Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Again, I give thanks to Desire, from a different RPG for giving me the pleasure on borrowing her creative story.





The Plot:
To humans, Alberto Molinelli and Danielle Cabelle are names in a history book. Itallian royalty who both mysteriously disappeared in the same year.

But Immortals know much more. To the Lycans and the Night Children, the names mean everything. Danielle Cabelle had been the greatest Vampire Coven Leader in all history and Alberto Molinelli, the greatest Werewolf Pack Alpha. Danielle Cabelle had been an Itallian princess and had ruled over the oldest and most ancient of any vampire coven, having migrated from the original Coven of Transylvania. Alberto Molinelli had been an Itallian Duke and had ruled over the oldest and most ancient of Werwolf Packs, having migrated from the original Pack of Romania. But strangely enough, that is where their story ends. The two of them vanished mysteriously in 1778 and were never heard from again, their pack and coven taken out in a single blow. No Immortal knows what happened and neither does any human.

But there is one more race who does.

The Cacciatori. An elite band of humans stationed in every city on earth with the sole purpose of ridding the world of supernatural Immortals. Their numbers are massive and many have been born into their ranks passing down traditions and beliefs from generation to generation. In Italian, the word Cacciatori means hunter. And that is exactly what they do. They hunt down Immortals with unmatched stealth and cunning, taking some for torture and killing the rest.

This had been the fate of both Alberto Molinelli and Danielle Cabelle. Slow and painful deaths by the hands of the Cacciatori.

And no one knew what happened. The Cacciatori covered it all up easily and the Immortals went on believing they were safe from harm. Superior.

Until now.

It is the year 2014 and in the city of Rose, lives a powerful vampire coven. Within the surrounding forests of Moon, a werewolf pack resides. Both living in constant rivalry of each other, hatred running wild. Disappearances from both parties occur left and right, each side blaming the other, sending the rivalry spinning out of control.

Until one night, the leader of the Vampire Coven comes across something interesting. The dead body of her closest friend, and lying next to it, a small statue of Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt. She inspected the body closely, but the woman seemed to have died of a knife wound. Not teeth and claws. Whomever was doing this was not a werewolf, but someone else entirely.

That night, while getting ready for bed, her vision began to blur and a white light blinded her, filling the room with it glory. She'd thought she'd never see again, but slowly, the burning light died down and laying gently on her bed, was a little, yellowed piece of paper, withered with age.

It's contents: A dairy entry from Danielle Cabelle explaining her full story. Why the spell on the letter had waited to long, she had no idea, but one thing was clear.

She had to defeat the Cacciatori.

The werewolves and vampires have finally realized that they cannot go on hating each other for it's only making them weaker. They have to join forces and to do this, they move in together deep in the forest and each member is assigned a partner of the opposite species that they must take everywhere. This method is intended to heal the rivalry as fast as possible as well as keep each other safe for if anything happens to your partner and you do not help them or are not there, you are forced out to face the Cacciatori alone. The pack and the Coven are on constant watch for suspicious activity and continually preparing themselves for war.i

Character Skeleton: Also, replace the . with / before submitting your character.
[center][b]Insert Character's Name. First. Middle. Last.[.b][.center]
[center][IMG]Insert Pic or GIF of Character here[.IMG][.center]
[center]"Insert a Character Quote here."[.center]

[Please tell how or why they like to be called that particular nickname(s).]

[For Vampires and Werewolves, put Real Age and Apparent Age. Humans, 21-30+]

[M or F.]

[Hetero, Homo, Bi, Pan or Sapio.]

[Vampire, Werewolf or Human.]

[Coven Leader? Alpha? Second In Command?]

[Describe everything about your character. Eye color, hair style and length, clothing style, scars, tattoos or piercings. Everything.]

[Should be at least two paragraphs. I want to feel like I know your character and please make them imperfect, not perfect.]

[Should be at least two paragraphs. I will make this optional but I want at least a brief history of your character, maybe a paragraph?]

[Anything else you would want us to know about your character?]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Willow Rudi Keller

"Get busy living or get busy dying."

Keller or Will. Absolutely hates to be called Willow.

Gave up on counting when she turned 110. Appears to be in her early 20s.





Keller is a rather grubby girl, with pale, normally bruised skin, long white-blonde hair, and expressive amber eyes. Stands at about 5'6 feet and is extremely thin and lanky, weighing only about 90 pounds at most. What she lacks in strength and muscle, she makes up with speed, thus leaving her to be very underweight and light. Her face is narrow, normally hidden behind tangled layers of blonde, and is fairly pretty despite her crazed grins and glaring, burning eyes. Normally wears darker-colored outfits and especially likes shirts and pants and dresses that are comfortable and easy to move in. Always wears the same pair of combat boots, which are large and clunky and very worn. Doesn't care much for her appearance, so her face is normally makeup-less and covered with dirt or oils or even blood depending on the time of day. Her arms and legs and torso are covered in many scars and bruises from falls and fights and hunting. As a wolf Keller is lean and quick. Her amber eyes are brighter than in her human form and her pelt is somewhat shaggy, but healthy.

Keller is a rather... Wild soul. She is desperate for a fast-paced type of life and can normally be found running through the woods, giggling her strange giggle, or even exploring the city's rooftops if she's feeling extra adventurous. Cunning but aggressive, Keller rarely gets along with others outside of her pack, and only finds interests in those that can match her crazy attitude or her slyness. A consistent liar, Keller is rather good at feigning innocence and can twist the truth very gradually around her finger if she ever needs to. To her, life is a large game to play, and because of this mindset she is very rarely serious, which can be good or bad depending on the situation. Loyal to her friends and family, Keller will never leave anyone she knows in need, yet to strangers she is strangely abrasive and cruel.

Surprisingly somewhat of an intellect, she is someone who is good at thinking up plans during fast or stressful situations, and this leads to Keller being a know-it-all who enjoys flaunting her knowledge on seemingly meaningless things, like plants and tracks and human wars. Extremely stubborn and strong-willed, Keller will rarely back down from a challenge and will always fight for what she believes is right, despite her lack of strength. Very moody, there are times when she can be happy one second and depressed the next. As a wolf she is much more territorial and dislikes people getting too close, both mentally and psychically.

Keller was born, one snowy night, into a family that only consisted of only a mother and father. Her father, who went by Jez, was the very rough and tough beta of the pack, while her mother, Marie, was as soft and kind as anyone scout could be. Both were of werewolf decent, and because of this their little Willow was born into the power as well. They lived a quiet life within a close knit pack, content and bountiful in both food and love, and the family couldn't be happier. As she grew, it became evident that Keller was very interested in being an Alpha wolf one day, despite her family's words of discouragement. She began to fight more, begged to join her father on hunting missions, and also became very interested in books and listening to her mother's knowledge on other creatures and plants. Dreams became ambitions, and on one sunny day she suddenly challenged the their pack's Alpha to a duel.

Needless to say, she became a laughing stock. 'How dumb could this female be?' They would ask, 'She's barely over the age of twenty and still believes she can take on OUR Alpha? Ha!' And she was teased, nicknamed "Weepy Willow", and eventually she grew tired of her own name and began calling herself Keller. Her parent's, despite being gossiped about, still tried their best to love and support her. It took a few weeks for everything to die down again, and Keller, now feeling defeated and weak, became much more aggressive and secretive then before. Life slowed to a snails pace, and soon she was lost in a rut.

One day, while Keller was lazing around in the trees, she met another girl named Sara. A lone wolf, pretty, and so different from the life Keller had been witnessing. They talked, discussed their lives, and eventually began to meet up every night to discuss their days and explore the forest together.

And it was a good change.

Slowly, they grew closer, going from acquaintances, to friends, to lovers. Their meet ups were kept a secret, as to save Will anymore unneeded teasings, and life once again became exciting. One day, while lazing around under the moon, Sara suggested that they go hop around the city rooftops. Keller, at first being kind of hesitant, finally caved and they spent the rest of their night spying on the creatures of the city, leaping from roof to roof with ease, laughing and crying with fright and excitemnt. Keller had more fun in that one night then she had any other time in her life. When the sun began to rise the two parted ways with a kiss and expected to see each other later on that day, but in the end it didn't turn out that way.

When Keller arrived at their meeting place once the moon was up again she was met with a ghastly sight. Sara, the once beautiful, crazy, blue-eyed and golden haired girl, was strung up on their meeting tree like a fish. Her face, once pale and dirty, was blue and bloated, with blood and saliva dripping from her mouth and nose. Her thick sweater, the only article of clothing hse owned, was ripped open, and words were carved deep into her flesh. They read: "A warning. Watch out for us." in deep reds and browns. Keller was horrified, sickened, and utterly furious. She ripped through the woods in a flurry of rage, screaming out in anger until someone from her pack found her and attempted to calm her down.

And Sara was gone.

So, Keller was once again devoured by her pack's life, and this time, she did not seek freedom from the rut and instead focused on aiming for the top once more. She trained, fought, taugh herself, and once both her parents were dead and gone she managed to claim her father's role as Beta of the pack.

- Avid smoker.

Hehe, I really enjoyed the Lego Movie, didn't you?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I would also like to be in the pack, also female.

I really enjoyed The Fault In Our Stars!

Rylan Joan Fletcher

"Hello, friend!"

Rye, but usually just goes by Rylan

She’s at most 100, but appears to be in mid to late teens.





Rylan stands at a decent five two, with the physique of a twelve year old boy, much to her annoyance. She’s average with weight, still sporting some of her baby fat, which is slowly working into muscle. She has a rather adolescent look to her; appearing as a young teen, with a youthful roundness to her face. Her complexion is a rather tan as she enjoys the outdoors more than being cooped up inside. She sports silver eyes that appear bright and attentive. Rylan has easy to manage short brown hair that she doesn’t do much with in the sense of styling, usually up and ready when she wakes up. Rylan usually wears clothes that aren’t to constraining, and tends to wear baggy clothes, mostly shorts and jeans as well t-shirts. Her outfits lack a sense of style and at times don’t even match, but she doesn’t mind. On her feet she wears a simple pair of slip on shoes as she can’t figure out how to tie her shoes and they are easiest to put on.

Her wolf form shares the same silver grey eyes as her human form does, but her fur is a tad darker than her hair.

She faces every day with a smile. She treats everyone she meets with respect and kindness. She’s rather submissive with her pack given she isn’t the strongest and isn’t much of a leader. Rylan isn’t the sharpest light bulb in the toolbox, but she makes that up with loyalty to her pack and those in it. She’s curious and is equivalent to that of a puppy, including the naivety of one. Although, with her childishness comes impulsiveness that could get her hurt. With her quiet demeanor, she makes an excellent tracker and hunter. She can be rather stubborn and it takes a lot to convince her otherwise. Rylan is a carefree girl with no worries. In her wolf form, she’s still playful but less tolerant to strangers.

Rylan was born to a loving family of lycan decent. She has an older brother who sadly didn’t share werewolf abilities, but he was still loved dearly by both Rylan and her parents. One day, Rylan, her brother and mother had stayed home, their father had gone off on a scouting mission as he usually did, probably hunting as well patrolling. However, he came back sooner than usual with a panicked look. When asked what was wrong, he shook his head, ushering his family to hide quickly and there was no time to explain. With questions being thrown at him left and right, he finally muttered the name of one of their greatest enemy, the Cacciatori. He had the children hid away in a closet, but his wife wouldn’t budge, given they’ve been through so much, she wanted to face this next obstacle with him together.

They told their children to be as silent as possible, as these were dangerous people who will harm them. Rylan’s brother didn’t have much to fear, but he still had the werewolf gene and could pass it along, so they probably wouldn’t be very tolerant towards him. The children waiting, the silence before the storm, that is until they heard the door break open. Rylan grew anxious as they heard they’re parents shouting at the strangers to leave. They then heard the barks and growls of their werewolf selves, as the shouting of the strangers as they began to fight. Rylan was a quite young at the time, didn’t understand the danger they were in, and she shifted as well, letting out her own version of a battle howl, much to her brother’s fear. This attracted one of the Cacciatori, who had found them.

Rylan had no fear, and quickly went for the attack, but she was no match as she didn’t even come up to the man’s knees, and he easily kicked her flying. Before he could do any more, their parents had taken down the man. Their mother became human once more, placing her daughter’s wolf form in her son’s arms, and directed them to run far away and keep as quiet as they could as there were more of the Cacciatori around. Their mother was vulnerable in her human form, and one of the men took this to their advantage, killing her easily with an axe to the neck. Their father ended his life in revenge, going into a frenzy at the loss of his wife. Rylan had come to, pulling her frozen brother out the back way and into the forest, and in the distance; they heard the strangled cry of their father’s last cry. They were orphans from then on.

They rest of the pack had come too late, as the Cacciatori were gone, and left behind the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher. Hours later, they finally found Rylan and her brother, shaken up very badly and took them in. The two were raised by the older members of the pack. It was possible that due to this tragic event, Rylan had stopped talking and became mute and hasn’t spoken since. Her brother found his own life outside of the pack and speaks to his sister often, but stays away from werewolf business.

She’s mute and usually communicates by writing down what she has to say or sign language to those who may know it. Can send her thoughts to others werewolves telepathically while she herself is in her wolf form so she’s not completely silent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Liriia: She is coming along nicely. Keep it up. :)

@Lady Termott: Okay. That is fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I was wondering what sort of werewolves are we going to work with? Like just wolves or the ones that stand up on two legs?

Also, if in werewolf form, would they have that telepathy thing going on?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Lady Termott: Yes, just like wolves. If they want to have Telepathy, they can but not every wolf has that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Having trouble thinking of a history, but other then that Keller is done.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

If you guys have any friends that might be interested in this please invite them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 26 days ago

I would love to do this rp, but can't put a CS up until tomorrow

Because all females in the pack are taken, I would like to be a female in the coven. Probably the member and not second in command.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Arrayah: That is fine and welcome to the roleplay! :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Can we get some more details on the powers of the werewolfs and vampires? I wanna know so that my character sheet is accurate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Might be interested as well, could you also supply some more information on the Cacciatori?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I sent PMs to those that needed more info.

It was posted on here but guess it was too much and didn't show up. :/ If anyone else need the info, please let me know so I can PM it to you guys as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

iSuspect said
I sent PMs to those that needed more info.It was posted on here but guess it was too much and didn't show up. :/ If anyone else need the info, please let me know so I can PM it to you guys as well.

Can I get info as well? Just in case!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ok, final question. What is the "Leaders right hand" do? Is it like, "Kill this person." or "Hey, clean this mess up." kind of thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

iSuspect said
If anyone else need the info, please let me know so I can PM it to you guys as well.

Info would be lovely. Sorry for bothering you! uwu
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Lady Termott & Liriia: Certainly.

@Pathfinder: Right Hand is basically a go do this and do that type of person, as well as a protector for the Coven leader. Haha.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Riley Allyson Hampton

"Being A Leader Isn't Easy - But I Have To Stay Strong For My Coven."

She often wonder to herself if her parents wanted a boy because Riley isn't really a girl's name. She doesn't like to be called Riley and if you call her that, she'll more than likely kill you - Even if you are apart of her Coven. She often goes by Allyson, or Ally. Most people have other nicknames for her but she doesn't answer to them.

She is really 867 years of age but appears to be 23.


She is really confuse on her sexuality so decided to be more focused on the mind than anything else. She is Sapiosexual.


Coven Leader.

Ally is a beautiful female, who stands at about five foot seven and weighing close to one-hundred and twenty-five pounds. She is very petite for her height and weight. She also has blonde hair that cascade down to her mid-back when she has it straightened but she sometimes keep it tied up in a high ponytail. Her eyes are a Hazel Green color but when the light hits her eyes just right, they are more of an Emerald Green. Her skin is evenly tanned and she doesn't get out into the sun that much anymore. Ally often wears nothing more than a t-shirt and panties but if she is in front of her Coven, she wears either shorts and a t-shirt or a robe. If she is going out into the public, she dresses much more elegant.

Sweet, Kind, Caring and Nurturing - Those words doesn't describe Riley at all but if you are apart of her Coven then you get this side of her a lot of times. Riley is a really cold-hearted person towards almost anyone and she doesn't care for anyone else's feelings but her own. If you are just meeting her for the first time, she is a bit hard to figure out but once you get to know her, if she allows you too, then you'll see that she is not as bad as people proclaim her to be. Riley can also be really indecisive, especially when it comes to making hard decisions regarding her coven or any other matter.

Ever since being turned into a vampire, Riley really has no memory of her human life, which devastates her a little bit because she bet that it was awesome and filled with endless wonders. She was granted head of the Coven when the previous died at the hands of a human with a stake through the heart. The Coven members bowed down to her and she was instantly respected by them. Now, she is hell bent on finding the humans that killed her best friend and making their lives a living hell, or if she have to, kill them right where they stand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Empath
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thinking of creating the leader or second in command for the Cacciatori - anyone want to create some sort of history/ties? Would probably make him in the late twenties, but having hunted since his teenage years.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Empath said
Thinking of creating the leader or second in command for the Cacciatori - anyone want to create some sort of history/ties? Would probably make him in the late twenties, but having hunted since his teenage years.

Yes! A human to feed upon. Finally! Haha. But either one of those roles you choose is fine.
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