The sun was low in the sky, the clouds overhead thick, grey and causing the weather to generally gloomy and horrid. Snow had already fallen thick and fast, covering the town in a blanket of white, which crunched underfoot as people hurried home to the warmth of their homes.

Laying on his bed, huddled in blankets, nineteen year old Toby Stykes sat up, glancing across to his best friend as he brushed the hair from his face. "I've got it! We should go camping in the mountains!" He grinned, looking across to her, as he moved to his laptop, opening it. "Think about it! We've always wanted to spend a holiday together, lets do it!" He grinned, quickly logging into his account while the laptop started up.

"So, what do ya think? Huh?"

(Look for someone to play the best friend, this will be romantic.

The plot will mainly focus around the two trapped inside the building following an avalanche, and how they cope trapped along together in the building.

Basic, but 'eh.)