once they were at the next town they all booked separate rooms. Haname got a room between Umichi's and another girl, Haname had to think for a bit to remember her name. Yumi! That was it. Haname went into her room and closed the door behind her. Once inside she pulled her scarf down again and sat down on the bed pulling her knees up and wrapping her arms around them. She looked around the room from her vantage point on the bed and suppressed a shiver. She didn't like being alone, and it suddenly sunk in that she probably wouldn't see her father again for a long time. She rolled onto her side and slipped under the covers, but it was unlikely she'd be able to get much sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seeing as none of the others wanted to talk, Umichi remembered he had yet to add Yumi and Haname to his friends list. Popping out the menu, he quickly added them, it seemed the party had yet to be disbanded, and with Light training by himself, it didn't seem like experience was being shared at this point. Ok, time for some extra stuff. Umichi thought to himself. It was past 22:00. Most players would have gone to bed. Umichi had troubles with sleeping, so he wanted to use this time effectively. He went back into the forest to face mobs of Little Nepents.

Just after entering back into the forest, there was a group of 7 Nepents, after him. Not good he thought he hurried out of the forest, so he wouldn't pull more. Turning back on them, all seven were attempting a co-ordinated attack. Having a pebble in his hand, he threw it, activating Single shot on the centre Nepent. This lead to a gap in their formation. He slipped through, slicing through three of them, on his right, passing them, and turning back to them again. They had a simple straight-forward pattern of attack for the most part. This should get him close to level 4. He wanted to protect his new friends, and needed to get faster. This time, as they went to attack in the same way, the cooldown had yet to reset. So instead, he dived underneath, trying to build up his reaction time, baring slicing an X into the formation, hitting six of them, twice. Two of them were defeated. Need to be faster he thought, when a Dire wolf came from behind him.

Barely, deflecting it with his sword, he turned around, activating Uppercut killing it off. He then turned back to the Nepents. If he was caught off guard, it was likely he would of been defeated by the 5 Nepents. As they came to attack, he side stepped,slicing three of them again, but this time, he turned around to stab a fourth. There was only one Nepent left. Umichi was feeling good about it, dashing at the Nepent, he noticed something to the side, he dive-rolled to the left, an attack coming from the right. It was a Frenzied boar, coming in from the right. It seemed the the forest at night was a lot more dangerous, either that or being alone attracted more enemies. Umichi wasn't sure. He finished off the Little Nepent. He noticed it had a flower on it. Recalling earlier that he killed one with a flower on it, he got a Little Nepent's Ovule. He got another one by killing this one. The Frenzied Boar charged, Umichi side-stepped, slashed it diagonally up, turned around and swiftly executed it, getting a critical attack bonus. It seems his dive roll only fended off some of the damage. Umichi had lost about 15% of his health, but that's fine for now. It wasn't too bad. He made sure to check his inventory for a moment.

Finding the guide, he remembered there was something about teleportation crystals, he opened it and read "You can either create or buy teleportation crystals in towns. They will teleport you back to that town." This is what I need he thought, returning to the town. Checking his col, he had accumulated 2438 col, and another 400 col in monster drops. Looking through his items, he realised he found a set of throwing knives. Looking at the details, he found that it had a five throw limit, and can be recharged in towns. Interesting he thought. He bought his teleportation crystal and went to enchant his Anneal blade. The enchantment was semi-costly. It used most of his col to do it 4 times. He had just under 1k col left. The Anneal Blade know said Anneal Blade <<2S2D>>. He then remembered he could get another Anneal Blade for safe keeping. Completing the quest a second time, he leveled up to level 4. "23:15 huh?" He said. Walking back out to the forest. He could barely manage to get to level 5 if he went until the time he would normally actually be able to sleep which was about 03:00, and wake at about 8:30 normally.

Reaching the forest, he continued to train, to be faster, to level. Leveling up his one-handed sword skills was very important. At a point, he killed a Little Nepent, that had a fruit on it's head. That was bad news. But, he managed to kill the massive hoarde of Little Nepents that had followed, obtaining one more Ovule. He used three healing potions during that hoarde alone, but it got him almost to level 6. It was reaching 02:30. He was dead tired. Using a teleportation crystal, he returned to the town. He could not hand in the quest a third time as the cooldown had yet to reset. His col had reached just over 2k after enchanting his Anneal blade two more times. It was now Anneal Blade <<2S2Q2D>>. He was proud of his deed. He made a mental note, do not kill Little Nepent with a fruit on its head. Hundreds come hoarding at you. It was impossible to count the number of Little Nepents he had killed. But to have survived was almost miraculous. He reached the inn. It seemed everyone else was asleep. He walked into his room, and plopped onto his bed, sleeping soundly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

taking another hit and getting thrown back into the tree he winced as he slid down it back to his feet. dammit that hurts glancing at his health bar he noticed it was yellow and getting close to the point where he would be in the red Adrian quickly put his guard up. im not dying because of these damn things earlier he had stumbled upon a group of 12 nepents including one with a flower on its head he had quickly dispatched two then retreated putting his back to a tree as to not be surrounded. looking around he took inventory of the enemies he had left to defeat three normal ones and the one with the flower the others had fallen on his blade. gritting his teeth Adrian yelled as he rushed two and dispatched them with a flurry of cuts. this time the hit to his back knocked him to all fours and sent his bar to the red zone as he rolled to avoid the finishing blow Adrian came back to his feet and felt a rush of anger and adrenaline. I AM NOT DYING BECAUSE OF THIS I WILL SURVIVE......I WILL FIND HER.......WE WILL LIVE bringing his blade up he rushed the flowerless one executing the sword skill tsujikaze he then continued towards the other with a flower upon its head and used the move ukifune or floating boat knocking it into the air allowing his body to move naturally he lept into the air and activated a third skill gengetsu and spinning in a circle drove his blade through the creature cutting it in half as he landed in a shower of data he heard the last creature behind him and quickly ducked the swipe letting its momentum carry it past him standing he parried another hit and thrust the point of the katana through the creature. after the explosion of data that ensued a message popped up "congratulations on reaching lvl 5" to tired to realize Adrian made his way to the second town and into the first floor of the inn where he then passed out from exhaustion his last effort was raising his hand and whispering "im sorry" before he fell into unconsciousness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suki didn't sleep long when she went to bed. It was an odd, unnatural kind of sleep, all gray and misty. It was like her mind just went off, like static on a TV. She supposed that was about right, guessing that the brain just needed to switch off, and relax. Yet she found it disturbing. She didn't sleep easy in anycase, use to a house filled with seven men all of whom snored.

She was normally up early in any case as well, four am generally to begin the day. Farming life was hard, but she loved it. The animals, the crops. What was she meant to do, until everyone else was awake? Or at least until Umichi was awake. That made her think of the plastic wedding ring. She took it out of her inventory to examine it. It was kind of cute, the quest itself. She smiled, returning the ring to her inventory before equipping her battle gear.

She headed down to the common room, but didn't stay there long. She headed outside, and woke a merchant NPC. She had read about the teleportation crystals, so she brought one for this town, as well as a couple of health potions, leaving her with 500 col. Yes, she would need to learn how to make her own. She wondered how one could become an alchemist, and talked with an NPC about that, who suggested undertaking the earning a living quest. She accepted it with a smile and a thank you, deciding to look at it later.

She headed outside town, knowing she needed to level, needed to be able to protect herself. She did hesitate though, thinking that it might be reckless. She found she didn't care, she was falling behind while others were becoming stronger. She needed to become stronger. She glanced about seeing fire wolves and frenzy boars. She made a sound, drawing a couple to her, and then she began. She attacked one with her blade, and then another, spinning, twirling, turning thanking god that the only girly thing she had ever done was dancing and that she could bring it to use her. She did so, moving? Hopefully unpredictably. She had began to notice that the game was adaptingt to their fighting styles.

She killed one, and then another, working hard, and goig further and further from the town to kill more and more monsters, stopping once to take a health potion. Eventually, as the sun was rising at 0600 she saw "congratulations" and grinned as she level up. This thrilled her, and she teleported back to town, selling her drop items, and ending up with 1467 col. Well, it was a start.

Just as she was about to head back to the inn, she got a notification, a message and frowned.

"282 players have died during the night. Congratulations to surviving one night."

It almost seemed like a mocking message, and Suki knew it had been sent to all the remaining players. Annoyed, and frustrated she stormed back to the inn, sitting down in the common room and waiting for anyone else. She sighed, and read the earning a living quest,

It seemed simple enough. She went up to a NPC at the counter and said "I accept this quest. I want to be an alchemist" the NPC smiled and nodded. "Very well, miss. You have successfully completed this quest. You can now be an alchemist"

She smiled, sitting back down, and opened her guide book. She was pleased with herself, and now she could learn alchemy skills, and make health potions, antidotes and more. She could help those she'd be working with, saving them money with potions and she could seek her potions to make a bit of money. She was going to survive in this world, she knew it.

She leaned back in her chair, taking out the plastic wedding ring again and toying with it. It was such a silly thing, she thought but it was adorable. She smiled, rolling it around the table, playing with it. She glanced about from time to time, waiting for Umichi, remembering that he had said see you in the morning. And probably fulfilled the quest.
"“Mister Blacksmith, can you learn me your profession please?”

The blacksmith turned to YaShi, and replied "you need to undertake the warning a living quest first, and then I can assist you with learning"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A message appeared.
"282 players have died during the night. Congratulations to surviving one night."

Umichi had awoken from his slumber. He yawned. Damn it, what a way to wake up. he then thought. Looking around the room, and at himself, he remembered, Ah, that's right, I'm stuck in Sword Art Online. It would of been a great game, a legendary game in fact, if it wasn't a death game. Hm... Maybe it will be a legendary game because it became a death game . He looked at the party list, everyone was still there. Seeing Suki's name, he started to think of her. His face starting to redden. He hadn't felt like this before about anyone. He smiled to himself.

Finally getting out of the bed, he started to head leave his room, hearing Suki who was already awake downstairs. "I accept this quest. I want to be an alchemist." Quest? Alchemist? Umichi thought. He was unaware of the professions that were available in the game. He would have to ask Suki about it. His footsteps were quiet. This was a natural thing for him, even when he wasn't sneaking around. It became ingrained in him through his ninjutsu training. Suki had taken out the plastic wedding ring and was toying with it, rolling it on the table. Umichi just thought the blonde girl was just adorable playing with the ring. As he was about to greet her, she looked towards him while he was about to come through the door. "Morning" he greeted, with a smile.

Walking to the table where she sat, and sitting down next to her. "So, what was that quest that you took? The whole "I want to be an alchemist." thing?" he asked her, scrolling through his inventory. He didn't get a good look last night, and didn't sell everything that was dropped, only the normal droppings. He realised he found some equipment, but the stats were horrible, and they looked unappealing. He saw his "Little Nepten's Ovule" drop, and a dagger. It had a very easy to understand name, "Short Dagger". It's stats, seemed okay. He could offer this along with the spare set of throwing knives to the group, see if anyone wanted anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

......im alive Adrian was regaining consciousness after the grueling experience last night I am alive and I need to move. Adrian slowly opened his eyes and pushed himself up to a kneeling position glancing at his hp bar he noticed it was drastically in the red and all of the previous night came rushing back to him.I guess all of that really did happen I almost died and I still haven't found her slowly Adrian stood and stumbled to the counter where he purchased a health crystal and used it. energy surged through him as his broken body mended itself and he flexed his muscles to get rid of the stiffness wow....this is amazing I feel completely fine now where I was on the verge of death before.he opened his inventory to check the loot drop from last night looking from the entire day yesterday he had about 6900 col and he had in his inventory two straight swords a small dagger which he quickly equipped as a backup weapon hidden amongst the folds of his kimono and some small ovule. nodding to himself Adrian bought two more health crystals and a teleportation crystal for around 400 col and then moved in a confident manner towards the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suki looked up, embarrassed to be caught playing like she had. She sent the ring back to her inventory, blushing. "Good morning" she replied brightly, returning his smile. She shifted, settling comfortably in the chair, she was happy that the chairs were soft and comfy. They could easily have been hard and uncomfortable. "Oh, it's the Earning a Living Quest. I have been thinking about becoming an Alchemist, you know make potions and such, save a bit of money and maybe earn a bit" she said "I asked when I went out early this morning a NPC how to become one, and he gave me the quest" she said, even as she took out her guide book, flipping to the quests section.

"The guide book says that we can accept quests from NPCs, and in fact recommends that we do. There's a lot of rare items and things we can get from them" she said enthusiastically, "oh!" She noticed that the guide book had been updated, and flipped to the updated pages, reading it.

She knew that the beta players had helped create the guide book, and it looked like some had worked on updating it. "the beta testers say the boss has four bars of health, uses a large bone axe and shield, with a secondary weapon on bis back. At least, thats what I have read in the guide book. It was update a few hours into the game" she said, "they also state it took while to find the boss room, so far, as far as the betas got, it was the largest floor, the first floor. So, creating a large group, would probably be best in fighting the boss" that all seemed reasonable.

"We should find some good areas to train, and level up a bit, maybe take some quests, and work towards finding the boss" she said, "it would be good to have a group l, but at the moment it just seems like it's you and me" she smiled
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hm.. I see." Umichi nodded hearing Suki talk about the quests and the boss. While checking his inventory, he saw his items durabilities were quite low. Probably from that massive beating from all those Little Nepents last night. Beware the Fruit Nepent. recalling last night, he dubbed one of the Nepents a Fruit Nepent, due to the fruit on it's head. He would of died three times over at least, if he didn't use the potions he had. So many Nepents. Remembering them, he turned to Suki, Can't let her get caught up in that. "Oh yeah, speaking of quests ..." He popped up a trade window for Suki.

"Here, take this, and get yourself an Anneal blade. It's quite useful." Popping a Little Nepent's Ovule in the trade window. "Besides the "Earning a living" quest, it seems you also completed another quest." He was referring to the ring she had put in her inventory. "It seems the game has dubbed you a damsel in distress." he smiled, looking at her. He did not know the counterpart of the quest was something else, and that he was dubbed a hero to the damsel in distress. "Oh right, before I forget, I should repair my equipment and buy new clothes. Would you like to come with me, or wait for the others?" Umichi stood from his seat, turning to her with a smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suki blinked when he offered her a trade "oh, but I c-" and then it was too late, and she accepted it. She didn't want to just expect things from others to survive here. She laughed "I was never aware that I appeared distressed but clearly I was. If I'm the damsel" she said with another laugh "than you're the hero!" She said with amusement. She grinned, "it was a silly little quest, but now I have something that will remind me that it's okay to have fun, and that we will survive" she said as she rose to go with him, "sure, may as well get my gear checked over, maybe get some enhancements"

She followed him out with a smile, brushing back her hair, thinking about maybe getting a hair tie to pull it back, to prevent it falling in front of her eyes. "I've been up since four. I live on a farm, and we normally get up then" she said "I went out of town, and trained until I leveled up before heading back" she hesitated a moment "did you get that message about how many players have died?" She asked softly, trying to keep her tone neutral
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Umichi laughed at the fact he was called the hero. It was an enjoyable little quest. "Well, if I am the hero, and your the damsel, I guess in the end we will live happily ever after?" He jested. Then realizing what he was saying, his face went completely red. They had just left the inn, and Suki started to talk about her morning it seemed.
Suki said
"I've been up since four. I live on a farm, and we normally get up then" she said "I went out of town, and trained until I leveled up before heading back" she hesitated a moment "did you get that message about how many players have died?" She asked softly, trying to keep her tone neutral.

"Ah ... that message ... it actually woke me up." he replied, remembering the person who jumped off yesterday. I wonder .... if anyone was near me that died during my training last night ... I could of helped them. he thought to himself. Starting to look down. He then shook his head. Now's not the time for that. Need to get ready and train he looked to the next thing he needed to do. "So you live on a farm huh .... Waking up at four must be tough. Well it would be hell for me. I can't even get to sleep until 2:30 at the earliest. Some days I go without sleep at all."

They stood in-front of a tailor merchant NPC. The NPC was advertising themselves, "All sorts of clothes and accessories available, come buy it cheap." Looking through the available items, he found some clothes that suited him more his style. It was a midnight blue, short sleeved, collared skirt. He also found some black cargo pants with pockets for his hands. The current clothes didn't have pockets, and that was uncomfortable for him. Fingerless gloves and some black boots. All around it was about 400 col. Pretty cheap he thought, before looking at the stats. All in all, he would only have 3 defense more than what he had. Hardly anything. Well, it suited him so it was fine. He watched as Suki was choosing some things as well. As she was choosing, he flicked through the guide book, looking at the professions area. "Hm... Tamer huh? That sounds interesting." he said aloud by accident.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Suki gave him a shy smile as he said about living happily ever after, cursing to herself on her easy blushing. She nodded "yeah my brothers and I get up early to help my father on the farm. It's a old life. I don't sleep much anyway. I generally get by with four hours a night" she said as they reached the merchants stall.

She fell silent, looking through the stock, finding a hair tie she could is, buying some better clothes for armor, buying a shirt of brown and green, a black skirt and boots which increased her defense greatly, and did not restrict her movement or agility. She smiled, wishing she could have found some more appropriate bottoms, but made do with the skirt. She tied up her hair, glancing round, noticing that Umichi had been watching her. She blushed again, paying for her items, spending 475 col. She glanced to how much col she had left and bit her lip worryingly before going over to Umichi, catching him saying about taking.

She smiled, "I hear taming is hard to do, but it's a good profession if you want to do that" she said, glancing st the time, seeing it was still quite early in the morning at 0823. It didn't feel that early, but then she had been awake for a while.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PotatoMaster


Member Offline since relaunch

After one hack of a long night Light almost reached Level 4 and decided to send messages to his friends.
He wrote''Good morning Team I just got to end of my XP bar almost Level 4 so I thought we should have a meeting back in town and he send it to Umichi Suki and Haname and decided to go back to town.Light was so tired that he can collapse in any minute.He fought all night to get Level 4 and now he got it.
He thought ''I will not leave my family alone I WİLL GO BACK!!! and started running back to town then suddenly
He stumbled upon a Dire Wolf that took %25 of his health he fell down he was going to pass out for last second he thought NO I WILL NOT DIE HERE
He ran back and tried to use TrickShot but one of his arrows missed he used one stun attack to stun his enemy after stunning it shot two arrows to finish his fured enemy.
After the fight he got back to town
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