Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“They said I could be anything, so I became everything.”

Hello and welcome to this RP, “A New Generation of Gods”. This RP is the first section of a long series of stories I have written that revolve around a “thing” which is referred to as the H.O.P.E. System, with the characters eventually working to discover what the H.O.P.E. System and its various pieces actually do, what they’re meant to do, the purpose of them, and who or what created the System and its various Engines. None of that will likely matter for this RP, as it would have to go on for quite some time before any of that is ever touched upon as more than a passing reference. This first story focuses on the Creation Engine of the H.O.P.E. System and the consequences of its functions. If you want, just ignore that and go in thinking “superheroes!” you’ll still be fine.

The scene opens in a mid-sized city in New York state (please suggest a name if you want, of I will for the IC), and on the outskirts of this city is a complex of schools. An elementary, middle, and high school sit next to one another, with a small college just a short distance away. Ten in the morning on a Tuesday, modern times, a bright light fills the sky. A falling star streaks over the city, crashing to Earth right in the middle of the school complex. But it doesn’t. There is no sign of it. It, and over a dozen individuals who had just been going about their day in and around the schools, has simply vanished.

The taken find themselves lying on their back in the middle of a small clearing surrounded by trees. Those with watches can see that no time has passed from when they were taken to when they find themselves in the clearing. Only one person seems to know what’s going on: a boy who couldn’t be old enough to be a teenager wearing a strange green cloak.

It isn’t long before those taken exhibit impossible new powers, no two the same. The boy encourages them to learn to use these powers, training them and watching them. He is their teacher and their abductor, keeping them captive and keeping them safe. But he won’t always be there. Will these new gods be ready for the world, and will the world be ready for them? Conflict is inevitable, between gods and gods and between gods and man.
So if you want the short and concise version of what this RP will be, it’s basically a superpower RP with some twists. Though I call the characters gods, they are still mortal, and they can be killed by just about anything that would kill your average Joe. Besides their power, they are completely normal. They feel pain, get tired, are as strong and fast as a regular person, and don’t suddenly become smarter.

Your powers begin simple and weak, but they will grow and evolve as you use them. A note to keep in mind is that though your character can control the power, the power is separate from the character. An example of what I mean using telekinesis as the power: If the power was solely controlled by the character’s mind, and surprise attack would easily incapacitate or kill the god. But with the power acting without its god’s input, it will often react on its own. Say a telekinetic superhero was on the wrong end of a sniper’s scope. Bang, no more telekinetic. Same situation but with a god, that bullet is stopped before the god even knows he’s been shot at. The powers’ first instinct is to protect their god. In this way, the god less controls their power as asks it to do what they want it to. Situations may arise where a power refuses to do what it’s willed to do, and I will get involved at that time. I don’t foresee it happening often, so as a player you can simply play god with your power and not worry about it. Should this RP survive into the second story arc, this distinction will be expanded upon.

Everyone begins the first day a normal person doing normal things that end with them somewhere in or around the school complex at 10:00 AM when the shooting star hits. There will be an event shortly after that where the majority of the cast will first see their power. It’s possible that your character won’t show any power right then, but I’m sure my character, the boy, will force it out soon enough. On that note, I will be playing the boy mainly, and a few other characters like him. Individuals that are powerful enough to make the player-controlled gods pee themselves will only be controlled by me and will be used to move the main story along in the background of what the gods are doing, in addition to occasionally keeping the peace when things get out of hand, the word peace being used very loosely in this context. There will be a list of these characters updated as information about them comes out.

In the beginning, all of the god characters will be confined to a large underground bunker as the boy teaches them about their power and just observes them. This will be the time to interact with each other and make friends and enemies. Keep in mind though, you are being held against your will at this time. How long your character will be confined can change depending on how fast people post and how fast I can advance the days, but I expect it to be a little while as this time sets up for the entirety of the rest of the story. I may PM individuals on things I would like them to influence, so keep in mind that I am trying to steer events at most times from behind the scenes. There will be two storylines going on, the character-driven one following the gods that will take up 95% of the RP, and the background story about the origins of said gods. How often these storylines become entangled depends on you and your gods’ actions.

Once the gods are released into the wild and my overseer conveniently vanishes for a period, things will become more violent. (You're free to attempt to kill each other or yourself even before then, but my character may intervene then.) Tiny disagreements can turn into reality-warping battles between two gods, and the military will get involved as the gods are seen and become known. Maybe you go visit your family that you couldn't see because you were abducted and thought dead by the world, only to be ambushed by fighter jets and tanks, or maybe an enemy god is there waiting for you. Shit will really hit the fan when word gets out that so many gods existing at once is causing reality to break apart. Is that incentive to go on a killing spree I see? Why yes, yes it is. It’s also one of the incidents where the two storylines become overlapped.

In this RP, you can die. I fully expect many characters to die. For that reason, I will allow people to have multiple characters, probably three max to begin. Death isn't always final for gods. Some gods, should they die at specific times or in specific ways, come back as something different. These are special cases, and if you find yourself in a situation where this is an option I will make you aware of it. There will also be a point in the second arc, should the RP make it that far, for new gods to be introduced. I would ask those already involved in the RP to fill those roles before opening it up to some new players.

It's basically a character-driven super RP where everyone slowly becomes OP or dies off. PMs and collabs would be used to give each player information specific to their character and deepen interactions, and any direct conflicts between players would be done in collab with me overseeing the power creep. All I have left to say is probably the most important thing for those who think they might be interested in joining: You make your character, but you don't choose your power. I will look at your character and accept or deny them, but you won't know what power they have until the event where each character finds out at roughly the same time. If you are uncomfortable with that not knowing or the possibility that you might get what you see as a "useless" power, then thank you for reading and I'm sorry to see you go. Not all powers will be created equally, and some will be more offensive or defensive than others. The only influence you have over what powers your characters get is two sections that will be on the CS where you list the top three powers you think would go with the character and the bottom three you think wouldn't go at all with the character. They may influence what power is given, or be read and ignored.

Here is a list of some of the possible powers, and no, I will not explain what they involve. I’ll send that information to the power’s owner in a PM. If you think of a power you want added to the list, feel free to PM me your idea, but I will not give that power to your character and it must be able to be summarized with one word for simplicity’s sake.

Here is the basic CS template, just delete my instruction/commentary. Please post your completed sheet(s) here, and I’ll let people know if they are accepted all at once.

Ideally I'm looking for give or take four other people each playing two or three characters, but I'm not going to force myself to stick to that. I consider myself a pretty loose GM, and I'm very open to the ideas and suggestions of others. If I do something that you don't like, please, call me out on it. As always, I look forward to RPing with you in the past, present, and future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

-reserved for NPCs and my characters-

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

-reserved for gods / player characters-

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by horrordaily


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm personally leaning towards wanting to play Billy more
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Elena Foster
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Elena stands at 5'5'', with soft chocolate eyes and warm auburn hair. In the sun, it appears to be more red than she'd actually like it to be. Though she is not heavy, Elena does have meat on her bones and could not be called "thin." Personally, she likes it that way. After all, what guy doesn't like a nice butt?

Personality: Elena is quick to speak her mind, and never holds back her feelings. This can lead to both love and hatred from her peers, but she takes them all in stride. She'll admit that she has a bit of a temper (NOT because of her hair color), but she is working very hard on that. Described as loud, blunt, and stubborn, she can be hard to get along with. However, once she is close to someone, Elena will stick up for that person no matter what.

History: From the day she was born until the day she turned 3, Elena was an only child. Some would say that there's no way that she could remember this or be influenced at all by those early years, but it wasn't true. Sharing was not something she was accustomed to, and when her sister was born... well she learned that she did not like it one bit. If everyone shared everything, no one would have anything. That's what she believed anyway, even if it didn't make much sense. As the two of them grew, their personalities became painfully conflicting. Because of this, Elena was out of the house early in hopes of getting away from the constant fighting. She applied to a college nearby and is now living in the dorms on campus with no planned major in sight.
Top Three Powers: Not sure.
Bottom Three Powers: Uh... Death. Maybe. And possibly water.

Name: Lucy Foster
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Lucy is shorter than her sister, with a height of 5'2. Her hair is a very light blonde, and her eyes - a bright blue. Their sizes are also different, as Lucy is thin with very little muscle or fat anywhere on her body. Some have expressed concerns about this, but she does eat regularly and seems to just have a very fast metabolism. She has the body of a girl much younger than herself, with no curves, much to her dismay.

Personality: Unlike her sister, Lucy is quiet and soft spoken. She would never say anything to hurt someone else's feelings, on purpose or by accident. Everything word she speaks is thought about very carefully. This means that she does not have many enemies, but neither does she have many friends. This never bothered her, as her attention was distracted by something else: music. For this, she has a passion, and will gladly spend hours upon hours listening and looking for new songs that she will enjoy. If asked to describe herself, Lucy would probably say something along the lines of quiet or possibly patient. But when others are asked, they use the words cold and unnerving.

History: All of her life, Lucy felt like she was being compared to her sister. It did not help that this sister was loud and overbearing, quickly snuffing out the small voice that Lucy had. Early on she learned to keep her distance because honestly, the sisters were just too different. Elena was always complaining about something whether it was the clothes she was bought, or the rides she would have to give to her little sister, and Lucy eventually just shut herself in her room to avoid her sister all together. This is when music became a part of her life. With her headphones in, and the volume turned up, she couldn't hear anything that Elena was saying. It was bliss. To this day, the only time you see her without headphones is during school hours, though the reason she started listening is no longer around.

Top Three Powers: Not sure.
Bottom Three Powers: Probably... fire? Or... Protection? Was that one? I forget. (Edit: It's Barrier that I was thinking of.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Name: Dick Richardson
Age: 13 years old
Gender: male
Dick Richardson is a 5'4, 126 lb, green eyed, black haired kid. He is shy, sensitive and intelligent, has good looks for his age, and looks healthy, but he suffers from respiratory problems. Sometimes he has trouble breathing and he doesn't eat much at all, thus, he is a little too feminine and frail looking. He is tanned, although staying too long indoors can make him very pale.
Dick Richardson is an aspiring actor, playwright, and author. He's light years ahead of almost all students his age or even a handful of years older. It's said he can act very well, but he's very shy. He had a girl named Sophia that he liked, since they were ten years old. Eventually, Sophia was killed by runaway dogs, and he was badly mauled. Because of this he is constantly musing in poetry. It's been three months since her death. He doesn't socialize anymore, but when he meets old friends he will be in their "opinion" a very cool guy. He won't hesitate to get hurt in order to protect his friends, he loves to study and he's very polite. He also has an obsession with European history, from the earliest time periods up to present day.

He has gotten one hundred percent in entire College Courses in history of England, France, Spain and Germany. He studies the details of Medieval life of people from Ireland to Eastern Europe with great detail. Some say he knows more obscure facts about the Middle Ages than some Professors. Since he's always studying, he's always learning. Sometimes he talks a lot and won't stop talking. Other times he doesn't say a thing and never talks. When he does talk he's usually reserved, polite and informative.

History: He was born to an upper Middle Class family in 2001. He was thought of as a child prodigy throughout his youth even though he suffered from physical frailty. He could be extremely charming and polite, and was known as one of the most intelligent students in his school. Eventually his father died four years ago and he fell into depression. He met a girl named, Sophia four months after his father, George's death, and they were happy until the day of her eleventh birthday, where she was mauled outdoors by dogs until she died. All he really does is read, play video games and hang out with friends anymore since then. It's hard for him to do anything with people he doesn't know. Lately he was briefly hospitalized from a mysterious unknown source of blood poisoning, but Doctors say that as mysteriously as the taint in his blood stream came, it left. Currently, he struggles between holding on to life and ending it, not wanting to harm his parents and friends, but not wanting be separate from Sophia either.

Top Three Powers:
Knowledge (Intelligence, study and learning)

(Put up to three powers you think would fit the character well)
Bottom Three Powers: (optional) (Put up to three powers you think wouldn't fit the character at all)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ActRaiser, you're missing history. The power section as well, but that's optional.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FriskyBoots


Member Offline since relaunch

Character a-moved-moved!

Name: Jade Chance
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Appearance: Jade stands at a height of five feet and six inches tall. She has a chubby build, though she has strong arms and legs thanks to the hard work that goes on in a kitchen. Her dark black hair is kept in a short, slightly messy, pixie cut and her eyes are green. She has a pale, peachy skin tone. She wears simple clothing, jeans and t-shirts and the like, and is fond of hoodies in colder weather.

Personality: Jade could be best summed up as someone who is happy making other people happy. A caretaker at heart, she enjoys being around other people enjoying themselves. She is a fairly empathetic person, easily stressed out by other people being upset or angry, and so she does her best to keep everyone happy and relaxed. She has her own buttons however, mainly in the form of some odd pet-peeves, but she is generally an easy enough person to get along with. She has a passion for cooking, and enjoys hearing what people have to say about the food she prepares. This is also relevant to one of her pet-peeves, as she is easily annoyed by those who dance around criticisms and being overly afraid of offending her – Most primarily regarding the intricacies of cooking, but she also prefers people to speak plainly and honestly in general. Otherwise, she tends to prefer to simply be in the presence of others but not particularly "in the spotlight" herself.

History: Jade is a college student, pursuing degrees in Culinary Arts and intending to become a chef or baker – something she has yet to make her mind up on. This was an easy choice for her, as she grew up in a sort of secondary caretaker role. Daughter of a single father who worked long hours and most of the week, it often fell to her as the oldest to take care of herself and the rest of the family. Said family consisted of her younger brother and cousin, the latter having come to more or less be like a little sister due to how often she stayed over with them. This caretaker activity primarily came in the form of cooking meals, and she quickly became rather skilled at it – Much to her father's surprise and enjoyment, as there hadn't been anyone to really teach her how it was done. Growing up was otherwise relatively normal for her, if occasionally rocky due to money concerns now and then. When she was old enough she took a part time job at a deli in a supermarket, and continues to work there when not busy with classes or taking care of her family at home.

Powers: Bit of an odd request but whatever you think is the LEAST “fitting” to the character, for thematic reasons or whatever else strikes you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ActRaiserTheReturned said


And none of those powers you put are on the list of possible powers, but if you want them to be, you can PM me the details of each. Or you can leave them as is, since those sections are completely optional.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

IVIasterJay said
Thanks.And none of those powers you put are on the list of possible powers, but if you want them to be, you can PM me the details of each. Or you can leave them as is, since those sections are completely optional.

I PMed you. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I added a what may be the opening post of the IC to the first post. It really only introduces the characters of the boy and Aryan, but the scene will be expanded upon later to explain... things. After that would be everyone's introductory, normal person doing normal person things on a normal day posts and then the whole falling star and abduction thing to really get things kicked off.

Probably going to wait another day or two before closing the RP to new character sheets and starting the IC though. The first round of posts will just be normal people doing normal things going about their normal day, so in other words mostly mundane stuff ending with the star lighting up the sky. Second round will be everyone reacting to being abducted and meeting for the first time under unusual circumstances.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whisket
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Whisket Real Looker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Sean Davis

Age: 30
Gender: Male

Sean stands around six foot two. Not exactly thin but not toned either, some strange middle ground. With hair so dark brown it looks black shaved into a very close to the head mohawk. Sunken Light brown eyes with hints of yellow, olive-brown skin with a few tattoos.

Personality: Sean isn't afraid to put himself out on display, blunt and in your face when he needs to be, and he more or less knows when to keep his mouth shut, but will let his emotions get the better of him, especially if it's out of anger. Has an addictive personality, smokes and drinks constantly and has a dependency on painkillers.

History: Sean grew up with a normal life, save for his parents dying when he was two, buy claims he doesn't remember, and lived with his grandparents for the rest of his young life. Sean got mixed up with drugs towards the end of highschool, but after a tragic accident resulting in the death of his grandparents and binging on alcohol and pills from the money left for him by his late family, he cleaned up after a while but in time fell back into his old ways of abusing pills and to a lesser extent alcohol, he's bought himself a modest house with some of the inherited money and has been living of the rest, combined with selling drugs, he's amassed a small fortune which he sits on for the most part and slowly digs into upon needing a fix and splurging on something. To this day he's never held a real job. He does however hang around the high schools and colleges from time to time to sling whatever he can if the people under him aren't up to snuff.

It's a little sloppy but I intened on making some changes and I have non preferred powers, I'll leave that to you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So why is Davis hanging around the schools at 10AM on a Thursday morning? Also, I would like a last name for him.

Edit: Never mind on the last name, you already changed it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'll have a CS or two up in a while...
What sort of characters do we need more of?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FriskyBoots


Member Offline since relaunch

Very interesting opening!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Major Ursa said
I'll have a CS or two up in a while...What sort of characters do we need more of?>.>

Any sort is fine. I just don't want every character being an angsty teenager.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whisket
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

IVIasterJay said
So why is Davis hanging around the schools at 10AM on a Thursday morning? Also, I would like a last name for him.Edit: Never mind on the last name, you already changed it.

Sorry it was all done from my phone. A few things got messed up but I edited in why he would be there, I'm sure I'll make a few more in time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm interested. It seems that mostly everyone is going for RL images but that won't stop me from picking an Anime one. It's easier to find those.
I'll make a CS soon. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IVIasterJay


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Anime pictures are fine, so long as they aren't too unrealistic. No gravity defying hair please.
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